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Darkest Dungeon Erotic Mods

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7 hours ago, Fasterflight225 said:

It's a bug with the original content, so eh. Lemme just take a glance, and...

Okay. So first off, no it is not fine, Anaertailin why.


But on topic, the .atlas cuts off two rows on the left and TWENTY ONE off the top, so IN THEORY, setting their origin point to 0/0 and adding 21/2 to the 'size' and 'orig' entries should improve the sprite's look..

In theory. I don't know off the top of my head, or at a glance for that matter, if the game is equipped to handle an origin point of 0/0. It should, but I don't know that for sure.


BAck when I was working on the original Twilight Knight, nobody was really doing custom animations for classes and everything had to be a reskin of something else. She used sprites from the Leper, Hellion, Man-at-Arms, Crusader, Arballest and the Occultist. At one point her Investigate sprite was from the Musketeer but it caused bugginess and had to be replaced. Even then there was a lot of odd manipulation I had to do to the atlas files to get things like her sword to display correctly. We couldn't fit it into the original Leper combat, idle & walk sprites so it had to be drawn skewed then pulled back into shape by manipulating the size and position that cells would be displayed at in game. 


Currently she does have a couple of custom sprites. At some point after I finish work on The Dwarf I would like to go back and redo the Twilight Knight's art assets and sound effects (people always complain about the sound effects). This would at least drastically alter her combat, idle & walk stances.


What Anaertaillin has done here is to significantly change the position of her lantern arm from the original version and thus moved the light halo outside the frame of the animation cell in the sprite's atlas & skel files. That's why you're seeing a significant cut off. Here you can see the lantern is held lower and closer to the body without the right arm crossing in front of the body. One of the reasons this was done was to fit inside an existing sprite from another class.

I should probably remove the two un-used sprites for the mark attack she never had which eventually got replaced with Strike To Stun but I've left them in the mod for now in case anyone wanted to use them for something.



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I'm having trouble with the monster replacement again. I didn't really understand if i'm supposed to use the original monster's atlas files or the new one. Tried to replace the necromancer with the cursed witch from LL. Can someone explain again? The necromancer file is my attempt at a reskin. Combat and Defend work but as before no atack sprites. Didn't touch the fx since the witch doesn't have an fx file.

ll_cursed_witch.rar necromancer.rar

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3 hours ago, 6LewdLove6 said:

I'm having trouble with the monster replacement again. I didn't really understand if i'm supposed to use the original monster's atlas files or the new one. Tried to replace the necromancer with the cursed witch from LL. Can someone explain again? The necromancer file is my attempt at a reskin. Combat and Defend work but as before no atack sprites. Didn't touch the fx since the witch doesn't have an fx file.

Change the .Art files to reference the new abilities.

Proper Example.rar

I took the liberty of also disabling the move FX, as they'd look bad if left alone.

You are indeed supposed to use the Witch's .atlas and .skel files.

From the top:


Rename the donor's .atlas and .skel files with the host's class/monster name.

Edit the host's .art files to reference the donor's ability names/fx.

Do NOT touch the .pngs.


Edited by Fasterflight225
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4 hours ago, Fasterflight225 said:

Change the .Art files to reference the new abilities.

Proper Example.rar 23.03 kB · 5 downloads

I took the liberty of also disabling the move FX, as they'd look bad if left alone.

You are indeed supposed to use the Witch's .atlas and .skel files.

From the top:


Rename the donor's .atlas and .skel files with the host's class/monster name.

Edit the host's .art files to reference the donor's ability names/fx.

Do NOT touch the .pngs.


I get it now thank you!

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9 hours ago, Megumin. said:

Wait what?!?! There's some lewd furry mods for this game?!?! She's so cute. I need her!

Where have you been?

Multiple versions of a Kitsune class.


A couple of Xelsword skins redrawn to be anthro.


An absolute madlad redrawing every Character, NPC, and Monster as anthro animals, though this one is still a work in progress AND not NSFW.


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On 7/11/2021 at 1:43 AM, HemuHemu16 said:

last update was still on progress. I think it was years ago.....


Artist is https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/10169435 , right? I saw that they also made at least 2 more concepts for DD-esque characters/skins. Where do they post updates about their works now?

On another matter, I've been trying to find mods for the NPCs of the Guild and the Blacksmith, preferably ones similar to ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett


in style. Basically something SFW-ish. Do you guys have suggestions? Ones for the glossary and the statue would also be greatly appreciated.

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2 hours ago, Fasterflight225 said:

Where have you been?

Multiple versions of a Kitsune class.


A couple of Xelsword skins redrawn to be anthro.


An absolute madlad redrawing every Character, NPC, and Monster as anthro animals, though this one is still a work in progress AND not NSFW.


glad you like furry,two of your choices are my uploads. any one interested in more furry mods can invite me on discord as NoraTheExplora#5877 for more stuff.

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