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Why no Creatures sex count with NPCs?


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I created in a Mod dialog with condition: GetItemCount  xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount "Lovers Creature Experience" [CLOT:01000A00]

But the dialog has never been displayed. I wanted to ask the female NPC "How was your first time with an animal?"


My Player character had 211 times sex with creatures , displayed in my Sex diary.

And I have 211 xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount Token



With the NPC I used LoversBitch Collar and I let her mount by a dog.  But no "xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount" Token was added.

"Have fucked 576times" raised to 57 times.


I used Joburg NPC target spell and the dog raped the NPC. But no "xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount" Token was added.

"Have fucked 57 times" raised to 58 times.

And "Has been raped 0 time" is now 1 time



Edit: also tested with a horse and a deer...but no Token added.


BUT NO "xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount" Token



Why are not creatures sex count token are add to NPCs?

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I don't know if this is still an open question for you, but I was curious and peeked in the scripts.

xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount and xLoversPkrPartnerExpCount are unique counters for the player.  They effectively mark who/what the player has had er...relations with.  It is only when the NPC is with the player that the following check made:

IF the NPC doesn't already have a respective partner/creature token

THEN 1 token is added to their inventory and 1 to the player's inventory.


NPCs should never have more than 1 token, and the player's token count reflects unique partner/creatures

NPCs only get general/player tokens sex, rape, rapev,  psex, prape, and prapev.  There aren't any creature-specific tokens for NPCs. Also, note there isn't a diary entry for unique partners/creatures for NPCs either like the player has.


fejeena, I'm sure this was more than enough info you needed, but just in case someone else could use a little more.

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I also found the script where one xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount is added if have 0 in inventory.

But my NPC have no xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount after creatures sex ( an one token is all I need for the quest/dialog "How was your first time with an animal?" )



"It is only when the NPC is with the player that the following check made:

IF the NPC doesn't already have a respective partner/creature token

THEN 1 token is added to their inventory and 1 to the player's inventory."


How can the NPC get a xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount token when he has sex with the Player ? Player is never a creature.

If I read the script right  the xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount is only added to player, never to NPC ( not even one token if the has 0 )


How can I change the script? xLoversMainScriptStepInitialize2

I don't need a diary entry, only one token in NPC inventory. ( Had creatures sex Yes-No check )

The part with the add xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount



if eval(ar["fera"] == 0)

        offence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountSex 1
        defence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountSex 1

        if eval(ar["bpl"])

            if xme == Player
                set r0 to zme
                set r0 to xme

            ;Rev87 プレイヤーとのSEX経験人数にカウントされたことがないならカウントする
            ;Rev88 NPCとクリーチャーとで分別する
            if r0.GetIsCreature == 0
                if r0.GetItemCount xLoversPkrPartnerExpCount == 0
                    Call xLoversCmnSetItemCount r0 xLoversPkrPartnerExpCount 1    ;カウント済みフラグとして1個持つ
                    Player.AddItemNS xLoversPkrPartnerExpCount 1    ;プレイヤーのカウントアイテムは1つ増やす
                if r0.GetItemCount xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount == 0
                    Call xLoversCmnSetItemCount r0 xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount 1    ;カウント済みフラグとして1個持つ
                    Player.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount 1


            r0.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountPSex 1            ;プレイヤーとのSEX経験回数+1
            set i0 to r0.GetItemCount xLoversPkrCountPSex    ;




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if r0.GetItemCount xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount == 0

             if r0 == xme && zme.GetIsCreature && (a distance check for how close the player is)
                    Call xLoversCmnSetItemCount r0 xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount 1    ;カウント済みフラグとして1個持つ

                    Player.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount 1    ;プレイヤーのカウントアイテムは1つ増やす




Worth a try

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The block you posted is the same one I was looking at.  I'm not completely sure, but that whole block looks very much to be NPC and Player sex.  It starts at the "if eval(ar["bpl"])" statement.  If you look further down in that same block PSex gets incremented as well. 

r0.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountPSex 1            ;プレイヤーとのSEX経験回数+1

That's reserved for player/NPC sex, and there's no conditional statement just before it.  Since it's in the open it has to follow that block is strictly player/NPC.

A new token for creature/NPC sex would have to be introduced to capture the condition you want.  :(



found this in xLoversMainScriptStepInitialize1

if xme==Player || zme==Player
    let ar["bpl"] := 1

which (sort of) clarifies the meaning of that if block

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But where is the script which adds the token to NPCs? sex count, rape count, sex with player, raped by player,.....

I still have not found it.

Sex NPC with creature is count, the NPC gets a sex count token (xLoversPkrCountSex), also NPC raped by creature is count ( NPC gets xLoversPkrCountSex and xLoversPkrCountRapeV token )

In that script it must be possible to enable all counts ( add creature count, xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount token )


Where is the fucking script? Most token IDs I can only find in the menu scripts ( used for the diary)

Everywere I see Call xLoversCmnSetItemCount xme ... or  Call xLoversCmnSetItemCount zme...  but the script does not mentioned the token.


That's the whole script

Begin Function { me item cnt }

    set tmpi to cnt - me.GetItemCount item
    if tmpi > 0
        me.AddItemNS item tmpi
    elseif tmpi < 0
        set tmpi to tmpi * (-1)
        me.RemoveItemNS item tmpi

    SetFunctionValue tmpi


Where is the script which adds token to the NPC during NPC-creatures sex ????



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I guess I forgot to answer another question you had earlier about the NPC getting a xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount token that you highlighted.

We know r0 will always be NPC because a previous if ensures it:

if xme == Player
    set r0 to zme
    set r0 to xme
That is, if xme is player implies zme is the NPC. Then, make r0 be zme (the NPC). Else, make r0 be xme, which must be the NPC.

Now about the highlighted part:

if r0.GetItemCount xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount == 0
    Call xLoversCmnSetItemCount r0 xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount 1    ;ƒJƒEƒ“ƒgς݃tƒ‰ƒO‚Æ‚µ‚Ä1ŒÂŽ‚Â
    Player.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount 1    ;ƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚̃JƒEƒ“ƒgƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚Í1‚‘‚â‚·
It's checking if the player has had sex with the creature before. If it hasn't (token count is zero)

the next line initializes the NPCs xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount token count to 1, essentially marking as "had sex with player". Since the player's token count was initialized in the main initialize quest script it only needs to be incremented. This is how the number of unique creature partners the player has been with is tracked.


The sex tokens are added right in the beginning of the code block you posted. One for each participant.

offence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountSex 1
defence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountSex 1
In that same block you posted, the PSex token is at the end of the Player/NPC subblock:

if eval(ar["bpl"])

    r0.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountPSex 1            ;プレイヤーとのSEX経験回数+1
The NPC has sex with player so increment the PSex token.

The rape tokens are in the same script just before that block you posted:

if eval(ar["flag"] & 16)
    offence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountRape 1	;ƒŒƒCƒv‚µ‚½
    defence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountRapeV 1	;ƒŒƒCƒv‚³‚ꂽ
    if eval(ar["bpl"])
        if offence == Player
            defence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountPRapeV 1	;ƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚ɃŒƒCƒv‚³‚ꂽ
            offence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountPRape 1		;ƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚ðƒŒƒCƒv‚µ‚½
Note the player check again "if eval(ar["bpl"])" adds PRapeV and PRape tokens.



"Where is the script which adds token to the NPC during NPC-creatures sex ????"

There's only generic Creature/non-creature "Sex" token for NPCs. Really, that's it. No specific "NPC had sex with X creatures" token.

I didn't make the thing, but that's what the code says. Pretty much all of it is in that code block you posted. Just walk through it line-by-line and what I'm saying will get clearer.

I don't know if LAPF or Lovers Creatures gets updated and such a token be requested. Or include one in your mod, but it will only be relevant to yours.


I really hate giving you bad news since you seem so frustrated by it. I do know the feeling all too well.



I made you a custom Lovers with Pk esp/esm that SHOULD do the trick. I have no way to test since I don't use the creature mods.


(Updated) I made a new token (0097B9 - xLoversPkrCountCreatureSex) and added this to that script:


if offence.GetIsCreature 
    defence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountCreatureSex 1

if defence.GetIsCreature 
    offence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountCreatureSex 1
This should cover Creature-Creature sex as well. That's probably not useful, but it covers creature sex specifically now.


(Updated) Uploaded new version because of a FormID error in the previous.

Fixed and FormID was changed to match fejeena's below (0097B9).

Lovers with PK - CSC.7z

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I get it to work after many trouble.


First I copied your changes in my esm and esp because in my  versions are some other changes.

it did not work.

I checked your esp and esm and found a error

post-3205-0-79707300-1467232329_thumb.jpg post-3205-0-34719800-1467232337_thumb.jpg

The script could not find the new token. It added a Oblivion esm ID


I remembered that I once made a change with TES4Edit in a esm and had the same problem. The newly added "thing" seem to be "not present" or "iinvisible" for scripts or esp which should use it. I had to load the esm in CS and save it, then it worked.

So I did that with your LoversCreatures esm....but the CS changed the ID to 000007FF ( a Oblivion esm ID, and entry in the LC esm that the ID  was injected into Oblivion.esm)


Then I delete the token and created a new one ( same name, but new ID 0097B9), load it in Cs and saved it. This time it worked, new ID was a Lovers with PK esm ID ( 010097B9 in TES4Edit)


Then I load Lovers with PK esp  and compiled the script. Yeah, this time the script found the right token ID, no error.

Tested in game and after creatures sex the NPC had the token in inventory.


Thanks a lot

And the creatures sex count is better as add one token which could only check "had sex with creature yes or no". More possibilities for quests and dialogs.





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Sorry, I was trying to make it easier than all that.  I did do it pretty quick and dirty.  In retrospect, it was probably when I loaded it in TES4Edit to reset the formID to make it follow the sequence with the existing tokens ( after 7FF came all the 800's).  Whatever I did, glad to know you got it working though.  I just didn't think that a modified Lovers would be an option because any distribution would be dependent on it.  So I guess it's all yours.

Hope your NPCs enjoyed their first time with a ...??? :D 

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I guess I forgot to answer another question you had earlier about the NPC getting a xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount token that you highlighted.

We know r0 will always be NPC because a previous if ensures it:

if xme == Player
    set r0 to zme
    set r0 to xme
That is, if xme is player implies zme is the NPC. Then, make r0 be zme (the NPC). Else, make r0 be xme, which must be the NPC.

Now about the highlighted part:

if r0.GetItemCount xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount == 0
    Call xLoversCmnSetItemCount r0 xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount 1    ;ƒJƒEƒ“ƒgς݃tƒ‰ƒO‚Æ‚µ‚Ä1ŒÂŽ‚Â
    Player.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount 1    ;ƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚̃JƒEƒ“ƒgƒAƒCƒeƒ€‚Í1‚‘‚â‚·
It's checking if the player has had sex with the creature before. If it hasn't (token count is zero)

the next line initializes the NPCs xLoversPkrCreatureExpCount token count to 1, essentially marking as "had sex with player". Since the player's token count was initialized in the main initialize quest script it only needs to be incremented. This is how the number of unique creature partners the player has been with is tracked.


The sex tokens are added right in the beginning of the code block you posted. One for each participant.

offence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountSex 1
defence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountSex 1
In that same block you posted, the PSex token is at the end of the Player/NPC subblock:

if eval(ar["bpl"])

    r0.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountPSex 1            ;プレイヤーとのSEX経験回数+1
The NPC has sex with player so increment the PSex token.

The rape tokens are in the same script just before that block you posted:

if eval(ar["flag"] & 16)
    offence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountRape 1	;ƒŒƒCƒv‚µ‚½
    defence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountRapeV 1	;ƒŒƒCƒv‚³‚ꂽ
    if eval(ar["bpl"])
        if offence == Player
            defence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountPRapeV 1	;ƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚ɃŒƒCƒv‚³‚ꂽ
            offence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountPRape 1		;ƒvƒŒƒCƒ„[‚ðƒŒƒCƒv‚µ‚½
Note the player check again "if eval(ar["bpl"])" adds PRapeV and PRape tokens.



"Where is the script which adds token to the NPC during NPC-creatures sex ????"

There's only generic Creature/non-creature "Sex" token for NPCs. Really, that's it. No specific "NPC had sex with X creatures" token.

I didn't make the thing, but that's what the code says. Pretty much all of it is in that code block you posted. Just walk through it line-by-line and what I'm saying will get clearer.

I don't know if LAPF or Lovers Creatures gets updated and such a token be requested. Or include one in your mod, but it will only be relevant to yours.


I really hate giving you bad news since you seem so frustrated by it. I do know the feeling all too well.



I made you a custom Lovers with Pk esp/esm that SHOULD do the trick. I have no way to test since I don't use the creature mods.


I made a new token (0007FF - xLoversPkrCountCreatureSex) and added this to that script:


if offence.GetIsCreature 
    defence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountCreatureSex 1

if defence.GetIsCreature 
    offence.AddItemNS xLoversPkrCountCreatureSex 1
This should cover Creature-Creature sex as well. That's probably not useful, but it covers creature sex specifically now.


Tell me please - these files are going to replace the existing ones?

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Opinions wondering what he would say Fejeena.

on this occasion. And also - Monstergirl blokhead edition -

Some Istan be like well-fed port prostitutes instead prekrsnyh drawings Japanese.


This cost - Blockhead edition makes assign vanilla face


Thank you very much.

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