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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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Looks like everything is coming along nicely!


One minor suggestion - what about the possibility, if you as a hunting werewolf defeat a Red Sisterhood huntress, to take her prisoner (and try to break her etc)? Seems like a good alternative to the options of letting her go, or killing her.


There will be something like that. Most likely an entirely different event chain, so as not every one will end with you building your harem. :)

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Just downloaded the 140 version of the custom portraits and was adding some other ones to the mix and i noticed that remedy_portrait_swapping only had a single image in it. A red haired anime girl, not sure who, never saw her.

Is that supposed to be like that? Also couldn't find harley/joker etc. from older versions in the dds files.


Cheers, keep up the good work.

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Just downloaded the 140 version of the custom portraits and was adding some other ones to the mix and i noticed that remedy_portrait_swapping only had a single image in it. A red haired anime girl, not sure who, never saw her.

Is that supposed to be like that? Also couldn't find harley/joker etc. from older versions in the dds files.


Cheers, keep up the good work.


Bah, sounds like I botched the file merge when I removed the old Orc and Tentacle-kin images. Thanks for letting me know. I'll post up a 1.40a today as a correction.

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So I just started a new game and I held a blood moon... and it started asking me to sacrifice my family members and courtiers who were not imprisoned.


Working as intended.  Families slow down world conquest and cause problems with harem growth.  ;)

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Also, another suggestion would be possibly seeding more characters of certain types into the world at start, as long as their type is enabled in the game rules selection. Right now we get Fenris and Vlad, but no elves, orcs, demons, etc. These characters could be rulers, or could simply be courtiers. Eventually I'd love to see stuff like that come up as part of Rival/competitor event chains, but I figure that would be a lot of work. Something as simple as an event or two to just randomly sprinkle characters, however, wouldn't be too much. (I could probably help with that, if you like)

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So I just started a new game and I held a blood moon... and it started asking me to sacrifice my family members and courtiers who were not imprisoned.


I play tested a pair of games as a succubus, with multiple Blood Moon events, it never fired incorrectly for me. If there was no one, it only offered peasants, if there was only one prisoner, it'd offer them and then move on, and if I had more than one, it cycled back through after I offed one.


I didn't try a play test as an incubus, so I can't speak to that one working as intended. Can you provide any more information, so I could perhaps try to recreate it?

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Also, another suggestion would be possibly seeding more characters of certain types into the world at start, as long as their type is enabled in the game rules selection. Right now we get Fenris and Vlad, but no elves, orcs, demons, etc. These characters could be rulers, or could simply be courtiers. Eventually I'd love to see stuff like that come up as part of Rival/competitor event chains, but I figure that would be a lot of work. Something as simple as an event or two to just randomly sprinkle characters, however, wouldn't be too much. (I could probably help with that, if you like)


I've some plans on how to go about this. Right now the only start that seeds something additional is the Werewolf Toy campaign, which adds a werewolf to your court (so that way you know who dominated you).


But since the other races are meant to be rarities when you start, I want to take an event style path to seeding them. For example, your ruler may hear rumors of an elf was seen. If you've enough cash to mount a search for it, you can try and locate the elf yourself. If not, they'd get seeded at random. I think an approach like that would allow me to build a little more flavor of how I envision their interaction within Dark World.

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Also, another suggestion would be possibly seeding more characters of certain types into the world at start, as long as their type is enabled in the game rules selection. Right now we get Fenris and Vlad, but no elves, orcs, demons, etc. These characters could be rulers, or could simply be courtiers. Eventually I'd love to see stuff like that come up as part of Rival/competitor event chains, but I figure that would be a lot of work. Something as simple as an event or two to just randomly sprinkle characters, however, wouldn't be too much. (I could probably help with that, if you like)


I've some plans on how to go about this. Right now the only start that seeds something additional is the Werewolf Toy campaign, which adds a werewolf to your court (so that way you know who dominated you).


But since the other races are meant to be rarities when you start, I want to take an event style path to seeding them. For example, your ruler may hear rumors of an elf was seen. If you've enough cash to mount a search for it, you can try and locate the elf yourself. If not, they'd get seeded at random. I think an approach like that would allow me to build a little more flavor of how I envision their interaction within Dark World.



That's certainly fair. I just miss having so many of the other characters potentially running around, and getting involved with them, whether in my court or elsewhere.

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In regards to the orc/elf/fairy portion of the mod, does it currently consist of anything besides the extremely frequent event involving dancing to elvish music?  Because as of now that is the only thing I have seen, and it feels like I see it way too much.  Not really a complaint, just wondering whether it should actually be firing as often as it does, or is perhaps a function of the way I tend to play with Dark World (using the Age Customizer mod to create rulers with ridiculously overpowered traits and stats so I don't have to worry about the game).

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So I just started a new game and I held a blood moon... and it started asking me to sacrifice my family members and courtiers who were not imprisoned.


I play tested a pair of games as a succubus, with multiple Blood Moon events, it never fired incorrectly for me. If there was no one, it only offered peasants, if there was only one prisoner, it'd offer them and then move on, and if I had more than one, it cycled back through after I offed one.


I didn't try a play test as an incubus, so I can't speak to that one working as intended. Can you provide any more information, so I could perhaps try to recreate it?



I had the same thing happen.  When I had no prisoners, I only had the option to sacrifice peasants.


With a prisoner (a mayor, in case it matters, who was caught stealing or somesuch) I got an option to sacrifice a random courtier.  I chose that option, because it referred to her as a prisoner (I confirmed she was not) thinking maybe it was just displaying the name incorrectly.  But she was sacrificed and the prisoner was not, and no other sacrifices were available besides peasants.


On the next blood moon, again the wrong person was selected (this time the prisoner was an enemy combatant) but the name listed as the sacrificee was my ruler's name.  Another option was the ruler's daughter and heir, and then peasants.  However, I still had the option of (paraphrasing) 'that's enough sacrifices' and was able to move through the event with no actual sacrifices.


Besides your mod, I am trying the Beyond Heresy religion addon.  Perhaps there's some conflict there?  I had not changed to the Lilith religion at the time of the sacrifice wackiness.  The only other change I made was I went through and reduced fertility bonuses on several of the DW traits.


As long as I'm here, I'd like to mention that I really enjoy DW.  The Kiss of Seduction that you've added since I last played is a fun addition.  I tried once to make it so masters of seduction could continue to seduce after changing to something besides seduction, but never could make that work.  I also like all the storybook characters.  Maleficent became my first ruler's wife.  Thanks!

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So I just started a new game and I held a blood moon... and it started asking me to sacrifice my family members and courtiers who were not imprisoned.


I play tested a pair of games as a succubus, with multiple Blood Moon events, it never fired incorrectly for me. If there was no one, it only offered peasants, if there was only one prisoner, it'd offer them and then move on, and if I had more than one, it cycled back through after I offed one.


I didn't try a play test as an incubus, so I can't speak to that one working as intended. Can you provide any more information, so I could perhaps try to recreate it?



I had the same thing happen.  When I had no prisoners, I only had the option to sacrifice peasants.


With a prisoner (a mayor, in case it matters, who was caught stealing or somesuch) I got an option to sacrifice a random courtier.  I chose that option, because it referred to her as a prisoner (I confirmed she was not) thinking maybe it was just displaying the name incorrectly.  But she was sacrificed and the prisoner was not, and no other sacrifices were available besides peasants.


On the next blood moon, again the wrong person was selected (this time the prisoner was an enemy combatant) but the name listed as the sacrificee was my ruler's name.  Another option was the ruler's daughter and heir, and then peasants.  However, I still had the option of (paraphrasing) 'that's enough sacrifices' and was able to move through the event with no actual sacrifices.


Besides your mod, I am trying the Beyond Heresy religion addon.  Perhaps there's some conflict there?  I had not changed to the Lilith religion at the time of the sacrifice wackiness.  The only other change I made was I went through and reduced fertility bonuses on several of the DW traits.


As long as I'm here, I'd like to mention that I really enjoy DW.  The Kiss of Seduction that you've added since I last played is a fun addition.  I tried once to make it so masters of seduction could continue to seduce after changing to something besides seduction, but never could make that work.  I also like all the storybook characters.  Maleficent became my first ruler's wife.  Thanks!



Hrm. Alright, I've done another test.


My results:


No prisoners: Only the sacrifice peasants option (worked as intended)

Only one Prisoner: (Rimvydas from Yatvingia) - and it wants me to sacrifice my Marshall.... What?


Alright. So I must have been insanely lucky. I'll poke it and figure out what's going on.



Edit: I think I see what I did. Small issue - when I post the fix, it'll contain the larger event window - before I had the chance to begin really taking advantage of it.



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Alright, the issue with the Blood Moon sacrifices does indeed appear to be fixed.


I'll post a fix for it later tonight. I've got some things to take care of that requires me to step away until the evening.


Here's a screen shot where it successfully was on the second sacrifice option, plus what the larger event window that's coming with the update will look like (thanks for the work ngppgn).


Note - since this fix is coming out before I could really sink in a number of images to take advantage of the new layout, your narrative_event types will look like this, while your character_event windows (the smaller one that vanilla CK2 usually uses) will look normal.



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Posted the fix. Was going to wrap up another piece I was working on as part of the package, but I'm heading out to the movies with the wife.


Change log:

v1.47 (Dark World Reborn)
    - Incorporated a tweaked version of ngppgn's work on making a bigger event window - specifically the narrative_event.
    - Updated a couple existing events / images to utilize the new narrative_event view.
    - Immortality returns as a spell option for the Children of Lilith who reach the peak stage
    - Fixed an issue regarding the Blood Moon sacrifice.

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my world is populated by ghosts pleas help 

The actual image and not only the thumbnail would help much more but my guess is you are starting CK2 with DarkWorld and the portraits module without having the visual DLC the portrait module needs.


This is neither the first time this has been asked nor the first time it has been answered.

It clearly states in the readme file for the portrait module what the problem and what the solution is so prominent is that error.


Ask first, read later. Classic.

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I can't wait to see how you can take advantage of the larger text and image space, Dewguru!


The next update will have some events that begin to utilize the additional text space as well. Some new, some old that have been expanded upon.

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Hi there. I've got something stupid going on for me and I was hoping for some help.  The portraits in my game aren't working correctly.  More specifically, a number of them are only a black shadow with white numbers over them.  I know that this is a small issue but any help is appreciated.


I'll make it known that i recently added Slavery Expanded, Toska, Darkest Perversions, and The Mercenary Commander mods


You need to also run the portrait pack.


Go here and then download and run the ReMedy Portrait pack as another mod.





Forgive my late response time, I had to reinstall my operating system.  I already had the ReMedy Portrait pack that was provided installed.  Currently I am still experiencing the same problem as well as portraits not appearing when they should.  If no one can give me an answer I'll just completely uninstall my game and reinstall everything


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Hi there. I've got something stupid going on for me and I was hoping for some help.  The portraits in my game aren't working correctly.  More specifically, a number of them are only a black shadow with white numbers over them.  I know that this is a small issue but any help is appreciated.


I'll make it known that i recently added Slavery Expanded, Toska, Darkest Perversions, and The Mercenary Commander mods


You need to also run the portrait pack.


Go here and then download and run the ReMedy Portrait pack as another mod.





Forgive my late response time, I had to reinstall my operating system.  I already had the ReMedy Portrait pack that was provided installed.  Currently I am still experiencing the same problem as well as portraits not appearing when they should.  If no one can give me an answer I'll just completely uninstall my game and reinstall everything




I'm going to assume that you either have all of the DLC (including the free one you get from Paradox forum registration), or that you've modified your files accordingly (how is located both in the Readme file for the mod and also in the FAQ section of this thread (2nd post).


That aside - since you're seeing black portraits with white numbers, then that means you're seeing the ReMeDy portrait mod. The only question I'd have then is what traits are you seeing this on? The ReMeDy portrait mod has over 400 slots for images. Right now, only a little over a 100 are actually used, so you've got about 300 black background - white number portrait traits that are there.


Now, how exactly are you getting them into your mod - as nothing current should be calling upon those unused portraits. At least nothing in the Dark World Reborn mod. In theory. I suppose I could have missed something, but anyway, how about giving an example of which number(s) you're seeing?

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Forgive my late response time, I had to reinstall my operating system.  I already had the ReMedy Portrait pack that was provided installed.  Currently I am still experiencing the same problem as well as portraits not appearing when they should.  If no one can give me an answer I'll just completely uninstall my game and reinstall everything




One thing I would say is as part of that Portrait pack there was a requirement of a stealth free DLC that is portrait based from paradox which you have to get by registering it on the paradox plaza forums.  That may be what is causing the issue, but I admit I'm totally guessing to your issue at this point.

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I am slightly curious. Are there any plans to utilize the new inventory and cult feature of the next update on Tuesday?


I'm sure Dew will look into it, but like all modders, we haven't had a chance to look at how the game will behave. For all we know, stuff could be hard-coded. Paradox mentioned we can implement our own religious groups, but until we get our hands on the game, it's impossible to know to what extent things can be changed.


Plus, I imagine Dew will want to play at least one game to enjoy the expansion's content before adding anything. That's what I plan on doing anyways. Judging by their live streams, Paradox has added so many more events and content that just sifting through the code doesn't do it justice. Dew might have to spend a good day or two just fixing what Monks & Mystics might break before he can add anything. I know for a fact it will break my portrait mod, so I'll have to update that Tuesday, but that workload doesn't compare to what Dew will probably have to fix.

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but anyway, how about giving an example of which number(s) you're seeing?



Thank god I had the foresight to add those numbers. I knew this would happen 100 times over, lol. Damn I can't wait for CKIII when they probably move over to a Stellaris portrait system.


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