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[mod] [CK2] Luxuria Fantasia - Updated: 23AUG20

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11 hours ago, Reaper Frank said:

I'm Getting a blank Popup for Event DWCourt.320 not sure why as the Event DWCourt.300 which is the Bordello improvement event chain start hasn't been triggered and if i;m remembering rightly  .320 is the event that leads to the Exotic whores not sure whats causing this

1 hour ago, lockeslylcrit said:

This isn't happening for me. I'm not quite sure what's happening on your end.




It seems that sometimes certain events just randomly and inexplicably seem to break in that manner. There's nothing wrong with the event, and no indication as to why it happens. I had it happen with one of the events in DWE to me. The event had been working fine for over a year, hadn't been touched, hadn't been made outdated by DLCs/patches or anything. It just suddenly broke and became a completely blank event that popped up immediately.


And the only thing that fixed it was cutting and re-pasting the event and changing its number (though that last part might not even have been necessary). 

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Why do you require MnM for the societies when they can work perfectly fine without it?


Also, there was a very long standing bug in the trsit intheritance events in DWCore where is_father_real_father was used incorrectly. In any case, true_father should be used now. Not sure if you had time to overhaul that part of the mod.


How open would you be to suggestions/snippets of code to streamline/simplify existing mod scripts?

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You have 5 instances of inexistent trait "ungroomed" present in the code instead of "uncouth". Because of that Beautify Self decision doesn't take characters with Uncouth as possible target. Also, is it WAD that you cannot take the decision if you don't have any negative appearance traits?

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5 hours ago, mirlo1 said:

how can u get a dragon egg?

If you have Jade Dragon, select the Forest Kingdoms offmap empire, click the button that shows options for things you give to them, and then either send your daughter off and hope for the 50% chance that she returns full of egg, or if you're female select to "Take part in" the ritual, and then when prompted select "Toss off your clothes and join him". You will then, depending on the Dark World Options you've set, be impregnated with either a Reptilian or a Dragon Egg.


If you want to hatch a dragon egg, build a fort and then select the fort and build the improvement that gives you gold. It also lets you hatch a dragon egg, or give it back to the forest for favor. Once you hatch your dragon, you'll periodically need to "calm" it by either having it screw a female prisoner, your own character if you're female, or you build the Dragon Weyr and give female courtiers the "Wyrleader" title so you can have the dragon screw them.

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14 hours ago, ngppgn said:

Why do you require MnM for the societies when they can work perfectly fine without it?


Also, there was a very long standing bug in the trsit intheritance events in DWCore where is_father_real_father was used incorrectly. In any case, true_father should be used now. Not sure if you had time to overhaul that part of the mod.


How open would you be to suggestions/snippets of code to streamline/simplify existing mod scripts?

M&M is required for some of the events, not the society itself. This has always been the case with the old DWR, and will remain until I take a long good look at the events and see what exactly is M&M specific.


I'm always open to suggestions.


12 minutes ago, Dertreos said:

If you have Jade Dragon

Jade Dragon has never been, and never will be, a requirement of any part of DWSE. The only exception is the Imperial Marriage decision, and I just uploaded a fix for that.

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Im new to the CK2 modding so I have some questions. 


I have 3,0,1 version of the game with all DLC.


Ive installed DW Fantasy, Extras, DZ Flavor and Elven Expansion. 


I started a new game and created a new custom character that I want to be an elf.


I have seen pictures of elfs but I dont have any options to change my character potrait.


Also when I choose traits I only have vanilla traits and DZ traits. 


Is this how its supposed to be or have I made some mistake?

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12 minutes ago, zalruin said:

Im new to the CK2 modding so I have some questions. 


I have 3,0,1 version of the game with all DLC.


Ive installed DW Fantasy, Extras, DZ Flavor and Elven Expansion. 


I started a new game and created a new custom character that I want to be an elf.


I have seen pictures of elfs but I dont have any options to change my character potrait.


Also when I choose traits I only have vanilla traits and DZ traits. 


Is this how its supposed to be or have I made some mistake?

When you first start a game, you'll see the gamerules. Look for the Dark World Campaigns option and select which race you want to start as. Then you'll get a unique decision when the game starts.



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I haven't had a male lizard yet so I don't know it if extends to them, but my two fratricidal lizard daughters didn't "grow up" either. Dang loli dragonlings killing my decentish children the moment you came of age. I was gonna give you border counties anyway you didn't need to kill them... And one of them was my placement holder heir too!

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6 hours ago, Dertreos said:

If you have Jade Dragon, select the Forest Kingdoms offmap empire, click the button that shows options for things you give to them, and then either send your daughter off and hope for the 50% chance that she returns full of egg, or if you're female select to "Take part in" the ritual, and then when prompted select "Toss off your clothes and join him". You will then, depending on the Dark World Options you've set, be impregnated with either a Reptilian or a Dragon Egg.


If you want to hatch a dragon egg, build a fort and then select the fort and build the improvement that gives you gold. It also lets you hatch a dragon egg, or give it back to the forest for favor. Once you hatch your dragon, you'll periodically need to "calm" it by either having it screw a female prisoner, your own character if you're female, or you build the Dragon Weyr and give female courtiers the "Wyrleader" title so you can have the dragon screw them.

Wow thank you for your very big explanation! Realy awesome!!!

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Thanks for ze updates.  I always look forward to em.

Just a couple things... 


With the rule allowing partial seeding of DW races, I'm getting male elves with female elf portraits.  This is happening on multiple game starts.  If you open up "remedy_portrait_swapping16.dds" it's ONLY the two female portraits before the male ones start.  It's leading me to believe that last 14 are being pointed to as male options and first 12 for females, whereas it should be the first 14 for females and the last 12 for males.  I'm thinking this is because of this part in the "dw_scripted_effects.txt": 

        20 = { 
            modifier = {
                factor = 0
                is_female = yes
            add_trait = portrait403
        20 = { 
            modifier = {
                factor = 0
                is_female = yes
            add_trait = portrait404

Those should be "is_female = no", right?

(Also, I made sure they're not traps or whatever.)

Also, have you thought about adding the dw racial traits to the spouses/children when the seeding option is chosen or at least a chance that it would be a same-species couple?  Not really 100% necessary, but it would help prevent all of the traits from being lost by the seccond or third generation.  Not as big a deal for orcs with the 50% inherit chance, but kitsunes will almost certainly be bred out of the title holder by the very next generation since the AI probably will not find a kitsune female in the realm.



The only reason I can't say for sure if that's a fix for it is because of the RNG.  I haven't seen it happen since I made that change, but that could just be the RNG simply not assigning those two portraits.

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15 minutes ago, DroZzhat said:

Thanks for ze updates.  I always look forward to em.

Just a couple things... 


With the rule allowing partial seeding of DW races, I'm getting male elves with female elf portraits.  This is happening on multiple game starts.  If you open up "remedy_portrait_swapping16.dds" it's ONLY the two female portraits before the male ones start.  It's leading me to believe that last 14 are being pointed to as male options and first 12 for females, whereas it should be the first 14 for females and the last 12 for males.  I'm thinking this is because of this part in the "dw_scripted_effects.txt": 

        20 = { 
            modifier = {
                factor = 0
                is_female = yes
            add_trait = portrait403
        20 = { 
            modifier = {
                factor = 0
                is_female = yes
            add_trait = portrait404

Those should be "is_female = no", right?

(Also, I made sure they're not traps or whatever.)

Also, have you thought about adding the dw racial traits to the spouses/children when the seeding option is chosen or at least a chance that it would be a same-species couple?  Not really 100% necessary, but it would help prevent all of the traits from being lost by the seccond or third generation.  Not as big a deal for orcs with the 50% inherit chance, but kitsunes will almost certainly be bred out of the title holder by the very next generation since the AI probably will not find a kitsune female in the realm.

Those have been unchanged since DWR, and have been a constant annoyance of mine. I just never got around to changing them.


And yeah, having at least the wives/husbands changed in the partial seeding is a good idea.


I'll mark both of them down for the next update.

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22 minutes ago, lockeslylcrit said:

Those have been unchanged since DWR, and have been a constant annoyance of mine. I just never got around to changing them.


And yeah, having at least the wives/husbands changed in the partial seeding is a good idea.


I'll mark both of them down for the next update.

Awesome, thank ya!  I really don't understand how the game generates families.  If you add the trait to the spouses at startup, will it catch that before it generates the kids?  Only reason I bring that up is to avoid say a 100% dark elf couple randomly having human kids.  When I do a character search at game start, none of the rulers seem to have children with the trait, which could either be bad luck with the RNG or that the trait is being added after family generation.  I assume one could probably just use the "any_close_relative" scope (in addition to "any_spouse"), because that would catch their parents, too, and probably save some extra coding if the game wasn't catching that without having to manually do something about it.

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7 minutes ago, DroZzhat said:

Awesome, thank ya!  I really don't understand how the game generates families.  If you add the trait to the spouses at startup, will it catch that before it generates the kids?  Only reason I bring that up is to avoid say a 100% dark elf couple randomly having human kids.  When I do a character search at game start, none of the rulers seem to have children with the trait, which could either be bad luck with the RNG or that the trait is being added after family generation.  I assume one could probably just use the "any_close_relative" scope (in addition to "any_spouse"), because that would catch their parents, too, and probably save some extra coding if the game wasn't catching that without having to manually do something about it.

An addition that came with CK2 3.0 was the gamerule for the automatic generation of families to rulers without kids or spouses. This happens with an on_startup event. And since it's a vanilla event, there's no good way of making sure that they are generated first and having the trait assignment come directly after. That's why the full seeding is delayed by one day, to ensure that everyone is already generated before the traits are handed out.

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8 minutes ago, lockeslylcrit said:

An addition that came with CK2 3.0 was the gamerule for the automatic generation of families to rulers without kids or spouses. This happens with an on_startup event. And since it's a vanilla event, there's no good way of making sure that they are generated first and having the trait assignment come directly after. That's why the full seeding is delayed by one day, to ensure that everyone is already generated before the traits are handed out.

Ah, that makes sense.  Thanks for clearing that up.  Helps me with what I'm working on for my own modification as well.  So one would have to use something like the "any_close_relative" scope to make sure children/parents are caught.

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I'm using the latest version of this mod together with Dark World Extras. For some reason, I'm seeing couples with kids that still have the Virgin trait lol. I've also used console commands to verify that these kids do belong to their Virgin parents.


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4 hours ago, chang921219 said:

Getting some crash in recent playthroughs.

Any idea how I can find the reason?

I'm assuming it would be the finding bloodline event chain, but with no proof yet.

not that quest, just confirmed.


it seems it always happens within the month of Jan, 781.



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