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Is there a mod that can save all of my other mods' configuration to an external file and I can load this file whenever I start a new game? It's really annoying, and takes a lot of time to enable the mods and change the settings in them always, so... So if there's any mod or program that do such a thing please help me, Thanks!

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To my limited knowledge--No there is not ... unfortunately.


CAVEAT, I am an old fart and much as I try I only dabble at making mods so take this with a grain of salt over the shoulder.


All I have are partial solutions. All are totally dependent on individual mod authors including code in their mod for SKSE/MCM settings save/load capability.

  1. some mods are written to take advantage of FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Script (FISS), e.g. SkyTweak for OR (I have skytweak partially working in SE as well, including MCM and save settings)
  2. Jcontainers use of JMaps may work for saving settings perhaps through store/read values but I do not have experience at all here
  3. use of JSON config files through some other mod - merely a suggestion to trigger someone who actually knows what they are doing
  4. use of xml  -  no idea what could generate an xml for settings but same idea as 3, hope someone who knows will suggest something

I have tried making MCM changes to generate mod settings storable using FISS and while have had some success, cannot get it work after the 4th or 5th new game.

That also would require reworking every bloody damn mod for the game and on OR I had 300+ esm/ps (WryeBash) so would have to be really choosy about which mods to rework.

I would love to see something such as you seem to be looking for that reads a "set" of JSON files through a bat. Then I could do a new toon and just choose a bat file to match the profile for specific play type, e.g. hunter, Stormcloak, Legion, SFW (youngest grandkid), vampire, etc.

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For a related suggestion from another thread

Save all MCM settings?

By ClockworkTower, July 16 in Request & Find - Skyrim Non Adult Mods

On 7/16/2018 at 10:34 PM, Corinthinius said:

It's not a specific feature but a convenient side-effect.  If you have Skyrim Unbound ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71465  ),  you can start a new save and set your MCM settings before you create your character.  Then you can just load that starting save every time you want to make a new character.

It is also available for SE: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6532?

I have used it on playthroughs in OR but not in SE

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