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I'm using willow and after meeting her I can't go any further toward Mojave outpost or over Ivanpa dry lake. Soon as I pass the sign she waits under or the side of the road I get CTD. I can backtrack to Good springs or go up in the hills toward Hells Hotel, but if I go east or south, crash city.

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Yup. Found the opposite boundaries. Can't go north past Sloan or west past the little campsite just short of the irradiated lake. Hadn't made it to Hells Hotel in my last post' date=' just went in that direction to see if I could.



Sounds like a corrupt spawn point, maybe.

Go someplace you can go, find an interior to hide in a few days so the game can reset, then try going there again.

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You could also try, If your through steam.

Is to uninstall all your mods (if thats an option, such as using a mod manager), and then have steam verify the cache, there maybe a corrupt file it needs to replace.


If your not using steam then i would say the above is probably best. go to an interior cell, open console, "PCB" to purge the cell buffers, and use the wait command to pass at least 7 days woudl be my sugestion, maybe 14 to be really safe.


ANd try going outside again and see if you still have the problem.

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Tried removing all mods' date=' tried a new game, tried validating my cache. Still CTD at the spot where I meet Willow, even if she's not installed. Reinstalling now to see if it will work again. This is starting to piss me off.



Wow.. that's not good. Definitely not a corrupt save though.

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Yeah that's beyond even what I experienced. With me, what I did was this. Deactivated all mods, loaded the mod free game, saved the game. Then, I loaded up all the mods, and loaded my "new" save. This usually worked for me when I kept crashing around Westside, which is apparently a problem a lot of people experience.


Besides that, I don't know what I can do to help, sorry mate.

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Ok, I am officially pissed. Clean install, deleted everything NV related and loaded completely from scratch. Vanilla, works fine. Add NVSE, still works fine. Add a few mods, everythings fine. Get all of my mods, boom. Get to the highway signs just past the Nevada Highway Patrol Station and it goes kerfluey. And whatever is breaking it breaks it permanently, removing all my mods doesn't fix it.


Load Order














Ambient Temperature.esm

NSkies URWLified.esm

ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm




Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm


Primary Needs HUD.esm

rePopulated Wasteland.esm


Project Nevada - Core.esm


Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp


HUD Extended.esp

HUD Extended - Ambient Temperature.esp


The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

The Weapon Mod Menu.esp

Alsatian NCR Guard Dogs.esp


desmond companion.esp


The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp

Novac Upgrade.esp













Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp

Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp

Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp

Project Nevada - Extra Options.esp

Project Nevada - Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suit.esp

Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp

Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp


Chey Tac M200.esp

Desert Eagle Kit.esp


Lean Starting Gear - All-In-One.esp

Preorder Relocations.esp






Legion Redesigned.esp

NCR Rearmament v1.5.esp

Cleaner NCRF.esp


Cleaner NCR Bases.esp






UnlimitedCompanions SCRIPT FIX.esp


EVE FNV-[GRA Patch for EVE 1.3].esp

Vurt's WFO.esp

ELECTRO-CITY - Inventory Sorters Compatibility Patch - ElectroCityCATEYEvalue.esp

NSkies URWLifiedOWB.esp

NSkies URWLifiedHH.esp

NSkies URWLifiedDM.esp

ELECTRO-CITY - Darker Nights.esp

Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp

ILO - PipBoy Light.esp

ILO - NSkies URWLified Patch.esp

Willow's Wish Box.esp



Total active plugins: 93

Total plugins: 93




Any clue? And no, I haven't made it as far as sexout yet, though I do have Prides new version of nvse and extender 10.


I know that, strictly speaking, this isn't a sexout issue and shouldn't be here in SO Tech Support, but with no flattery intended you guys are the most helpful modders I've had the pleasure of working with.

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You really are going to hate the answer but... unless someone recognizes a mod in that rather large list as a known troublemaker, you're going to have to go back and test every time between activating mods, one at a time.


It may be worthwhile the first time to install everything and not enable any of them (install to data dir but don't enable in mod list). If you still get the problem it means something is corrupt in the data folder, which would explain why simply disabling a mod in the mod list doesn't fix the problem.


you probably want to backup the entire directory before you start so you don't have to keep reinstalling. :/

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That is a rather long list' date=' isn't it? Think that may be the problem?



You'd be the first person I've heard of having problems with less than 100 mods, and the "too many mods" problem goes away as soon as you disable one -- usually any one of them will do. Your issue sounds like data directory (or main file) corruption since it's affecting the games even when mods are disabled and/or new game started.

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There's also the possibility your hardware can't keep up with what you've installed in terms of both esps & texture replacers, and possible ini settings that aren't optimal for 'em. Of course, I have no way of knowing that for sure. Just an avenue of troubleshooting that hasn't been mentioned so far.

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sorry but Bethesda did not make this game new Vegas it was obsidian that made it and they where a good company at first but when down hill quickly. Bethesda published it and they where mad when they found out about the bugs and its hard to fix it when its this bad... to me i thank the client is broken because there is another game that is the same way but its better now and getting a client changed

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OK, I know I'm a late comer to this but in one of your previous steps you've already isolated the probelm as being one of your mods that was added after your clean vanilla install.


A method I use is "half-splitting". Disable half of your mod list (making sure you dont have any dependancies missing) and load up. See what happens. If you still have the same error/CTD, swap the mod load to the other half. One of the halves 'should' work. If one does, the disable the known good half and reinable half of the known bad half and continue until you narrow it down.


If works, trust me on this. If you run into an odd situation where both halves still crash, then maybe its something tied to an ESM. In this instance, you need to disable all ESPs and re-enable them by lots, say 5 to 10 at a time. Just that lot though. First 10 good? Disable and enable the next 10. Somewhere along this path you'll hit a lot that crashes. Then you half-split those 10.


Since June I've had a promblem with current NG updates. Everytime I'd update to the lates and greatest, all of my animations woudl shit. Drove me nuts to the point I slicked the game and left it until recently. After reinstalling, I still had the same damn animation problems. Using the half-splitting I was really surpriesd to find what it was. It was a custom Sextoy ESP I had tweaked a while back. Its assosiation with an old Sexout version was causing CTDs and animation failures. It was in front of me the whole time, but I was too pissed to look at it correctly.


Stay rational and logical and you'll find the probelm quick enough. My guess is that you may have a similat probelm as I had. Some tweaked custom esp isnt playing nice with somehting you recently updated.


Besides that, good luck. I know how that wall feels that you are currently smashing your face against. I've been there before.

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Thank you all for your help and advice. I'm gonna take a break for a while, try Skyrim again maybe, and try again later.


The problem I'm having with your idea, Kodiak, is that whatever is causing the issue is corrupting the base install somehow. Screwing it so bad that validating through steam doesn't fix it. And its driving me batty that it takes a while to find. Everything works just fine til I try to leave an area. This time I coc'd to the highway patrol station to go get Willow. Worked fine. Made it to nipton, got her shit back, fast traveled back to good springs. Finished ghost town gunfight, recruited Sunny, went to walk to primm and am now consistently crashing right about even with Indy's Fridge.

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