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Eva's, Ivy's and Elf Prince's sex diaries.


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My Ivy noticed that something was going on when I spoke with my Prince in the kitchen about Lidija. She asked Lidija who didn’t want to tell her. Then she asked me if I want to tell her what was it but I said I promised Lidija that I wouldn’t tell. Later on, when we were in the bed, she, like a cat, was all over my Prince trying to make him say what we talked about. My Prince asked me: “Honey, would Lidija be embarrassed if I tell and she finds out that Ivy knows?” I confirmed she would and he s


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Better lover on standby

Seeing Precious growing very smart with every new day, I asked my luvs if they agreed to let her take IQ and similar preschool tests, unofficially, the ones Mikey took. They agreed and I asked Mom Zdenka if she could contact one of her connections authorized for taking such tests. She did and after she tested Precious, we paid her and she said that tests showed she is intellectually and mentally above her generation, she is even smarter than her brother. (I knew it and I was extremely proud of h


Evaloves4 in Diaries


After the meeting with the chief of the police yesterday morning due to the incident in the bar, my luvs stayed in downtown to have a coffee since it was a beautiful morning, and they hadn't had pressing businesses in the Hotel. My Ivy was in the mood for a walk afterwards, and they took a walk, talking and watching shop windows. Passing by bus station, he suddenly stopped and started to stare in the elderly man who was sitting on the bench and looking on the ground. He whispered to my Ivy:


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Two new family members (soon)

At the beginning of the week, the temperature dropped and we had snow in the nearby mountains. My Prince was very excited about it and wanted to take us there to enjoy the snow. Well, Precious and I didn’t feel like going, so he left with Ivy, Mikey, and Silvano. They sent me a few video clips. They had a great time. Precious and I also had a great time. I taught her some new dances and we tried our dresses and outfits. You should see the children's report to us. Mikey was telling me all in deta


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Dirty Cock Loving Whore

I strongly believe that after reading this diary you will understand why we try very hard to keep our life hidden. That’s why all persons I mentioned in my diaries from my RL have fake names.     I was driving to the work with my Fran and Lidija this morning. As we were passing by the hotel bar I suddenly heard: - Mrs. Eva? I turned to look who called my name and I saw middle age man sitting close to the entrance and smiling at me. I didn’t recognize him. I walked toward


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Sneaky tricky skinny ass bitch

It was total madness in our house on Thursday, when Croatia played against Belgium, the elimination game for the 1/8 finals. I planned to decorate our house with Christmas ornaments after work, and I was very happy about it when my mom told me there will be a full house of people since there is a WSC match Croatia against Belgium. And it was so, a full house again and everyone was very loud. We couldn’t bare it anymore. Since we have the keys to our parents’ houses with our room in them, and the


Evaloves4 in Diaries

A new family

Rumors about Gabriela’s beauty spread fast in the Hotel. Many guests and visitors came to her ordination just to see her or to flirt with her. She asked them to stop disturbing her, but it didn’t help. Men tried their luck bringing her gifts and inviting her out. She rejected all gifts and invitations. Being distracted from her work, she complained to my Ivy as the chief of security and asked for intervention. My Ivy assigned one security guard near her ordination. One guy crazily fell in love w


Evaloves4 in Diaries

A brass knuckle or a gun

We still have bad luck with the weather: rain showers, cold wind, or a combination of both. The only ones who love this kind of weather are my luvs. They always swim on our beach no matter how cold it is or how big the waves are. Anyhow, our guests are very patient and they stayed in the Hotel.     Malicija told Silvano about our incident at the chiropractic dressing room. She said it was her fault and that she offended me when I told her about her mistreating him. He was sooo cut


Evaloves4 in Diaries


Since we had to stop with almost every activity in the Hotel, I have more time at the work to come to LL. This diary is a “missing” diary which I had ready for publishing, but didn’t have enough time and space to post it.     One day after having good time with our parents’ friends who has kittens, Mikey wanted to have one too. We tried to explain why he can’t have kitten. We told him that his daddy gets sick if they touch him, but Mikey was very persistent. He even cried demandi


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Dying in shame (this morning)

My luvs were very horny this morning. They wanted to have quick sex before our morning family coffee. Since the children were about to come to our bed, they moved to the office, forgetting to lock the door. Losing the sense of time and being very horny, they fucked longer they planned. Since I was occupied with children, I forgot on them. Our family gathered in the meantime and our moms served coffee, tea and other beverages. Anyway, our air condition broke. My dad asked my Fran to open the offi


Evaloves4 in Diaries

50 Euros to each of us

An hour ago my luvs and dad Boss went to the capital airport to pick up Mister “XXX” and his wife. As every year, they will be dad Boss’s and mom Zdenka’s guests. Sandra and Davor are coming today too, and they will be our guests. Can’t wait to fuck her as she can’t wait to fuck my Prince.     As for the recent week, we were so busy in private and business life that I had no time to come to LL. Several interesting events happened too. The first one was a Christmas party for our wo


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Faggot and slutty bitch

Nick and Adriana confirmed again their arrival to our country on the 4th of July from Ireland. They have 3 weeks’ vacation. We are happy we’ll see them. They can’t wait to see Mikey and Precious although they saw them on the pictures. Nick had to tease my Prince again saying that his fatherhood of Mikey and Precious is questionable since both of them completely looks like their mothers; Mikey looks like me and Precious looks like my Ivy. We had a good time teasing him too. He wasn’t offended. He


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Feels sooo good

Just as I promised my son, I called Irena and asked her if she likes Hulk. Irena (confused): Pardon me, Eva, but I do not understand what are you asking me … I explained again how my son wants to know if she likes Hulk and how much it will mean to him if she does because he likes her. She smiled and said: - I am not a fan of him but if it will make your son happy, tell him, I like him. I explained to her that we do not lie to our children and that if she doesn’t like him, she


Evaloves4 in Diaries

She is not my blood

Our guests, Davor, Sandra, Nick, and Adriana were very persistent to take us and our parents out for a lunch as a sign of gratitude for our hospitality. Although we said it was not needed, that we know they are grateful and appreciative, and that we hosted them out of love because they are family, they didn’t let us alone until we accepted the invitation. So, they reserved tables in the “xxx” tavern. Before we went there, the three of us agreed we’ll behave; no sex. That’s why we had a quick one


Evaloves4 in Diaries


Antonio made mistake in Monday when my luvs were in his agency for briefing. Although he knows my Prince doesn’t’ watch the news because he gets easily upset when he sees injustice, he forgot that (very important) fact; he shared the news with him and my Ivy about two 19 years old guys who raped 14 years old girl on the roof of the building for hours in city of Split. My Ivy told me that my Prince was very disturbed and upset. (For those who don’t know: my Prince hates rapists and raping in any


Evaloves4 in Diaries

A miraculous heavy storm

Since my Prince’s condition didn’t change on Thursday, I went home. My helper and my Fran took as much of my job as they could. My Prince and our children were incredibly happy seeing me home, although he mostly slept because he was exhausted. Since my Ivy told me that she doesn’t need help in nurturing him, I spent as much time as I could with our children and working from home. I nurtured him when she was exercising and practicing martial arts with Silvano. On one occasion she melted my mom’s


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Mata's Priceless Happiness

The prices going up. Everything is getting expensive. This is happening every September in our country. We are not the richest country in the Europe but we are on the top of most expensive European countries in most needy things like electricity and food. So, we also have to raise the prices if we don’t want to lose the profit. Things are getting hard to find and order because of the global crises caused by Corona and American relationship with China and crises in Afghanistan. My Prince was very


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Lidija's new guitar instructor

Our house filled with children joyful screams and laughter again. They were all over us when we came home after the work and we enjoyed in their hugs, kisses and “love yous”. The three of us bought a nice big bouquet of flowers and very lovely fragrance for my mom as expression of gratitude for her sacrificial care for our children. My mom didn’t want to take it angrily saying: - It is nice of you to be considerable, children, but don’t ever do that again. You insulted me. If I happily nurs


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Strictly professional relationship

Our children were happy when we told them about a boy their age and his parents who would visit us on Saturday and have lunch with us. I will call him Stephan and his mother, Victoria. (You already met his father, Vladimir in my previous diary).     We worked this morning but as soon as we finished, we rushed home to be ready for our guests. Our moms were true angels and they prepared the whole lunch for us. Vladimir and his wife didn’t want us to come and take them to our place s


Evaloves4 in Diaries

His free will

Before Davor and Sandra left for Ireland, they came to the Hotel so she and I would have sex in my office. We fucked good and when they left, my Fran asked me: - Say, Princess, why do you lust so much for Sandra when you have a turbo-hot wife, Ivy? Me: For the same reason you lust for my Prince and yet you have a handsome husband … There is something in both of them that makes us incredibly horny. Am I right? Fran blushed and admitted that I was right.     There ar


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Loved although being punished

Our children, Mikey and Precious regularly practice martial arts with my luvs. Mikey is more interested in it than Precious who often needs extra motivation. Nevertheless, they are committed to it thanks to their mama and tata. Mikey learned yesterday what it means to be loved although punished. Namely, we are teaching our children not to touch or take our stuff (and anyone’s stuff) without asking first, especially not to play with sharp objects. While we were at work, he was helping my dad fix


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Very functional family

Nine more days until Christmas. I can’t hide my excitement and I am talking about it whenever I have a chance. We also had a family meeting in which we shared grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning responsibilities so that no one would be too busy and overwhelmed by work. Of course, our moms carries the biggest burden - cooking, baking, frying and all related to the kitchen. Silvano asked us if we would invite Malicija, his girlfriend for a family lunch on Christmas. We said we planned to do it


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Unplanned group sex

Weekend was full of various events. I was working in Saturday, but my luvs didn’t. Their presence wasn’t needed. After our morning routine and family coffee, my Prince and Silvano went to look for the dog that attacked him and our son few days ago. They wanted to kill it. Silvano was the one who told my Prince that they should do it telling him the news about father and the 7 years old boy who were attacked and the boy was heavily injured by Stafford, very dangerous sort of dogs. My Prince didn’


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Preceding reputation

My Prince noticed that Lidija is profoundly hostile toward Gabriela and he confronted her. Although they are friends and a family, he gave her ultimatum to change her attitude toward her or she will be suspended from e.b. because members of e.b. must be professionals, mature and friendly toward everyone, especially to those who works in the Hotel and helping us. Hearing his ultimatum I felt sorry for Lidija and I thought he was too strict with her. I confronted him about it when my Ivy, him and


Evaloves4 in Diaries

The biker …

At the beginning of the week, there was a chocolate festival in our city. We went there twice, the first time the five of us and the second time with the family, and I mean all of them. When we went there with our children, I “armed” myself with wet tissues and extra clothes for the children. Thank heavens they didn't mess up themselves as I was afraid they would. Anyway, the chocolate festival was fantastic. We tried every kind of chocolate there was. Our children wanted it too but we couldn’t


Evaloves4 in Diaries

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