About This File
Version 5.0 is a major update to the mod, fixing a lot of issues and adding some new capability.
This mod is now a framework/esm designed with two things in mind: Better stability and the ability to be used in other mods. To help facilitate this, I'm now including the source code for the mod in the downloads.
INFO FOR V5.0 UPDATE (Read This to Understand how the mod now works! Seriously!)
This mod now supports Four (4!) different methods for mounting up and riding. These are described below:
Method 1: Menu
This is the previously available method. Using the Menu key (assignable in the MCM), you can target creatures to convert them into mounts, assign riders, or dismount riders, including the player. This works basically the same as the previous version, though it should be work a bit better and more consistently.
Method 2: Summoned Creatures
Riding Style Summon Creatures have returned! A toggle in the MCM will dump the slew of Riding Style spells on the player, including 5 summon spells corresponding to the 5 different races that can currently be mounted using the Mod. These are Horse, Giant, Wolf, Werewolf, and Frost Atronach. After summoning the creature, the player can simply ride the summon like a normal mount and will be able to use the mods alternate riding animations.
Method 3: Spells
A set of additional spells for controlling and mounting have been added. The spell names should be fairly straightforward, but they allow the player to choose a mount and a rider and have the rider mount the mount using the alternative animations. IMPORTANT NOTE: CURRENTLY THE DISMOUNT SPELL DOESN'T WORK FOR THE PLAYER, SO IF YOU MOUNT THE PLAYER VIA SPELLS YOU WILL NEED TO DISMOUNT VIA THE MENU KEY. The spells are:
RS Choose Mount - Targets the mount you are trying to get the rider to mount
RS Choose Rider Target - Chooses a non-player actor to be the rider
RS Choose Rider Self - Chooses the Player to be the rider
RS Dismount - Dismounts the target. Can target either the rider or the mount.
As soon as a valid mount and target are fed in, they will mount up. There's a time out of 30 seconds if you select one but not the other, and if you target two mounts in a row or two riders in a row, the new one will replace the old one in the queue.
Method 4: Followers Using Mounts
Ok, this one was a bit more challenging. IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS WILL REQUIRE YOU TO HAVE A MOD THAT HAS FOLLOWERS USE HORSES SUCH AS ATF. The actual implementation is fairly simple. The player has a spell called RS Set Mount Ownership. Use this spell on the rider/follower and the mount that you want for them to ride. This can be one of the summoned mounts added from the spell, or a creature of the appropriate base type should work as well. After casting on both of them, when the PC mounts their horse, the follower should mount the mount using an alternative riding animation if you have an appropriate mod to let them do this installed. The player can ride either normally or use one of the RS alternative riding animations.
Note: There are currently 4 slots for followers in the related quest. If you wish to either: 1) Reassign a follower a different mount, 2) Have a follower stop riding using the RS AA the mount, or 3) free up space for a different follower, speak with the NPC and choose the dialogue option to have them relinquish their slot.
Riding Outfit
There is now an option in the MCM to set a "riding outfit". By pressing this option, the mod will take a capture of the players currently equipped gear. After this, if the "Use Riding Outfit" option is selected, any time a rider (player or NPC) mounts up to a target, it will unequip all of their armor and then equip the riding outfit (it should check to see if they have a copy of any particular piece of riding equipment before adding a new one). WARNING: FOR NPCS, IN ORDER TO NOT HAVE THEIR BASE ARMOR USED, THIS WILL REMOVE BOTH THEIR DEFAULT AND SLEEP OUTFIT. IF THIS IS A PROBLEM FOR YOU, DO NOT USE THIS OPTION.
There were several additional bug fixes that can be seen in the bug notes.
End V5.0 Update
As of Version 2.0, Creature Framework is a hard dependency of the mod. This also means that the animals will have dicks now.
What is this mod:
This mount adds and enables alternative riding styles to be called. More succinctly, it's a bestiality/bondage based mod revolving around riding several different types of animals found throughout Skyrim.
Using The Mod, or How does it work:
Currently, there is only a basic implementation in this file. Hopefully some creative modders will use this to make fun plug-in mods and creative scenarios.
For this framework, the only way to currently get an actor riding is to target an individual and use the menu key. The menu key can be set inside of the MCM, and the default key is is the Numpad (-) key. Once you're inside the menus it should hopefully be fairly intuitive. You will not mount anything in an alternative style if you attempt to use the regular action key. Unlike previous version, you can now turn any valid race into a mount, meaning you can use your favorite pet horse and no longer have to summon them. However, currently there are only 4 slots for riders/mounts. If needed/requested I might extend this in the future, but for the time being it is good enough.
In order to change the rider position, use the X, Y, and Z keys that can be set in the MCM. By holding the shift direction key (default bind is Left-Shift) you will change the position in the negative direction. The position will not update while riding, but should update upon remounting.
Currently, the mount MUST be one of the following races: HorseRace, WolfRace, GiantRace, AtronachFrostRace, WerewolfRace. Custom versions of these races WILL NOT WORK. (As of the new version, additional races can be added by other mods).
If you are having trouble getting the mod to work, before posting do the following:
1) Re-run FNIS to make sure that the animations are loaded.
2) In game, open the console and type "Stopquest _RS2Quest", and then "Startquest _RS2Quest". There is a space between the startquest/stopquest and the questname (_RS2Quest in this case).
3) If BOTH of these fail to fix the problem, when you post requesting for help, take a screenshot of the target you are trying to mount, with the console window open and the target selected and post it when asking for help.
Installation Instructions:
If you have a previous version of this mod, nuke it from orbit and then make a clean save before installing this new version.
1) Download the mod
2) Install the mod (recommending use of a mod manager)
3) Run FNIS to generate the animations
4) Load into a clean save and try it out
Requirements (New Requirements as of V2.0):
For all of these, I would recommend using the latest versions of them.
Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)
Fore New Idles in Skyrim (FNIS)
Mod Configuration Menu (MCM)
Creature Framework
How do I make a mod to plug in to this?
Making a mod connect to this should (hopefully), be fairly simple. Load the Riding Styles mod as an ESM and connect your script to the _RS2Functions script (Property should look something like _RS2Functions Property RS2Functions Auto). Once connected there are a few functions of interest:
1) MountActor(Actor Mount, Actor Rider, String Modname, Int Index) As you might have guessed from the name, this function attempts to mount the Rider actor on the Mount actor, and if a Modname and Index are provided, attempts to use the animation registered to the mod at the index location for the mounting. If Modname or Index aren't provided it chooses a random available animation for that race.
2) DismountActor(Actor Mount, Actor Rider): Like the previous, but in reverse!
3) SetMount(Actor Mount): Sets an actor to be a riding styles mount
Registration Functions are given in the _RS2RegisterFunctions script. Hook into it the same way as with the other functions, and this is where you can do all the new registration things with your mod. (It might looks like _RS2RegisterFunctions Property RS2Reg Auto)
1) RegisterNewMountAnimation(String ModName, Int Index, Race Mountrace): Registers a new set of AA animations for a Mountrace (which will propagate to all members of that "race" behaviour set, such as all types of horses, or all types of giants, that are registered). The ModName is the ModName FNIS is using for the animation set (not the Prefix), the Index is the index location of that AA set (From 0-9). Once this is registered, RidingStyles will attempt to use these animations as part of it's repertoire.
2) RegisterNewMountRace(Race MountRace, Formlist MountRaceFormlist): This is relateively straight forward for registering new races to work with Riding Styles animations. The race is the race you want to register to, and the MountRaceFormlist is one of the formlists you can find in the Riding Styles Mod. For example, if you are trying to register a new race to the horse block, you would choose _RS2HorseRaces as the MountRaceFormlist. If you are trying to register, say, a Spider, you want to register to the _RS2SpiderRaces. If you are unsure where you register the race to, look to the path of the races skeleton and go there. If a formlist for that race doesn't exist, let me know and I'll add it.
Finally, there is one more set of function locations, which _RS2AAScript (Hooking into which may look like _RS2AAScript Property RS2AA Auto). There is only one function of importance that you should be calling here, which is:
1) InitAnims(String ModPrefix, String Modname): ModPrefix is the 3 letter prefix associate with FNIS and Modname is the Modname associated with FNIS. This is what lets Riding styles find the appropriate AA animations to play from your mod.
So, to put all of this together, you may have an initializing script that looks like:
RS2AA.InitAnims(MyModPrefix, MyModName)
RS2Reg.RegisterNewMountRace(MyNewMammothRace, _RS2MammothRaces)
RS2Reg.RegisterNewMountAnimation(MyModName, 0, MyNewMammothRace)
And a different script that looks like:
RS2Fun.MountActor(MammothMount, Player, MyModName, 0)
(Some other code that waits while we ride around)
RS2Fun.DismountActor(MammothMount, Player)
If you have any issues or want more information on how the mod works, I'm happy to try and help.
Known Issues with current version:
- I have had a report of this causing issue with FNIS PCEA2 (Disabling the animations from the mod) and that certain other mods that add events while riding cause the character to, at least temporarily, break out of animation.
- There appears to be a problem (from my testing, at least) with mounting followers when using some of the follower frameworks. I'm unlikely to dig through the code there to figure out what's wrong but if anyone has any suggestions I'm listening.
- Animations are bad/misaligned/etc. Yes, I know. Go convince one of the excellent animators on LL to make new ones and I'll happily replace everything.
As always, I love to see your screenshots of using the mod!
You are free to use this mod as a part of another mod as long as you are not redistributing it. If you let me know where you are using it, I am happy to update the mod page and let others know where this mod is being used.
- Having an NPC ride is working better than it was before I posted this, but it is still possible to have weird physics thing happen (I'm sorry, Lydia, for flinging you from Whiterun to Solitude) so always make sure to keep a safety save when using this mod.
-Other things as people find them.
-I have had a few crashes/freezes on dismounting. I have no idea what causes it other than sometimes Skyrims decides to stop doing things.
Thanks and Credit:
Special thanks to Haeretic who helped me out with a lot of the initial thoughts on the new framework
EternalBlack for making the mountings for the horse/wolf harnesses
Gone for several of the meshes/textures in this mod
Zaz for originally giving me this idea with the Oblivion Mod
Bethesda for Skyrim and making me waste far too much trying to make their freaking horse system work like I want
Unnamed People - There are probably some people from whom I have used their work, either getting permission at some point and then forgetting from who or possibly not getting permission. If you recognize a nif/texture etc in the mod and you know where it comes from, and they aren't listed here, please let me know. I want the original authors to get the credit they deserve.
As of Version 2.0, Creature Framework is a hard dependency of the mod. This also means that the animals will have dicks now.
Edited by fingerscrossed
What's New in Version V5.1
V5.1: I forgot to pack the behavior file on V5.0. Should be fixed.
Version 5.0 is what started off as a few small bug fixes and became a large update.
Bugs Being Tracked/Fixed/Worked on:
- Mounting via menu always selects a random mount animation - Fixed
- If you dismount then remount too quickly afterwards, a riding animation won't play - Fixed
- The giant penis no longer appears to be in the correct position (Might be an issue with some change in the skeleton?) - Fixed (Needed to update to more recent MNC Skeleton as base, adding saddlebone. There would be a much better solution to discuss with MNC or similar to have them add a saddlebone to their base skeletons to prevent similar issues in the future, but this works for a temp fix)
- Sprinting while mounting causes issues (there is currently no Sprinting AA). This breaks the mount animation for Werewolfs. - Partial Fix - Added Run AA as Sprint AA which seems to work for nearly all of the mounts except werewolf.
- The blowjob AA set for the giant doesn't seem to be working. - Fixed (It would just never be chosen previously, but still exists and works)
- Icy gear won't equip - Fixed
- Crash Fix - Fixed - I'm an absolute dumbass who had something I was apparently testing in the last version (2 quests related to Slave Carts, i.e., a player/NPC under the horse on a cart pulling it) that had 6-8 scripts between them, and none of the scripts were included in the download. This was contributing to instability at loading and has been removed.
Updates Implemented:
- More fluid mount/dismount - Completed (A bit more fluid with mount/dismount in terms of timing. Mounting still requires the mount animation and dismount currently still requires a ragdoll)
- Spells to summon riding versions of Creatures (with spells added to player via MCM) - Completed
- Ability for Mounts summoned by spells to be ridden without need for menu - Completed (Pending bug testing, it seems to work for player. Not sure if it would work for NPCs. Additionally missing a few things you can do with the menu version such as adjusting/updating position).
- Spells to use as an alternative to using the menu for mounting/etc. - Completed
- Ability to toggle on/off debug notifications via MCM since I have a lot of them I've used for tracking where things go wrong. - Partial Fix - I just decided to comment out some of the unnecessary debug notifications. If needed for player side debugging, I'll return them.
- Followers Ride assigned Mounts in a riding style - Completed - see additional info
- Riding Outfit Storage - Completed - See additional info