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WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]

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Hey! I just updated the mod, transferred it to my mods folder and now my game will not load. I make it to the main menu but after clicking resume nothing loads. It just send me back to the worlds map. Is this a bug with the new update or or a mod bug update?

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6 minutes ago, iIikeitrough said:

Hey! I just updated the mod, transferred it to my mods folder and now my game will not load. I make it to the main menu but after clicking resume nothing loads. It just send me back to the worlds map. Is this a bug with the new update or or a mod bug update?

Are there any notifications or pop-ups when you get kicked out?

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5 hours ago, iIikeitrough said:

Nothing. The saved game doesn't even load completely. I ran the last exception and it said that this mod was broken.

Assuming you've installed it correctly, the most likely problem is a conflict with one or more of your other mods.  The only way to find it is to use the 50/50 method.

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23 hours ago, iIikeitrough said:

Hey! I just updated the mod, transferred it to my mods folder and now my game will not load. I make it to the main menu but after clicking resume nothing loads. It just send me back to the worlds map. Is this a bug with the new update or or a mod bug update?

There are several mods that are incompatible with recent WW versions.  There is a real pussy mod that causes this.  There are also other mods that cause issues but not loading ones such as Simdulgence piercing mod and Better Bodies mod.


If you use WW related mods (mods that require WW to function), they have to be updated also.


Use the 50/50 rule to find the culprit (keep removing mods until the problem goes away).

Edited by SkyBarbie
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On 5/5/2022 at 10:06 PM, khellus20 said:

Having a problem with animations not displaying properly since the last update of ww/ts4. participants being out of place and turning sometimes in ways that would make the exorcist proud.

i read that TS4 had an issue like that with sims on pc and other activities and out of date mods that could cause it. i had a couple files that matched that criteria and removed them. to be clear only having problems with animations in WW not base game.  i do use slider mods and a custom body shape. tried turning the height slider option in the menu off disabled experimental

I'm experiencing a number of animations misaligned as well. This was an issue a few versions back after an update, and it was eventually fixed with a new version of WW. However, I still had my copy of WW 167g, so I installed that back, and played the same animations that were misaligned, and (at least so far) they played properly.

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3 hours ago, Sandatharius said:

I'm experiencing a number of animations misaligned as well. This was an issue a few versions back after an update, and it was eventually fixed with a new version of WW. However, I still had my copy of WW 167g, so I installed that back, and played the same animations that were misaligned, and (at least so far) they played properly.

I created a post on this situation.

When I updated to 169a, I had started experiencing this when I never had before. @TURBODRIVER spent some time looking into it but the results were inconclusive. 

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43 minutes ago, BatDood said:

I created a post on this situation.

When I updated to 169a, I had started experiencing this when I never had before. @TURBODRIVER spent some time looking into it but the results were inconclusive. 


As mentioned, this happened several WW versions back quite a while ago. This exact same thing was happening. After some time, A new version of WW came out that fixed it. This time, it was the same kind of misalignment. But after experimenting, by going back to the previous version, I've had no more issues.

Edited by Sandatharius
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3 minutes ago, Sandatharius said:


As mentioned, this happened several WW versions back quite a while ago. This exact same thing was happening. After some time, A new version of WW came out that fixed it. This time, it was the same kind of misalignment. But after experimenting, by going back to the previous version, I've had no more issues.

It wasn't until 169a where I experienced it. Up until this update, everything for me was fine. When I go back to 167g, it never happens but if I use 169a, it will, but only periodically and it's random as to when it happens.

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13 hours ago, BatDood said:

It wasn't until 169a where I experienced it. Up until this update, everything for me was fine. When I go back to 167g, it never happens but if I use 169a, it will, but only periodically and it's random as to when it happens.

i have that ver. in my downloads still may revert also.

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Bonjour  ?, j'ai un problème avec toutes les animations  pour WW, à la dernière les sims disparaissent,le logo continu la progression puis ils réapparaissent lorsque l'animation est terminée.


                    J'ai vérifié tout mes mods,CC ils sont à jour.

                   Fait un test en enlevant tout les mods,CC

                j'ai fait un essai avec un autre foyer sur la même partie

               un essais sur une toute nouvelle partie (toujours sans les mods et CC)

               Vérifié les Maj de mes pilotes,ils sont tous à jour

              Enlevé la traduction FR de WW dont la dernière date d'environs 1 an


 Résultat le problème se pose toujours,c'est un vrai casse tête? cela ne m'étais jamais arrivé ! le problème c'est posé juste après avoir fait la Maj de WW version 169a.

Quand y aura t-il une prochaine Maj de WW ?

est-ce d'autres personnes ont ce problème ?

Est-ce quelqu'un aurait une solution hormis toutes celle que j'ai déjà faite ?


Merci de bien vouloir me répondre.



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3 hours ago, Aria 169 said:

Bonjour  ?, j'ai un problème avec toutes les animations  pour WW, à la dernière les sims disparaissent,le logo continu la progression puis ils réapparaissent lorsque l'animation est terminée.


                    J'ai vérifié tout mes mods,CC ils sont à jour.

                   Fait un test en enlevant tout les mods,CC

                j'ai fait un essai avec un autre foyer sur la même partie

               un essais sur une toute nouvelle partie (toujours sans les mods et CC)

               Vérifié les Maj de mes pilotes,ils sont tous à jour

              Enlevé la traduction FR de WW dont la dernière date d'environs 1 an


 Résultat le problème se pose toujours,c'est un vrai casse tête? cela ne m'étais jamais arrivé ! le problème c'est posé juste après avoir fait la Maj de WW version 169a.

Quand y aura t-il une prochaine Maj de WW ?

est-ce d'autres personnes ont ce problème ?

Est-ce quelqu'un aurait une solution hormis toutes celle que j'ai déjà faite ?


Merci de bien vouloir me répondre.



I noticed the same thing in my game.

No idea if it can be sorted out by changing the settings or if it is an actual bug.

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On 5/7/2022 at 9:54 PM, Sandatharius said:

I'm experiencing a number of animations misaligned as well. This was an issue a few versions back after an update, and it was eventually fixed with a new version of WW. However, I still had my copy of WW 167g, so I installed that back, and played the same animations that were misaligned, and (at least so far) they played properly.

Same here. I only seem to get this problem when it's on the first stage. I have to change it to the next stage, then go back to the beginning again to fix it xD   

05-09-22_9-10-17 PM.png

05-06-22_8-38-09 PM.png

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Bonjour ? il m'est impossible de revenir à la version précédente de WW,d'une part par ce que on ne peu plus la télécharger et d'autre part elle déclenche automatiquement des LE.


Hier j'ai pu remarquer que les Pnj étaient également touchés par ce bug(disparition des sims lors de la dernière anime) le problème de l'alignement je l'avait eu aussi au début mais il c'est corrigé tout seul ! A c'est rien comprendre!

Merci d'avoir fait part de ton soucis depuis la dernière Maj.


S'il y en a d'autres ne pas hésiter à en faire part!

Très bonne journée.



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  • TURBODRIVER changed the title to WickedWhims v169b [2022-05-11]
On 5/6/2022 at 11:28 AM, mangust16 said:

Yeah... It's the only way I could think of. Pity. Thank you

I was also gonna mention the WW sex accepting setting.  I have mine at 50% so sometimes I have to answer and sometimes Dina forces my character into LL situations.  Another setting is the relationship setting so your Sims and other Sims aren't "safe" from unwanted partners.  Peeping settings allows you to mark Sims as peepers, another setting allows Peepers to have sex with your Sim, and with the asking removed (100%) or partly removed (50%), it's a matter of who is/are the rapists in your Sims world?

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3 hours ago, germanomosconiilre said:

am i the only one getting this loading error? i literally cannot play. i tried without wickedwhims and the game worked, so im pretty sure its that.




Oh a fellow Italian player!

Have you tried loading the game with WW and nothing else?

Does it happen with different saves or only with one?

Have you tried redownloading WW?

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1 hour ago, squiffyrogue said:

Could somebody help? I don't quite understand how to start 3s or more animantions. I can only pick one sim when have a choice
I have 3s + animations, so don't know what's the problem

Make sure the two highlighted WW options are unchecked:



Autonomy Awareness.jpg

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Bonjour ? quelle ne fut pas ma joie en voyant que WW avait une Maj (169b) ,je pensais que mes soucis seraient enfin résolu ! en faite pas du tout !


A la dernière animation les sims disparaissent toujours,le logo WW tourne, et ils réapparaissent une fois cette dernière terminée ! en plus j'ai un buff " évite de poser les yeux ,sim déplaisant à proximité" hors avant il avait le buff"se rince l’œil" dans le profil il avait" la trouve attirante" maintenant" très peu attirante" lorsqu'elle lui dément si elle lui plait il répond "je te trouve très belle" tout cela est contradictoire ! De plus elle est profondément amoureuse mais lorsqu'il lui demande si elle l'aime elle dit"je dois avouer que non".


Avec tout ce que j'avais déjà fait avant puis la dernière chose était de supprimer les caches de Origin et bien rien ni fait ! Je vais en dernière recourt faire une réparation du jeu et je ferais un retour mais vraiment je n'avais jamais eu ce problème avant la Maj 169a !

( Je n'ai touché à aucuns paramètres de WW en particulier "réalité dynamique".


Si des personnes ont le même soucis merci de bien vouloir se manifester et si des personnes auraient une solution je suis preneuse  .


Récapitulatif de ce que j'avais fait:   faire un essais avec un autre foyer sur la même partie, sur une partie tout neuve.


                                                    Vérifier les Maj de tout mes Mods et CC;

                                                   Enlever les mods,CC et faire un essais juste avec WW

                                                   enlever la traduction FR le dernière date d'1 an !

                                                  Évidement les caches de EA supprimé

                                                   Vérifier les Maj de mes pilotes,tout est bien à jour !

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13 hours ago, carnation77 said:

Oh a fellow Italian player!

Have you tried loading the game with WW and nothing else?

Does it happen with different saves or only with one?

Have you tried redownloading WW?

bella li!

so i tried to run it without any script mod besides whicked whims and it didnt work anyway, but i never tried to remove every mod(clothing, hair and so on) so i dont know if that answers your question.

i created new saves with default sims but same story the game didnt work. and i have the last version of whicked whims so.... i dont know man.

F per me


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