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Character sheets for the four members of the Party.


Side note, Servius is the Shezzarine and the Last Dragonborn here, but he won't be the one that will be sang in the songs. After all, he does cut quite the pathetic figure, and what better symbol to use, than a Redguard Dragonborn, a warrior that came from the one country who repelled the Thalmor by themselves, to settle the war in Skyrim with her thuum? Maybe some fools can even hypothesize she's actually one of the descendants of Uriel Septim's many bastards while they are at it...


Of course, those are all lies. The reason why Arlimahera can shout, the reason why she can steal Dragon Souls, metaphysically "cucking" Servius and later Miraak of their meal, it's because of her unwavering faith in Tava, far superior to the weak and imperial Kynareth, but who can recognize in Kyne, the Hawk, the Warrior Widow, a kindred spirit, one worthy for her to follow, if only momentarily, if just to better understand this whole dragon mess. Her moms would understand, as would her gods.


And with Kyne's aid, Arlimahera can't help but become a true dragonborn of legend, one bestowed of her gift by the Warrior-Widow, like Morihaus, like Ysmir before her, and not a pale, weak, submissive, easily overpowered imitation such as Servius, whose powers were a lie granted to him by the false god Akatosh, invention of Alessia to appease the conquered mer, a false mask to conceal the horror and callousness of Alduin the World Eater, of Auri-El, who ordered Lorkhan, Lorkhaj, Shor, Shezzar thorn apart and sundered in his cowardice and hatred.


So, of course she's the one who shouts, of course she's the one who robs him of his powers and destiny, as she gets all the glory, all the responsibilities of being the Dragonborn of Legend.


And guess what?


He wouldn't have it any other way. The less the spotlight is on him, the more he can continue in the Gardener's dark designs, as Jyggalag invades Coldharbour, as a little girl begs her uncle for bread in the town of Falkreath, as something Unslaad related also is mentioned sorry I only played Glenmoril and Vigilant for now, starting Unlsaad this playthrough.






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