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Skyrim nif-data anim utils

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First of all. Great thanks to all 2.49 NifTools creators!!! They did a GREAT job, but for too old version of Blender.
Time to go further? I'll try. ;)


Blender 2.7+ (I'm using 2.78)
Pyffi 2.2.3 and nifxml- from https://github.com/niftools


Works ONLY with SKYRIM's nif-kf files.
Works with humans and creatures ones (if they have 'NPC Root [Root]' NiNode as reference point - seems all they have).


We have enough good looking armors (really?), but lack of good animations. This tool IS NOT for creating/editing armors, my goal - animations.



  1. Import bodies and skeletons '.nif' files.
  2. Export .kf-file for futher hkxcmd convertation to hkx.
  3. You may save skeleton's .nif file from Blender with unchecking 'create .kf', but I didn't see any reason and it will be unusable.




If installed "msi"-version of Blender, then Python's path must be found automatic when installing "pyffi" with using pyffi's "install.bat".
If zip-version of Blender is used:
1. Suggested that you unpack Blender in "C:\Blender\2_79" - i call it as [bend_path]
2. You have to go in "[blend_path]\2.79\python\bin\" to check that python.exe is located here. In my case this path is "C:\Blender\2_79\2.79\python\bin". I'll call it as [blend_python_path]
3. Extract "pyffi-pyffi-2.2.3.zip" where you want. Let it be "c:\installs\pyffy" (call it [pyffi_inst_path])
4. I suggest that you are using Windows 8.1 and have no such tools as "Total commander" or similar. Then right click on 'windows start' button and select 'Run'. Type 'cmd'. 'command line tool' window will pop-up.
5. type:
cd "[pyffi_inst_path]\pyffi-pyffi-2.2.3"
In my case:
cd "c:\installs\pyffy\pyffi-pyffi-2.2.3"
6. type:
"[blend_python_path]\python.exe" setup.py install
In my case:
"C:\Blender\2_79\2.79\python\bin\python.exe" setup.py install
7. After notification lines will stop and you'll see a cursor for command, type:
or just close window with 'close'-button.

That's all about Pyffi. Remains nif.xml:
1. Go to [blend_path]\2.79\python\lib\site-packages\pyffi\formats\nif (in my case it "C:\Blender\2_79\2.79\python\lib\site-packages\pyffi\formats\nif") and create folder "nifxml".
2. Put in created folder "nif.xml"-file from "nifxml-" archive
That's all.

With using "Skyrim nif-data utils 1.0 beta.zip" there is two ways:
1. Recommended. Unpack archive in "[blend_path]\2.79\scripts\addons".
2. With "File->User Preferences" just select archive while "Install Add-on from File". Even with notifications or errors in console while install all must work.

To delete my add-on:
1. Just delete folder 'io_nifdata' from "[blend_path]\2.79\scripts\addons". In case of "Install Add-on from File" search add-on in "C:\Users\YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\"


Goto Blender's 'File->User Preferences->Install From File" and so on...


Usage and Tips.
'File->Import->Skyrim nif-format Data (.nif)'

  1. About importing body nothing to say, just select .nif, import.
    1.1 After import select attached to imported body Armature and delete it.
  2. A skeleton (except XPMSE) can be imported without ANY preparations, i.e. as is (only scaling female's 'NPC L Hand [LHnd]' and 'NPC R Hand [RHnd]' to 1.0 have to be done). Non-standard scaled skeletons have to be prepared to 1.0 scaling or in-game you can get twice scaling. Due to a HUGE amount of bones in XPMSE skeleton is used it causes pyffi's scripts to raise an Exception while exporting '.kf', but import OK. So you have to delete with NifScope all unused branches, like ArmLeftDismember, LowBodyEviserate,... etc, all CME NiNodes nodes too. It will not affect on animations but will help you also do not mess with huge amout of bones in Blender and speed up the convertation.
    Note: I do not plan to modify pyffi's code to eliminate crash!!! At least, you have to reduce XPMSE skeleton's nodes amount only once and re-use it.
  3. Note about attaching MESHES to skeleton.
    3.1 With body selected, go to modifiers. Add Armature deform modifier and change 'object' property to imported skeleton. And repeat for other parts: feet, ...etc.
    3.2 Any 'Vertex Groups' that exist in body but absent in skeleton may be deleted (SPB_32_BODY, SPB_33_HANDS and so on)


Major difference from 2.49 NifTools:
Instead of old NifTool's logic with using F-Curves (or IPO in 2.49 terms), current scripts in 'POSE' mode moves through ALL bones and FRAMES with reading real matrixes and offsets of bone's position.
So with creating just a pose, you don't need to insert keyframes at all.
Why logic was changed?
If using constraints all affected by constraint bones DON'T have F-Curves (only constraint itself has), also they pose_bone's 'matrix_base' and 'location' properties stay unaffected.
Now you can implement ANY constraints for creating completely functional rigs, especially with implementing 'Inverse Kinematics' constraint.
Any rotations are allowed for any bone via constraints.
But there is a limitation in changing location:

  • At first, any location change (except ROOT bones) will deform body. For example, moving 'L Thigh' left/right/up/... will make from your character a cripple.
  • If you want to move bone anyway, move it directly, but not via constraint.
  • Or while export dialogue add to the field 'Moved bones' ones that scripts will recognize as allowed to be moved by constraints and calculate they offsets.
  • By default only 'NPC Root [Root]' and 'NPC COM [COM ]' are allowed. Use ',' as separator.
  • I added this field only for creature's skeletons, because they don't have 'NPC COM [COM ]' node, but they have 'Canine_COM", for example.

Don't care about added by you bones: Controllers, Drivers, Targets... Anyway hkxcmd will just ignore them while convertation.
Accepted ONLY 'LocRot' keyframes and they 'Visual' variants.
Scaling are not implemented at all. I don't see any reason to do it.


'File->Export->Skyrim nif-format Data (.nif)'
Armature must to be selected and active.

  1. Simpliest but slow export method: Frame-by-frame. This mode not require additional preparations after creating animation. All frames and all bones are scanned and resulting .kf can have a huge size. About 'Moved bones' field, see ANIMATION' section.
  2. Fast 'F-Curve' method only for those who is familiar with Blender. Only real keyframes are exported to .kf, so before export you have to create 'Visual' keyframes for bones that not rotated directly by you, but with constraints.

Sometimes with upgrading to new version I have to change format of stored data. I'll try when able to give user an ability to update without loosing all work that have been done.
Select armature in 'object' or 'pose' mode, in Properties Panel goto Armature (to be more precisely in ObjectData Space).
At buttom of all panels you'll see 'io_nifdata' panel with 'update .blend file' button.
Click on it. But anyway, before upgrading make a copy of your file. And if something with old but updated work goes wrong, rollback,
restore file and finish your work using previous version of scripts.


1. Nothing at current moment as I'm not playing Skyrim until....



22 Nov 2017 v1.00 beta

- just reuploaded as zip-archive with proper folder location for being recognized by Blender.

- also for those who having troubles with installing Pyffi and Nifxml in description added steps for installation


09 May 2017 v1.00 beta
- Added patch from post
- Added option from post
- Added .kf animation import. see post for how-to


08 March 2017 v0.10beta
- Added. Import meshes
- From archive removed examples .blend files. With importing meshes added functionality i see no reason for them.


12 Feb 2017 v0.05beta:
- Added. Direct reading of F-Curve data. See this post.
11 Feb 2017 v0.04:
- Changed. Sequence of exporting bones is going from root to children. As result it's easy to find in exported .kf desired node for check/edit...
- Added. Bone priorities management. See EXPORT section.
- Instead of store data in textblocks of Blender file (which can be accidentally corrupted) all internal data are stored in properties of objects.
- Added. Update functional. Because data is moved, use UPDATE ability. See UPDATE section.


10 Feb 2017 v0.03:
- Fix. 'Import/Export scale correction' different from 1.0 settings don't causes error. Now editing F-Curves in 'Graph Editior' may be more comfortable.
09 Feb 2017 v0.02:
- Allowed to implement constraints for bones and create completely functional rigs. See ANIMATION section.
- Changed (is it really necessary?). With extracting vanilla Skyrim .hkx-es to .kf, user_version is dispayed as 11, i.e. 11/83, not 12/83 as for .nifs, so now 11/83 is used.
- Changed (is it really necessary?). With same tries in NiControllerSequence->Controlled Blocks->[block]->priority I always got 0, but NifTools means 26 as default. 0 now used.


Again and again, sorry for my English.


Kind Regards

  • Submitter
  • Submitted
  • Category
  • Requires
    Blender 2.7+, Pyffi
  • Special Edition Compatible



So we can use this to create animations in .kf format, and use hkxcmd to convert them to .hkx? You're a godsend, I've been trying to get animations set up without access to the right versions of 3ds max for days now.


Is this anything like this here? I have been using it for awhile now to import in nif files into blender 2.77.


https://github.com/niftools/blender_nif_plugin/releases The thread that I got it from. http://www.loverslab.com/topic/71676-blender-278a-importing-nif-files-directly/

I tried with current stages of  NifTools. Conclusion - nobody knows when it can save your work, especially animations.


Kind Regards.



v0.02 is out. Added support for using constraints. Now functional rigs can be created.

Next stages in TODO: adding direct import body meshes and .kf-files.


I have some questions for those who in theme:

1. Extracted from vanilla .hkx .kf seems more organized. I mean that nodes goes from root to child. 2.49 NifTools expots them to .kf chaotic. Does it affect on resulting animation at all?

2. In-game when bone passes through axis some jerking sometimes happens. Is it my export scripts fault? Or this is a lack of my animation skills? For example, add keyframes near crossing axis to prevent interpolating a values that are too close to zero?


Kind Regards.


  Thank you, It is nice to at least get the NPC into blender, I hope you make more ready to use Blender file's.  The skeleton movements seem easy enough, the IK lock was not hard to implement, though as with most game skeletons I have messed with, they are clunky to work with once you start using IK.



     Last time I attempted to get Nif files from skyrim to Blender, I had to do so much with Nifskope, I just got bored with trying. It was so easy in Oblivion, some one made, and import export Plugin that just really made it easy.


   It would be nice to have easy to import, export plugin for Skyrim. I might be more inclined to attempt some animating here if that were so.  But there are so many animations now, that I can not place them all in SexLab, the 500 limit I am already at :s




   Thank you so much for this..


  Thank you, It is nice to at least get the NPC into blender, I hope you make more ready to use Blender file's.  The skeleton movements seem easy enough, the IK lock was not hard to implement, though as with most game skeletons I have messed with, they are clunky to work with once you start using IK.



     Last time I attempted to get Nif files from skyrim to Blender, I had to do so much with Nifskope, I just got bored with trying. It was so easy in Oblivion, some one made, and import export Plugin that just really made it easy.


   It would be nice to have easy to import, export plugin for Skyrim. I might be more inclined to attempt some animating here if that were so.  But there are so many animations now, that I can not place them all in SexLab, the 500 limit I am already at :s




   Thank you so much for this..


Have you noticed that 'tools' posted under NON-ADULT section? ;)

At first, I din't mean SexLab animations which limit you are reached, but lack of animations at all, especially for immersive gameplay.

Reasons for doing this work for me are:

1. Add some undress/dress animations to my 'Strip Manager' mod.

2. Add non-sex, but caress animations with animals to my 'Animals and Follovers' mod.


I do not plan to create (or share) Rigs for actors (human or creatures). Let's people make own. It's enough for me to give for everyone possibility to import any skeleton to Blender, create an animation and export it.


And I do not plan to extend this 'tools' for work with armors/textures/weights etc, at least not now. Two things that i want to add to functionality: minimal but correct support for importing bodies; and importing .kf to Blender.


Kind Regards.

:s I am completely lost, and with every new installation of everything, there is always a problem that comes back.


D after what i see the you use 2 blenders? 1 to import the other to work?


Shit I do not already have to have 1 that works at 100% then 2 at the same time.


In short, when my head gives me ideas I come test start blender, unfortunately there is still a problem somewhere so after 3 hours of hacking that serves nothing I give up, its going to do 2 years.


Somewhat could help me on this one, before I had installed blender 2.50 portable nifscope worked, but on blender the scripts were not working.


I installed blender 2.49b and nifscope no longer works to import there are errors .... bad luck follows me and hooks up, so that I can not finally work on animations lol




  :s A test to import a body mesh, that's what it gives




I am completely lost, and with every new installation of everything, there is always a problem that comes back...........



I have installed 2 Blenders: portable 2.49 and 'normal' 2.78. But No, I don't work with 2.49 at all, except some steps for attaching to skeleton in v2.78 properly weighted bodies, but everybody can import .obj to 2.78 and don't use 2.49 at all.

Also I have 'old' nifscope, installed in "Program Files" (do not remember how many times ago it have been installed, seems 2015). And new version for test, but prefer 'old'.


About your troubles, try to download and reinstall NifScope, maybe 'nif.xml', placed inside his folder is corrupted...


Kind Regards.


Any nifscope version can work with blender 2.49b to import mesh ? 

NifScope and Blender are completely different applications. If you mean NifTools/Scripts for Blender they SEEMS dont interfere too. But pyffi and NifScope have something common, named 'nifxml', but they have OWN copies of 'nif.xml' files. For example, more or less last as official release of pyffi works with nif.xml ver., but latest NifScope with ver. So by idea they don't interfere too.


If you mean in which version of NifScope you can prepare nif-file for import to Blender 2.49, answer - any. Just change user versions in header, remove unsupported by old NifTools brances (search, even here on LL, some tutorials about HOW-TO import) and go on. ;)


Kind Regards


"УР-Р-Р-А-А-А-А-А!!! Заработало!!!" (с) Кот Матроскин (Каникулы в Простоквашино)
"Как ни мучалась, а умерла хорошо" - народное изречение.
In beta testing available direct work with F-Curves.
Make your animation with obvious way but:
ATTENTION: At this moment every keyframe MUST be LocRot type (obvious 'LocRot' or 'Visual LocRot')
To finish your work:
Skyrim doesn't interpolate animation data itself.
As example use "female1.blend" from installation archive. Without changing anything just export .kf with 'Curve-Based' option.
In-game you'll see a robotic animation. Hand changes position ONLY in actual frame that keyframe is belonging.
To make all work as intended just select all three 'groups of channels' (NPC L Forearm [LLar], ...) in Graph Editor.
Select "Key->Sample Keyframes". Blender will add keyframes to every frame of animation.
Export .kf again (don't forget 'Curve-Based' option). Everything works.
Work with bones that were moved by IK-constraint (or any constraint) a bit complicated.
For them 'Visual LocRot' must be used. Again, every frame for non-direct affected bone MUST have a keyframe.
Fast inserting with "Key->Sample Keyframes" in that case not works as intended.
Every frame must be inserted manually. Or manually insert keyframes in extremum poins, only then "Key->Sample Keyframes" can be used.
See attached to this post 'female_constr.blend' - modified 'female2.blend'.

Still don't test it, but generally I did this for ability to eliminate 'flickering' frames for particular bone.
As example, every time when Thigh bone passes z-axis in my animation all leg is flicker. I plan just jump over this frame
like in first 'robotic' animation described in this post.

Kind Regards


io_nifdata 0.05beta.7z





You made it!


I will try your plugin as soon as possible.


Concerning the problem of manual insertion of key for IK constraints, it already existed with blender 2.49.


There was a "baking" option somewhere in blender 2.49 I never used myself.

I recall from my readings it was very slow, Connoisseurs used a baking script instead :

dead ringer script


The script itself is available as a download on the third line "dead ringer" of the third post.

Unfortunately, it is a blender 2.49 script that needs to be adapted to newest blender version.


I'll check anyway for the baking animation option in newest blender.


Best regards



Found the baking option in blender, for full text see  :

blender manual


In short :

Mode: Object and Pose Modes
Panel: Tool Shelf ‣ Animation ‣ Animation ‣ Action: Bake Action
Menu: 3D View ‣ Object/Pose ‣ Animation ‣ Bake Action...

The Bake Action tool will apply interpolated frames into individual key frames.


This can be useful for (...)  keyframe animations created from drivers or constraints.


Time for testing.....


Best regards


For now, the export script does function.


I have exported the skeleton alone as a nif file, then the animation as a kf file.


In Nifskope, I have opened the skeleton nif file then appended the animation as kf file.


At the import of the kf file, nifskope displays a warning message :

"The following controlled nodes were not found in the nif:"




"CME Camera3rd [Cam3]"

"Camera3rd [Cam3]"





But the animation does play without apparent problem.


I won't be able to test in game as soon as I wished.

My install of Skyrim is somehow corrupted.


Once again, thank you for the great work.


Best regards


Found the baking option in blender, for full text see  :

blender manual


In short :

Mode: Object and Pose Modes
Panel: Tool Shelf ‣ Animation ‣ Animation ‣ Action: Bake Action
Menu: 3D View ‣ Object/Pose ‣ Animation ‣ Bake Action...

The Bake Action tool will apply interpolated frames into individual key frames.


This can be useful for (...)  keyframe animations created from drivers or constraints.


Time for testing.....


Best regards

Thnks for repy, even I'm newbie in Blender's terms - never use they upgrade lessons, but thanks to him about HORROR-maded mabual

I'm not animator - Blender for me is just new opend book

Python. I'm C++ prog, but Python goes me CRAZY

And sry for misunderstandings.




For now, the export script does function.


I have exported the skeleton alone as a nif file, then the animation as a kf file.


In Nifskope, I have opened the skeleton nif file then appended the animation as kf file.


At the import of the kf file, nifskope displays a warning message :

"The following controlled nodes were not found in the nif:"




"CME Camera3rd [Cam3]"

"Camera3rd [Cam3]"





But the animation does play without apparent problem.


I won't be able to test in game as soon as I wished.

My install of Skyrim is somehow corrupted.


Once again, thank you for the great work.


Best regards

For what reason you have exported skeleton's nif from Blender? Just enough to export .kf file and pass it to hkxcmd with skeleton that is used by you in-game. Hkxcmd just skips all nodes (like _MovRot_... etc) that not exists in skeleton file. I'm using XPMSE HDT version, but difference with BBP or any other seems only about additional nodes that affect at pussy, breast and butts.

Best Regards.



To kozzz :

vpoteryaev has managed a huge breakthrough, no doubt about it.


The skeleton was exported in order to test the plugin output in nifskope as I can't test it in game for the moment (corrupted installation).

I have not investigated the warning message  in detail.


At this point, I would say the plugin exports the IK_bone within the kf file.

With the naming convention vpoteryaev uses, I think bones starting by "_IK_" should not be exported.

It might not be very important if the exported kf animation file works in game.


Best regards


To kozzz :

vpoteryaev has managed a huge breakthrough, no doubt about it.


The skeleton was exported in order to test the plugin output in nifskope as I can't test it in game for the moment (corrupted installation).

I have not investigated the warning message  in detail.


At this point, I would say the plugin exports the IK_bone within the kf file.

With the naming convention vpoteryaev uses, I think bones starting by "_IK_" should not be exported.

It might not be very important if the exported kf animation file works in game.


Best regards

I can simply add to export dialogue a field which can contain 'prefixes' or direct bone names that will be skipped in output to .kf. But I see no reason. They presense in .kf have no affection at all. But maybe I missed something?

kozzz is right that hkxcmd while convert just skips absent in skeleton nodes.

If some issue, related to exporting with 'fake' bones exists - I'm all ears. And will try to fix.


Kind Regards.



To Vpoteryaev :

Well, you are right. The IK bones will probably have no effect on the displayed animation in game as the mesh is only weight painted against the deform bones of the skeleton.


As I understand it, the 'blender nif plugin' is said to be able to import mesh and skeleton and export mesh and skeleton.

I refer to this one : blender_nif_plugin-2.6.0a0.dev4-20-jun-16

The 'skyrim nif-data utils' allows to import skeleton and export skeleton and animation.

Thus, with these two tools installed, I should be able to import a model from skyrim with its skeleton, make an animation and export it as a kf file without ever using blender 2.49.

Then, use khxcmd on the kf animation file and the nif skeleton file to produce the hkx animation file that can be used in SKYRIM.


I am interested in making wrestling animation.

I've read about a trick to make paired animation : zaz paired animation rig and paired animation export tutorial by kentington

It is roughly based on creating a paired root then importing a first skeleton prefixing its bone by 2_and then importing a second skeleton.

I have unfortunately not found any rig demonstrating this in blender.

Have you ?

Do you think this approach is compatible with your tool (I am thinking of the xpmse limitation you wrote about) ?


For further export of the paired animation, I have read the limitation of hkxcmd can be overriden by an appropriate "switch" -s.

The method is described further in the tutorial : animating in skyrim with custom bones (blender/hkxcmd)


Normally, green light : all the tools are available an newest blender.


Time for testing...


Best regards



To Vpoteryaev :



Well, you are right. The IK bones will probably have no effect on the displayed animation in game as the mesh is only weight painted against the deform bones of the skeleton.


As I understand it, the 'blender nif plugin' is said to be able to import mesh and skeleton and export mesh and skeleton.

I refer to this one : blender_nif_plugin-2.6.0a0.dev4-20-jun-16

The 'skyrim nif-data utils' allows to import skeleton and export skeleton and animation.

Thus, with these two tools installed, I should be able to import a model from skyrim with its skeleton, make an animation and export it as a kf file without ever using blender 2.49.

Then, use khxcmd on the kf animation file and the nif skeleton file to produce the hkx animation file that can be used in SKYRIM.


I am interested in making wrestling animation.

I've read about a trick to make paired animation : zaz paired animation rig and paired animation export tutorial by kentington

It is roughly based on creating a paired root then importing a first skeleton prefixing its bone by 2_and then importing a second skeleton.

I have unfortunately not found any rig demonstrating this in blender.

Have you ?

Do you think this approach is compatible with your tool (I am thinking of the xpmse limitation you wrote about) ?


For further export of the paired animation, I have read the limitation of hkxcmd can be overriden by an appropriate "switch" -s.

The method is described further in the tutorial : animating in skyrim with custom bones (blender/hkxcmd)


Normally, green light : all the tools are available an newest blender.


Time for testing...


Best regards



Till now I'm not think about paired/multiply animations. But if some actors with their skeletons are in Blender's file - I assume no conflicts will happen. Afterwards at once export animation data in .kf for selected and active skeleton. Or in cycle go through all skeletons with exporting all data in separate .kf-files (I don't talk about creating killmoves, never look at them at all from inner structure). Old niftools have stored correction matrixes, etc. in txt-blocks, so some kind of mess can happen with loading different skeletons in single .blend-file. I moved this data directly to properties of armature bones so see no conflicts for having not single actor in one file.

BUT this is only my thoughts and not tested. One thing to care about: skeleton nodes MUST to be renamed before importing (not in Blender - some tests have to be done about renaming them in Blender - maybe this will break all), afterward backward renaming can be done direct in .kf.

But this thoughts seems to me like some kind of forecasting: "Бежать впереди паровоза" ;)


Kind Regards


Maybe good news, but more tests needed.
Issue: Not related to static poses, but when animated bone is passing one of the axis 'flickering' can happens, especially with Leg's bones.
Seems quaternion due calculations 'jumps' to negative with causing 'flickering'. And this is Skyrim's bug.
For example:
quat1 = Quaternion((some_w, some_x, some_y, some_z))
quat2 = quat1.copy()
As result quat1 and quat2 are equal when some point (mesh, etc.) position is calculating, but they axis' directions are quite opposite, i.e. angle between this vectors 180 degrees. It's for mathematics they rotations are equal - just do compare they rotation matrixes, but NOT for SKYRIM. Skyrim's engine for unknown reason try to place the bone in opposit direction, but next frame is OK till new 'jump'.
I just added a check with comparing angle between vector from previous frame and current one. And if absolute value exceeds 90 degrees turn current frame's quaternion to negative. Skyrim seems like it.

Due to lack of free time I did a pair of quick tests in "Frame-by-frame" export mode - all seems smooth. But F-Curves method must works too.
Without solving this issue I see no reason to go further, so feedbacks are highly required.

Just replace "v0.05beta's" old file in 'io_nifdata\animation\' with attached to post.


ADDED: to show difference and what about I'm talking, here a same pattern for animation that I plan to add to my 'Strip Manager"

This .hkx before this update:


This after:



Kind Regards.


To Vpoteryaev :

There is an other origin for the axis "flickering".

It seems to me your IK rig in blender does not have a pole target for the legs.

This pole target allows to stabilize the leg.

Roughly speaking, the pole target allows to define the plane in which the movement should occur.


To set up a pole target, please see steps 32-39 in the following rigging tutorial.


Best regards


To Vpoteryaev :

There is an other origin for the axis "flickering".

It seems to me your IK rig in blender does not have a pole target for the legs.

This pole target allows to stabilize the leg.

Roughly speaking, the pole target allows to define the plane in which the movement should occur.


To set up a pole target, please see steps 32-39 in the following rigging tutorial.


Best regards

Flickering is not related to IK at all. Just do import skeleton, without adding ANY constraints. With front view just rotate Right/Left Thigh around Y blender's global axis and 'flickering' without last update is granted.

Pole target just controls for you rotations of 'chained' bones around Y axis in 'normal' coordinates, nothing else. But flickering happens not because leg is turned in/out ALONG the bone (i.e. w-data of quaternion's rotation). Flickers all bone position itself. x-y-z data causes it.


Kind Regards.

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