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Flame-Child: Part Two: Chapter Twenty One - For Power 2 (Niyleen)



Flame-Child: Part Two:
Chapter Twenty One - For Power 2 (Niyleen)


Last: http://www.loverslab.com/blog/156/entry-2857-flame-child-part-two-chapter-twenty-for-power-2-carciel/
Next: http://www.loverslab.com/blog/156/entry-2863-flame-child-part-two-chapter-twenty-two-for-power-3-carciel/


Part One


As soon as she closed her eyes she heard the floor creak and then snapped back open. “What are you doing following me? Didn’t I say I wanted nothing to do with a corrupt pompous ass such as yourself?”
(Dammit Nega! What have you gotten me into…) Niyleen rose slowly as she believed a sword to be pointed at her back. “Listen, I mean no harm—”
“Just looking at you is a blight on my life.” Niyleen could hear the anger in the woman’s voice, but there was still a twinge of sultriness in it that relieved the tension that had been slowly building. “Leave now Halfling, or I’ll have your head.”
“Whoa whoa whoa,” Niyleen said wiping around and creating distance between her and the elf. Looking at her from this distance, Niyleen was almost floored by her beauty. (Did the two of you—)

No you fool! And get to the point!
(Right, right.) “Um, Altmer—Trineiya—look, I’m sorry I was pursuing you, but I need—”
“I don’t give a damn what you need, scum of Dagon!” She jumped over the bed and held her blade against Niyleen’s neck. “And another thing… wait a minute, why do you look like my words are foreign? Like you weren’t expecting this?”
“Because I wasn’t to be honest.”
“By the Eight,” Trineiya said lowering her sword. “You’re Niyleen, I mean, the Niyleen of this Cycle.” She sheathed her sword and suddenly had an embarrassed look on her face. “Sorry about that. Me and… you came to an agreement last we met.”
“Don’t worry, it doesn’t seem like Nega has too many friends.”

“That is less than an understatement.” Trineiya leaned against the wall and looked Niyleen up and down. “Why are you here then? Are you trying to join the Imperials same as Sorerica? Because if you are, I can’t guarantee any shortcuts.”


“Not at all! Those elven bootlic—sorry. No offense.”
“None taken,” Trineiya said with a smile. “If you would have begun to say that two Cycles ago, I would have killed you on the spot. Luckily I’ve changed… we’ve all changed. So what is it then?”
Niyleen took a seat on the bed. “This Cycle is about to come to an end.”
Trineiya shook her head. “Already? Dang. That was a lot faster than I’d hope. What’s the damage?” Seeing Niyleen’s puzzled face almost made her laugh. “I mean, what Champion is troubling you? Boethiah? Namira? Jyggalag? Nasty lot right th—”
“Does the name Alishondra Canthus mean anything to you?”
Trineiya closed her eyes, and Niyleen could see her struggling not to fume over with anger. “Yes, I know that Dark Elf.” She was visibly shaking now. “So it’s Sheogorath? The end is nigh indeed. What about Molag Bal? Have you fought him?”


“No… not really.”
“Not really!?! What do you mean not really? Don’t touch him, don’t go near him! Messing with him is a sure-fire way to reset all of this!”
Finally. Someone with brains in their head.

(S-shut up!) “You see… I’ve kind of got an approximate date set…”
Trineiya tried to contain it, but she couldn’t help but burst out in laughter. As much as she hated the fact that the Altmer was downplaying everything she said, Niyleen couldn’t come to dislike her in the least bit. (Is this some kind of Calm spell?)
When the laughter had died down, Trineiya said, “L-look. Another reset bothers me little. Considering I retain most of what happens each time, I can cope with everything even if I won’t like it. But you… Your personality is being split every time the cycle restarts. If she’s anything like she’s ever been, you’ll have figured out that the last three versions of you were nothing alike and that you’re more or less the literal glue holding you,” she waved her hands at all of Niyleen, “Together.”
(What’s she talking about?)


“Anyway, Ruby… right,” Trineiya gave Niyleen a gentle smile. She probably told you I was the authority on killing Little Ali. Makes sense, I did kill her twice already… Even if I was only credited with one of them.”
This bragging bitch… I HAVE A NAME!

“So can you help me out? Carciel and my sister are off gaining ‘power ups’ and if Nega is to be trusted, killing Ruby can help me unlock mine.”
Trineiya sighed. “I hate doing her any favors. But I can’t let an innocent babe die because of her mother’s guilt. Fine I’ll help.” She nodded for added effect. “So, when’s the fight? I assume Alishondra made a date as well considering you’re not dead yet.”
Niyleen nodded. “Two weeks.”

Trineiya frowned. “And like that my hate for that Dunmer increases yet again… Okay come with me, we’ve got work to do,” she said as she exited the room.


“H-hey! Wait!!” (I was just about to go to sleeeeeeeeeep!)

* * *

When Trineiya finally stopped Niyleen shook her head in disbelief. “You can’t be serious…”
“This is a pretty decent place for to train you to fight Alishondra.” Trineiya walked into the shack and began rummaging for something. “It belongs to Algrem, he’s a good Nord who likes to hunt with his dog, Meeko,” she yelled from within. “I’ve used it before when he was out. He doesn’t mind much. As long as we don’t leave it in disarray.”
(Out? The man’s dead for crying out loud…)
After retrieving something came back out with a mischievous smile on her face. “Alright Niyleen, Let’s see how good you are.” She drew her sword and fell into a stance.
(She can’t be serious… It’s raining, I was just here AND I was about to sleep.) After a deep sigh, Niyleen drew her sword. “So, how do you want to do this? A light spar? A heavy one? A straight up duel?”
“Read me.”

(I hate people like you…)Pt2_Chp21_028.jpg

Part Two


Niyleen sighed again and went on the attack. At first it was a light duel with the two of them simply crossing blades, testing each other’s sword arm. Slowly but surely the pace increased and soon Niyleen found herself struggling to keep up with Trineiya’s frantic pace.Pt2_Chp21_029.jpg














This is the kind of ability you need to even think of fighting Alisha.


(Shut up!)
Niyleen’s anger got the better of her causing the Halfling to attack wildly, missing Trineiya altogether. Taking advantage of Niyleen’s awkward position, Trineiya caught her with a blow so hard all the air exited her lungs. Niyleen caught herself from falling flat on her face, but the hit had left her legs weak and Niyleen was forced to her knees.Pt2_Chp21_038.jpg






(What in Oblivion was that power?)
“Night night.”


Before Niyleen could make a move to defend herself she felt a heavy blow to the back of her head and everything went dark.Pt2_Chp21_043.jpg






“Wakey wakey.”
“Ugh…” Niyleen moaned as she began to stir but try as she might, she couldn’t get any strength in her body.


“Hmmm… well, this’ll have to do. Here take this.”
Niyleen felt something get shoved into her mouth and when it exited she swallowed to get the paste-like taste out of her mouth. Then she felt herself getting lifted up and that was the last thing she could fully remember. In and out of consciousness she went. (Did… she drug… me?) Every time Niyleen made strides in being able to sit up, she was given more of that paste like stuff and she felt drowsy all over again.


“Fuuuuuuuh…” Niyleen garbled out once the paste drug’s effect started to lessen. She didn’t know what time it was or even if it was the same day, but she couldn’t stay drugged up like this for too much longer not with time being of the essence. She felt the thing—a finger?—going back into her mouth and she spat the paste out. “Staaaaaph… pleeeessss…”


“So, you’re ready to be coherent now?” Niyleen heard laughter, but it sounded so warped that she couldn’t believe that it was from the Altmer. Niyleen nodded and there was more laughter. “You don’t get to choose,” even Trineiya’s normal voice had changed. “You’re not ready, you’re never going to be!”
Niyleen could feel her throat tighten and her breathing became harder. Just looking at you is a blight on my life. (Is this real? Is she one of them?) Didn’t matter if it was or not, all Niyleen knew was that her vision was getting darker and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
She felt heavy, like felt like she was falling further and further away from the light. Just before everything went black, Niyleen could vaguely see someone looking at her with a smile on her face. “Come on now Niyle, wake up.”Pt2_Chp21_052.jpg


Niyleen sat up suddenly and struggled to catch her breath. (What… what was that? Huh!?) She touched her face and for some reason tears were falling down her cheeks. “I’m… crying?”
“I will say, you did better than I’ve seen in a long time.” Niyleen swiftly got up and made some distance from the Altmer. “Well done. Well done!”
“You drugged me, you bitch! You drugged me and choked me out!!” Niyleen’s heart was racing. She felt betrayed and yet it wasn’t her anger that was rising but something else…
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Trineiya said waving her words off. “Listen, if you can’t take that, then Alishondra will tear you to shreds.” Niyleen glared at her and Trineiya glared right back. “If you don’t understand that, if you can’t wrap your head around how I’m trying to help you then get your ass back on that boat and never seek me out again!”Pt2_Chp21_057.jpg


(Boat?) Niyleen looked around her and immediately realized she wasn’t in Skyrim anymore. “Where… where am I?”
“Will you let me train you as I wish, or are you going to only keep complaining and distrusting me?”


“You fucking drugged—”
Niyleen locked up for a moment and then began to emit a dark aura. “Skooma laced with something else? I always forget that you’re an alchemist at heart, Inquisitor”
“You!” Trineiya reached for her sword and stopped. “Why are you trying to goad me?”
“The name’s Nega, and I’m not goading anyone.” Nega said rolling her eyes. “Niyleen will train under you, I guarantee it.” She noticed that Trineiya hadn’t eased up her stance and sighed. “I also won’t appear before you again. This occurrence was just to help facilitate the process.” And then as quickly as she came, Nega was gone.Pt2_Chp21_063.jpg


Trineiya straightened herself and glared at Niyleen. “So that’s the amount of control you have on her?”
“I let her out,” Niyleen said defiantly. “If I didn’t, I would have probably said some things I would have regretted.”


Trineiya’s nose wrinkled. “Be that as it may, bring her back out and I won’t hesitate to kill you both.”


“Whatever.” (You can fucking try.)
Trineiya rolled her eyes, “I’ll ignore that. Anyway,” Trineiya finally relaxed and looked at Niyleen with warm eyes, “Listen Niyleen… you’re not ready. If this was simply a battle of power, you’d win hands down. You’re also just as agile as her. But, against Alisha your mind has to be absolutely clear. Any doubt, any indecision, and she’ll beat you like that,” Trineiya said as she snapped her fingers.


Niyleen frowned. “So is that what you did? You took advantage of my indecisions?”
Trineiya shrugged. “To an extent. I simply took advantage of a gap of concentration. Alishondra will find a break, a fracture, a weak point in your memories and destroy you through it. I’ve even seen more than my fair share of people gripped with fear while trying to fight her.”
“Y-yeah, I can imagine.” Niyleen said with downcast eyes. “Any idea how I can avoid that?”


Trineiya crouched in front of Niyleen, her face lit up. “Simple! You just have to know yourself and to be completely okay with everything that’s happened in your life.”


“K-know myself?” Niyleen asked. “And that second part, is that even possible?”


“Yup! Once you know yourself, even if you have any breaks in concentration, you can use them to bait Alisha in.”
Niyleen cocked an eyebrow. “And how exactly am I supposed to do any of that?”


She can’t be serious… (She can’t be serious…)Pt2_Chp21_072.jpg


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