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Project Zomboid Adult mods

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Ah, that makes sense. Was curious since I didn't see anything in the new releases section of the workshop or anything on his mod page. 

Looking forward to when that is released. 


On the general theme of lewd mods for PZ, a couple thoughts that have been churning in my head.

More lewd place-able posters, either new items or texture replacers. So far we have the blonde girl in the pic above and one other poster of a girl, neither of which are really lewd unless you count bare shoulder (scandalous!). 

This mod adds porno mags: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2181287530

Even has centerfolds you can remove from the magazine items and view similar to map items. I feel like that is something that could always be expanded.

This mod adds additional clothing options including panties, thongs, and bras. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2507488373

Provides a baseline to make other types of underwear I would think, perhaps lace garments, baby doll nighties, crotchless panties, ass-less jeans. 


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"Hydrocraft" also adds in Adult Magazines.
"Fashion Montage" lets you start with your choice of clothing.
"Authentic Z" adds a bunch of outfits such as the Maid outfit I think ? You can also rp as one of your video game characters.

As for ideas for the mod ;

  • In game ,theres an option to exercise with or without dumbells with animations.
    A "Masturbation" option could be copied (I guess?) from that, and play a different animation if using a vibrator or dildo.
  • A "Sex" skill which you could level by doing related sex stuff.
  • We could get some starting jobs such as "Sex Worker"((Pornstar,Prostitute,Camgirl,) (a vague job but without the need to clutter the job page)), that could give you a few levels in the "Sex" skill.
  • Some Moodles which could represent levels of Arousal,Climax(during sex),Attractiveness (like in the Sims).
  • Clothes can be "Bloody" and "Dirty", perhaps also some cum too(Bukkake at most)?
  • Obviously some Sex toys and sexy/slutty apparels.
  • An animation framework like "Sexlab" or "Osex"?
  • An option to barter goods for sex? (trade with another player or npc then play a sex animation).
  • Maybe some really horny zombies ?
  • A porn channel for the TV.
  • There's CDs and video cassettes ,so a way to play some porn during the apocalypse,and maybe a camera to record your characters/npcs.
  • Some sexy posters and artwork in the world to find.
  • Lewd collectibles?

As for maybe some more hardcore/niche stuff:

  • Hydrocraft adds Dogs and other animals, maybe Bestiality?
  • Plenty of dead all around so that self explanatory.
  • Non-consensual stuff,slavery and prisoners.

Just throwing it outhere.

Edited by Dadicho
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1 hour ago, Dadicho said:

"Hydrocraft" also adds in Adult Magazines.
"Fashion Montage" lets you start with your choice of clothing.
"Authentic Z" adds a bunch of outfits such as the Maid outfit I think ? You can also rp as one of your video game characters.

As for ideas for the mod ;

  Hide contents
  • In game ,theres an option to exercise with or without dumbells with animations.
    A "Masturbation" option could be copied (I guess?) from that, and play a different animation if using a vibrator or dildo.
  • A "Sex" skill which you could level by doing related sex stuff.
  • We could get some starting jobs such as "Sex Worker"((Pornstar,Prostitute,Camgirl,) (a vague job but without the need to clutter the job page)), that could give you a few levels in the "Sex" skill.
  • Some Moodles which could represent levels of Arousal,Climax(during sex),Attractiveness (like in the Sims).
  • Clothes can be "Bloody" and "Dirty", perhaps also some cum too(Bukkake at most)?
  • Obviously some Sex toys and sexy/slutty apparels.
  • An animation framework like "Sexlab" or "Osex"?
  • An option to barter goods for sex? (trade with another player or npc then play a sex animation).
  • Maybe some really horny zombies ?
  • A porn channel for the TV.
  • There's CDs and video cassettes ,so a way to play some porn during the apocalypse,and maybe a camera to record your characters/npcs.
  • Some sexy posters and artwork in the world to find.
  • Lewd collectibles?

As for maybe some more hardcore/niche stuff:

  Hide contents
  • Hydrocraft adds Dogs and other animals, maybe Bestiality?
  • Plenty of dead all around so that self explanatory.
  • Non-consensual stuff,slavery and prisoners.

Just throwing it outhere.


see, you don't need an animation framework to play custom animations (with custom beginnings, loopable parts and everything) in zomboid. hell, many mods have done it, just one example: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2445720450

this mod adds a custom animation for interacting with the arcade cabinets. the animation part is no issue, the biggest component here is anyone to actually have sex with, which is why I mentioned the npc thing above.


and at this point, not much we can do really. we just have to wait until someone makes it.

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On 10/10/2021 at 3:54 PM, Dadicho said:
  Hide contents
  • In game ,theres an option to exercise with or without dumbells with animations.
    A "Masturbation" option could be copied (I guess?) from that, and play a different animation if using a vibrator or dildo.
  • A "Sex" skill which you could level by doing related sex stuff.
  • We could get some starting jobs such as "Sex Worker"((Pornstar,Prostitute,Camgirl,) (a vague job but without the need to clutter the job page)), that could give you a few levels in the "Sex" skill.
  • Some Moodles which could represent levels of Arousal,Climax(during sex),Attractiveness (like in the Sims).
  • Clothes can be "Bloody" and "Dirty", perhaps also some cum too(Bukkake at most)?
  • Obviously some Sex toys and sexy/slutty apparels.
  • An animation framework like "Sexlab" or "Osex"?
  • An option to barter goods for sex? (trade with another player or npc then play a sex animation).
  • Maybe some really horny zombies ?
  • A porn channel for the TV.
  • There's CDs and video cassettes ,so a way to play some porn during the apocalypse,and maybe a camera to record your characters/npcs.
  • Some sexy posters and artwork in the world to find.
  • Lewd collectibles?


Great mod suggestions my friend


I cannot wait for some good adult mods. Right now I think some outfit mods would be the biggest hit. Several nude skins can be found on steam now, so there are options there. Only 1 "skimpy" clothing mod though (it just adds a corset that covers the breast. plus various appealing yet tame clothes) Some hair mods would be quickly consumed as well as there are only 2. no pubic hair mods exist yet, nor any futa mods. You can actually find some nude skins for zombies on steam right now. There are currently no mods replacing poster art nor are there any "real" adult magazines. Even hydrocraft just adds a magazine labled "adult magazine". The card collections mentioned earlier are nice but they may be NSFW they certainly are not anything you would find on rule34.  One other thing I feel is worth mentioning is that you can find a mod on steam currently that give the player a boner when they see zombies. While meant as a joke mod, perhaps it could provide insight on how to do it.



possibility of being popular mods

-hair (head and crotch)

-skimpy clothes

-adult art (posters, ect...)

-actual NSFW card collections 

-Model changes (of any kind)

-Adult furniture (chairs, statues, arcade machines, flags ect.)

-backpack retextures


Mods that might not gain as much traction as hoped

-skin texture mods (you would have to bring something unique to the table at this point {tattoo, scar, ect)

-softcore card collections (already exists)



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5 hours ago, Saraniamic said:

So what y'all are saying is that we are at a point where adult mods for PZ are possible and all we need is some brave soul to start making said mods?


essentially yeah. we have a proper npc mod to build on, which both performs greatly as a mod but the modder is also very open to helping people, especially if it's integrating content into his mods so it's the best we're going to get besides maybe the official NPCs in the far, far future. we have a proper animation system thanks to the developers, and we know custom animations are possible thanks to mods like AuthenticAnimations and True Actions. what this means that, effectively, we just need someone to pull the trigger and actually make a sex mod.

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On 10/10/2021 at 3:54 PM, Dadicho said:

"Hydrocraft" also adds in Adult Magazines.
"Fashion Montage" lets you start with your choice of clothing.
"Authentic Z" adds a bunch of outfits such as the Maid outfit I think ? You can also rp as one of your video game characters.

As for ideas for the mod ;

  Reveal hidden contents
  • In game ,theres an option to exercise with or without dumbells with animations.
    A "Masturbation" option could be copied (I guess?) from that, and play a different animation if using a vibrator or dildo.
  • A "Sex" skill which you could level by doing related sex stuff.
  • We could get some starting jobs such as "Sex Worker"((Pornstar,Prostitute,Camgirl,) (a vague job but without the need to clutter the job page)), that could give you a few levels in the "Sex" skill.
  • Some Moodles which could represent levels of Arousal,Climax(during sex),Attractiveness (like in the Sims).
  • Clothes can be "Bloody" and "Dirty", perhaps also some cum too(Bukkake at most)?
  • Obviously some Sex toys and sexy/slutty apparels.
  • An animation framework like "Sexlab" or "Osex"?
  • An option to barter goods for sex? (trade with another player or npc then play a sex animation).
  • Maybe some really horny zombies ?
  • A porn channel for the TV.
  • There's CDs and video cassettes ,so a way to play some porn during the apocalypse,and maybe a camera to record your characters/npcs.
  • Some sexy posters and artwork in the world to find.
  • Lewd collectibles?

As for maybe some more hardcore/niche stuff:

  Hide contents
  • Hydrocraft adds Dogs and other animals, maybe Bestiality?
  • Plenty of dead all around so that self explanatory.
  • Non-consensual stuff,slavery and prisoners.

Just throwing it outhere.

Speaking of niche, a vore mod seems pretty feasible since all you would need to do is make it so you can 'eat' the corpses. It could give you hunger or whatever, and could even use the system from the defecation mod because that community is into that stuff too (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1436878551). Maybe you can sneak up behind zombies and if you are undetected then you can press a certain key (idk, v?!) to 'eat' them. It could even have custom animations since those seem possible. I would make it myself but I have work and don't want to learn lua just for that lmao. 

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To point out, the zombies in this game already can grab you and force you into an animation, and its fairly simple to edit the "blood" or wounds that appear on your character to be white so it looks like other stuff, the zombies animations could also be edited as well, it's quite possible just no one has done it, you don't need "npcs" or deeper frame work unless you want scripted scenes, the mechanics for zombies and the players is already built into the game. 

I wasn't able to do it, because any time i edit the texture and turn it white the game turns the blood bluish green, maybe if someone else knows how to save the PNG properly? i think it uses 24 bit, but its not working for me.



Edited by Aelitastones
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On 10/10/2021 at 3:54 AM, turkler said:


yeah, because it's in deep testing right now. this is made by the same aiteron behind the aquatsar yacht club, better lockpicking and the helicopter mod so the guy definitely has experience modding zomboid. you can see the trello here https://trello.com/b/2kc3u747/npc

the only way to get the mod right now is to go to their discord and manually install it, even then a lot of features are missing. it is a proper alpha test and for not we're mostly clearing out bugs and discussing ideas.

and how does one get to said discord? you left that part out XD

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I back up the idea for a horny mod. It can be either a necrophilia mod or just a general hypersexual/nymphomaniac mod that makes the character have an unusually high libido, even in the face of live or die survival. And unless they take care of their needs daily they'll start suffer sexual frustration alongside their crotch getting hot (and wet in the case of females).

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05.09.2021, 6:04, SlicedBread сказал:

Главный блог разработчиков игр находится здесь . Еженедельные обновления новостей есть.


Technically there is a modding tools utility available through steam. I think it's in the GameTools section like the SkyrimCK. Though, as far as I can tell, it's really only capable of map/world/building editing and creating. Haven't seen anything for the 3d models (like player/zombie etc.) and associated animations, which is where the juicy adult modding potential sits atm. That said, others have clearly found ways to edit at least the animations (see above links and this one). Haven't seen anyone touch the models yet. There's also a couple little 'card collection' mods on the workshop that are fairly easy to replicate or replace with some spicier images like this one.


Я много возился с текстурами и рассмотрел несколько привлекательных звуковых изменений, которые довольно просто редактировать и заменять. Я прикрепил свои собственные текстуры игрока. На данный момент я просто перезаписываю текстуры из этого мода , так как в заменителях используется небольшой код lua. Выглядит достаточно просто, но я просто не стал с этим связываться.








PZFemaleSkins.zip 1,63 МБ · 234 загрузки

подскажите как настроить текстуры? Я пытался поместить их сюда (D: \ SteamLibrary \ steamapps \ common \ ProjectZomboid \ media \ textures \ Body), но у меня все равно не работает

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On 11/10/2021 at 2:16 AM, FilthyWeaboo said:

So out of curiosity, what are the odd we could one day see a mod for this game where the human/zombie interactions are lewd?

i wouldnt dare to go too far but the npc mod and the superb survivors or even the next builds can be our answer. no game can escape the power of lewd. pj will get it's turn too

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On 11/4/2021 at 8:20 AM, Aelitastones said:

To point out, the zombies in this game already can grab you and force you into an animation, and its fairly simple to edit the "blood" or wounds that appear on your character to be white so it looks like other stuff, the zombies animations could also be edited as well, it's quite possible just no one has done it, you don't need "npcs" or deeper frame work unless you want scripted scenes, the mechanics for zombies and the players is already built into the game. 

I wasn't able to do it, because any time i edit the texture and turn it white the game turns the blood bluish green, maybe if someone else knows how to save the PNG properly? i think it uses 24 bit, but its not working for me.




but the goal is a sex mod, isn't it?




I've been in the talks with my man authenthicpeach for a while now, the guy has essentially figured out how to port animations into zomboid and actually have them play in sync with NPCs. like you said, it is indeed possible to get something like a pole dancing animation, provided someone actually animates that. like I said, if you want to just make a mod that adds some lewd animations, be my guest. the documentation is out there. my point is that an actual sex mod is very much possible and I'd love to see someone do it, provided I don't get to it myself.

Edited by turkler
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I'm gonna go ahead and back up the idea for a horny mod. Is it possible someone make it to where we have just that but no animations? If animations are what is slowing us down at the moment perhaps we may get all else out of the way. Such as a system much like Paradox described. Have that function well then add animations later when it is possible.

This does of course mean adding custom moodles/moodlets with their own negative effects and possibly some positive ones as well. I like to make things really realistic in games. That does indeed include sex and human needs. Therefore I will give it my best shot. I have done some personal edits to game files in the past. I will try and see how tough zomboid is to mod. If it is do-able I will share it.

Edited by DrippyBalls2
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On 11/9/2021 at 4:25 AM, titul said:

подскажите как настроить текстуры? Я пытался поместить их сюда (D: \ SteamLibrary \ steamapps \ common \ ProjectZomboid \ media \ textures \ Body), но у меня все равно не работает

First, you must download the mod from this link:


Then, replace the textures from that mod with the textures from my zip at this location:

….steamapps/workshop/content/108600/2357852590/mods/TED BEER’s Player Skin Retexture/media/textures/Body


This is a workaround. I can do textures but I’m not familiar with the coding for this game yet so I simply replace working assets. You could do this with any working skin texture replacer mod.

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Nothing gets done without ideas. Lots of people want to see some sexy sex in Zomboid, but the question remains - how is this supposed to work?


Open question: What does sex do? How does it play into gameplay? What systems does it replace? How is sex supposed to be balanced?

Another open question: How does infection play into this? It makes sense that if you get fucked by a zombie, you become infected, but what then? Does one sex session cause a guaranteed game over?

What about getting out of sex? Do you just kick them away like in the base game?

What about player initiated sex? How does that work here? What about sex between players? Does that use the same mechanics? How do you control sex? What about other sex-based things players can do?


Remember, design is the best third of a video game. Nothing gets done without a solid set of thinking underpinning it!

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7 hours ago, ufjoif said:

Nothing gets done without ideas. Lots of people want to see some sexy sex in Zomboid, but the question remains - how is this supposed to work?


Sex should decrease Boredom or "lust" as a new stat to take care, maybe once we get npcs we could suck dick or eat pussy/ass for food, 

About zombie sex maybe you could desinfect any hole that's full of cold cream, I guess that would make it preferable to being bitten, even you could craft some kind of zombie pheromone so they will dick you instead of fight you as long as your bottom is uncovered.

About MP no idea really, the one that started it must be the one that constrols it unless you "give command" to the orther player.

Finally I would love to see more incentive to play in the nude, that and of course if and a big IF bestiality get's implemented I would love to see it

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