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Mod Release - Karlov Manor Version 4.0 (LE/SE)

Alter Native



Short Description

This mod adds a medium sized vampire castle to Skyrim and various screenshot locations (accessible via the carriage in the court or the location access room). It is located in north of Solitude. 
Even though normal house usage and gameplay is possible, it is intended for taking screenshots. 


Version:              4.0 LE/SE
Release date:     19.03.22 V4.0
Author:              Alter Native
Language:         English
Dependencies:  Skyrim LE/SE, Dawnguard, Dragonborn








Long Description

Are you a millennia old vampire and tired of living in Harkon's dreg heap of a castle? Are you looking for class and luxury and a place to live your devious, bloody vampire fantasies? 
Fortunately Baroness Nora Karlov had to leave Skyrim on urgent business of the realm, and she was kind enough to grant you living rights in Karlov Manor during her absent. 

This mod adds a medium size manor to Skyrim. It is kept in a dark fantasy baroque style fitting for a vampire character or similar. The castle is located west of Solitude lighthouse, or accessible via the console ("coc ACCastleEx").
The manor features a large living area with various rooms. In an underground area you'll find thrall dungeons for your bloody needs, as well as crafting areas. Furthermore, this mod adds a gothic church/chapel dedicated to Molag Bal. Besides the mod adds various locations I used in my story blog "Of Blood and Pleasure" accessible via the main hall and a secret area. 

In more detail the main manor features:

  • An entrance hall
  • Kitchen
  • Dining/ballroom
  • Master bedroom including bathroom
  • Trophy & weapon room
  • Church dedicated to Molag Bal 
  • Various guest rooms
  • Gallery
  • Crypt 
  • Basement storage area
  • Crafting areas
  • Prison
  • Attic
  • Atelier
  • A courtyard (Exterior)




Furthermore this mod features several screenshot locations, accessible via the carriage in the court or the location access room:


High Rock

  • Villa Adraa, a large, Renaissance style villa in it's own worldspace
  • Villa Valek, a medium sized abandoned villa.
  • A Noble house located in High Rock
  • Sanctuary, a destroyed church in the High Rock Worldspace
  • Ruined Cathedral
  • Fallen Shrine & Courtyard



  • A new Hammerfell worldspace
  • City of Al Mahan
  • Palace of Al Mahan with private Quarters
  • Palace Garden and Bath
  • Temple of Salomne
  • Bathhouse
  • Hidden Altar
  • Vampire Church


Imperial City

  • Dusk Cathedral
  • Necropolis
  • Nightmare
  • Underground Vampire Club
  • Shrine


Noir Estate

  • Grand Ballroom
  • Royal Hallway
  • Somber Boudoirs
  • Abandoned Saloon



  • An Anor Londor version of the Manor, with changed lightning compared to the main manor with several different and new rooms
  • 'Blood Room'
  • The old, more basilica like version of the church of the main manor
  • Various other smaller locations I built for scenes in my stories 



Trailer (Version 3.0)














This plugin must not be shared commercially.
The rights to the game, all official plugins, additional files and the Creation Kit are property of Bethesda Softworks.
Used external resources (listed below) in form of textures, models, sound effects etc. are property of the original authors.
Please do not distribute or offer this mod for download without my permission to do so. Any upload to the Steam Workshop, Bethesda.net, ModDrop and any form of console ports are prohibited.

Many of the used assets are from a store called "DAZ3d" (https://www.daz3d.com/shop/) which is effectively a stock database for 3D assets. Those can not be uses anywhere without acquiring the respective object and license from the store. (List below)
For any kind of permission please contact me first.




Special thanks to:
Collygon for creating custom models and textures for this mod, as well as creating animations
Antistar for Clockwork castle and making it a modders resource, which - in a way - kicked this project off as I had a solid asset base to start from (mostly textures in the style I liked).
Collygon for alpha testing.
Marmotte for beta testing and valuable feedback on lightning and general advice.
Tirloque for beta testing.
devious-Drunna for beta testing
Lord Inquisitor for beta testing
Crw0 for beta testing
Tinaa Slobodnik for beta testing

kozakowy for beta testing

Myst for beta testing
2xGHoSTx2 for beta testing the SE version
Artsick for improving various meshes and general advice.
Everybody who provided feedback and bug reports after release
All readers of my Skyrim Story Blog "Of Blood and Pleasure".


Everyone who created modders resources and allows the use of their assets.

You'll find a detailed list of those in the readme, as well as further credits, installation instructions and details about incompatibilities and bugs (No bugs and incompatibilities known as of yet).












Thanks for reading and downloading, have fun!

- Alter Native




Additional Screenshots:



































Version 4.0:

Hammerfell Section
- Added Hidden Altar
- Added Vampire Church


High Rock Section
- Added a Ruined Cathedral
- Added a ruined Courtyard
- Added Melancholy


Added an Imperial City Section
- Added Dusk Cathedral
- Added Dusk Cathedral Tower
- Added Necropolis
- Added Nightmare
- Added Underground Vampire Club
- Added Dressing Room & Theatre
- Added Shrine


Added a Noir Estate Section
- Added Grand Ballroom
- Added Royal Hallway
- Added Somber Boudoirs
- Added Abandoned Saloon

Karlov Manor
- Added a Crimson Wing
- Added an Atelier
- Added Hannah's Room


Bugfixes and smaller changes
- New wall textures in the main Karlov Manor
- Various new clutter added throughout the Manor and other rooms
- All textures now have mipmaps
- Various smaller bugfixes







Version 3.01:

- Changed the Pool in the High Rock Sanctuary to be better usable for screenshots
- Fixed a broken mesh in the main manor potentially causing CTD
- Fixed two columns in the master bedroom not showing up correctly
- Fixed the library framerate by making the shadow caster an optional enable

SE only:
- Fixed broken LODs in the High Rock Worldspace at the Sanctuary
- Fixed the bedframe not appearing on SE



Version 3.0:
Hammerfell Section
- Added City of Al Mahan
- Added Temple of Salomne
- Added Bathhouse
- Added Palace of Al Mahan with private Quarters
- Added Palace Garden and Bath
- Added a separate palace room
- Added Destroyed Temple
- Added 'Hammerfell Studio' screenshot location
- The Hallway and private quarters have interior versions in case the shadow casters are not working for you


High Rock Section

- Added a Sanctuary to the High Rock Worldspace
- Reworked the Noble House


Karlov Manor

- Added a new dressing room including a storage area for gameplay
- Added an attic 
- Added a new room to the library
- Reworked the Bathroom
- Added a new 'Blood Room' accessible via the location access room


Anor Londor
- Added a new dining room
- Added a sunny version of the ballroom

Bugfixes and smaller changes

- The weapon plagues are now usable
- Cleaned all used assets to reduce disk space usage
- Added gameplay functionality to the church of Bal, you are now able to get 'Blood of the Ancients' by praying at the Molag Bal shrine
- Added a cleaned up version of the dark room in the first floor
- Removed the night version of the library (it's now part of the main library)
- Expanded the travel system
- Fixed the clipping leaves on SE in the Courtyard
- Fixed the Bathroom sink
- Fixed the not activatable gargoyles in the Guest Bedroom
- Fixed various clipping errors
- Fixed various chairs and furniture to be usuable now
- Fixed various floating objects
- Fixed smaller navmesh issues
- Fixed various .nif issues


Version 2.0:


- Reworked the Church of Karlov Manor
  -> The old version of the Manor was a very popular screenshot location so an unaltered copy of it was kept and is still accessible via the location selection menu
- Reworked parts of the Palor
- Reworked parts of the Master Bedroom, especially the oriel
- Reworked parts of the Dining/Ball Room 
- Reworked 'Valentina's room' 
- Reworked the 'Golden Room' and it's tileset completely, including furniture
- Reworked parts of the entrance hall
- Reworked the exterior area of Karlov Manor
- Added a Gallery to the main building
- Added many new furniture pieces throughout the castle
- Added several screenshot locations with switchable furniture
- Added a carriage to the court for fast travel
- Reworked the "Location access room" with different areas for the different locations

- Several doors to various rooms changed
- Removed the Gargoyle Balcony from the main building, it is only accessible via the location selection area.
- Reduced overhaul red/orangeness of the light
- Further optimization in terms of the amount of candles used which should increase the draw distance

- Fixed Nora Portrait as Door in the story location area
- Fixed a missing texture in the bathroom mirror
- Fixed the collisions of several furniture pieces
- Fixed a room bound problem in the church
- Fixed several glitches in the exterior area
- Fixed the visual bugs at the entrance to Amelia's room






Version 1.0.1:
Made Karlov Manor it's own location 
Redone/Improved textures for the golden room, Amelie's room and Valentina's room
Redone textures for the knight armors in the west wing
Redone/changed textures for the golden mirrors
Various Bookcases are now containers and can be used for storing items
The Molag Bal seats in the church are now useable. Watch your neck!
Reduced the total number of candles a bit 
Tied many candles to the light enable/disable system in order to increase the draw distance of the candle flames in the main hall
Adjusted Erics death year to no longer be in the future
Various room bound optimizations

Fixed an issue where some god rays would appear green to some players
Fixed a bugged texture of a knight armor that could cause a crash
Fixed a missing blood texture that was used by some of the blood glasses
Fixed a texture bug of an unsupported L8 format 
Fixed a room bound problem regarding the entrance of Amelie's room
Fixed the collision for the cellar load door.
Fixed a deleted navmesh in the exterior cell
Removed identical to master records
Various smaller cosmetic bugfixes









Edited by Alter Native


Recommended Comments

Thank you so much for beautiful manor :) 

You have really great talent to create this wonderful mod!

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Hard CTD when opening the front door. I can't get into the manor at all.

Game is up to date, with all DLCs. Replacement fix from the comments also installed.

I apologize for this pretty useless bug report, I don't have a papyrus log or anything. Game just straight up crashes like something inside is missing or busted.


Since this is the screenshot edition, are there any crazy 8k textures or anything like that?

From the screenshots this doesn't look too intense furniture wise... and the performance outside the manor is fine.

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On 10/1/2019 at 4:59 AM, Elf Prince said:

My apologies. it suppose to be a joke. In our country when we see advertisement that involves beautiful girl, we always say: I won't buy it if she is not included with a product. :) I wanted to joke about the cellar too, but it looks like my joke didn't work. :)

I see :wacko: , well the naughty part of the basement is locked behind a gate so just don't got there ;) .


6 hours ago, XRainX said:

Thank you so much for beautiful manor :) 

You have really great talent to create this wonderful mod!

Thank you very much!
Glad you like it. 

5 minutes ago, TentakelnBitte said:

Hard CTD when opening the front door. I can't get into the manor at all.

Game is up to date, with all DLCs. Replacement fix from the comments also installed.

I apologize for this pretty useless bug report, I don't have a papyrus log or anything. Game just straight up crashes like something inside is missing or busted.


Since this is the screenshot edition, are there any crazy 8k textures or anything like that?

From the screenshots this doesn't look too intense furniture wise... and the performance outside the manor is fine.

Thanks for the report, I'm not really sure what the problem is, it works for most people, so I don't think it's a broken .nif. 

The cell itself is fairly large with lots of objects (which takes a lot of RAM), so if you're on a laptop or an old machine you might have problems, as far as I know Skyrim is pretty sensitive when it comes to RAM... there are some 2K-4K textures but nothing the average 2019 modded Skyrim couldn't handle.


You could try the following:

Type "coc ACBPMain" for another part of the castle and see if that works. 

If it does try "coc ACEntrance" from the mainmenu (without loading a save) that should port you behind the door that gave you crashes. Doing this from the main menu should be the cleanest way to test if the cell loads at all for you. 





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Ok I've taken the tour and.... looking good reminds me a little like Clockwork manor a mod I use for one of my stories featuring the blue lovely daedra we all love Aria. :smile: I notice some activated spots and was thinking maybe you can bind animations or poses to them if it's not to much trouble like this one mod on nexus if it's still there that had idle animations tied to them throughout the dwemer player home. It was featured on MxR mod review one time. Hopefully I get my lazy ass motivated to work on some stories. I'm so hard to work with I get into arguments with myself Jayomms can be such a lazy bum sometimes. :wink::classic_angel:

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Alright, the coc ACDPMain works with getting in to one section of the house, trying to get to the rest of the house...NOPE! CTD from seeing the gorgeous house you have....I should mention that I also have raven castle installed as well....Might uninstall that to see if that would conflict

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22 hours ago, Jayomms said:

Ok I've taken the tour and.... looking good reminds me a little like Clockwork manor a mod I use for one of my stories featuring the blue lovely daedra we all love Aria. :smile: I notice some activated spots and was thinking maybe you can bind animations or poses to them if it's not to much trouble like this one mod on nexus if it's still there that had idle animations tied to them throughout the dwemer player home. It was featured on MxR mod review one time. Hopefully I get my lazy ass motivated to work on some stories. I'm so hard to work with I get into arguments with myself Jayomms can be such a lazy bum sometimes. :wink::classic_angel:

I'm using a couple of the textures from Clockwork, but most of the architecture is vanilla, from Solitude. 

The activate spots are mostly for screenshot purposes so you can move objects using jaxxons, I have to look into binding animations to them I'm not sure how to do that tbh.

Looking forward to you next story content ;) .


3 hours ago, RabidPhoenix327 said:

Alright, the coc ACDPMain works with getting in to one section of the house, trying to get to the rest of the house...NOPE! CTD from seeing the gorgeous house you have....I should mention that I also have raven castle installed as well....Might uninstall that to see if that would conflict

So from the ACBPMain cell you should be able to access other parts of the castle already. If you have 4GB or RAM or less the main hall might be to RAM heavy... not sure if that's the problem here. 

I don't think Raven Castle conflicts with that mod. We might be using a lot of the same resources, but I don't think there is a conflict. If you are on MO you can try unpacking my .bsa so the raven castle ones get overwritten, but as said I doubt there is a conflict. 

Sorry to not be more helpful, I'm not sure what's causing you problems here as I can't reproduce the bug...

If you have some knowledge of the creation kit you could try loading the cell there and check if that works...



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Magnificent country estate, charming atmosphere. You're doing a great job. I admire your talent. Plunged back into Of Blood and Pleasure, that's great, hit me in the heart..?.

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On 10/3/2019 at 7:47 PM, noctalys said:

This is the greatest day of my life holy shit


22 hours ago, Dark Angels said:

Magnificent country estate, charming atmosphere. You're doing a great job. I admire your talent. Plunged back into Of Blood and Pleasure, that's great, hit me in the heart..?.



Thanks to both of you :heart: 

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2 hours ago, RabidPhoenix327 said:

@Alter Native

Checked my Ram....I should be able to loud the darn thing up but...bleh. Its a beautiful house. I will get into the main hall if I have to delete half my load order to do so

Just to be on the save side, you should have more then for 4GB.

I don't think there is a mod conflict tbh. If you are on Mod Organizer you can quickly test that by trying to get into the manor on a more or less empty profile.


If you're really that commited you can try loading it in the Creation Kit and see if that crashes as well for you.

55 minutes ago, RabidPhoenix327 said:

Just thought of something. Why not make a portal that leads to this manor? Have its own separate world space?

Why would I want to do that?

It's  a lot of work for what exactly? 



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1 hour ago, RabidPhoenix327 said:

And I can't seem to find the problem with all the red exclamation points in the main hall when I look through with the CK


Oh ok, I forgot... you either need to unpack the KarlovManor.BSA or add it to the archive files to be loaded in the creationkit.ini (might be called skyrimeditor.ini / I don't have access to my computer right now.) Sorry about that.

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Ok, will do. Its ok.....Well~! HEAR ME OUT PEOPLE WITH THE PROBLEM OF ENTERING KARLOV MANSION! Use the enboost series to get around this problem. It worked for me, and yes, I'm able to get into the mansion.

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1 hour ago, RabidPhoenix327 said:

Ok, will do. Its ok.....Well~! HEAR ME OUT PEOPLE WITH THE PROBLEM OF ENTERING KARLOV MANSION! Use the enboost series to get around this problem. It worked for me, and yes, I'm able to get into the mansion.

Glad it worked! If someone has a better understanding of what's going here and how this problem is solved by usin

g the ENB Boost, please let me know, I am very interested. 

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3 questions regarding the Special Edition variant: 1. Can I use this on a current save? 2. Can I safely update to the Nexus version when it gets released with uninstalling this version, or do I need to not have used this version prior to that? 3. Will the nexus version also function as a household to where I can move my spouse to? I have Marriable Serana for SE and I feel like this place would be better than the castle.

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2 hours ago, Azzhat said:

3 questions regarding the Special Edition variant: 1. Can I use this on a current save? 2. Can I safely update to the Nexus version when it gets released with uninstalling this version, or do I need to not have used this version prior to that? 3. Will the nexus version also function as a household to where I can move my spouse to? I have Marriable Serana for SE and I feel like this place would be better than the castle.

1. Yes, no problem.

2. I'm not 100% sure, but I think upgrading should be save and possible.

3. I have to look into the technical details for that. I plan to support spouses, but depending on the technical implementation of it, it might be already possible... not sure.


The nexus version won't be fundamentally different, just a couple of extra features and come in a month or two, maybe later.

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Opened this up in CK. JESUS. The amount of attention to detail and hard work that went into creating this MASTERPIECE is nothing short of EXTRAORDINARY. Thank you so much for sharing this priceless work of art. I am personally loving all the nooks and crannies that I keep discovering ❤️

Oh for those having trouble with red exclamation points if the mod is a BSA file you unpack it then you install textures and meshes inside your data folders ?

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Mannequins are fixable. You just edit them in the CK (or better yet in TES5Edit) to no longer have any movement-related flags (including head-tracking), at the race level.


On 9/29/2019 at 3:08 AM, Jayomms said:

I was gonna say no mannequins. :sweat_smile: People tend to have issues with them and I don't use them myself either they get buggy. But I'm really liking this mod and maybe I'll include this location in my story. We'll see :wink:?:mrgreen: 

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On 10/14/2019 at 2:28 AM, Funnybizness said:

Opened this up in CK. JESUS. The amount of attention to detail and hard work that went into creating this MASTERPIECE is nothing short of EXTRAORDINARY. Thank you so much for sharing this priceless work of art. I am personally loving all the nooks and crannies that I keep discovering ❤️

Oh for those having trouble with red exclamation points if the mod is a BSA file you unpack it then you install textures and meshes inside your data folders ?

Thank you very much for these kind words.


Btw. for everyone with red exclamation point issues:

The unpacking is only necessary when trying to open the mod in the CK, alternatively you can also add the .bsa to the archives to be loaded. For normal gameplay/screenshoting this is not necessary. 

12 hours ago, Darklocq said:

Mannequins are fixable. You just edit them in the CK (or better yet in TES5Edit) to no longer have any movement-related flags (including head-tracking), at the race level.

The main problem of mannequins is not the technical aspect, it's more that they look bad on screenshots of characters in housemods, that's why they are left out of this mod.

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It be nice that instead of mannequins maybe npcs that look like they are standing guard. That's what I try to make the mannequins look like in my game.:sweat_smile:

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If you want a pseudo "quest" to acquire it, you could always have a fight with a bunch of Vigilants of Stendarr and/or Dawnguard that slaughtered one of the denizens, and said denizen's corpse has a key and a letter detailing the place's location.

Does this include NPCs? Big places like this are lonely without those, and MHIYH has been acting up for me...

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