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Bodyslide CBBE HDT Conversion frustrations


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I'm trying to convert the attached mod (MetalBodySkimpySuits; original download seems to have disappeared, I can provide a .zip if anyone would like to help me out) from whatever unknown body type to CBBE with HDT physics using BodySlide Outfit Studio. I've made one or two other conversions before with little issue, but for whatever reason this one just keeps giving me problems.


I've spent time smoothing over the mesh to get it to fit over the CBBE body, and I'm able to get it to show up in-game with some tearing around the thighs and no HDT physics. It's from this point that any further edits I attempt to make in Outfit Studio do not save. Every time I save the project and close out of Outfit studio, everything reverts back to where it was previously. Could anyone provide some help, or possibly even just make the conversion for me? I just want to have shiny gold/silver skintight clothes :(


This looks like a normal body mesh with others

Settings in BSLightingShaderProperty (Environment Map, Textures, etc.)


If so:

- open OutfitStudio -> New Project with your reference (CBBE, etc.) -> No further adjustments necessary -> Save Project as -> xyz


Close BodySlide/OutfitStudio.


In Data\CalienteTools\BodySlide\ShapeData\xyz - is now your nif for BodySlide

- Open with NifSkope -> delete BSLightingShaderProperty -> and insert BSLightingShaderProperty from Originalmesh

Save the Nif.


Open Bodyslide and choose your outfit xyz and press build.



- Open CK (no ESP or ESM, only CK)

- in ArmorAddon tree - right click -> NEW in the Object window

- choose your Nif - if CK shows the Nif - all OK - if CK is freeze or CTD, then 99% cause in BSLightingShaderProperty.


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