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Was wondering how to check what version of papyrusutil is installed ??


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i have some mods witch uses this but somehow i am not sure what mod is using an older version, the mods currently are sexlab, worlds dawn and violence all of these add there own version of papyrus ustil but somehow one of it added an older version now worlds dawn is nagging that an older version of jcontainer is insatlled. Sexlab the latest version doen it not already contain the latest version of papyrus util ??


EDIT: oh mean as mod not as scripter...


Just install the latest from Nexus over all the others. Or do some mods REQUIRE an old version?

And SexLab doesn't have the latest, as its latest file is over 6 months old.



old post, as I though of a scripting question



There is this:

; Get version of compiled papyrus scripts which should match return from GetVersion()
int function GetScriptVersion() global
	return 33

Then use this:


; For the version of papyrus DLL library




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