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Passion [Requires patch level 1.63+]

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how to use strap on for female , it does not appear on female even i set it on 




First you must have it in your mods folder and go to settings -> Females use strap on and choose yes. It appears automatically only in KW animations. If your animations are only AW, you won't be able to see it. 


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Not too mention a sims preference can change on the drop of hat. I've seen sims go from straight to gay overnight and then back to straight a few days later.



Really I've never had that before,but then again kw also rolls the chance of gay sims and bi sims in my game maybe that's why I don't get that many unless I force them ie. change gender preference. I think before KW added that I had a male teen sim fall for another male in the house,but the one male was supposed to date the other female I made it was interesting. :D



The gender preference is KW is also kinda buggy every time I let it decide gender preference it always wanted to make every male sim in town gay :blink:



I do this every time a male Gardner gets close (when hearts come out) to my female maid, bartenders and battler with Master Controller.

Intuitively I behave the same. At least in my household.  :D  The fun is the thought of how many fathers would like to spread such bug for their daughters.... :lol:

You know.... What? In love with him??? This guy is not for you....MC->Gender preference -> Male 1000000000!!!! LoL!!!

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When you play, what ever a mod makes, looks simple and easy.

I had this exact same thought when I was waiting for Alfiechan to labor a new version or update.

When I got in to it I faced more than 8000 lines of C code and no matter how good you are in this, you know that if you touch a part of somebody else logic you might kill another logic part. After 9 months of working with passion, main code now, is more than 15000 lines.

The small details, that you mentioned, could be thousands more.

The slap and kick, needs and animations creator to make them and for the gambler to do in the game ALL he is banned in real life, needs months or maybe years to deploy! Kinky world or passion were not just born yesterday.

I'm sure that you know nothing of deployment, so that is why everything is so easy in your mind. 

As for the "The gambler should be able to do in the game ALL he is banned in real life." I answer this!

Rape / murder is just a kiss away, kiss away, yeah! I grew up with Gimme Shelter! Listen and grow up yourself!



Respect for your work!!!

Probably you have at this time, which is always not enough!((

I understand you! Sometimes the code like a person's handwriting can be readable or can be simply ugly. And sometimes your do not understand after a while if you wrote illegibly and without comments. Sometimes some piece is easier to throw and replace with your own than to understand it. I did not think that inside the fashion so everything is complicated. Outside, everything is simple.

Only romance in mod is not very noticeable yet .. But if it appears it will be very good!


Gimme Shelter - for me it means nothing, I do not understand in English.)





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When you play, what ever a mod makes, looks simple and easy.

I had this exact same thought when I was waiting for Alfiechan to labor a new version or update.

When I got in to it I faced more than 8000 lines of C code and no matter how good you are in this, you know that if you touch a part of somebody else logic you might kill another logic part. After 9 months of working with passion, main code now, is more than 15000 lines.

The small details, that you mentioned, could be thousands more.

The slap and kick, needs and animations creator to make them and for the gambler to do in the game ALL he is banned in real life, needs months or maybe years to deploy! Kinky world or passion were not just born yesterday.

I'm sure that you know nothing of deployment, so that is why everything is so easy in your mind. 

As for the "The gambler should be able to do in the game ALL he is banned in real life." I answer this!

Rape / murder is just a kiss away, kiss away, yeah! I grew up with Gimme Shelter! Listen and grow up yourself!



Respect for your work!!!

Probably you have at this time, which is always not enough!((

I understand you! Sometimes the code like a person's handwriting can be readable or can be simply ugly. And sometimes your do not understand after a while if you wrote illegibly and without comments. Sometimes some piece is easier to throw and replace with your own than to understand it. I did not think that inside the fashion so everything is complicated. Outside, everything is simple.

Only romance in mod is not very noticeable yet .. But if it appears it will be very good!


Gimme Shelter - for me it means nothing, I do not understand in English.)







Raise Passion autonomy to more than 50% and play anything romantic from romantic interactions.

It's noticeable long time ago! You will have sex scenes after anything romantic.


Gimme Shelter, is a song that many singers / groups singed and it comes from Rolling Stones (which is not a landslide but a Rock Band).

It sings about war, rape and rape murder, the worst of its kind, to all us children! 

More simple, rape or worse rape murder are Crimes!

If rape is in your imagination, even in a game, you're not far from doing it. You're not far from been a Criminal.


Mind rape is the worse of it's kind because it might make you, a what I say above, criminal and that is what you ask me to do.

That is what Kinky World did!

Ask people around you, how many of them like it? 

How much you like the idea that the victim is always your active sim or any sim in your household by any NPC all the time?       

If all this called, "fashion"  I can only add a big, Hugh Shit on it, and not a single line of code!


Sorry but this is what I believe!!!!  


PS There is a very good series tv movie called The Handmaid's Tale. See the first season, see how rape really feels and then lets talk about it...


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OK! I'm will be good boy. And I promise not to hurt good girls, especially maids! Only my ex-bitch is in the game as a NPC, and she not a good girl. With her, I think, can be without romance...

I will be listen Rolling Stones (which is not a landslide but a Rock Band)). This is an interesting song: at the distance of a kiss, in the distance shots... The translation of the text found.

And I was offered a very romantic slap on the ass. It is really romantic:). Only if you  are not in the US, of course.)) It is a pity that it is technically impossible to implement!


Another question is: why sims confuse their roles in animations, who is male and who is female? I have to change them forcibly. Can we fix the settings?

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OK! I'm will be good boy. And I promise not to hurt good girls, especially maids! Only my ex-bitch is in the game as a NPC, and she not a good girl. With her, I think, can be without romance...
I will be listen Rolling Stones (which is not a landslide but a Rock Band)). This is an interesting song: at the distance of a kiss, in the distance shots... The translation of the text found.
And I was offered a very romantic slap on the ass. It is really romantic:). Only if you  are not in the US, of course.)) It is a pity that it is technically impossible to implement!
Another question is: why sims confuse their roles in animations, who is male and who is female? I have to change them forcibly. Can we fix the settings?



The role change has to do with the animation XML file. I explain that in the first post. Most animation creators have both genders in any actor. A slap on any where is an animation. It has nothing to do C code and development. You might request an animator to make it.

Last, I'm not from US but from Europe.

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OK! I'm will be good boy. And I promise not to hurt good girls, especially maids! Only my ex-bitch is in the game as a NPC, and she not a good girl. With her, I think, can be without romance...
I will be listen Rolling Stones (which is not a landslide but a Rock Band)). This is an interesting song: at the distance of a kiss, in the distance shots... The translation of the text found.
And I was offered a very romantic slap on the ass. It is really romantic:). Only if you  are not in the US, of course.)) It is a pity that it is technically impossible to implement!
Another question is: why sims confuse their roles in animations, who is male and who is female? I have to change them forcibly. Can we fix the settings?



The role change has to do with the animation XML file. I explain that in the first post. Most animation creators have both genders in any actor. A slap on any where is an animation. It has nothing to do C code and development. You might request an animator to make it.

Last, I'm not from US but from Europe.



You can try using Exclude Invalid Positions set to Enabled or True, I have had the gender switch happen a few times and using that setting stops it for the most part only rarely does it happen now


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Hmm there is a slight issue with this mod: Too many information. I dont know where to begin. And there is no installation instruction. So many downloadable content. Which one is the base content? Which one is required and which is optional? What is the correct order of the downloadable contents? (If any).


The structure of the post is also wrong. First goes the description with the download link, and after that all the requirements of the content. Then the new version updates. Not the other way around.


Other than that, great mod :)

Well Done.

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Hmm there is a slight issue with this mod: Too many information. I dont know where to begin. And there is no installation instruction. So many downloadable content. Which one is the base content? Which one is required and which is optional? What is the correct order of the downloadable contents? (If any).


The structure of the post is also wrong. First goes the description with the download link, and after that all the requirements of the content. Then the new version updates. Not the other way around.


Other than that, great mod smile.png

Well Done.


I was going to give you instructions on how to search a webpage, but honestly I think it might be better to see your optometrist. The VERY FIRST POST of this thread links to the mod. That link opens up to various versions of this mod, all of which are labeled. I'm concerned that you can't find it, since it's how all the mods on this forum are presented.


I'm also concerned that you don't know how to install a mod in sims 3. It's actually not that hard, but there are tutorials on how to do it. What it boils down to though is put it in your mods folder with all your other mods. Anyway, here are a couple of tutorials. Pick the one you like best and follow the instructions. http://modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:TS3_CC_Basics and https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=454209314


Fair enough, the update post is a bit of a word salad, but honestly you don't need to read it to make this work. It's pretty plug & play and the instructions are on the sim's menu.


Finally, this mod just runs animations under a specific set of circumstances. I mean obviously, it does a lot more than that, but it has been kept pretty simple so that it's a clean, efficient, easy to use animation player for sex animations. Which does mean that you have to download and install the animations as well. But the good news is that, unlike this most amazing of mods, the majority of the animation packs this mod utilises are stickied on this subforum.  As far as anything else goes, it's pretty much aesthetics. It is possible to run the animations without a penis mod. It looks ridiculous and the mod doesn't know who to assign male, but it is possible. The mod does look for a couple of specific penis meshes, but that's because they're good ones. It doesn't actually need them to work, well, not if you don't care what things look like.


Anyway, this is a link to one of the best penis meshes out there. It is also the one the mod looks for first: https://cmarnyc.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/the-morphing-penis-default-replacement.html?zx=6ea3b60a99644c3c


Good luck with the custom content. Although I'd probably recommend trying out some custom content furniture as a first-timer, it's easier to see if you got the installation right.

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And as floopyboo, already said, the first post is always the basic of any mod. The zip file on top is always the last and it is always mentioned with a version number about (Passion Version 2.6.x.x) this big and underneath it is click here to download. So here is what you need of this mod and this is not much of information! Since you're a member here ... Member Since 23 Sep 2015 and that's from your profile, you are not new to Sims neither new to LoverLab!

I'm sure that you know how to find a download content here as much I'm sure that you already know, where goes the description and where the download link! 

More than 2 years here, I believe that you saw this a lot!


The many downloadable content,

Shows a creativity to anything in Sims 3.

Not just a mod but many and the hell more that I can mod! 

Even if this looks like a salad to you as floopyboo said, the Headings of them, guide you. And just to explain that..

Adds in this new version.  

Here is everything I changed since I got this mod. From day one (31/1/2017) with what Alfiechan gave to me,

until (10/10/17) with all the changes I made to make it from 2.6 version to (6 new versions above and I don't mention the updates between them!)  


Passion Object Toys and more!

Is any new sex toys creations I made for passion to use


Passion for Creativity

Is all Sims3 object meshes I extract from the game for people who like to make animations with them 


Videos For Passion Custom TV Channels

are new videos that I made for new TV custom Channel mod  


Passion TV Sets for Passion Custom TV Channels

I also made TV sets to play them correct


Above Toys and Whatever Explanation

As the title said, is an explanation of how to use the sex toys above in Sims 3    


Passion Frequently Asked Questions

This is a FAQ of how to use this mod, there's also a demonstration of how to change things in KW XML files. 


So, is the issue slight or sight with this mod?

Should I pack all this in a zip and tell you nothing of their use or is better this way?

I'm really all in ears!



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NightStorm and Almighty All,


Falloutersexy, on 24 Oct 2017 - 08:47 AM, said:snapback.png

Hmm there is a slight issue with this mod: Too many information. I dont know where to begin. And there is no installation instructions. So many downloadable content. Which one is the base content? Which one is required and which is optional? What is the correct order of the downloadable contents? (If any).


The structure of the post is also wrong. First goes the description with the download link, and after that all the requirements of the content. Then the new version updates. Not the other way around.




Mods and CC tend to be poorly documented; often the modder is much more concerned about coding than to explaining the functionalities of her/his Mod. further, "Technical Writing" (the domain where writing manuals, guidelines, and procedures lie) is an academic field offered in several universities — such as Cornell, Oxford, MIT, Cambridge, University of Illinois, UBC, UToronto, and so forth. it's a specialized area, ergo it requires specialized professionals. 

as a rule of thumb: the more developers put into writing manuals explicating the mechanics of their creations, the less they actually code. furthermore; Modders are a special case, for they often have a real life job and code in their spare time. you see: it's not a career; they do it out of sheer love.
hence — and if i may suggest: do not expect much from the guidelines — here or in any other Modding Forum. read them thoroughly several times, and try to apply what you grasped.


in tempo:

instructions on how to install Mods and CC may be found in this post from ModTheSims. further, if you want to know more about Sims 3 technicalities, it is always a good idea to read the SimsWiki page.


* * * * *


someone posted something about renaming the Mods alphabetically; it isn't actually necessary, and in some cases dangerous.

all important Mods should be placed into the "Override" folder, as shown below;






just make sure the "Resource.cfg" document is as follows;






NightStorm; thanks for your great work.


wish you all the best.




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hello, Furthersim, 


How to do the floor positions? there is no erotic option when I click on the floor! 


there are two ways i'm aware of:


1. by clicking on the target sim — the one your sim want to passion with. you'll find it under the "Romantic" interaction. Passion should then start on the ground;






2. by clicking on your sim, then choosing the target sim.










wish you the best,




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How to do the floor positions? there is no erotic option when I click on the floor! 


Technically, Passion interacts with Game Objects and Sims.

Game Objects are usually any kind of furniture.

The floor and depends on where your sim stands affects a room, a lot and the world lot.

If two sims are standing on the floor and you click to any of them passion adds 2 interactions. 

Passion, where you can adjust settings and Erotic where you can start an animation, solo or not on the floor. Floor it self, has no interactions since it's not a Game Object.  


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Good day! ;)

But trees or a rock or stairs is a game object? Why are there no animations?


Gameplay objects are objects with interactions (C classes) behind them Trees and rocks have not, as also any decoration object. There is not any class to call interactions on them. If you want you can add by modding them. Since sims don't climb on rocks or trees, add Passion or Erotic interaction to them has no sense, because sims can not route to an object that has no route. Stairs have one interaction which is the, use stair, to go to different floor level so an erotic or passion interaction could be add. There is no any erotic/sex animation for stairs yet and so it will be pointless. The animations don't born them self. Some one makes them. The sims that climb on the stairs are animations made from game developers and all sex animations made from individual animation creators. Passion plays them and does not generates them.   


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Good day! wink.png

But trees or a rock or stairs is a game object? Why are there no animations?


Gameplay objects are objects with interactions (C classes) behind them Trees and rocks have not, as also any decoration object. There is not any class to call interactions on them. If you want you can add by modding them. Since sims don't climb on rocks or trees, add Passion or Erotic interaction to them has no sense, because sims can not route to an object that has no route. Stairs have one interaction which is the, use stair, to go to different floor level so an erotic or passion interaction could be add. There is no any erotic/sex animation for stairs yet and so it will be pointless. The animations don't born them self. Some one makes them. The sims that climb on the stairs are animations made from game developers and all sex animations made from individual animation creators. Passion plays them and does not generates them.   




But there are cc furnitures made to look like rocks, logs, etc. If you need to have your sims get it on in nature, you will find a way to make it happen. ;)

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OK but there is the other way around. Suppose that you have a Palm Tree and you want to add something to it. First you get its OBJD and OBJK resource and add it to Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Decorations.PalmTree for example, add a new C# class for it and I mean just a name of it, for example 

namespace Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.Decorations



    public class PalmTree : GameObject, IGameObject





This is enough to make a palm tree object as gameplay object. Then you can add it in passion as passion gameplay object, passion adds the Passion and Erotic interactions to it and on any animations XML that use as animation object the fridge for example <Objects>Fridge, PalmTree</Objects> and you will have animations for it. Where to face the tree and how is passion adjustment to do.

This is now a bright new object in sims 3 and not an existing one that someone change its mesh.

But if there is no animation that can be used with this new object, all this work is in vain, unless someone makes one.

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How to do the floor positions? there is no erotic option when I click on the floor! 


Technically, Passion interacts with Game Objects and Sims.

Game Objects are usually any kind of furniture.

The floor and depends on where your sim stands affects a room, a lot and the world lot.

If two sims are standing on the floor and you click to any of them passion adds 2 interactions. 

Passion, where you can adjust settings and Erotic where you can start an animation, solo or not on the floor. Floor it self, has no interactions since it's not a Game Object.  





hello, Furthersim, 


How to do the floor positions? there is no erotic option when I click on the floor! 



This works for me. Thanks!

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