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I derped and tried the v11 from the download page, then realized you'd posted the beta in the thread, so I got that now and I'm trying it.


So far the saber cat has been friendly and the cave is well lit.  Going to try a couple surprise me options and see what happens.




Seems to work fine. I don't have more than PSQ installed right now, though it didn't come up randomly.


Question on that, do you pick one of the categories, and then the location, so Slave, then meeko or troll or cat? Otherwise the fact I got no prostitute starts is odd.

I'm glad it's working for someone:D

Do you mean for the Inn Prostitute scenarios? Those are the only prostitute scenarios I know...

This might help:


It's the dialogue tree for v12 (click to expand, and even then the print is tiny).

EDIT: For some reason it stays a thumbnail-thing when clicking. Hang on...

EDIT: Download: v12 tree.7z

You can kind of see that most options are directly under "I am a character in a dark tale."

There are also three submenus:

  1. I am a prostitute working at an inn (contains all inn prostitute scenarios)
  2. I've been enslaved (contains all slavery scenarios, including those with optional SD+ support)
  3. CCAS Specific scenarios (these require absolutely no other mods to function)

NB: This tree is slightly outdated, I think - I think I changed some of the names. But the general structure has not been altered.


Just tried to download v11 and Grine, both are errors and unable to load.  Grine is actually nothing at all.  (0kb)   :(


I re-posted the grine tattoo pack a couple of posts ago... maybe a page or two back? Try that one.


The reason I suggest that is because for some weird reason files uploaded to the support thread seem to be downloading fine, while files in the actual download page are having issues.

And v11 is identical to v12 except for the changes. To be clear: I'm calling v12 a beta, but it really isn't - basically completely done except for one part of the Soulgem Incubator scenario, and that's easily skipped. If you can't download v11, try the beta instead (LINK).

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The thing is, I've not had any problem with other downloads.


I suppose it could be this page specifically, then. Although there have been reports of Simple Slavery also not downloading fully, but I just tested and that one's fine.

The server had some problems, maybe v11 and the grine package got corrupted somehow?


I am a special snowflake. :)


I was going to re-upload v11 to the main page and I realized I no longer have a copy of it. I've got v2 through v10, and the v12 beta, that's about it.


I'll put a note on the OP saying the download is corrupt.

Or... maybe what I'll do instead is put the v12 beta up as a main download. Why not? No bug reports so far, and ~150 downloads, so...


EDIT: I just tried it, and the v12 beta seems to be downloading fine from the main page. Must've been the wind just that one.

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Going to mention this though I am not sure of the cause. I was able to replicate it though, and determine that it wasn't aroused creatures doing it.


In the wolf slave start, it would keep trying to start an animation, and only the first wolf that spawns right next to you.  I had a second wolf on the other side of the pond from the beds and it stayed there.


I had something similar happen with the giant start, but that could have been Aroused Creatures.

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Going to mention this though I am not sure of the cause. I was able to replicate it though, and determine that it wasn't aroused creatures doing it.


In the wolf slave start, it would keep trying to start an animation, and only the first wolf that spawns right next to you.  I had a second wolf on the other side of the pond from the beds and it stayed there.


I had something similar happen with the giant start, but that could have been Aroused Creatures.


Unfortunately, all four wolves in the cave are copies of the same actor, so they all have the same forcegreet package. It is entirely possible that one keeps trying to start an animation on top of another, causing the animation to halt, but only if you get the dialogue option... if you're not getting a forcegreet dialogue before the sex tries to start, it's not CCAS's fault. If you are getting that forcegreet dialogue and then an aborted sex scene, CCAS is the problem. My guess would be 50/50 actually, depending on your Aroused Creature settings, but I'm not there to confirm, so I'm tentatively laying the blame on CCAS here. :)


I keep debating with myself whether to continue including creature dialogue. On the one hand, since SD+ is optional, it is possible for users without SD+ to have a very boring experience with the creature starts without the dialogue. On the other hand, there still seem to be problems with it. I might just get rid of the creature dialogue part of CCAS entirely. At the very least it would make debugging problems like yours easier. ;)

You could attach a papyrus log, that would help me figure out which is the case - there's a debug line that will appear whenever CCAS tries to start sex with a wolf (or any other CCAS creature), so if you see that a whole bunch in the log it's definitely this mod at fault.


As to the wolf not moving, that's also possible. I tested it several times, and fiddled with the navmesh each time, trying to get patrol routes to work properly. I thought I fixed all of the problems, but I might have missed one.

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I did grab the v12beta from the link posted earlier, was just adding a bit of additional info. LL has had some issues the last little while, couldn't post for a day, for example.


Its a good mod.

Just downloaded and decompressed v12beta from the LL download page. No problems.

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Going to mention this though I am not sure of the cause. I was able to replicate it though, and determine that it wasn't aroused creatures doing it.


In the wolf slave start, it would keep trying to start an animation, and only the first wolf that spawns right next to you.  I had a second wolf on the other side of the pond from the beds and it stayed there.


I had something similar happen with the giant start, but that could have been Aroused Creatures.


Unfortunately, all four wolves in the cave are copies of the same actor, so they all have the same forcegreet package. It is entirely possible that one keeps trying to start an animation on top of another, causing the animation to halt, but only if you get the dialogue option... if you're not getting a forcegreet dialogue before the sex tries to start, it's not CCAS's fault. If you are getting that forcegreet dialogue and then an aborted sex scene, CCAS is the problem. My guess would be 50/50 actually, depending on your Aroused Creature settings, but I'm not there to confirm, so I'm tentatively laying the blame on CCAS here. :)


I keep debating with myself whether to continue including creature dialogue. On the one hand, since SD+ is optional, it is possible for users without SD+ to have a very boring experience with the creature starts without the dialogue. On the other hand, there still seem to be problems with it. I might just get rid of the creature dialogue part of CCAS entirely. At the very least it would make debugging problems like yours easier. ;)

You could attach a papyrus log, that would help me figure out which is the case - there's a debug line that will appear whenever CCAS tries to start sex with a wolf (or any other CCAS creature), so if you see that a whole bunch in the log it's definitely this mod at fault.


As to the wolf not moving, that's also possible. I tested it several times, and fiddled with the navmesh each time, trying to get patrol routes to work properly. I thought I fixed all of the problems, but I might have missed one.



I do get the growl force greet, and had Aroused Creatures turned off, at least the interaction with PC part. That does display a separate notification so I know if that is what does it, usually. The second wolf not moving just means it stayed on the other side of the pond and did not come over to forcegreet me. I would presume that is because the first wolf is already busy.


I didn't think of logs, don't know why... I'll get one later.

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I do get the growl force greet, and had Aroused Creatures turned off, at least the interaction with PC part. That does display a separate notification so I know if that is what does it, usually. The second wolf not moving just means it stayed on the other side of the pond and did not come over to forcegreet me. I would presume that is because the first wolf is already busy.


I didn't think of logs, don't know why... I'll get one later.



Still sounds like a pathfinding issue to me. If the wolf isn't moving, it's either because he's already engaged in sex, or his route is broken.


I'm going to bite the bullet and get rid of creature dialogue. It's causing too many problems.


EDIT: And it looks like I screwed up the Sabre Cat last time again anyway. I've been making a lot of derp moves lately...

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Chose the 'surprise me' option, ended up in the bear's cave. Managed to kill the bear and escape. Bear didn't try to defend itself. However, Ravyn was sneaking and up on a ledge, which might be the reason for the lack of aggression.


The bear was nonhostile by design. You just killed a friend. :(


If you install SD+, you'll get some additional content with creature scenarios too, btw.

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Anyone else missing the animal-based starts? The only one I get is "I am a dog's chewtoy."


Since they went SD+ optional instead of required, I put them under "no requirements" instead.


EDIT: I keep shuffling things around trying to put fewer options on-screen at a time, but I honestly don't know if it's that important any more, given that there's a disclaimer about EZ2C Dialogue Menu on the main page...


EDIT: Or maybe I didn't, I can't remember if I did that or if they're still under enslavement. Urgh, I should look this up...

EDIT: They're under the "I've been enslaved!" header. Makes sense, even with no requirements, just optional SD+ support. I think I'll keep them there.

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Just started using this tonight and have tried the "offering to giants" and "dog's chewtoy" so far (I had to re-restart because I was using an old save, so I had to jump out and clean it so the latest ME menu would show up, and I figured, why not?) and I must say so far this mod is exactly what I was hoping it'd be and more. Thanks so much and looking forward to seeing more of this mod's content. The scenarios are inventive and the writing's great. I was particularly pleased to see... (ACTUAL SPOILER):





The "offered to giants by family" will dovetail nicely with a set of incest-oriented npc's/followers I've been tinkering with for my own amusement.





So thanks again and keep up the good work.

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Just started using this tonight and have tried the "offering to giants" and "dog's chewtoy" so far (I had to re-restart because I was using an old save, so I had to jump out and clean it so the latest ME menu would show up, and I figured, why not?) and I must say so far this mod is exactly what I was hoping it'd be and more. Thanks so much and looking forward to seeing more of this mod's content. The scenarios are inventive and the writing's great. I was particularly pleased to see... (ACTUAL SPOILER):





The "offered to giants by family" will dovetail nicely with a set of incest-oriented npc's/followers I've been tinkering with for my own amusement.





So thanks again and keep up the good work.


Glad you like it!

A (spoiler) is something I've been considering for a while now, but I'm not sure how to implement it. I'm considering



making ten families, one for each race, and setting up a home, maybe using a vanilla house or something. Choose the start and you'll get a family assigned to you based on your race (this will require vanilla races), with unique dialogue for each family member.

The dialogue is the problem there - I haven't written that kind of thing before.



p.s. why are we spoilering? ;)

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Cool. I'm pretty much "maxed" on mods, 253, at the moment


Two thoughts ...


Adding a bit of backstory as to how the PC got into the situation. Probably a lot of work, though, so just a thought.


Another start that I call "Shanghai'd" You were shanghai'd (enslaved) to serve the crew of a merchant or pirate ship. But you behave so poorly, clumsy, nasty, that the crew gets pissed off and throws you overboard with literally nothing but a collar around your neck. Basically, enter the game at a random location in the ocean naked and collared.

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Cool. I'm pretty much "maxed" on mods, 253, at the moment


Two thoughts ...


Adding a bit of backstory as to how the PC got into the situation. Probably a lot of work, though, so just a thought.


Another start that I call "Shanghai'd" You were shanghai'd (enslaved) to serve the crew of a merchant or pirate ship. But you behave so poorly, clumsy, nasty, that the crew gets pissed off and throws you overboard with literally nothing but a collar around your neck. Basically, enter the game at a random location in the ocean naked and collared.


Leaving the backstory open lets more people use the starts. Unless you more or less do what jfrasier is doing with his Escape the Cell mod, with a whole bunch of openings that all lead to an entry point for the quest chain and then take it from there.


Shanghai'd could work on the shipwrecked start. You managed to survive because you were stuck in the brig and the ship broke open, letting you out. Everyone was either thrown overboard or jumped for it and left you behind. People using Frostfall or other survival mods can get by with that, though its far harder than the others. Being dropped in the water naked would instantly kill people on those mods I think.

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So, just in case you're still interested, or moderately bored and want to make suggestions on some of the other errors I have, here's a log from a short startup.


Looks like CCAS is starting the wolf sex, and I did get several force greets, even while the action was going.  I did manage to move away from the first wolf and the second was able to move to where I was, so you do not need to worry as much about navmesh issues.


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So, just in case you're still interested, or moderately bored and want to make suggestions on some of the other errors I have, here's a log from a short startup.


Looks like CCAS is starting the wolf sex, and I did get several force greets, even while the action was going.  I did manage to move away from the first wolf and the second was able to move to where I was, so you do not need to worry as much about navmesh issues.


Your poor character! Looks like six attempts in three minutes!  :lol:

I got rid of the creature dialogue for the next version. Too many problems, not enough return.

And I already fiddled with the navmesh  :dodgy: . Ah well, hopefully I didn't break anything too bad.

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Yeah, I think I only saw 2 of those actually animate and the 2nd was halfway through the first.


The untamed mod has an option to chain sex a new pack member, but I think that's supposed to be a convenience to quickly level a follower.


I think as long as someone either knows the wolves are normal, and thus aggressive, or has SD to trigger the enslavement the dialog choice indicates, that's all you can reliably do, with as many attempts as you've made at this.


That or you just suck :P

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Yeah, I think I only saw 2 of those actually animate and the 2nd was halfway through the first.


The untamed mod has an option to chain sex a new pack member, but I think that's supposed to be a convenience to quickly level a follower.


I think as long as someone either knows the wolves are normal, and thus aggressive, or has SD to trigger the enslavement the dialog choice indicates, that's all you can reliably do, with as many attempts as you've made at this.


That or you just suck :P


Yeah, probably the last one.  :D


But the wolves shouldn't be aggressive any more - so far their faction fix is holding, no reports of aggressive wolves, bears, sabre cats, or trolls. The dialogue was just to add sex in case you don't use SD+. The problem with it was the forcegreet, which was on all four of the wolves in the cave. Get close enough (120 units, IIRC) and they'd all try to jump you at once.

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Cool. I'm pretty much "maxed" on mods, 253, at the moment


Two thoughts ...


Adding a bit of backstory as to how the PC got into the situation. Probably a lot of work, though, so just a thought.


Another start that I call "Shanghai'd" You were shanghai'd (enslaved) to serve the crew of a merchant or pirate ship. But you behave so poorly, clumsy, nasty, that the crew gets pissed off and throws you overboard with literally nothing but a collar around your neck. Basically, enter the game at a random location in the ocean naked and collared.


Leaving the backstory open lets more people use the starts. Unless you more or less do what jfrasier is doing with his Escape the Cell mod, with a whole bunch of openings that all lead to an entry point for the quest chain and then take it from there.


Shanghai'd could work on the shipwrecked start. You managed to survive because you were stuck in the brig and the ship broke open, letting you out. Everyone was either thrown overboard or jumped for it and left you behind. People using Frostfall or other survival mods can get by with that, though its far harder than the others. Being dropped in the water naked would instantly kill people on those mods I think.



The thing is, with the shipwreck start, its easy enough to scavenge some starting gear, axe, armour, food, etc. And it only has the one start location. With my idea, you start with nothing but a collar around your neck and whatever quest stuff you might start with, such as AFT or Helgen Reborn. The script could easily generate a random x,y coordinate that lands the PC in an ocean location.


Yes, those playing Frostfall would likely die. Then whatever death sequence will kick in, such as Death Alternative. Frostfall player would only have to worry if they chose the 'Surprise me" start and it just happened to pick this one. A solution, though its a lot more work, would be to have the character awaken at a random location on a beach somewhere. But, with that one, it is likely that a number of locations would need to be defined before hand, which the script randomly picks from.


So, the end result is that the character starts at a random location, naked, with nothing but starting spells and a collar around her neck. Free, but a clear target for enslavement if she should run into the wrong person before she can get some gear.


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So, the end result is that the character starts at a random location, naked, with nothing but starting spells and a collar around her neck. Free, but a clear target for enslavement if she should run into the wrong person before she can get some gear.



Have you tried the Live a Deviant Life alt start mod or are you avoiding the DD package mods?


Exactly. I can make scenarios that drop you naked into the ocean, but I'm not sure if I want to include a collar in that.

One thing I do not want CCAS to do is become a one-stop shop - I don't want to replicate functionality of other mods if possible. For instance, the latest version (v12 beta) includes assets and the basic framework of a simple prostitution system, that I was going to implement for Inn Prostitute scenarios, before I came to my senses. Why re-invent the wheel when others have done it much better, or at the very least the same?

Deviously Cursed Loot is an example of this. It's a wonderful mod, and it's trying to be all things to all people. Which works for its users, but it's just not my thing, personally. Radiant Prostitution is already out there, so I'm not going to add in any other prostitution system. LADL already exists, so adding devious devices to a shipwreck-start equivalent is kind of pointless.

Every scenario so far in CCAS is either one that takes advantage of existing mechanics specifically designed for alternate starts (such as the Sexlab Stories scenarios), or uses another mod's functionality to provide a starting scenario that doesn't already exist (i.e. Milk Maid Economy, Giant Offering, various SD+ enslavements, etc), or is a very low-impact start that would go in any normal LAL plugin except with some minor sexual content ranging from journal entry text only to dialogue sex (Vampire Larder, Bandit Honeypot, Inn Prostitute scenarios, etc).

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