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Project Zomboid Adult mods

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  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...

i can see a few realistic (as in well possible) mods being made, for instance maybe a mod where your character has those natural lewd desires and needs to masturbate. in my opinion it be terrible if this was a game breaking mechanic so if the character ignored masturbating then it wouldn't be game ending but rather it would simply just lead up into some negative stat effects like reduced accuracy/stamina/health whatever and depending on the depth of the mod and complication the mod author could actually animate a few masturbation animations or simply give the option to masturbate and instead of a scene it could just be similar to sleeping where your given a black screen and time passes by with lewd sounds during said black screen. It'd also be great it the author added traits that would make it so the player need to masturbate less or more. I imagine that the coding wouldn't be too much work as the code could be taken from the traits that require you to sleep more or less (those traits being Wakeful and sleepyhead). A mod like this should be as easy or difficult to create as the mod author would like it to be as in either simply doing some stat debuff's along with a black screen instead of new animations or being semi-complicated with animations, lewd sounds, new items to be found like vibrators and such and possibly even expanding on fetishes such as an exhibition trait or a bondage one with self bondage items in game that could possibly not only keep the player sated but give them stat buffs considering how self bondage in a zombie apocalypse sounds horrifying and extremely risky witch could also tie into the adrenaline junky trait.




In Short there are defiantly some good mod possibilities here in this game despite the nature of its graphics and game play. here's hoping that some mod author well capable or not gives NSFW modding a shot with this game, it'd be greatly appreciated by many i'm sure and its something i would personally back.

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  • 1 month later...

Game does have a lot of possibilities though, especially with the end goal of NPCs growing closer slowly yet steadily so. Basic retexturing mods are easy to do right now though. I'm on the experimental build (41) and I've done an edit of the female skins to remove the bra and underwear for a doll look. Someone could do more and better for a more NSFW look quite easily.



Items at the moment are a little trickier. We're waiting on the devs to release ItemZed to the public which I'm guessing will hit when 41 hits stable. Guess in the mean time we're gonna have to settle for Hydrocraft's Adult Magazine.

(also yo if you're checking out this thread curious on what game we're on about, please go check it out and see if it's your thing. If you don't like DRM they also go through GoG )

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  • 5 months later...

I dunno if anyone else has made any progress, but using the texture that RarityIsBoss shared I made a few more for the other skin colours.




Also made a little bit of progress on the zombie skins. They'll take much longer because of the veins and damage stages etc. There are 16 different textures for zombies too. Lots to do haha.




If anyone wants to test them just replace the ones in ProjectZomboid\media\textures\Body. 

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  • 1 month later...

there are a few mod that add tights as such on the workshop, there's also this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2311145853&searchtext= which comes with a nude option (not on the steam page, you have to enable the nude version ingame) so other than that, not much. can't really do any model replacements for now, but I'm sure some more detailed bodies will be implemented the second we have support for that

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

apologizes if this is coming across as a necropost but i had an idea last night.
the game does have some excerise mechanic and if you have a barbell item your character does an animation while holding it up
otherwise they do an animation. that surely could be easy enough to replace or even add onto.
Alls i've got is ideas but if you take the squatting animation and have your character do it over a 3d bottle you'd have a bad masterbation animation.
it already has code to make your character remove their bags so i can only imagine a bit of tinkering with the code to remove clothing shouldn't be too hard. but i've never done any lua coding. only a bit of reverse engineering skyrim scripting for some vore mods. 

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  • 4 months later...

Necro bump, but honestly I agree with the above post. Zomboid with a proper NSFW mod could easily be turned into a proper RoR game if you're playing a female protagonist, like Anthophobia or Parasite in City. Except it'd be 3d with all of the niceties of a decent survival game to boot.

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On 9/2/2021 at 5:46 PM, Darkening Demise said:

So when are the tools coming? I'm out of the loop on this game's development.

The main game dev blog is here. Weekly update news there.


Technically there is a modding tools utility available through steam. I think it's in the GameTools section like the SkyrimCK. Though, as far as I can tell, it's really only capable of map/world/building editing and creating. Haven't seen anything for the 3d models (like player/zombie etc.) and associated animations, which is where the juicy adult modding potential sits atm. That said, others have clearly found ways to edit at least the animations (see above links and this one). Haven't seen anyone touch the models yet. There's also a couple little 'card collection' mods on the workshop that are fairly easy to replicate or replace with some spicier images like this one.


I've been tinkering a lot with textures and have considered some sexy audio edits, both of which are pretty straightforward to edit and replace. I've attached my custom player textures. For now, I just overwrite the textures from this mod, as there's a bit of lua coding involved in replacers. Looks simple enough, but I just haven't messed around with it.









Edited by SlicedBread
Added skins in zip
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  • 1 month later...

alright lads, this might be a big step for zomboid sex mods




a brand new NPC mod just came out. unlike superb survivors, they're not dogshit. from testing in combat, they can brilliantly face 3-5 zombies without any issues. now, how does this relate to zomboid sex mods? because they can play animations. they can essentially do what the base character does, including washing themselves and even sitting down.

well, we have the people to have sex with, someone just needs to make them have sex. I have no idea how hard it is to play animations in sync though, so we need the opinion of an actual modder.


EDIT: indeed we do lads!




just got confirmation from the author that you can indeed play custom animations, even in sync with one another. if there's anything to build on for a sex mod, this npc framework is it.

Edited by turkler
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9 hours ago, TNT90 said:

Is the mod you're referring to Subpar Survivors or another? I couldn't find mods by Aiteron that match an NPC mod on the workshop.


yeah, because it's in deep testing right now. this is made by the same aiteron behind the aquatsar yacht club, better lockpicking and the helicopter mod so the guy definitely has experience modding zomboid. you can see the trello here https://trello.com/b/2kc3u747/npc

the only way to get the mod right now is to go to their discord and manually install it, even then a lot of features are missing. it is a proper alpha test and for not we're mostly clearing out bugs and discussing ideas.

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