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Show Your Skyrim Counterpart III

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On 6/5/2019 at 11:05 AM, Derpakiin said:

I do play the game a lot with these characters. When I mod I actually specialize in optimization, so a fair amount of my edits are made to keep the game running above 50fps as much as possible. It might not be obvious at first glance but I run a lot of low res textures and at a maximum res 2k textures.


Every now and then I stop to take screeenshots whenever I run into an area that has interesting lighting or backgrounds.

On the body color selection area in racemenu, you click the diamond box (instead of the slider). The box then brings out a bigger color selection box and fades out the rest of the racemenu interface.

Special head mesh?

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Past few days i have been testing various ENB. My goal was to replace Rudy ENB which I was using since version 2.3, to something more "Korean" style. Eg. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/96878

Screens are made in foggy Riften with required weather mods. Maybe not best place to comparsion.

Face Light dark activated on all screens. Big belly is caused by estrus chaurs.



381888058_caffeineVanilla_1.thumb.jpg.4d9e95f909ed71a5be0654547686bdfd.jpgCaffeine ENB. Vanilla weather without Real Clouds. Nice and performace friendly ENB but green tint is too strong.
Fortunately, I found out which values to change to have same colours as Snapdragon has.



Dahaka's ENB. Subsurface Scattering is broken on Orc, but looks nice on Nords.



Dovah Naakin. Interesting preset but require lot of tweaking. Skit tone is too different to original.



Estonian ENB. Somber and filmic. Not what I'm looking for.



Konan ENB 5.04. Very nice lighting and colourful, but heavily outdated with massive stutters and shadow artefacts.



Kwanon ENB. 2nd best in comparison best for screenshots. But interior shadows were barely visible and I wasn't able to tweak it.



Rya ENB. Very nice and colourful but colours on Orc character are too much different.



Snapdragon ENB 4.33. Really good preset for screenshots and gameplay but very demanding. Version 5.0 is another 10FPS down.


Finally, I wondered what if I change Subsurface Scattering to setting from Kwanon ENB. And that is exactly what I was looking for. Pale and well lit skin plus colourful atmospheric world.



Rudy NLVA. Almost base setting, just Vibrance are increased to 0.6.



Rudy NLVA with Kwanon SSS.


Interior comparsion






With Kwanon SSS


Last Screenshot. Comparison Fair skin (Isolda) and Pure Skin (Olfina, PC) in Kwanon ENB. Both looks lovely, but Orc's skin (or normal map) is hideous.




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