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WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]

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Other than changing skins, or adding an overlay, is there any way to get rid of the default WW body pubic hair? I just don't like the "overgrowth" starting to creep down my female Sims's thighs. I like a neat, trimmed bush, but adding them from CAS doesn't cover up the "extra hair". I really like the default WW body, and don't really want overlays or body skins.




Edited by Sandatharius
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Game Version:, WickedWhims Version: v179.2, NWP/AEP/BMD/MCCC/RAN, P:8420 S:67 D:312
10/02/23 22:29:06 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v179.2-InWorks\exception_watcher_wrapper.py", line 25, in wrapper
  File ".\WickedWhims_v179.2-InWorks\turbolib2\ui\object_picker_dialog.py", line 216, in _dialog_response
IndexError: list index out of range


does anyone know the problem?
I can't change the body selector
The problem occurred after I updated Sims
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I recently updated my game and of course, Wicked Whims to the latest version. But now, I'm having a problem. Has anyone else's sex progression settings get screwed up with this update? Before, I had everything set to where Sims changing animations could only be allowed by me if I pressed a hotkey or did it through the menu. Everything worked great, never had a problem. But now, without any settings having been changed, sequences will refuse to select their corresponding climax animations and instead, pick a completely random animation, forcing me to have to go into the WW animation menu and choose the correct climax animation. It only works when Sims can autonomously change animations, but I don't want that for looping teasing animations (like post-coital cuddling/kissing/sleeping animations) that may have animations that come after them.


Also having a weird issue where menus look a bit odd ("ok" button is off-center), but the former issue is more concerning to me. Will check tomorrow to see if it's a broken mod on my end somehow interfering with WW, but since I can't troubleshoot now, thought I'd ask and maybe save myself the trouble if this is a known bug with WW or not right now. 

Edited by SilentAegis
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14 minutes ago, DrBlakenstein88 said:

Not sure if anyone has ever suggested this, but you should make a feature where sims can prefer a penis size lol. Would love to see sims find pleasure in big/small and displeasure if it's too big/small. Amazing MOD! Wouldn't be the sims without it. 

Not sure if this is what you wanted but there is one mod that is similar to what you said, I think.

[BDP] Big Dick Problems 4.2.0 by Khlas



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20 hours ago, DrBlakenstein88 said:

Not sure if anyone has ever suggested this, but you should make a feature where sims can prefer a penis size lol. Would love to see sims find pleasure in big/small and displeasure if it's too big/small. Amazing MOD! Wouldn't be the sims without it. 


You can actually get that feature with Khlas BDP mod. 

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I'm a bit overwhelmed and don't know where to start. I'm kinda just looking for basic WW animations, in particular a variety of solo masturbation animations (at a computer, on a bed, on the ground, etc.


Can someone steer me in the right direction as to what animation pack I should start with? Sorry if this has probably been asked over a hundred times, I'm just completely paralyzed by the choices and kinda just wanna start small.

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Hello everyone! :)

I have a couple of questions.


1. What is the latest (most recently updated and working) and best body parts? For male and female. In the past I used Noir & Dark's Pornstar cock, but I recently (within the past few months) updated to Simdulgence's Real Gens. The latter offers a lot more options far as how the penis and testicles look. However, it can get a bit distorted depending on what animations I use. Like, the balls split in half or they elongate sideways. Doesn't look very normal to me. It looks sort of like a penis on its side underneath the orginal penis (which is usually inside something but is in the correct position. (I hope this make sense; kind of hard to explain).
For the vagina, I am using JV's open vagina. It's the most realistic one I've found. Any others just have a slit that doesn't move at all. So I really want to keep using that. HOWEVER.....


2. In some animations, the vagina/vulva looks really distorted. It doesn't happen with all animations, but mostly happens with animations by:
Motherlodesims - the top part sticks out into like a distorted point
Rough - vagina opens really wide but the penis is beside it rather than inside
Oolala/OLL - same as with Motherlodesims

There may be others I can't recall right now.

Is there any way to fix this? Might refer to my previous question - I just need the correct body parts. So what do you all use?

**NOTE: I use both anal and vaginal animations for all of my sims, both with straight couples and with LGBT couples. And yes, the penis distortions happen most often when I'm playing a MF vaginal animation. The vagina distortions just happen with straight couples, but again mostly with those animators mentioned above. And I LOVE those animators, so it's kind of disappointing to see them looking like that.**

I might add some photos to this post in a few minutes. That might help to show some of what I'm trying to describe.



EDITED - Added a couple screenshots, showing the pointed vulva and the elongated/spread apart testes/balls. Unfortunately I deleted the video I had showing the Rough animations (that's the name of the animator not the type of animations), where the vagina opens up really big but penis looks like it's beside it rather than inside it. So I don't have any pics of that.

So.....please share. What are some good body parts, that look realistic in action and can be used with all animations?? TIA!

Screenshot 2023-10-13 113957.png

Screenshot 2023-10-13 115539.png

Edited by RushTX
Added pics
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13 hours ago, shunter said:

Does anyone know of any animation packs that makes use of the Police Station lot from Get to Work? The cell bars, cell benches, and so on.

There were some a few years ago when the pack came out but I don't think the creator makes animations any longer. You can probably find them under the list of animators on the download page. I want to say it was Amrya (?) but I'm not 100% sure anymore.

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On 10/10/2023 at 6:04 PM, T501 said:

Has something like breast milking or filled condoms been suggested before? Like, post-sex from using a condom would give a used condom item or using a milk pump item?


I think, and it's been a long while since I've used them, but the condoms Nisa has in her mod are sort of like that, except I think it becomes a cup instead of staying a condom once it's been used so the receiving sim can drink the cum. That's about as close as we are getting right now, but I agree it would be neat if you could have a spent condom either appear in inventory or have the sim take it off and throw it away. 


As for the milk pump, that might be banned here on LL. 

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On 10/14/2023 at 7:37 AM, shunter said:

Does anyone know of any animation packs that makes use of the Police Station lot from Get to Work? The cell bars, cell benches, and so on.


Zorak has some. Not sure if this will work, but here is a link to his page -



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12 hours ago, someguy64461 said:

So I have a problem,. I just installed the game and ran it to make sure everything was running properly. No issues. Then I install mods and now theres a pop up saying that the sims is already running. Can anyone help me please!!!!


Open the task manager and just make sure it's shut down completely. 

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Is anyone else having an issue with being able to summon household sims to strip club lots? Like, I can't just do "bring [sim] here"  I have to do "switch control to [sim]" and make them travel to the lot. additionally, when I try to bring other sims with me when traveling to the strip club, only the controlled sim will travel, so I have to do one sim at a time. 

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2 hours ago, someguy64461 said:



I ended task in task manager, ran EA as admin, verified files. All failed. Would you happen to have any other ideas? Kind of a bummer it only happens after the mods.

Some time ago my EA app bugged out and it kept telling me The Sims 4 was running even though it was not.

Restarting my laptop solved the problem for me.

Edited by carnation77
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On 10/16/2023 at 4:40 PM, someguy64461 said:

Just tried and still nothing. 



Try repairing Sims 4: Library/3 Dots top right of Sims 4/ Repair if that doesn't work do the 50/50 search for broken mods. I have way too many mods for 50/50 to be viable and use a 25/25/25/25 method, create folders drag most mods out, launch, if ok put those mods in  folder on desk top and try again with another group, repeat until error happens then narrow search from there. If you have outdated color slider or more columns those are likely culprits that caused similar problem for me, updated those mods and no problems.


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3 minutes ago, AkemiSakura69 said:

Try repairing Sims 4: Library/3 Dots top right of Sims 4/ Repair if that doesn't work do the 50/50 search for broken mods. I have way too many mods for 50/50 to be viable and use a 25/25/25/25 method, create folders drag most mods out, launch, if ok put those mods in  folder on desk top and try again with another group, repeat until error happens then narrow search from there. If you have outdated color slider or more columns those are likely culprits that caused similar problem for me, updated those mods and no problems.


I also had problems with a microsoft run time or some other utility, upgrading windows might cure problem, copy/paste the error code and google search might turn up some answers too. Try this page looks like someone else had same error code  https://www.google.com/search?q=ed35e0ea%3A29f00e&oq=ed35e0ea%3A29f00e&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg60gEKODEwNTBqMGoxNagCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


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On 10/6/2023 at 10:08 PM, gotalighter said:

I hate the EA updates, this last one ruined my mods, and I can't even run the freaking game anymore. FML.



Just pauses on the start screen with my latest attempt of fixing this issue, and before that sims body models, then just their faces wouldn't load in, and even after fixing the missing body issue, I was still getting sims with missing faces, and it was annoying af. Now I can't even play it.


Going to attempt some fixes, but god I hate EA. If anyone had any similiar issues of both missing faces and upper body, to sometimes the entire body not loading in at all, then I'd appreciate if you could mention what files needed to be removed.


I got gigs, too many gigs of Mods, too many for me to even want to bother doing the 50/50 method, and I might just say screw it and stop binging so much of my time and energy into this game that always breaks every freaking update a new Expansion pack comes out, and said updates are mandatory, despite it being a single player game... Sorry, just venting a bit.


I've invested too much to just give up now, so In my mind, this makes up for loses, despite the fact I feel like I'm testing for bugs, more than playing a game most of the time, that and actually waiting for the game to stop loading, but that's on my PC and lack of budget towards a proper rig.


Been trying to figure out what's happening with MCCommand discord or whatever it's called, but as a scrub with no phone, I can't get verified to ask for help on their end, otherwise this would expedite the process immensely.

Try my 25/25/25/25 approach. I too have about 30 gigs of mods, create multiple folders to simplify/speed up process. Possible time saver is you might have an outdated color slider or more columns mod, those were by problem, dl updated versions and no problems.

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