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About This File

This is a mind-control "Haremocracy" mod for Crusader Kings 3. It creates a number of traits, events, schemes, and interactions based around the Player's interaction with the Regula Magistri (Rule of the Master). The intent of these is to create a state headed by a single (male) ruler and his female vassal concubines.


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## Highlights
Start in secret, building a collection of brainwashed followers while you attempt to free an ancient evil. Once the evil is freed, move into the open and rule the realm from the comfort of your bedchamber.
Creates a religion, Regula Magistri. This religion has two custom tenets linked to the Magister and his harem. The magister can have unlimited wives, each of which can boost desmesne income and development. The holy sites unlock different character interactions, adjust the sex of newborns, or otherwise changes the base game.
Creates a scheme (Fascinare) to add the Mulsa trait to female characters and convert them to the Regula Magistri religion. Each woman with the Mulsa and at least one landed title (county or higher) can be upgraded to the Paelex trait and added to the MC's harem. Mulsa can also be forced to act against their liege and family, revealing secrets, kidnapping or deposing their husband, and even waging war against their leige for the right to swear fealty to the magister.
Creates a number of new wars linked to the enslavement of other rulers. Free female rulers can be dominated, while those already charmed can be stolen from their rightful liege or allowed to break their former bonds of fealty through a custom faction, Servitude.
Creates two new gender succession laws, Hereditas Magistri and Hereditas Compedita. The MC's titles pass to their male offspring, while those of their vassals pass to female offspring. All MC vassals will adopt Hereditas Compedita on a quarterly basis.
## Requirements
 This mod requires Carnalitas to function.



## Incompatibilities
This version is not compatible with Regula Magistri 0.8x saves. It is compatible with Royal Court.
This mod may conflict with any mod that overwrites or replaces the following:



## Installation/Activation

Unzip into your /Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings III/mod folder. 
Add "Regula Magistri" to your mod playset, after Carnalitas.

Activate the mod by taking the "Acquire the Regula Magistri" decision. Don't use the character creator to start with the Regula Magistri religion or convert to the religion in-game.  Those actions disrupt the mod initialization.


## Tips and Tricks

To rapidly transition from Spellbound to the Magister:


As a minor duke with fewer than three counts as vassals:

1. Marry someone. Show them the book.

2. Give them a county or a barony. Wait six months in-game.

3. Give another female character a county or barony.  Show them the book.

4. Release the Keeper of Souls.


-If more than three counts as vassals:

1. Revoke one of their titles. 'Tis better to be feared than loved.

2. Give it to a female character.

Larger domains are much more complex, requiring that you use the alter inheritance laws interaction, etc. but a small domain can load the full mod in ten minutes or less.



To survive as a small state:

-Hide within a larger one. So long as you have the title revocation feudal contract your liege will hate you, but not do too much else.

-Modify religious tolerance through the game rules.  If you set all religions to accepted that will reduce the aggro you draw.
-Prepare for a war immediately after releasing the keeper of souls mod.   If you have ~300 gold in the bank after becoming a Magister it's a lot easier to put down your first rebellion or fend off an invasion. If you put enough Spellbound women in positions of power your realm will be very stable during this period, making it a lot easier to fend off attacks from your neighbours.

## Known Bugs

The Polygamy/Monogamy/Concubine Cultural Tenets override the mod's cap on spouses.

Some participants don't disrobe during the orgy.

Despite the flavour text, those that are One with the Book don't die when the book is destroyed.


## Contributing
If you are interested in contributing, please get in touch here or at the links above. Assistance with the gui or event dialogue would be greatly appreciated.
## Changelog

Alright, the mod is Azure ready!  Let me know if there are any issues.

The mod is now compatible with CK3 version 1.4.
You can now make your Domina and Paelex naked at all times with the "Compeditae Clothing" Game Rule.
The Mulsa/Paelex/One with the Book/etc. portrait modifiers can be disabled with the "Portrait Modifiers" Game Rule.

Bugfixes and tweaks:
Adjusted the Mulsa and Paelex eyes, so they don't stand out as much. Tweaked the structure of the Paelex eye.
Added descriptors to some of the events, explaining what happens when they fire.
The religion has been overhauled to take advantage of the new deactivate_holy_site effect.  There should be little visible change on the player side, but swapping between holy sites mid-game should now be seamless.

Known issues:
Not all holy order titles can be corrupted. This stems from issues with how the base game's has_revokable_lease trigger is coded, and will hopefully be resolved in the next update from Paradox.
Shackles often don't line up with prisoner's wrists.  This is due to an error in the game's default animation.
Despite the flavour text, those that are one with the book don't die when the book is destroyed.

The traits Mulsa, Paelex, Contubernalis, and One with the Book now all change a character's appearance. The first three have altered (or no) pupils, while One with the Book transforms the character's hair, skin, and eyes in different ways, depending on their highest skill.
It may be nigh impossible to stop lustful characters from cheating, but their lasciviousness now works to your advantage. Paelicies will now trigger mod-specific cheating events rather than the base game versions, allowing you to choose to dominate (female) or punish (male) their lovers.
If you are the Pontifex Carnalis you can now ally with independent female rulers, via the "Forge a Compeditaen Alliance" interaction.
Rather than simply revoke the lease of a hostile holy order within your realm, you may corrupt them instead.  The titles within your demesne will be granted to a new holy order within your religion. This is the first mod interaction to require the Exarch trait.
Regula Magestri has been added to the list of polygamous religions. This required overwriting the base game files 00_marriage_scripted_modifiers and 00_marriage_interaction_effects. Thanks to dverago for the code!
Bugfixes and tweaks:
Adding the Mulsa trait to the ward of a Paelex or the MC will now add a small amount of renown, if the ward is of a different dynasty (5 for paelex/10 for magister)
Generals will no longer abandon their armies to go to an orgy.
Fixed the Fascinare ward event. In some cases it wasn't firing correctly when the guardian was a Mulsa.
Limited the Fascinare ward events to the MC and their direct vassals, to reduce the number of events firing. Events with more distant vassals/mulsae will auto-succeed.
Reduced the piety gain from Domitans Tribunal from 250 to 100.  It was a little too overpowered with dozens of Paelices.
Reduced the chance that an Infecta would entrance their spouse from 40% to 20%.
Militant Paelices can now successfully petition to found a holy order in their realm, with your assistance.  Unlike the default AI interaction this requires only that they hold a duchy title or greater, but you will have to financially support their efforts.
Known issues:
Not all holy order titles can be corrupted. This stems from issues with how the base game's has_revokable_lease trigger is coded, and will hopefully be resolved in the next update from Paradox.
Switching to another Magister religion via the Config decision leaves the holy orders behind.
Shackles often don't line up with prisoner's wrists.  This is due to an error in the game's default animation.
Despite the flavour text, those that are one with the book don't die when the book is destroyed.


The third Domitans Tribunal action, "Mix it with your seed and breath life into her womb", now has a small percent chance of giving the Pure-Blooded trait, instead of One With the Book.
Made the Domitans Tribunal actions a little more transparent.  Mouse over each to see some info on what they might do.
Updated the Domitans Tribunal/Potestas Non Transfunde Important actions (suggestions) so that invalid characters aren't suggested.
Fixed a bug preventing most of the random events from firing.  Disabled the Holy Order event until it can be properly bugfixed.
Tweaked the religion-switching interaction.
Known issues:
Switching to another Magister religion via the Config decision doesn't seem to affect counties, just characters.
The shackles often don't line up with prisoner's wrists.  This is due to an error in the game's default animation.
Despite the flavour text, those that are one with the book don't die when the book is destroyed.
Default game doctrines don't show up when creating a new religion (the tenets still do, and existing religions are unaffected).


Added an alternate set of Holy Sites, with their own minor benefits.  The sites are:
Rome - Bloodlust of the She-Wolf
Toulouse - Faith of the Perfecti
Zeeland - Acumen of Nehalennia
Gotland - Vitality of Freyja
Krakow - Glamour of Wanda
This variant can be selected during the initialization event or swapped to using the settings menu (see below).  The three tenets are Regula Magistri, Concubinocracy and Warmonger.
Reworked the major Jerusalem/Rome Holy Site bonus. Holders of Jerusalem will now give two traits when using the Fascinare Scheme: Mulsa and Infecta. This second trait represents a parasitic portion of the Magister's will, which will hop from host to host in the target's realm, converting/charming each time. The chain will naturally end after ~4 conversions.
-Does not affect wards.
Added a set of prisoner interactions. Female captives can be charmed, fucked, brainwashed to become your lover, or reduced to mindless thralls. Fascinare/Astringere interactions are cheaper when applied to prisoners.
Added a new Compeditae scheme: Instiga Discordia. Instruct your servants to sow discord in their liege's court, triggering a rivalry between their liege and either a powerful vassal or their liege lord.
Added a new interaction, Astringere (and associated interactions Destringere and Restringere). Add strong hooks to Compeditae, at the cost of a bit of their health and fertility. Will add a small amount of tyrrany/dread.
Added two new random events. In the first an ambitious Paelex will ask to be made Domina, in the second a militant Paelex will request resources to set up a holy order in their demesne.
Created a settings menu, accessible via the minor decision "Manage Regula Magistri Settings" 
Players can now auto-assign their children to be raised in their mother's court. The "Manage Child Education Settings" option in the settings menu/event will lead to an event that allows boys, girls, or both to be educated by their mothers without player involvement. Base code by shaaaaq.
Players can switch their religion between the old Mediterranean Holy Sites and the new European set by selecting "Change Regula Magistri Holy Sites" in the settings event. All Compeditae in your realm will convert, as will your counties.
Added another Domitans Tribunal event to the roster, "Monumental." 
Added an action to inform the player when Mulsae can be dominated, Orbae can be claimed, or independent rulers can be vassalized. (Initial code by shaaaaq).
Bugfixes and Tweaks:
Fixed the domitans tribunal interaction.  New Paelices will now break up with every lover, not just one
Adjusted Abice Maritus.  The player can trigger the interaction without the requisite holy site, but possessing the holy site allows the AI to take the interction and reduces the cost for the player from 250 -> 100 piety.
Patched the Orgy invitation. Attendees will no longer invite homosexual/bisexual men, no matter how ridiculously good looking they are.
Fascinare will now remove the nemesis relationship, not just a rivalry.
Known issues:
The shackles often don't line up with prisoner's wrists.  This is due to an error in the game's default animation.
Despite the flavour text, those that are one with the book don't die when the book is destroyed.
Default game doctrines don't show up when creating a new religion (the tenets still do, and existing religions are unaffected).



Added a new type of vassalization war: Domination. Crush the independence and will of nearby female rulers, then add them to your harem.
Enabled the Regula Magistri for non-independent MCs.  You can now work to take down the HRE or Byzantine empire from within, slowly suborning your liege's vassals. Note: They WILL try to depose you. Be prepared for war.
Implemented the Hereditas Compedita Inheritance for Compeditae that are not your vassals (both independent rulers and those sworn to another character). Unlike in your realm, only the Compedita's laws will change; those above and below them will keep their default inheritance laws.
Added a few random events, linked to either a fight within the harem or generous vassals that wish to give you gold.
Bugfixes and Tweaks:
Overwrote the adultery and conversion triggers. It should be impossible for spouses to cheat or lose faith now.
Made it so extramarital sex by the MC will not cause anger their spouses.
The AI will now use the Abice Maritus interaction when possible. If you hold Alexandria expect to periodically see female Compenditae deposing their husbands.
Fixed an issue with wards not gaining the Witch trait when appropriate.
Finally fixed the issues around inheritance of the Regula Magistri.  The event will now fire 1-4 weeks after the death of a previous Magister.
Known bugs:
Despite the flavour text, those that are one with the book don't die when the book is destroyed.
Completely reworked the Regula Magistri Holy sites.
The fall of Jerusalem introduces a rot deep into both Christianity and Islam. Their fervor decreases by 10 for every year that you hold this holy site, while all followers of the Keeper of Souls see income from their vassals increase by 20%.
Alexandria unlocks an AI character interaction, Abice Maritus. Unlanded wives may now take their husband's titles, sending their spouse off to live with the nuns. All followers become slightly more attractive to members of the opposite sex.
Lesbos adjusts the gender of newborns, ensuring that 80% of births in your religion are female. All followers gain a small prowess and health boost.
Carthage provides a bonus to levy size and follower's piety. Also unlocks the Sanctifica Serva interactions, which allows MCs to make their Paelices immortal, at the cost of their own health.
Brescia allows Mulsae, Paelices and Dominae to perform the Fascinare scheme, adding the Mulsa trait to others in their court and dynasty. Slightly increases follower's diplomacy and lifestyle XP gain.
New Interactions:
Added a faction for foreign Mulsa: Servitude. Servitude factions seek to swear fealty to the Magister, and will wage war against their liege to do so.
    -Added a character interaction for the Magister to join an ongoing Servitude civil war (Target the defender).
Added a war type: Usurption. Winning the war transfers all vassals with the Mulsa trait to the Magister's realm.
Added a Mulsa interaction, "Revelum Secretum".  Will cause foreign Mulsas to disclose secrets from their court, or potentially create some.
Reformed the Head of Faith. The Magister is now the head of the faithful.
Added a new Head of Faith character interaction: Potestas non Transfunde. Magisters that have acquired the title Pontifex Carnalis can now publicly demand neighbouring independent, female Compeditae swear fealty to them (at the cost of a large amount of prestige, reduced based on rank and magister level). 
Added an event to entrance your wards and the wards of your mulsa, paelex, domina etc.
Promoted all Paelices to the role of sister-wife. The concubinage is closed.
Added an effect to strip Magister traits from heathens, and another to give a penalty to magisters with unlanded wives/concubines.
Expanded the roster of Fascinare events.
Slowed the appearance of the aging process in Mulsae, Paelices and Dominae. Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's demonic possession.
Bugfixes and Tweaks:
Fixed the Rapta Maritus requirements, and slightly tweaked the benefits for the Mulsa (adds callous and arbitrary traits, instead of deceitful).
Increased the difficulty of the Fascinare scheme against foreign characters, while providing a bonus when targeting people in your realm.
Corrected the holy order names.  Added a bunch of fresh orders to the rolls in the process.
Corrected the Head of Faith inheritance.


Added a recurring event, "Throw an Orgy". It gives ongoing bonuses and cures STIs.
Added the AI scheme "Rapta Maritus". Will cause charmed wives to attempt to kidnap their husbands and deliver them to your dungeon.
Reworked how the paelex piety bonus is administered.  It's now merged with the other paelex bonuses, as a character modifier.

Added a series of Magister traits, keyed to devotion levels.
Added Paelex, Domina and Orba traits.
Added the Domitans Tribunal interaction, which recruits landed vassals into your harem.
Added the Favens paelex and Demitte domina interactions, to promote and demote concubines.
Added Magister and Devoted tenets.
Added re-initiation events, to add some effects when a PC dies.


Edited by bobbily

What's New in Version 0.94


Updated for 1.6.0.

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