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Break Undies armors.


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Hi there! Where can I find a mod animation to cover my char when she is naked (With her hands)' date=' like in the image? Does it work with break undies?



The mod no longer works with BUv2 or lovers. It was called Break Undies Addon Motion Changer.


Sad, isn't it......hopefully someone who is far smarter than I will figure out how to fix this wonderful mod.

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I am pretty sure you can just download the original mod from tesnexus then overwrite the meshes with the file provided by Tina and it will work? Unless its the .esp file that controls when and how much the armor breaks which then you would have to edit the break undies .ini file, which I cant remember how to do it, but its explained early on in this forum and its actually pretty simple, just copy and paste someone elses hard work and change the name for your armor (something like that).

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Quick question, does BU work with enemy armor aswell or is it limited to the player's one? If it's not limited to the player's armor, could you advise me any stock armor replacers, which replaces all the armors in game with the BU compatible ones? Forgive me if it's already mentioned, but I've been looking all around the forums for a topic I saw yesterday and I can't find it anymore and now I'm just lazy :(

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BU does work for all (npc's and pc). There aren't any stock replacers as the vanilla clothing/armor for the most part just sucks. You can find compilation packs (like for hentaimania and hentaimania2) but more often you will have to get them one set at a time.....sorry.



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What about BU armor replacers, that would place BU armors on the people populating the world? Outside mods that is, that's what I'm interested in. (it doesnt have to be vanulla, I just put it in as a refference).


My goal is, to have the armors in game converted, so that the BU would show effects on all, and not just on certain armors.

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Unfortunately again there you are out of luck. Some folks may indeed have moded their game to have some npc's have BU armor but as I stated before the only compilation packs that I am aware of are for hentaimania and hentaimaia2. Making BU armor is quite a task thus there really is not a huge number of sets out there.


BU Dungeon is another mod that has a bunch of BU armor already worn by the npc's but that is it for mods that have that built into them that I am aware of. :( (you can get it off of this site - just use the search function)


Your best bet is to search the nexus and this site (along with using goggle) to find as many sets of BU armor as you can and then making your own esp (or modding one of mods you already have) and switching out there armor/clothes via the CS to make your own. :)



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I made my own BU armor for Blackwire with BBB but it doesn't work. Is it because it has BBB in all stages? I'm sure I have done the code right because it's the same as my other BU armors and they work fine.

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Here is my code. I can't find any errors in it.


set aaBUData.DATA to sv_Construct "Armor\\Blackwire\\BlackwireB.nif"

SetStage aaBUDataIni 10

set aaBUData.DATA to sv_Construct "Armor\\Blackwire\\BlackwireB1.nif"

SetStage aaBUDataIni 10

set aaBUData.DATA to sv_Construct "Armor\\Blackwire\\BlackwireB2.nif"

SetStage aaBUDataIni 10

set aaBUData.DATA to sv_Construct "Armor\\Blackwire\\BlackwireB3.nif"

SetStage aaBUDataIni 10

set aaBUData.ID to GetFormFromMod "Blackwire.esp" "000ED3"

SetStage aaBUDataIni 30


I also added BreakUndies.esm as master to Blackwire.esp. Is there something else I have to do?

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Edit: Nope that wasn't it......Damn I really am stumped.


I assume you just modified the armor yourself using nifskope right?


I wonder if it is because of the funky animation/pose deal bundled into it?


Not having played too much with BU (I mostly copy paste the ini info from others...:) ) but why do you have two \\ instead of just one \ ???



set aaBUData.DATA to sv_Construct "Armor\Blackwire\BlackwireB.nif"

instead of

set aaBUData.DATA to sv_Construct "Armor\\Blackwire\\BlackwireB.nif"


Maybe it works either way but that is the 1st time I have seen the double "\". As I said however I really don't mess to much with BU so I may be talking out of my ass....:)

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The first code I copied for BU had two \ so I've always been using that and I'm using the BBB mesh without any funky pose so that's not the problem. I did the different stages in blender. If you want to take a look I can upload them.

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Well....time to double check your form id and spelling because the armor works just fine. In fact you did a damn nice job! :)


Edit: You are sure the formid for that armor is 000ED3? Check it in the CS. Also, did you set the armor health or AR too high?


I don't remember is oblivion is letter case sensitive....if so you might need to put a lower case a for "Armor"


Note: you don't need to add breakundies.esm as a master.


Here was the code I used in the BreakUndies.ini



set aaBUData.DATA to sv_Construct "armor\Blackwire\Blackwire.nif"

SetStage aaBUDataIni 10

set aaBUData.DATA to sv_Construct "armor\Blackwire\BlackwireB1.nif"

SetStage aaBUDataIni 10

set aaBUData.DATA to sv_Construct "armor\Blackwire\BlackwireB2.nif"

SetStage aaBUDataIni 10

set aaBUData.DATA to sv_Construct "armor\Blackwire\BlackwireB3.nif"

SetStage aaBUDataIni 10


set aaBUData.ID to GetFormFromMod "Nitiren's Genji Armor2.esp" "00F72B"

SetStage aaBUDataIni 30




Note: my formid for that armor was 00F72B which of course will not be right for yours.


Let me know if you figure it out....:)


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What's not working about it exactly? When you put it on, do you hear it swap over when you close the inventory? If not, then the ID you put into the ini is not being recognised. If it's not breaking during sex, you may have forgotten to activate the mod in your Lovers settings (the lovers settings spell).

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Finally got it to work. I had to make a duplicate in the CS with a different id, so something was wrong with it. It doesn't swap over when I put it on but it breaks when it's damaged enough and that's what is important.

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Can awnser the lolimix question a npc named "riddle" wanders from elven gardens to merchant district. awnser riddle the correct nonsence awnser she gives you riddles gift. i have no clue what it does. but thats nice.. give her the option she dont like and shell viciously attack you. finish her and take lolimix from her body.

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