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Family Tree - Act 3 - Full Circle- Rune's Story



Rune's Story

Part 1 - 4

This story takes place some years after Verra's story. This also concludes the Family Tree story set.


A New Adventure

Background: Hi, my name is Rune. Used to be Runa, but that was before I really lived. After my mom, Verra, killed the dragonborn and set me free, we moved from camp to camp. My life has been great so far. We stayed with some orcs for awhile. Mom wanted to stay though. She met an orc who likes it as rough as she does.


I really can't stay though. I need to get out on my own for awhile and make a name for myself. Mom is known as the Angel of Death in several holds. That's what I need, a name of my own. So, I'm heading out to see the world.


I've been feeling drawn to this one old ruin in the mountains near Falkreath. I almost missed it the other day. All I can see is a door in the rock but tomorrow I'm going to see what's inside.



I entered the doorway and was amazed at what I saw. Raw magic was coursing through the air and the whole place felt alive.



My mom and I have seen our share of magic in our travels but this was something totally different. I stood there in awe and that's when I heard her. Her voice echoed in my mind.



"Greetings child, I am Azura. You have found your way here because I deemed you must. It is time you know the truth. Your grandmother came here, by my will, many years ago. She had been altered by old magic and tortured by an insane mage. Your mother, Verra would have suffered a similar fate had she not escaped."



Rune was in disbelief that Azura was speaking to her but managed to stammer out a question. "My lady, where am I?"

She thought she heard Azura laugh. "This room is a gateway between this pocket of Oblivion and the real Skyrim. This entire world you know is actually called The Echo, a pocket of Oblivion, it was meant to be a copy of Skyrim but things did not turn out as planned.

"A pocket? Oblivion? Not really Skyrim?" Rune was trying to wrap her head around it but having difficulty.

"Let me assure you child, you are you but there is another version of yourself on the other side of that portal. Simply walk down the stairs and you will be in the real Skyrim."



Rune was thinking it over. "This will be the adventure of a lifetime...I can't pass this up. But what about mom?" she thought.

"Do not worry for your mother. She will come here in time too," Azura said.

"Well, then. Let the adventure begin."



Rune lept in to the magic field. To her surprise, it made her entire body timgle.



She landed suddenly, barely able to catch herself.



Azura's voice echoed throught the chamber, "Now go my child. Leave The Echo and enter the real world. As a small gift, you come from a world much warmer than this one. I will let you take that warmth with you. Even thought it may be cold, you will still feel warm the warmth of your home. Being from The Echo, you will recieve a magical sign on your skin when you leave. NOW GO."



Rune stared at the doorway. It was different than the one on the other side. This room had slight differences.

"What have I gotten myself into?" she thought.



Then she opened the door and found herself standing by a logging camp and a small village.

"Is this...Riverwood?"

Rune sat on the bank while she got her bearings. She could see that things were cool but like Azura said, she felt warm.



Rune eventually made her way to Whiterun and saw that it was similar to the one in The Echo. She decided to spend some time helping people in the city. It seemed the fastest way to get some gold. After all, she needed a place to stay and food to eat.



Only a month had passed since Rune had come to Whiterun. She was being made a thane and buying a home.

"They'll make anyone a Thane," she thought.



Being a Thane, she also received a housecarl named Lydia.

"I only asked her about current events....I wish she'd shutup," Rune thought.

Lydia was telling her about how the dragonborn defeated Alduin but never returned from Sovenguard and the strange moon in the sky that appeared shortly after. Then she droned on and on about anything she could think of.



After listening to Lydia go on for hours, Rune was exhausted. She went to her room and her head had barely hit the bed before she fell asleep.



A Wrong Turn

Lydia peeked in from the doorway and thought, "Wow, look at her. For once could my Thane be someone I could relate to? It's not to much to ask." Then she left the house for a drink.



"Every now and then, I wake up and Lydia is just sitting in a chair in my room. I have no clue

why she does that, but tonight it was just too creepy. So I went for a walk. A long walk out

past Riverwood. That's when I found the door. It's like the one I found in The Echo, the one

that led me here."



Rune touched the crystal by the door and was instanly teleported inside. It happened so fast it

took her breath away.



The large crystal object in the center of the room pulsed and crackled with energy. Rune could

hear voices the closer she got to it. She noticed the woman next to it and called out to her.

"Hey! Who are you! What is this place?"

The woman replied, "This is the chamber of The Echo, the great daedric experiment."



As Rune stood next to it, she could hear her mother. The attendant said, "Yes, you hear your

mother. All those who lived in The Echo can hear those closet to them when they stand here."

Rune reached out to touch the crystal. She realized too late that she had made a mistake.



Rune was pulled into the crystal. She couldn't move or even speak. The attendant laughed and

said, "Oh my dear, that was so much fun to watch. I should thank you for attuning yourself to

crystal in this end."

Rune struggled in vain to move. The attendant simply laughed harder. "I am an agent of Lord

Sanguine. He has plans for you. Ohohoho, this will be fun."

The attendant vanished and Rune's vision started to fade.



Rune found herself on a rock, in the middle of a stream. "What the hell was that?!" she

screamed. Rune decided to make her way back to Whiterun. She was only about a few hours travel from Whiterun but it was getting dark quickly.



She found an abandoned camp as night approached. She placed her clothes in a large pot near the

fire and laid down nude. Thanks to the spell cast by Azura, she felt warm even now. Rune

drifted off into restful slumber.



Rune woke up with a dull pain on the back of her head. Her vision was hazy as she tried to make

sense of her surroundings. "What..clothes? When did...how?" She must have been captured in her



"Well, look whose awake," said a gruff male voice.

Rune tried to speak but magic engulfed her, silencing her. She struggled for most of the day,

unable to free herself. When exhaustion took hold, she collapsed.



She woke in a nightmarish grove with even more restraints than before. "What is this place? Am

I in oblivion?"



She turned a corner and saw several people, men and women, chained up in various stages of

torture. The horror caused Rune to scream out. "By the nine! What is this?"


A deep male voice from behind said, "Not the Nine, just the one. Me. Sanguine. Welcome back to my grove. It's no fun if your story ends where you were. I have so many plans, so many ideas."


Rune's eyes reflected the terror she was feeling. In her current state, she was completely at

the whim of this Daedric lord. "Oh my dear, I don't like the way those eyes are looking at me,

let me fix that," Sanguine waved his hand and she felt some kind of magic race across her face,


"There, those eyes are much more suited to you. Now my dear, enjoy your stay in my realm. I'll

send you back in a few days.

Over the next few days, Rune endured countless humiliations and was defiled by monsterous


"Well my dear, this is starting to not be fun. Go back to Nirn, freshen up. I'll see you

later," Sanguine gave a mocking gesture and aimed a spell at her.

The thought of returning to this place made Rune shudder. The spell washed over her and she was disoriented briefly.



She found herself in her home, nude, the magical energy still swirling around her, and the

collar still locked in place. She got Lydia to unlock it and told her what happened. She

thought she heard Lydia chuckle.



Rune had seen what Sanguine did to her eyes and the markings on her face. They reminded her of how a daedra looks but what was most unsettling was her skin color. "I guess the longer I'm in

that realm, the more I change. I'll have to try to avoid that place in the future if possible,"

she thought to herself.




"Oh gods! Help me! I'm back here again! This place is horrible! This is the 5th or maybe the

4th time I've been here this month." She pulled at the harness bit couldn't get if off. "I'm

going to go crazy if this keeps up." Rune broke down into tears over the hoplessness of her




Through her sobs, she heard a muffled, weak, female voice, "He..lp me....ple..as.e..." Rune

stood up and saw the woman strapped to a torture device. "Who are you," Rune asked.

"I don't know anymore," she said. Her following words were just gibberish. She had clearly

gone insane, either from her torture or this realm. All around her, she could hear the

disembodyed screams of pain, the moans of pleasure, the scent of sex, and the stench of death.

All of them mixed together, around her and in her mind.



The effect it had on Rune was overwhelming. The pain building in her head was like a spike

being driven through it. She grabbed her head and tried to scream out but the gag made her

scream muffled.



Rune heard a dark laugh and it was getting closer. She looked up and saw Sanguine approaching.

"Oh gods! No! Not him!" She didn't have anywhere to run as he appproached.

"Come now. This is my realm, there is no one here that you can hide," he said. "I will do

whatever I like with you until I decide I'm done." He walked up to her, forcefully grabbed her,

and pinned her to the ground.



In a mocking tone, he said, "Dragonborn. Ha! Just another stupid mortal. But you are special my

dear, and that means you get extra attention." He rammed his cock into Rune so hard she felt

like she would split open. She screamed loudly but it only seemed to encourage her nightmarish




Rune had lost track of time. With the constant fucking from Sanguine, she had lost count of the

number of orgasms she had already experienced. Sanguine's cum had obviously filled her long

ago. What was left was a sticky, runny mess down her legs and onto the ground. After such rough treatment, her mind was clouded and her body almost broken. The only sound escaping her lips were weak moans in time with Sanguine's thrusts.

Sensing his pet's strength and willpower gone, he came one last time and released her. She fell

to the ground with a wet thump. Sanguine towered over her body, "See you soon my pet. Oh, and

enjoy your newest addition."



There was a flash of light and Rune started to see the ceiling of her home slowly fade into

view. She laid there, wishing it was a dream but knowing from the fluids and blood covering her

body, that it was very real. She shifted uncomfortably. "What is this itch?" she reached to her

back but couldn't feel anything.



She washed herself off and went downstairs. She was exausted, but after being in the nightmare

realm, she couldn't fall asleep. She sat by the fire. A sudden bolt of pain in her back caused

her to lurch out of the chair and onto the floor. After a few moments of intense agony, she

recovered to a sitting position on the floor. "So this is the addition." She was shocked but

thankful the "addition" had not altered her gender or changed her into some kind of beast.

How will I ever explain these to anyone?"



The Plan

*Game save got messed up. Here is the summary of the last chapter.*

Rune explains the wings as part of an illusion spell to sneak past dragons. She tells people

the spell went wrong and she is working to fix it.

Rune decided to trick lydia into recieving her mark causing Lydia to be sent to the dreamworld

instead of her.


She discovers an old ritual that will pass the mark to Lydia. She has Lydia perform the ritual

with her but doesn't tell her what it is really for.


The mark leaves Rune's face and appears on Lydia's.


Lydia disappears and is never heard from again.



Recommended Comments

Ah a shame, i thought she get turned into a dremora or something similar. :)


Got any plans to continue the story?

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I've thought about it. I switched over to Racemenu since, but I should be able to make her again. Maybe after I do the story I'm working on I'll revisit hers.

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