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Hello and welcome to the newly created club focused on LGBT topics! Before you post, why don't you take the time to introduce yourself to the community a little?




I'm craftyplumbob, I'm currently 24 years old and I identify as pansexual. My hobbies are gaming (obviously haha), modding, browsing the web, and just practicing arts in general. If I were a sim I'd probably have the Renaissance Sim aspiration, I like to try to develop skills in many different things at once. It really is my biggest downfall sometimes. My favorite video game genres are action-adventure, and simple simulations. Just don't expect me to be good at shooters or not to freak out when playing a horror game. I'm a wimp :blush: (but I can watch horror movies all day long if I wanted to and wouldn't ever react... it's odd). I don't really play online multiplayer games, I'll take a solo experience over multiplayer any-day. I don't mind local co-op sessions on the couch, but that's kind of becoming a thing of the past unfortunately.


I guess that basically summarizes me. :)

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I'm AceYraltice! I'm a 24 year old genderqueer, panromantic asexual! My hobbies are reading, using facebook pages to RP, gaming and making CC for the Sims. I love playing pretty much any type of video game. The reason I decided to make CC for the Sims is because I wanted stuff from my favorite books and I couldn't find any. 

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Sorry, I misread (ironic given what I'm about to say). :blush: Not books but other game franchises/comics/visual media, and just male content in general. If I did make characters from books they would probably be the ones from the Song of Ice & Fire series. I'm only familiar with them because of the HBO show. I really should read more books... :/

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I'm afraid that I don't venture very far out into the indie scenes, so I think you will most likely have heard/played at least one or all of these. I'm putting this in a spoiler because it's kind of a long list





  • I have been trying to make a Lara Croft sim for ages. Tomb Raider has been in my life since I was a kid, I had a custom skin and recreated mansion in the very first sims game.
  • I used to watch my dad play the classic Resident Evil games on PS1 and I was terrified of them... but I couldn't look away lol. I play the series myself now, it's not really survival horror anymore (If you don't count RE7). I've been working on the original cast of the first Resident Evil based on the remake, using their original face models and mixing it with newer ones.
  • I want to make some of the Overwatch characters because I think they would fit the style of TS4 so well! I just don't know anything about the franchise except for it's gorgeous style.


The typical superhero stuff. I can't resist the guys in those costumes. I'm convinced that Spider-Man on the PS1 started a sort of Lycra fetish for me, his slender-built body and the tight costume that doesn't leave very much to the imagination... :3 I want to make Peter Parker & Miles Morales sims, but they're low on the to-do list because of the amount of work required.


Male stuff:

I was working on a skimp-ified grim reaper outfit for Halloween that was inspired by a tumblr post (link, warning there's a peen below!), but I missed the date and I need to work on figuring out weight painting anyway. So maybe next year who knows? I also had a boxing set I was working on that suffered the same fate. Now I'm working on something else that I'm not ready to share details about, just in-case it falls through too.



As you can see, I am wayyyyy too ambitious. XD


Good to know about GoT, I'll still give the books a shot. I do imagine myself having trouble keeping up with all the different characters since I've heard there's even more in the books than the show. And the show has A LOT.



What sort of stuff do you make? From what books?

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Overwatch is insanely fun and very pretty! I've played the new Tomb Raider and I think it would be fun to make a Lara Croft sim! I've heard about Resident Evil games but I'm not a horror fan so I've never played them.


The comic that got me into comics was ElfQuest and it is an amazing one.


I would love to use your mods/CC when you post it! 


And the GOT books jump to different perspectives a lot! 


I make mostly recolors..because I'm still trying to figure out the Blender tool. 


But I'm planning on making a bunch of stuff from a book series called The Wheel of Time. It's longer than GOT and has wayy more character points of view.

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If you ever decide to try out a Resident Evil game I would go for the more modern ones since they are a lot more action-oriented than the older series which are more survival-horror. RE6 is basically an action movie. The co-op experience in 5 & 6 are pretty fun. I would recommend RE5 over 6 though because it is definitely a better game overall.


I just googled the name. I had never heard of ElfQuest until now, how is that possible with how long ago they started out? lol


If you need help with basic blender stuff shoot me a PM, I'll try to help you out. :)


More POV's than GoT? How? How are you able to comprehend what's going on? :p

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I'm still learning blender too so there will possibly be some things I don't know either. I can still help though. I think I'm gonna look into The Wheel of Time when I get some free time. I read the wiki (only the themes of it) and it sounds different but familiar enough to keep my interest. So thanks for introducing it to me. :grin:

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Greetings! First i'd like to thank you for taking the initiative to create this club, it's certainly a pleasure to be a part of it and have a gathering of people that share common interests.. My name is AfterLife and i'm 22 y.o, i identify as a bisexual. I've been in the sims community for 9 years and on loverslab since 2013, aside from The Sims, i love playing RPG,  action, stealth and  horror games. My hobbies include but are not limited to listening to music, watching horror movies and gaming,  and my favorite art style is pixelart and cyberpunk/vaporwave aesthetics. I also really enjoy photography, most of my sims gameplay consist of photographing and editing photos. I look forward to get to know you guys!

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Hey, I'm HannaHavok, 21, bisexual hetero-romantic. I play games, do 3D rendering with game assets, mod and play Airsoft. I mainly play 1st/3rd person shooters, RPGs, Strategy and racing games. I started modding games almost a decade ago and have been tinkering on my own little personal projects for almost as long.

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1 minute ago, Hannahavok said:

Hey, I'm HannaHavok, 21, bisexual hetero-romantic. I play games, do 3D rendering with game assets, mod and play Airsoft. I mainly play 1st/3rd person shooters, RPGs, Strategy and racing games. I started modding games almost a decade ago and have been tinkering on my own little personal projects for almost as long.

Welcome to the club Hanna! :)

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17 minutes ago, Hannahavok said:

Hey, I'm HannaHavok, 21, bisexual hetero-romantic. I play games, do 3D rendering with game assets, mod and play Airsoft. I mainly play 1st/3rd person shooters, RPGs, Strategy and racing games. I started modding games almost a decade ago and have been tinkering on my own little personal projects for almost as long.



I just looked up hetero-romantic. Pretty sure that's partially me? Seems I'm still learning things about myself. :astonished: I feel attracted to male-presenting people, but it rarely happens with female-presenting. Thanks for teaching me that term, if I'm right in thinking it's what that means.

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I see. I'm pansexual. I don't mind having a romantic relationship with the opposite sex, (or someone transitioning/presenting as). But I don't really develop a sexual attraction to them until we really know each other and have been dating for a while. My feelings are the opposite towards men.


What would someone call that?

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4 minutes ago, craftyplumbob said:

I see. I'm pansexual. I don't mind having a romantic relationship with the opposite sex, (or someone transitioning/presenting as). But I don't really develop a sexual attraction to them until we really know each other and have been dating for a while. My feelings are the opposite towards men.


What would someone call that?

That's called Demi-sexual/romantic! 


Also hello Hannahavok:blush:

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Hi guys! You can call me Maegan and I'm 21. I am a straight cisgender female, so I hope it's OK that I post in this section. I think it would be wonderful to get to know you all! I consider myself an ally to LGBTQI+ community, and I enjoy seeing all types of relationships portrayed, but I particularly enjoy male/male and content geared towards male/male. :heart:

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