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Bad Dog

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  1. Do you have any decent fox races for Skyrim? SandwormWrangler (who I've known since before the Vulpine race was even public) said he won't be porting Vulpines to Skyrim, and the available fox race mods for Skyrim are old as hell

  2. The handling of the normal channels is fixed in the current version. I don't actually know much about the different ways of handling a diffuse. I had not heard that Skyrim's diffuse is in linear space. Do you have a reference for that?
  3. Yeah, Bad Dog was taken (probly by me, but I can't recover that account). That's the latest FFO. I'll post an update here, or maybe just a note. I'm running out of Google Drive space.
  4. Is it possible for you to make a YouTube video on how to install furry fallout for us stupid people who cant follow written instructions......and your other mods would be cool if they had a how to video.....plz😕

    1. TheGreatKhazoo


      Will it be possible for you to return to making Skyrim anthro/beast races? Your current races are high quality, and it will be amazing if you returned to making brand-new races for Skyrim.

  5. So... "last" does mean last, y'know. Still, good info and thanks for reporting it. I've been putting FFO in the "Late FIxes & Changes" LOOT group and thinking that's good enough. I can't think that previs stuff would affect NPCs--there must be other mods in there with NPCs that are fighting with FFO. In the end it will probably always require the human to say what should win.
  6. No. Next pass I'll extend the furrifier so you have a way to deal with non-vanilla races.
  7. The original SIC creatures are complete. The new version introduced some changes in how they are handled, and those are handled correctly. The new version also introduced new creatures, and those do not all have equipment. I keep saying I'm going to cover them all and I keep getting distracted by other projects.
  8. Actually, the latest Furrifier changed that story slightly. Now the Furrifier looks at the player's race and changes Shaun in all his variants to match if Shaun isn't already furry. So if you load another race mod and that mod doesn't provide for Shaun, the Furrifier will do it. The errors are a known bug in the xEdit interpreter that I haven't figured how to handle yet. It's worse in the experimental xEdit. The 64-bit version is sometimes better. Most people don't see it. I think it has to do with how they handle large integers, but the bug is one of those that disappears or moves when you try to nail it down. I'll have another go at fixing it.
  9. Furry fallout world has a replacer for this animatron, I believe. I'll check it out.
  10. Skyrim SE? Looks like a major bug I just fixed in the latest. (Turns out SE TriShapes store the bone weights twice, once by vertex and once by bone. I was writing one but not the other, and my tests were all looking at the one that I was writing.)
  11. Likely that's related to a bug with the new leveled lists, which I'm about to ship a fix for.
  12. Very nice. Playing with it now. I have a problem with both this and hkxcmd 1.4 -- when I convert from XML to HKX I don't get a binary file--I get a file with the HKX extension, but it's a text XML file. Am I doing something stupid or whut? [EDIT: Something stupid, found the switch for this.] I've written an export/import addon for Blender that I've just extended to cover animations. I'm using hkxcmd to convert from KF to HKX behind the scenes. Would you be willing for me to distribute this with that tool?
  13. Wait, now. Did I do a Saints&Seducers that does not depend on YA? I don't think I did. It would have to fit on elves, right?
  14. LOL. Problem with Fallout is the precombines make this kind of thing less fun, because they often don't show up in game.
  15. Creatures have to be supported at multiple levels for the animations to work. SL has to have "allow creatures" turned on. The creature has to be a type that SL recognizes. (The matchmaker spell "fizzles" if it doesn't.) There have to be animations for that type of creature. MNC/BDIC have to recognize the creature and have a schlong for them.
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