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Need help reading log.


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I'm currently in need of helping reading this Papyrus log. Any sort of input would be greatly appreciated. 


i myself realized this line 


 "Error: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
I currently have the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition patch installed and active 



There are no significant errors in your log.


A couple of mods (USLEEP and another) are checking if other mods are installed, but not in the correct way, so you get a few error messages.

But they are harmless.



Try to uninstall iHUD, clean your save game, and try again.


There is not too much information in your log.


erm.. i'm not sure how i should feel about the news lol. 

Basically my game is crashing for an unknown reason ? :(


Papyrus logs aren't necessarily going to be helpful in finding the cause of a crash. The problem is, it logs data while Skyrim is running, which means that as soon as it stops running (i.e. crashes) the log stops too. The last lines of the log may or may not be helpful, because the actual cause of a crash might have happened a while ago and just took a while to overload the system. For that matter, earlier lines also may or may not be useful. It depends on so many factors...


They can help, sure, depending on what errors are in there, and whether mod authors include debug traces... but in general, I'd say papyrus logs aren't that useful for crashes. They're more for other kinds of instability or errors, or information you give to mod authors for tracking down bugs, that kind of thing.


isn't he asking how to read those logs? to fix his own mess himslef instead of depending on others (that have no idea what they are talking about most of the time)


[02/05/2017 - 03:05:15PM] Cannot open store for class "Neme5i5NewSlidersPHP", missing file?

[02/05/2017 - 03:05:15PM] Error: Unable to bind script Neme5i5NewSlidersPHP to RaceMenuPlugin (50000801) because their base types do not match


mod 50 is missing some files


[02/05/2017 - 03:05:22PM] Error: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias05 on quest VampireDominationAlias (62379F0E) because their base types do not match


script EnthralledVictimAttachScript extend x, x should be quest for that script to be run on a quest


[02/05/2017 - 03:05:22PM] Warning: Property DLC1VampireChangeFXEffect on script playervampirequestscript attached to PlayerVampireQuest (000EAFD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

go to eafd5 and put back unof patch edit in last esp that edit that (unof patch have esm flag, it's above all esp in load order, so it always lose the load order)


[02/05/2017 - 03:06:03PM] Error: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
    <unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?
    [uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts()


script look for mod x to enable stuff for mod x, without checking if mod x is in the load order, useless errors spamming


[02/05/2017 - 03:05:23PM] Error: Property TreeSapSpigot on script usleepretroactive307script attached to USLEEPRetroactive307 (0514EB3D) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000AED8B) is not the right type


you need a patch between usleep and whatever mod edit aed8b


[02/05/2017 - 03:06:04PM] Error: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call
    [_SPLSKConfigQuest (4100388D)]._splskyuiconfig.OnConfigInit() - "_SPLSkyUIConfig.psc" Line 93
    [_SPLQuest (41000D65)]._splquestscript.Maintenance() - "_SPLQuestScript.psc" Line 112


either the thing splquest want isn't load yet (priority problem), either you don't have it, either it's broken



I appreciate the help  but i can't seem to figure it out.


after disabling ihud and cleaning my save i still had crashes. 


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