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Devious Devices Framework Development/Beta

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Devious Devices Public Beta Testing Thread

Welcome to the discussion about devious lockable things (that might or might not work correctly yet)!

First things first, here are some guidelines:

1. This thread is about the DEVELOPMENT build of the Devious Devices Framework ONLY. Please do NOT post bugs or other feedback about the current RELEASE version here. They go in their respective support threads and nowhere else! If you are looking for the release versions, that's where they are:

We will absolutely and totally ignore any discussion related to the current release versions posted here!!! You will also be mocked, put in a yoke and be sentenced to three extra hours of Prison Overhaul!


2. Everyone is welcome to participate in the public beta. No experience required. The only thing required is being courageous - as in willingness to install unstable software and take crashes and broken savegames like a champ! If you mind that, beta testing is not for you.


3. Both bug reports and feature/item suggestions are welcome here. Please note that we might or might not implement any suggestions at our own discretion. If you post a bug report please make sure to include a COMPLETE Papyrus log (no snippets, please - they are less helpful than you think!) of the session the bug occurred in. We need the log to track down the issue more often than not.


4. The development repository is hosted on GitHub. Everyone can download the files (just export them as a zip).

Repository Links:

  • DD Integration: https://github.com/DeviousDevices/DDi/
  • DD Expansion dev version is no longer hosted on Github, due to file size. You can find links to the current DDX development versions in this thread, usually on the last few pages. I will post them as I go.
  • DD Assets is considered feature complete and is no longer actively developed. No further updates to this mod are planned.


That's how you download an archive from GitHub as a zip:



You can install the archive using your favourite mod manager in the very same way you'd install any other mod. Do NOT install these files manually, as you might find it very hard to remove them again. And in case we didn't mention it, this stuff is not stable!

You can also open bug reports by opening an issue in the appropriate GitHub dev repository. We'll process that as well. If you are able to (all it takes is having an account on GitHub), we actually prefer it this way!

As a beta tester, I hope we don't have to tell you this, but after installing a new build, you NEED to run FNIS and you NEED to run Bodyslide if any new gear was added. Don't derp, it's enough if we do it.

5. Yes, you CAN contribute fixes directly to GitHub if you want to. The procedure for this is uploading patches via creating a pull request. We'll review your patch and merge it if it solves the issue, doesn't break any innocent code and meets our quality standards.


6. If you want to contribute new features etc. post your idea here and mention your willingness to implement them. We will discuss the feature in the development team and get in touch with you if we want to go ahead with it.


7. Please don't, as in really DO NOT PM any member of the DD team with bug reports. We will ignore and delete them without any mercy whatsoever. Post them here or open an issue in GitHub. Just. Do. Not. PM. Bugs.


8. If you are a coder, modeller or animator and want to contribute to DD as a permanent member of the dev team: PM me and we will talk about it.


9. We will occasionally ask for specific things to test. It would be awesome if you would!


10. Current DD developers are

  • Kimy (lead maintainer, coder)
  • Feuertin (aka Supertin) (modeller, animator)
  • El Duderino (modeller)


DD was founded by Min and Zadil, both of whom shall be forever honored in the Hall of Bondage Fame!

Past Contributors: Princessity, Heretical, Pincopallino, Coopervane, Koffii, Aelie, zenetx, Srende, Lordescobar666, xaz, Cedec0

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Also one more thing of note: if you intend to help with the testing, please for the wuv of all that is fuzzy and cuddly, make sure that you can run Devious Devices and the Bodyslide/FNIS/Sexlab infrastructure without issues in the first place! That means your requirements have to be up to date, your load order has to be properly sorted out and you should have no conflicting mods/mods that change the behaviour of core devices or their scripts installed!


You are here to test OUR broken stuff, we're not here to help you fix YOUR OWN broken game! <3

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Not at the moment. We're still in the planning and setup stages. And I'm playing Overwatch (it is very important to my development process, don't argue, the new Symmetra on PTR is bae, you don't understand!)


Once we have a clear roadmap I think Kimy will announce it here and any time anything goes up on the repo we'll make sure to let everyone know.

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@theFirstHeritic: May I suggest you post your DD armbiner animation lock test mod here for the purpose of public testing?


The DD dev team might plan on putting it into DDi proper, but until then I believe we can find any bugs that might exist with your temporary implementation. It's going to need a lot of public testing, as this is compatibility testing between all mods and the vanilla game, not just DDi within itself and downstream mods.


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@theFirstHeritic: May I suggest you post your DD armbiner animation lock test mod here for the purpose of public testing?


The DD dev team might plan on putting it into DDi proper, but until then I believe we can find any bugs that might exist with your temporary implementation. It's going to need a lot of public testing, a this is compatibility testing between all mods and the vanilla game, not just DDi within itself and downstream mods.


That's actually a great idea! If Heretic's implementation is ready I'd love to put it through extensive testing as soon as possible.


@Marie: It's a good question. I believe there were plans for ZAP and DD to interact more closely at one point but I don't think it went anywhere. And is unlikely to since Xaz is gone.

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I think most of us put zaz keywords on DD Items. For example zbfWornBelt zbfWornGag are on many items.
But what exactly do they do? Is there some source of documentation on this anyone can point me to?

@Marie: It's a good question. I believe there were plans for ZAP and DD to interact more closely at one point but I don't think it went anywhere. And is unlikely to since Xaz is gone.


But does anyone know what the heck they do? What happens if I remove them?


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I think most of us put zaz keywords on DD Items. For example zbfWornBelt zbfWornGag are on many items.

But what exactly do they do? Is there some source of documentation on this anyone can point me to?

@Marie: It's a good question. I believe there were plans for ZAP and DD to interact more closely at one point but I don't think it went anywhere. And is unlikely to since Xaz is gone.


But does anyone know what the heck they do? What happens if I remove them?


They can be used by mods that have dependency on ZAP but not DD to detect devices I suppose. I think we should continue to use those keywords just in case removing them unleashes madness.

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A suggestion for a roadmap item... Remove Zaz Dependency (and I referring to overall, not just keywords)


That's in the works. We want to gradually remove ZAP dependency, starting with the remaining part of the animation filter that's still handed over to ZAP.

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Okay, here is the animation block test mod. 




What's the purpose of this?



Normally, npcs snap out of the yoke/armbinder animations when they play animations triggered by idlemarkers, scenes, packages or dialogue.

This blocks these animations while DD yoke/armbinders are equipped so they can't get triggered.

Currently, I blocked way too many animations just to test if this causes any errors. In the end, probably a lot less blocked animations are really needed.




What should get tested?



We need to know if this breaks scenes or packages when the animations can't get played. So you want to equip npcs with armbinders or yokes, that are involved in a quest and normally play some idle animations in this quest.

I suggest the bards college quest for testing because I blocked the "IdleFluteStart" animation. Equip npcs that would play the flute animation during this quest in a scene, and check if the quest gets stuck or anything weird happens.


Additionally, you can just equip npc's around you with heavy devices and talk to them or check how they behave. If you find any kind of weird behavior, please report it. 


Edit: Here is a list of all currently blocked animations. Maybe this helps with testing...





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I'm making a mod that uses several devious devices, but I have different textures in mind than the vanilla ones. Currently what I've done is copied the meshes into a separate folder and then applied my own modified textures, but this was back when DD was for UNP. Now that it's gone bodyslide, my meshes will be out of date on many (most?) users bodies.


Rather than make multiple copies of the mesh to include in my mod, would it be better that I upload my textures and have them as part of the base DD items? If it's not too gauche a request? Or is there a better way to do this?

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I'm making a mod that uses several devious devices, but I have different textures in mind than the vanilla ones. Currently what I've done is copied the meshes into a separate folder and then applied my own modified textures, but this was back when DD was for UNP. Now that it's gone bodyslide, my meshes will be out of date on many (most?) users bodies.


Rather than make multiple copies of the mesh to include in my mod, would it be better that I upload my textures and have them as part of the base DD items? If it's not too gauche a request? Or is there a better way to do this?


You don't need to include any meshes to retexture items. You can just make new texturesets in the creation kit and new ArmorAddon entries, change the textures in the window where you choose the nif for the armor addon.

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I'm making a mod that uses several devious devices, but I have different textures in mind than the vanilla ones. Currently what I've done is copied the meshes into a separate folder and then applied my own modified textures, but this was back when DD was for UNP. Now that it's gone bodyslide, my meshes will be out of date on many (most?) users bodies.


Rather than make multiple copies of the mesh to include in my mod, would it be better that I upload my textures and have them as part of the base DD items? If it's not too gauche a request? Or is there a better way to do this?


You don't need to include any meshes to retexture items. You can just make new texturesets in the creation kit and new ArmorAddon entries, change the textures in the window where you choose the nif for the armor addon.


You're kidding. I thought I had to change the entries in the NiTriShape/BSLightingShaderProperty/BSShaderTextureSet block!

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Devious Devices Public Beta Testing Thread


Welcome to the discussion about devious lockable things (that might or might not work correctly yet)!


First things first, here are some guidelines:


1. This thread is about the DEVELOPMENT build of the Devious Devices Framework ONLY. Please do NOT post bugs or other feedback about the current RELEASE version here. They go in their respective support threads and nowhere else! If you are looking for the release versions, that's where they are:

We will absolutely and totally ignore any discussion related to the current release versions posted here!!! You will also be mocked, put in a yoke and be sentenced to three extra hours of Prison Overhaul!


2. Everyone is welcome to participate in the public beta. No experience required. The only thing required is being courageous - as in willingness to install unstable software and take crashes and broken savegames like a champ! If you mind that, beta testing is not for you.


3. Both bug reports and feature/item suggestions are welcome here. Please note that we might or might not implement any suggestions at our own discretion. If you post a bug report please make sure to include a COMPLETE Papyrus log (no snippets, please - they are less helpful than you think!) of the session the bug occurred in. We need the log to track down the issue more often than not.


4. The development repository is hosted on GitHub. Everyone can download the files (just export them as a zip).


Repository Links:


That's how you download an archive from GitHub as a zip:




You can install the archive using your favourite mod manager in the very same way you'd install any other mod. Do NOT install these files manually, as you might find it very hard to remove them again. And in case we didn't mention it, this stuff is not stable!


You can also open bug reports by opening an issue in the appropriate GitHub dev repository. We'll process that as well. If you are able to (all it takes is having an account on GitHub), we actually prefer it this way!


As a beta tester, I hope we don't have to tell you this, but after installing a new build, you NEED to run FNIS and you NEED to run Bodyslide if any new gear was added. Don't derp, it's enough if we do it.


5. Yes, you CAN contribute fixes directly to GitHub if you want to. The procedure for this is uploading patches via creating a pull request. We'll review your patch and merge it if it solves the issue, doesn't break any innocent code and meets our quality standards.


6. If you want to contribute new features etc. post your idea here and mention your willingness to implement them. We will discuss the feature in the development team and get in touch with you if we want to go ahead with it.


7. Please don't, as in really DO NOT PM any member of the DD team with bug reports. We will ignore and delete them without any mercy whatsoever. Post them here or open an issue in GitHub. Just. Do. Not. PM. Bugs.


8. If you are a coder, modeller or animator and want to contribute to DD as a permanent member of the dev team: PM me and we will talk about it.


9. We will occasionally ask for specific things to test. It would be awesome if you would!


10. Current DD developers are

  • Kimy (lead maintainer, coder)
  • Princessity (coder)
  • Pincopallino (modeller)
  • Feuertin (aka Supertin) (animator)
  • Heretical (modeller)

DD was founded by Min and Zadil, both of whom shall be forever honored in the Hall of Bondage Fame!


Past Contributors: Coopervane, Koffii, Aelie, zenetx, Srende, Lordescobar666, xaz, Cedec0


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I'm making a mod that uses several devious devices, but I have different textures in mind than the vanilla ones. Currently what I've done is copied the meshes into a separate folder and then applied my own modified textures, but this was back when DD was for UNP. Now that it's gone bodyslide, my meshes will be out of date on many (most?) users bodies.


Rather than make multiple copies of the mesh to include in my mod, would it be better that I upload my textures and have them as part of the base DD items? If it's not too gauche a request? Or is there a better way to do this?


You don't need to include any meshes to retexture items. You can just make new texturesets in the creation kit and new ArmorAddon entries, change the textures in the window where you choose the nif for the armor addon.


I've used this. Sometimes I find a texture will work that way and not work when done in the Mesh. 


But I avoid using this method if it works directly in he mesh. This is because I find (and others have reported), that it will sometimes glitch out causing the item to revert to whatever's in the nif. This glitch will go away when you reload a save, or sometimes you have to restart the game.

You're kidding. I thought I had to change the entries in the NiTriShape/BSLightingShaderProperty/BSShaderTextureSet block!


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I've used this. Sometimes I find a texture will work that way and not work when done in the Mesh. 


But I avoid using this method if it works directly in he mesh. This is because I find (and others have reported), that it will sometimes glitch out causing the item to revert to whatever's in the nif. This glitch will go away when you reload a save, or sometimes you have to restart the game.




Yeah, I've been having problems. Removing a texture set in the CK is sometimes impossible - I can delete it and it will come back, or sometimes it won't let me delete it at all. Occasionally all it takes is saving and exiting the CK and it will magically fix itself, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. :(

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I've used this. Sometimes I find a texture will work that way and not work when done in the Mesh. 

But I avoid using this method if it works directly in he mesh. This is because I find (and others have reported), that it will sometimes glitch out causing the item to revert to whatever's in the nif. This glitch will go away when you reload a save, or sometimes you have to restart the game.

I never heard of textures not loading when using this technique. Can you show me a thread where this issue is discussed, please? I can imagine that skyrim does not load these textures if the vram is in overload already , at least it would make sense to give these textures a lower load priority. But apart from that I don't see any reason why this shouldn't work as intended.

Zap and HR use this technique for all brown/rusty iron items, DD uses it for all red & white variations and also for my iron items, just to name a few well-known examples. 


Btw changing textures in the nif should always work, except when a texture set in the ck overwrites this texture ^^



Yeah, I've been having problems. Removing a texture set in the CK is sometimes impossible - I can delete it and it will come back, or sometimes it won't let me delete it at all. Occasionally all it takes is saving and exiting the CK and it will magically fix itself, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. :(


Isn't this always the case in the CK ? When you delete any reference the "count" entry will jump to 0*D, to signal that it is deleted but to have it removed from the list you need to reload the esp.

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Isn't this always the case in the CK ? When you delete any reference the "count" entry will jump to 0*D, to signal that it is deleted but to have it removed from the list you need to reload the esp.




Yes, but I mean that when I try to delete it absolutely nothing happens. It doesn't get a deleted flag, it just... stays there, unmodified.

To be clear, this doesn't happen all the time, it's intermittent and I can find no apparent cause.

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Yes, but I mean that when I try to delete it absolutely nothing happens. It doesn't get a deleted flag, it just... stays there, unmodified.

To be clear, this doesn't happen all the time, it's intermittent and I can find no apparent cause.



Huh, that sounds like the usual weird CK behavior... I think I never had this exact problem, but I stumbled across a whole bunch of other strange behaviors similar to this one.

Most of the time I try to work around it directly in the CK or with TESVEdit. In this case, I would try to just delete the reference with TESVEdit.

A few times I managed to trash an esp completely so it couldn't be loaded anymore with the CK. TESVEdit loads almost every esp, so it's always a great last resort to delete the last steps you made.

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I've used this. Sometimes I find a texture will work that way and not work when done in the Mesh. 

But I avoid using this method if it works directly in he mesh. This is because I find (and others have reported), that it will sometimes glitch out causing the item to revert to whatever's in the nif. This glitch will go away when you reload a save, or sometimes you have to restart the game.

I never heard of textures not loading when using this technique. Can you show me a thread where this issue is discussed, please? I can imagine that skyrim does not load these textures if the vram is in overload already , at least it would make sense to give these textures a lower load priority. But apart from that I don't see any reason why this shouldn't work as intended.

Zap and HR use this technique for all brown/rusty iron items, DD uses it for all red & white variations and also for my iron items, just to name a few well-known examples. 


Here's one case of a user reporting it. Items involved use the technique. I can recall this mentioned at least a few times. And It happens to me, maybe 1 time out of every several hours of playing. This will happen with the Zaz devices that use it too, mine are setup using Zaz assets and inherited this method for textures.


I think it happens much less or not at all if you never die (i.e. using a Death Alternative), so I'm not seeing it myself, or reports of it, since adding the Death Alternative in my mod (theory... most people are not dying lol). Death also appears to cause items with animations to become invisible (also rare). And death's "rag-doll" effects my anal devices, glitching them out of position. Has made me wonder if it's actually the rag-dolling that causes all of these 3 things.


So due to this vulnerability, I avoid using the technique and do it in the nif when I can. I've had textures that work fine in CK but wont work in the nif (example: have been unable to get the gold zaz texture into the nif so stuck with it in the CK still), but I barely know what I'm doing when it comes to nif stuff :P

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