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"All doors are connected somehow"


Fiona: What do you mean no!
Fiona: That demon destroyed my clothes.
Fiona: I was lucky they even sold half of my usual ware.
Sweetroll Man: Sorry but that's your fault.
Sweetroll Man: The book said for Women not to use this spell.
Fiona: Then why would you even put that spell in that book in the first place.
Sweetroll Man: I just sell them, i don't look over everything.
Fiona: Bullshit.
Conte: Another angry customer, what's wrong this time.
Pastel: She summoned one of the Hentai Demons.
Conte: Why do we even bother putting those warning labels if no one reads them.
Pastel: No idea.
Fiona: Seriously.
Fiona: Can't even give me half.
Sweetroll Man: Look Missy.
Sweetroll Man: It was your fault, you read the warning, ignored it, and still summoned it. Its not my problem that you were so arrogant as to think you could easily control a summoned Daedria like those, you could consider yourself lucky you didn't get enslaved by it.
Fiona: And You should consider yourself lucky i have something else to do, otherwise i'd make you end up like him.
Sweetroll Man: What?
Sweetroll Man: Wait you killed it!?
Fiona: Of course, what you think i simply ran from it?
Fiona: Now i'm off to do business elsewhere, so i'll be back.
Sweetroll Man: S-Sure.....wow.....she actually killed one....hmmm.
Sweetroll Man: "Maybe i should.....yeah i'll wait till she returns."
Fiona: Seriously, what kind of person sales a rape demon to a mage.
Fiona: Especially one that could backfire like that.
Fiona: *sigh* whatever i can deal with it later.
Fiona: Ah the College of Winterhold.
Fiona: Nice to see it again, shame i got expelled from this place, it was rather nice to live here.
Fiona: Well at least security is so lax i can walk right in.
Fiona: Okay, now where is the Midden again.
Fiona: i'm pretty sure it was somewhere along this way.
Fiona: I haven't been here in 2 years, so i might be wro-Oh!
Fiona: Here it is.
Fiona: Dammit...why did he want to meet me in this shitty place anyways.
Fiona: Oh well, lets just get this over with.
Fiona: Still dark and cold in here.
Fiona: Lets add a little light.
Fiona: Much better.
Fiona: I wonder why he'd call me down here, probably has to do with the forge.
Fiona: Maybe he's got some curse on him....nah he'd be able to fix that himself.
Fiona: Maybe a curse on someone else....or maybe testing a new spell.
Fiona: No he'd force a bandit to do that.
Fiona: Hmm, he feels close, so i guess i'm gonna find out now then.
Fiona: Ah there he i-! What in Oblivion!?
Fiona: Its a giant Sigil stone!
Fiona: Well i guess that explains why he called me here.
Fiona: Hey Titus!
Titus: Fiona, what have i told you abou-
Fiona: I know i know, but you get so cute when you're annoyed.
Titus: ......well i'm glad you made it here safely.
Fiona: Thanks, so what's with the Giant Sigil stone.
Titus: Not sure, it was small a few days ago.
Titus: But when i brought it here it flew to the center of this thing and floated and became giant, it gave me this book too.
Fiona: What's so special about that book?
Titus: Nothing.....unless you can confirm something for me.
Titus: What is the purpose of these Sigil stones?
Fiona: They are orbs that allow one to travel between the planes of Mundus and Oblvion, i think they help power the gates or help act as the gate.
Fiona: But its the first time i've seen one this big and it feels so......different.
Fiona: I'm not sure why.
Titus: I see....by the way, why do you insist on dressing like that?
Titus: Considering i'm one of the few people who actually know your past, i find it strange you'd dress so sexually.
Fiona: Heh worried about me as always Huh Titus. Don't worry i'm always fine when i wear stuff like this. No one tries anything normally.
Titus: I don't believe that in the slightest, that outfit literally screams i'm ready for it.
Fiona: Yet you don't do anything.
Titus: That's because i have self control.
Titus: That demon who destroyed your original outfit didn't though.
Fiona: Yeah de-Wait how do you kn-.
Titus: Your lucky those ghosts and draugr were weak too, you need to put your guard up.
Fiona: H-How.
Fiona: Titus....how do you know all of this.
Titus: .......This Sigil stone....it's not from Oblivion
Titus: This book it made....it tells me almost everything.
Fiona: Everything? Let me have a look.
Fiona: Hmm, i'm not seeing anything....wait.
Fiona: W-What the? It talks about how i....and you......wait.
Fiona: Sylvia.....who's Satsuki? Wait Emily too.
Titus: Keep going.
Fiona: Niyleen *flips pages* Aria *Flips more* Seline *flips more* Lorelei, what in nirn the words are changing too, wh-!
Fiona: Titus....what is this book?
Titus: Isn't it obvious....its a book of us, of Adventurers.
Titus: I'm sure you're aware of there being Alternate timelines as well as Alternate dimensions correct.
Fiona: Yes.
Titus: Well this is one of many orbs that exists between spaces that can allow them to link together.
Titus: and is the reason why Alternate skyrims can connect with each other. That book tells you their stories after they have happened.
Fiona: Then why is one here....how did you get it?
Titus: I got it from a Woman who was trying to kill Emily Heavy-Iron.
Fiona: Emily?
Titus: Yes, about almost 2 months ago, someone attempted to kill her and several other adventures from other Nirns by linking their souls together in her dream using this Sigil stone and repaired skull of corruption.
Titus: It would have worked, but Erandar reported that the pieces of the skull he had destroyed were missing so i went searching for them, i found a woman at an Inn and like an idiot killed her before i could ask her questions. Though if i didn't kill her everyone would have died.
Fiona: I see, but how did that woman get it?
Titus: Apparently there are people that exist in-between these dimensions too, trying to escape and live in places like ours.
Fiona: I see.....wait how come i've never heard incidents like this happening before?
Titus: Probably because they have a lot of trouble getting into other dimensions unlike those of us who can simply walk into others.
Fiona: Simply walk into them, i don't understand how can they do that.
Titus: From the stories i've read in this book these portals are everywhere and happen at random, it seems they appear to bring in people from other Nirns temporarily just to help fix the problem.
Fiona: That doesn't answer my question though, how do you simply walk into these portals without noticing.
Titus: Because all the portals are disguised as doors.
Fiona: Explain.
Titus: Okay lets call our Nirn A, and Aria's B. The door from the midden to the college leads from Midden A, to college A. However if the portal is active, you will exit midden A and end up in College B and you won't even notice unless the surroundings are different. You will remain in Nirn B until whatever needs to be fixed is fixed or if its just a simple task, then you will return to our world by another door. Understand?
Fiona: Yes, but what about these guys who live outside these portals, why would they try to kill Emily and everyone else?
Titus: Ah....well that's....um....i'm not sure but i think i've got an idea on why....sounds kind've dumb at the moment.
Fiona: Just tell me.
Titus: Well to put it simply.
Titus: They come to worlds, to kill there strongest warriors or the ones that pose a threat at that moment in time that would get in there way. Once that is done, they invade them.
Fiona: Oh...that is pretty bad.
Titus: Indeed, they appear different then we would entering another Nirn, normally by some kind of summoning rune. They send their strongest warriors to find that Nirns strongest warriors they've been sent after and try to kill them. Emily and Aria fought one awhile back and managed to kill them. This morning another showed up in Winterhold and i had to fight it. These guys are tough too, like Ebony warrior tough.
Fiona: You killed him right?
Titus: No, i hurt him but he was able to run away, it took me 5 minutes to even get a scratch on him, he was so durable.
Fiona: Then how come we are waiting here, we could find him or track him? With my magic i-
Titus: These guys wear armor like mine, greatly resistant to magic, can't even detect them much less track them.
Fiona: Then what about Emily?
Fiona: They went after her before, so this guy might try again won't he.
Titus: .....Hmmmm.....i didn't think of that.
Titus: Now that i think about it, i thought that Thaan, the other warrior was just after Aria, then again i kinda skimmed through that...those two fuck a lot.
Titus: There's actually a lot of Sex stories in here.
Fiona: Titus focus please.
Titus: Sorry.
Fiona: Do you think we could get to her before him.
Titus: Nope.
Titus: Without a way to track him, we won't no his heading, we could end up in the wrong place and be too late.
Fiona: Please Titus there has to be something, that book tells you their stories maybe it can tell you where she is?
Titus: Why do you care so much about her so much? You two aren't super close i recall.
Fiona: Its because i have a small debt to pay, Apocryphia she was the one who helped me get through......you know.
Titus: ...........ah, I see.
Titus: I forgot about what she did for you there while you your standard self......sorry.
Titus: As for the book, it doesn't show what's happening in the future, only the past. So in other words in order for us to find her something big would have to happen to her then the book would show it. Her last entry here was about 2 weeks ago.
Fiona: O-Oh i see.
Fiona: Well we can't do nothing, there has to be a way to find her.
Titus: Well without leads we aren't gonna be able to track her easily, she's a good fighter but not against these guys. This one she could outspeed but she wouldn't be able to scratch the guy. We'd need a warrior *flips page* who's capable cutting this guy, or at least someone as fast as her with strong sw-
Titus: Hmm!?
Fiona: W-what!? What is it?
Titus: Hehehe.
Fiona: Titus you do remember that the only four things that scares this me and your laugh is one of them right?
Titus: Sorry um.....two things. A. Emily should be fine....i think, B. That creature now has a third target that's neither me nor Emily.
Fiona: What? Who? Is it Aria?...Sera?
Titus: No its neither, i recall reading this ones story.
Titus: She is rather skilled i recall and even more skilled now.
Fiona: Is she a friend of Emilys.
Titus: um........hmmm, kind've...they've fucked in that dream that lady i killed made.....hmmm, that....hmmm.
Fiona: What's wrong.
Titus: Well people in their dreams act differently than they would in real life. Where in her dream she was pretty aggressive, she herself is not slutty in the least. Plus she has a slight temper and combined with Emily's rather persistent personality when it comes to sex with someone she finds attractive....this might go poorly.
Fiona: She won't attack her will she.
Titus: Not unless Emily provokes her......fuck they're probably fight, probably not to the death.
Fiona: Lets get going just in case.
Titus: Right....Hmmm...i wonder though.
Fiona: What is it?
Titus: Nothing, just talking to myself, i was just thinking.
Titus: "How will the Former Demon of Solsteim"
Titus: "Fair against the Former Inferno of the Reach"
???: Okay.
???: Now where in Oblivion did he run off too.



Next time Former Legendary Bandit Warrior vs Legendary Bandit Killer vs Legendary Warrior Hunter


Recommended Comments

OMG My head hurts ha ha good job. This rally makes it more interesting..


Aria: So I.. and Emily.. wow so shes... wow

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Hey r1pper, I've been reading your blog like mad since seeing your comments, and holy crap I have been missing out! It's amazing. You work in sex appeal, humor, and an exciting story all in one. I have to say, I'm jealous of your talent, haha. Keep it up!!!

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Hey r1pper, I've been reading your blog like mad since seeing your comments, and holy crap I have been missing out! It's amazing. You work in sex appeal, humor, and an exciting story all in one. I have to say, I'm jealous of your talent, haha. Keep it up!!!



Crossovers a-plenty. Nice. Thanks for all the hard work you put into the project.



OMG My head hurts ha ha good job. This rally makes it more interesting..


Aria: So I.. and Emily.. wow so shes... wow



:heart: :heart: :heart:



Definitely an interesting cliffhanger that we are left with.  I look forward to seeing what you release next.



again that was good




thanks guys.

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