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  1. Hi and thanks much for the feedback and kind comments! Ha, cool! I wasn't sure if people would actually discover this option which I didn't announce in the quest objectives (on purpose). Oh, I had no idea that honey could be that rare. Perhaps it's because of another mod that I'm using but I can fairly often find it in some vendor spawn lists. Maybe I can add a couple pots of honey to the game world in a semi-hidden place during this part of the quest as a workaround. I left this part vague on purpose because it's the final part of the quest, so I thought it should be the hardest. The paper is always somewhere in the meadery during this part of the quest and it moves its location after each completed "mission" for the meadery. Huh. I even have the functionality for that already implemented in my other mod (removed items get placed in a container for later access). I can implement that in this mod easily -- for now I've added a warning to the mod page. I guess this potential issue didn't occur to me because Unbound only ever equips generic base game items at the start and losing those is of no consequence.
  2. Hi, Thanks for linking the mod page as that meant I got pinged by the forum about this topic. All I can say is "oops!" -- I never even thought about what would actually happen if somebody started this mod mid-playthrough as I intended it strictly as an early-game mod, though I can see roleplay purposes for starting the quest later in a gameplay. I'll add a warning to the mod page about the item removal.
  3. Thanks for the feedback! Work on the mod is progressing, though I'm splitting off one or two of the planned side features into separate mods, similar to my recently released Alt. Start quest. Makes it more manageable on my end and hopefully also more attractive to players who might only want to play some parts of the content. The main quest arc after training focuses on the story and evolution of the place, including missions away from home. This will be far less monotonous than the training quest. I also want to offer an option to skip the training entirely, role playing that you are already a well trained slave, and jump right into the story quest.
  4. Thanks for the feedback. This was a bit of an experiment on my part to see how much tedium players are willing to take while distracted by shiny rubber. To my surprise, there has been less criticism about it than I thought there'd be, though I might still reduce the number of "rubble runs". There won't be any options for how often you have to run back and forth though; that mission's setup is already too complex for my taste and providing options would rob me of what little remains of my sanity. I don't remember the exact times you have to go back and forth, perhaps 15x? The rubble pile should shrink each time you pick up rubble in the kitchen, so you can roughly estimate how long it'll still be (yes, you have to move all of the pile to the entrance area).
  5. There should be a chest there somewhere in the middle of the entrance room (the one upstairs through the tunnel). Activating it should unload the rubble.
  6. Hi, thanks for the bug report. To be honest, I don't know why it even switches camera. It's not something I wanted it to do. The NPC ponies were supposed to equip the backpacks but for some reason I have yet to figure out it doesn't trigger. The player outfit on the other hand is intended to stay as it is. You're only helping out; you're not training to become a pony yourself. Though that might be an idea for another extension a long, long way in the future. 😉
  7. LOL. Doesn't matter who created it. By that logic, you could walk into a Ford dealership and steal a new car to take your friends on a joy ride. Totally fine because you're only harming a big corporation and not an independent back alley car repair shop, right? In any case, your mod is still here so it looks like the mods agree with you. Nothing more I can or even want to do at this point.
  8. Sigh... another collection of shamelessly pirated content from other games. This excerpt below is from the Rockstar page that you linked above.
  9. That BSA is for the xVASynth voices. It's an optional download which you'll have to convert to the LE format if you want to use it (or just unpack the BSA) Are you using the latest version of the mod?
  10. The first file ("Mega" link) is the optional xVASynth audio pack kindly created by CoffeeInk. The two other files are mandatory. Install the main file (Jan-23) first, then add the patch and have it override the main file in your mod manager. I recommend deleting the old version first before installing the new one. Also, a new game is most likely required since a lot of internals have changed in the quest since the last LE upload for the mod.
  11. Oh! Thanks much for the additional and very helpful info. I think I saw that issue too in one of my test runs but attributed it to a random fluke. I'll check if I didn't do something bad with the DD equip call at this point in the mod. There's likely a gremlin lurking there somewhere, especially considering that the other DD equips all seem to fire correctly. Ah, so that's what's causing the issue in LE. Thanks much for letting us know and especially for so kindly providing the fix! I totally agree on the advantages of Unbound. The non-dragonborn setup has become really solid over the years and a great option even for long playthroughs up to high levels. And that's only such a small part of the many options available. Another really cool option is to delay becoming the Dragonborn by setting the starting point of dragon spawns to a higher level, by which point my char is already a battle-hardened hero who mighth actually be able to take on a dragon. I mean, why would the Gods bestow that honor and responsibility to some random doofus who just happened to be in Helgen at that particular point in time.
  12. Thanks for the kind words. I'm still working on this mod but the next update is quite some ways in the future I'm afraid. I doesn't help that I got heavily side-tracked lately by developing my new alt-start mod "Devious Newcomer" which was originally intended as an add-on to Ebonitium but which soon developed a life of its own.
  13. It seems you're still using the heavily outdated alpha LE version of the mod. I switched the mod's development over to SE quite a while ago. Reportedly, the SE version also works in LE, so I'd recommend using it instead. There were some minor performance tweaks inside the main hall which might help with the crashing, too.
  14. Possibly. The (base game) NPCs in Riften can offer different paths to completing the earlier "fetch quest" missions. I tried to adjust their reactions/offers to their character backgrounds. Thanks for the clarification. Though even now I still can't replicate this as I got the normal armbinder equipped in my test before the latest upload. Anyway, I'll take another look.
  15. New Update: The mod is now voiced (synthetic/AI voice courtesy of xVASynth). The unvoiced version will remain available for those who prefer unvoiced subtitles over the synthetic voices. The mod is now also BSA packed.
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