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On 9/17/2023 at 2:39 PM, MTB said:





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Stuck or simply not triggered?   There are a number of possible traps stones (one obvious, the others more hidden) that can trigger this spider, but as any `standard trap' it is random when they are present (settings under plugins).


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The larger the beast, the more trouble the path finding/moving has, especially in tighter spaces like this;  taking control `struggling' may be needed or fast forward is fall else fails.


Spider should always be there, but if it is not triggered, it's hidden away a bit.


  Reveal hidden contents




Interestingly enough, the three trigger step stones do not appear in game.  I checked the ground in Brittleshin Pass right before the ramp leading to that raised stone platform and none of them are present although the chain spider is definitely visible up in the hole in the ceiling. 

  I just finished a new runthrough of my SSE game.   I may need to uninstall, clean the saves and reinstall to see if that fixes the issue.  I'll go back in and take a screenshot to verify. 

I'm going to check the MCM for the settings under plug ins first though.  





Edited by Celedhring
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1 hour ago, Celedhring said:


Yep the three stones aren't visible at all.  Gonna start a new game to see if they appear.  Easily done with TFC console command after I create the character and consoling her over to Brittleshin.  

Yup, confirmed that I'd need a new game or uninstall, clean game saves and reinstall.  I think installing the vO70 update without cleaning the save game after taking out the old version was the culprit.  





Edited by Celedhring
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On 10/6/2023 at 1:05 PM, brdc said:

Could someone please explain how to make use of the DBVO files? They can't be installed with MO2 like normal DBVO voice packs and I really dunno what to do, as the mod discription and user guide haven't mentioned...


Have DBVO (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/84329) and a main voice pack installed.  Then copy the fuz files to the location where the fuz files for the main pack are located.  Likely a subdir in the \data\sound\dbvo. For example if using the `elisif - female young eager' main pack (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88955) that is:



To install with MO2:  When it complains about structure: Right click on data and choose create directory, call it sound, then on this new folder to make a subdir dbvo, drag the elisif folder into dbvo;  then click ok to install.

For CIRI voice pack you'll also need to rename CIRI to what ever your main pack uses eg ` FearTcbCiri '.



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On 10/7/2023 at 9:38 PM, MTB said:


Have DBVO (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/84329) and a main voice pack installed.  Then copy the fuz files to the location where the fuz files for the main pack are located.  Likely a subdir in the \data\sound\dbvo. For example if using the `elisif - female young eager' main pack (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88955) that is:



To install with MO2:  When it complains about structure: Right click on data and choose create directory, call it sound, then on this new folder to make a subdir dbvo, drag the elisif folder into dbvo;  then click ok to install.

For CIRI voice pack you'll also need to rename CIRI to what ever your main pack uses eg ` FearTcbCiri '.




Thank you for the explaination! 

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Chainbeast Guardians "Dwemer Centurions" big hulking monstrosities of chain, chest and cage who bitchslap/ragdoll the player into submission  (upon capture target is restrained in essentially a "chain mecha"

Chainbeast launchers "Dwemer Ballista" instead of shooting bolts they shoot stamina draining chains that if stamina empty will capture the target

Chainbeast critters "Dwemer Spiders" small harasing chainbeasts that rush and pounce the target into submission 


Chainfish "Slaughterfish" so the water is a place to fear

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Went through couples of pages and saw many issues that I'm having now. And I have tried the solutions mentioned, but couldn't work...

1.unstable mines quest marks only work on 3 riverwood mines. Struggling to find the Riften one and DB one is yet to find.

2.Crawling animations couldn't be played properly and ran like just walking. I'm using both FNIS and DAR, and have ran FNIS after installing the mod, of course.

3.Box in thieves guild didn't appear. I saw it was enabled via console, and the quest mark is right there, but just no box.


Please give me some help, thanks!

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On 10/13/2023 at 1:55 PM, Yoen said:

Chainfish "Slaughterfish" so the water is a place to fear


I tried but it rusted away ;)    Still, may try again...


23 hours ago, brdc said:

Went through couples of pages and saw many issues that I'm having now. And I have tried the solutions mentioned, but couldn't work...

1.unstable mines quest marks only work on 3 riverwood mines. Struggling to find the Riften one and DB one is yet to find.

2.Crawling animations couldn't be played properly and ran like just walking. I'm using both FNIS and DAR, and have ran FNIS after installing the mod, of course.

3.Box in thieves guild didn't appear. I saw it was enabled via console, and the quest mark is right there, but just no box.


Please give me some help, thanks!


1.  Rats. There should be some Way to find it...


There should be a quest marker for it. It's in the RatsWay, the area with the roots and the Axe in the wooden stump. (There is also a second mine in there, but that is a `stable' one.)

DB one; marker should be there when in Solstheim


In Raven Rock, behind the house with the ingredient vendor in front of it (ash yam farm).


2. Haven't tested SCB together with DAR/OAR but perhaps the DAR configuration is interfering, overriding the custom animation set by SCB. (Edit: well actually I have, but only with some custom condition animations, not with anything that impacts normal movement.)

Do you have any DAR mods that override movement?
  if so: Does disabling those from your DAR configuration solve the issue?
  (or: does it work if you change your DAR to use an empty configuration that does not actually replace any animations?)
Does it also occur when riding or only for crawling? - can easily test different beasts with the self-capture-spell and quick capture active. (If so any DAR mods that replace riding animations?)
If it does work with `empty DAR', then you could try adding a condition:  
 `not in faction SCB_FactionTravelingToDevice'  to the condition of any such replacer animation to try to make them compatible.


3. Odd. So it's enabled and has a quest marker (which is tied to the box so should not show if its not around) but not visible?
I'll try some things (eg dedicated base form for this box to see if that helps).   Workaround until then:


As the box contains the aspect tome, you can have the Lore Master send out the other seekers for the aspect of Nocternal
without missing anything.


Edited by MTB
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6 hours ago, MTB said:

1.  Rats. There should be some Way to find it...

DB one; marker should be there when in Solstheim

Nahhh...No quest marks and no mines there. Pressing M in the quest journal(with and without the quest selected) couldn't lead me to the location either.


6 hours ago, MTB said:

Do you have any DAR mods that override movement?
  if so: Does disabling those from your DAR configuration solve the issue?
  (or: does it work if you change your DAR to use an empty configuration that does not actually replace any animations?)
Does it also occur when riding or only for crawling?

Both riding on the SCB spiders and crawling animations are playing just like normal walking.

I'm just using "Immersive Interaction" and "DD to DAR conversion" in my DAR. The front one shouldn't has anything in this issue, as it just adding animations when interacting surroundings like opening doors/searching boxes etc. The latter one does override movement, but only when bound in devices. And issued riding/crawling animations are playing normal walking one but not DD's bound animation. So I guess they held no responsibility to it?


6 hours ago, MTB said:

As the box contains the aspect tome, you can have the Lore Master send out the other seekers for the aspect of Nocternal
without missing anything.

I did try to acquire the tome via AIM and had read it, but the quest couldn't move along so it didn't solve the problem...



All in all, since my current save is heavily modded (with 366 mods/237 plugins active in MO) and have been playing for hundreds of hours, all these problems are probably just on my end. If my post can help you find or fix some bugs that would be nice. If no, never mind, I'll just try this mod in my next new save. 

Thanks for the help anyway, and keep up your good work!


Edit: Oh, I did add and start playing this mod in the middle of my save, not a new save. If this is what really caused the troubles, my bad. I might missed some mod description saying "new save required".

Edited by brdc
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Is there a way to change the names of the chests and barrels created with this mod?
It turns out that I have the game in Spanish and since the chests and barrels created by this mod are in English, it is very easy for me to identify which ones I should avoid to avoid falling into the trap... I would very much like to maintain the "surprise factor".

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i use deviousinterest mod



when you get sent to jail theres a chance to be forced into restraints you cant use the spell clean mimic  and the bedroll becomes unclickable so cant skip time



also i thought of something the weaker chainbeast mods have you thought about having a mcm slider to adjust difficulty of them due to i hit my mod limit and with to many esps in data folder i start the game itll auto turn off all mods in the save :(

Edited by badbat111
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On 10/21/2023 at 5:32 PM, brdc said:

Edit: Oh, I did add and start playing this mod in the middle of my save, not a new save. If this is what really caused the troubles, my bad. I might missed some mod description saying "new save required".


Installing mid game should work, but with very many mods there is always a chance of some unknown incompatibilities.



21 hours ago, petterparker09 said:

Is there a way to change the names of the chests and barrels created with this mod?
It turns out that I have the game in Spanish and since the chests and barrels created by this mod are in English, it is very easy for me to identify which ones I should avoid to avoid falling into the trap... I would very much like to maintain the "surprise factor".


This should be relatively easy using Xedit;

For the `added ones' : open the SCB esm in Xedit, look under activators, SCB_DormantMimic* and change the names to match the translated version.

For the replacer added by the MM plugin; there you wont be able to tell which is a mimic, but might be able to see whether something is potentially a mimic.  To change that: open the SCBMM.esp in Xedit, translate the entries under furniture and container.

If you're not familiar with Xedit and don't want to try that; please provide the translations of the following list:


Bed Roll
Blacksmith Forge
Cooking pot
Honeybrew Mead Barrel
Wood Chopping Block



9 hours ago, badbat111 said:

i use deviousinterest mod



when you get sent to jail theres a chance to be forced into restraints you cant use the spell clean mimic  and the bedroll becomes unclickable so cant skip time



also i thought of something the weaker chainbeast mods have you thought about having a mcm slider to adjust difficulty of them due to i hit my mod limit and with to many esps in data folder i start the game itll auto turn off all mods in the save :(


Was hoping the spell was not actually needed anymore...but I can add an MCM option to cast the spell to allow using it even if unable to cast spells.


You mean WMP weaker mobile prison ones? 

Cannot achieve this effect without plugins as the settings it changes (starting health, min level) are not accessible from within Papyrus (afaik).


Under SSE you can use the esl version so it does not count toward the mod limit.

If using LE you can maybe merge plugins, or apply the changes the plugin makes directly in the esm using XEdit so  you dont need it;

 Changing two values should do the trick:  Min Calc level under NPC-SCB_MobilePrisonBeast and Starting Health under Race-SCB_MobilePrisonRace.



Edited by MTB
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16 hours ago, MTB said:


Installing mid game should work, but with very many mods there is always a chance of some unknown incompatibilities.




This should be relatively easy using Xedit;

For the `added ones' : open the SCB esm in Xedit, look under activators, SCB_DormantMimic* and change the names to match the translated version.

For the replacer added by the MM plugin; there you wont be able to tell which is a mimic, but might be able to see whether something is potentially a mimic.  To change that: open the SCBMM.esp in Xedit, translate the entries under furniture and container.

If you're not familiar with Xedit and don't want to try that; please provide the translations of the following list:

  Reveal hidden contents

Bed Roll
Blacksmith Forge
Cooking pot
Honeybrew Mead Barrel
Wood Chopping Block




Was hoping the spell was not actually needed anymore...but I can add an MCM option to cast the spell to allow using it even if unable to cast spells.


You mean WMP weaker mobile prison ones? 

Cannot achieve this effect without plugins as the settings it changes (starting health, min level) are not accessible from within Papyrus (afaik).


Under SSE you can use the esl version so it does not count toward the mod limit.

If using LE you can maybe merge plugins, or apply the changes the plugin makes directly in the esm using XEdit so  you dont need it;

 Changing two values should do the trick:  Min Calc level under NPC-SCB_MobilePrisonBeast and Starting Health under Race-SCB_MobilePrisonRace.



yes the weaker chainbeasts couldnt it be done like how you do the stamina slider for them ?

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On 10/26/2023 at 8:45 AM, badbat111 said:

when you get sent to jail theres a chance to be forced into restraints you cant use the spell clean mimic  and the bedroll becomes unclickable so cant skip time



Attached a patch for SCB_MM that adds the option to cast the spell from the MCM (SCB>plugins>MM section).  Just a script and strings so should work for any Skyrim version.

(Will be included in future updates, so not needed for newer versions.)



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I'm getting back into Skyrim after a bit of a hiatus and trying to upgrade everything to their latest versions.  I am having similar issues as others regarding the animations and BodySlide.


I am using CBBE 3BA and am finding no sliders for the SCB bodies.  Even if I take whatever default there is and get captured by a crawler or a spider I am stuck in a static, non-animated pose - not quite a T-pose but the default pose when you open up the body in BodySlide, almost like it's an unrigged model.  I am running FNIS + DAR, and of course I made sure to run FNIS (multiple times) to no avail.


I know DAR has been singled out as a highly likely cause of the animation issues, but it isn't that I am getting walk animations that others do - I am getting NO animations.  I tried clearing out DAR and all the mods that depend on it and had the same results. so I don't think it's DAR in my case.


Interestingly enough, if I downgrade back to SCB 6.0 everything works fine - I have sliders, and everything animates as expected, even with DAR.  Unfortunately I did not have any of the versions between 6.0 and 7.0 and they are unavailable in downloads so I can't see what version the animations and bodies broke for me.


I even went so far as to replace the 7.0 BodySlide files with the 6.0 versions (interestingly the 6,0 are larger) and build based on those.  I half expected things to crash horribly but nothing changed for me at all, which says to me it's not the body itself.


Any ideas?

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9 hours ago, jemel said:

I'm getting back into Skyrim after a bit of a hiatus and trying to upgrade everything to their latest versions.  I am having similar issues as others regarding the animations and BodySlide.


I am using CBBE 3BA and am finding no sliders for the SCB bodies.  Even if I take whatever default there is and get captured by a crawler or a spider I am stuck in a static, non-animated pose - not quite a T-pose but the default pose when you open up the body in BodySlide, almost like it's an unrigged model.  I am running FNIS + DAR, and of course I made sure to run FNIS (multiple times) to no avail.


I know DAR has been singled out as a highly likely cause of the animation issues, but it isn't that I am getting walk animations that others do - I am getting NO animations.  I tried clearing out DAR and all the mods that depend on it and had the same results. so I don't think it's DAR in my case.


Interestingly enough, if I downgrade back to SCB 6.0 everything works fine - I have sliders, and everything animates as expected, even with DAR.  Unfortunately I did not have any of the versions between 6.0 and 7.0 and they are unavailable in downloads so I can't see what version the animations and bodies broke for me.


I even went so far as to replace the 7.0 BodySlide files with the 6.0 versions (interestingly the 6,0 are larger) and build based on those.  I half expected things to crash horribly but nothing changed for me at all, which says to me it's not the body itself.


Any ideas?



Well that's just an unconfirmed guess.  I've also tested SCB with a load order that includes DAR (but very limited set of animations) without issues, and seems that disabling does not make the problem go away so that may just be a red herring.


> back to SCB 6.0 ... are larger

Confused about this; The bodyslide files have not changed for a while, certainly not since version 6.0.., just double checked; they are identical (same size and CRC).

The SSE versions are bigger that the LE version though. (7.2 vs 4.6 in total,  ~2 instead of ~1 MB for the main meshes for the CBBE ones). 


Do you have the right version for your Skyrim version; if not that would likely also mess up the animations ? 

(Use SCB7.0-SSE + the quick patch, assuming your using  Skyrim SE or AE.)


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6 hours ago, MTB said:


Do you have the right version for your Skyrim version; if not that would likely also mess up the animations ? 

(Use SCB7.0-SSE + the quick patch, assuming your using  Skyrim SE or AE.)



Wow, I can't believe I missed something as basic as this!  In the past if I had an LE mod loaded into SE it simply crashed, but I guess this is no longer the case.


I installed the CORRECT version and BodySlide showed up correctly and the animations fired correctly.  Everything is working fine now.  Thank you for pointing out the obvious to the oblivious.  I look forward to seeing all the features added since 6.0 ?

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Getting a weird crash right by chillfurrow and battleborn farm.


I can navigate the entire area with no crashing as long as I look down. Get to battleborn farm and as soon as I look up the game will crash. started to experiment, found a specific named npc where as soon as their face is in render view, the game hard crashes. I get like half a second before the crash to so I filmed it off my phone to pause. The npc is named Hyacinth Klymer and is talking about a "metal beast is going to display her like a criminal".

I'm honestly not sure why, anyone else having issues with this npc? Only other mod I can think of is troubles with heroine (house added at location from the mod). I know a few other modders get crashes when the npc face-gen bugs out instead of the old LE blackface bug.

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53 minutes ago, PNclarity001 said:

Getting a weird crash right by chillfurrow and battleborn farm.


I can navigate the entire area with no crashing as long as I look down. Get to battleborn farm and as soon as I look up the game will crash. started to experiment, found a specific named npc where as soon as their face is in render view, the game hard crashes. I get like half a second before the crash to so I filmed it off my phone to pause. The npc is named Hyacinth Klymer and is talking about a "metal beast is going to display her like a criminal".

I'm honestly not sure why, anyone else having issues with this npc? Only other mod I can think of is troubles with heroine (house added at location from the mod). I know a few other modders get crashes when the npc face-gen bugs out instead of the old LE blackface bug.


Odd. No idea what the problem could be, but her form id is F669, so you could try removing:




and seeing if that fixes the crash.

Attached I've tried to send the LE version through NIF optimizer. (I think the included one is generated from the SE CK).  Maybe that works better?

All I can think of trying a.t.m.



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On 11/11/2023 at 4:37 AM, MTB said:


Odd. No idea what the problem could be, but her form id is F669, so you could try removing:




and seeing if that fixes the crash.

Attached I've tried to send the LE version through NIF optimizer. (I think the included one is generated from the SE CK).  Maybe that works better?

All I can think of trying a.t.m.


0000F669.7z 62.84 kB · 1 download

So I just suck|

After following the file paths (to add the optimized file) I found that there was no facegen data for Chainbeasts. Remember to run you Mod manager run with administrator privilege's.

Added the modded file above and ran Skyrim, everything works as intended.

Thank you though sir for the assistance!

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On 11/15/2023 at 12:13 AM, Denis97 said:

Greeting.  Please tell me where the 5th mine is.  Only 4 are marked on the map. 3 in Riverwood, one in Riften.  Where can I find the 5th?  Thank you.


Somewhere that is not on the Skyrim map ...




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