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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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7 hours ago, lockeslylcrit said:

So here's my side of the whole situation:


Dark World Fantasy first started as a tiny submod to DWR called Dark World Tweaks. So small that it included only three things: prevents the offmap empires from showing up or forming, adding the "Motivate X" decision to both the spiritual leader and the tribal steward, and having a version of Serpent's Purge that allows you to choose if you want to keep the kid or have the poison take effect. This file was submitted October 2nd.


Eventually it grew enough that it had a large discord channel of its own, with other submodders joining in. Tweaks got big enough that I had to start including some DWR files into the Tweaks zip because I didn't yet properly understand file merging. Eventually I just said fuck it, and included the original DWR mod into the Tweaks file and modifying them instead of making new files. This was because A) it was easier for me to make necessary bug fixes and balancing, and B) many of the DWR submodders have expressed interest in continuing their own submods without having to rely on the old DWR code (especially with the upcoming 3.0 Holy Fury patch). So it was unanimously decided that DWTweaks would be the de facto successor to DWR. Also included in DWTweaks was my own dark elven content, which I eventually split off into its own separate mod: House Irae. As an aside, this mod uses virtually nothing from DWR, with the exception of a recolored Elf trait graphic.


Included in DWTweaks was full integration of Dark World Serpent Expansion, as full permission was graciously granted by zia. And that brings us to the crux of the issue involving DWR/DWF: permission. There were discussions with the other modders on if I should fully take up the Dark World mantle as the new successor. I was always not so keen on this idea because in big bold letters on the front page of DWR were "Do not rebrand DWR." I was always watching your profile like a hawk, seeing if you returned so I could ask permission, but the last post by you related to DWR was already half a year old, and the latest post by you anywhere on LL was in August. I didn't know how to contact you because I didn't know if you just abandoned LL or what. Eventually I bit the bullet, and on December 3rd DWTweaks was rebranded as Dark World Fantasy. This decision was mine, and mine alone. I take full responsibility for this. I deeply apologize for going against your wishes. People were still playing the hell out of DWR, and with Holy Fury's resurgence of modding on LL, I wanted to give them an up-to-date experience. Nobody knew how long you were going to be gone for, or if you were going to come back. The decision to rebrand was done out of respect to the Dark World brand, continuing it in your absence, not as a way of usurping you.

All in all, that's pretty much irrelevant. You still took something without asking. No message through the site or anything. The terms I had posted with my mod - you clearly ignored (you pretty much did item #3 from the FAQ.


And you must not have watched my profile too much, because I was online in Lovers Lab, several times a month. It's just that I was over in the FallOut, Skyrim, Oblivion, and Sims 4 parts of the site.


In my opinion - you'd be better off not trying to justify it. Like I mentioned, I got over it and was fine with it in just a short period of time (the time it took me to grab a beer from the fridge and drink it).


I've no ill will towards you. You're on a solid roll. Keep at it.


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On 6/11/2019 at 7:19 AM, Drax70 said:

Hello @dewguru!

Will you consider implementing Fairy Tales and Dicks & Tits in your mod?

I realy enjoyed them!!!



I've got a compatibility check that adds breasts or dick traits from the Dark World Fantasy Dicks & Tits or the Christianity mod (only breasts in that one to my knowledge).


I'll see how things progress from that.

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43 minutes ago, The Masketta Man said:

Why does it upset you that someone took your mod and did something else with it?

Because it is his work and he wasn't asked? Not hard to figure it out.

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TBF his reply was incredibly rational. Someone took his baby that he put a lot of effort into raising up, - it is only natural to be protective as a parent. Then sees his 'kid' has grown up, making its own friends and a life without him. He had a perfectly reasonable pang of sadness and frustration at that, but then  like the very best kind of parent, realized his baby was thriving and making people happy. He could take a step back and be proud of what he'd helped create - tho of course still wish the kid would 'phone home' more often ?.


But yeah in a community that is protective of its creators he could possibly kick off more, but like, what is the point? Is the drama worth it? Especially as if you share a mod its because you want people to enjoy it, and currently, people are :)  Its a win for the community to have a mod author with such a progressive outlook in my book. AND to have selfless people work for the community's benefit on otherwise stationary mods they weren't previously responsible for. We've got the best of both here and we should all be very thankful.

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  • 4 weeks later...
2 hours ago, wulfgar677 said:

Is there a way to unlock all decisions from the mod without building the related buildings (e.g. start prostituting oneself without the RLD?)


I'm trying to use this mod with 'play as a courtier'

You'd need to make some edits to the files in the decisions folder. Going through them and removing any building requirements that are in there.


For example - in the dw_cc_decisions.txt file, the Visit the Brothel decision would need the line 'has_valid_brothel = yes' removed. Where the following decision that covers working in a brothel would need this section removed:

			any_realm_province = {
				OR = {
					has_building = dw_brothel_1 # Castle
					has_building = dw_redlight_district_1 # City
					has_building = dw_morale_wagon_1 # Nomad
					has_building = dw_whore_pen_1 # Tribal


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  • 1 month later...
On 8/28/2019 at 12:26 PM, Blazekune said:

Hey I'm not all that great at modding but wanted to ask, does Dark World Reborn or Toska mess with the allowed concubines? I've adjusted the max amount to 50 but its capping at 3 now with these two mods.

Dark World Reborn didn't mess with the number of concubines. I cannot speak about Toska's.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/11/2019 at 7:05 AM, Drax70 said:

Hello @dewguru!


Any news on your new project? Any surprises in the near future?



Outside of my present CK2 mod, I'm working on a non-mod project with another fellow. We had to take a step back and are working on the design document for the project, as we tried to work on it as we went without one (very unwise), and ended up changing directions multiple times, which resulted in wasted work. That project is probably not going to see any public light until next year sometime. In the mean time, I'm hitting the present mod (shown below) with updates about once or twice a month, and I'll likely continue on it until CyberPunk 2077 consumes my free time next year.


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On 9/22/2019 at 4:24 AM, dewguru said:

Outside of my present CK2 mod, I'm working on a non-mod project with another fellow. We had to take a step back and are working on the design document for the project, as we tried to work on it as we went without one (very unwise), and ended up changing directions multiple times, which resulted in wasted work. That project is probably not going to see any public light until next year sometime. In the mean time, I'm hitting the present mod (shown below) with updates about once or twice a month, and I'll likely continue on it until CyberPunk 2077 consumes my free time next year.


please help me, game dont spawn virgin trait(((

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5 hours ago, CatLikeGirls said:

Please help - NO one charasters dont have a virgin trait(

Only DF and modules instaled, that happened? Old version have this trait.

You are in the Dark World Reborn thread. Your post makes it look like you're using Dark World Fantasy, which is in a different thread.

DWF removed the use of the Virgin trait. Not certain when exactly, but it's not being used anymore.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks like I'm gonna use this mod again once it's updated. DWF can rot in hell with it's paid commision shit. And after "stealing" your mod to do these things, is just so so-so low....


Good luck dew ❤️ I was here since the beginning (the OG dark world mod) and i'll be here until the end.

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Just for the sake of clarification, what gets posted this week will be version 1.69, with things closed of for completion that weren't quite done. Then I'm going to scrub it with Validator to see if I've old syntax that isn't liked any longer, and then I'm going to do a test run to see if CK2 dumps any errors in its error.log from the mod.


Once that's done, it should be stable and compatible with CK2 3.3.0.


Then I'll take a step back and whack it. There are some things I did in Heroes and Villains that were intended ultimately for my Dark World Reborn vision, such as the more complete Wizard's Tower. So I'll pull that over and then I'll need to update Heroes and Villains for compatibility should someone run both DWR and H&V.


I'll need to try and wrap my head around some things with the mod as it goes on. But after it's posted, by all means, feedback welcomed, especially towards streamlining some things that may be too pop-up-ish.

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5 minutes ago, ImNotOneToJudge said:

Welcome back Dewguru, also i was wondering that due to the so called "schism" going on in the dark world fantasy thread i was wondering then why you update this mod will it work with DWF or not?

I believe in compatibility when it's possible. I've made mods I've created in the past compatible with other mods that I don't even use, and I would keep it the same way.


Now, I don't know what issues there may be out of the gate, so I'd need folks to communicate that kind of thing. Then I'll be happy to make adjustments as necessary.


So ultimately, I'd say it should.

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Alright, on the prior page, I mentioned what the next release would be.


To summarize, it'll have items that were done before I went on hiatus with Dark World Reborn. I've run it through the current version of Validator to clean up some script errors, and I've run it through some tests until the base CK2 error.txt file wasn't generating anything related to DWR.


So it's pretty much 1.68 from a year ago, with a little bit of new content (looks like it's mainly vampire related), and then tweaks to make it compatible with CK2 3.3.0.


After this initial posting, I'm going to move towards three things. Shoring up some old crap that's in it to make it easier for supporting, QoL improvements - meaning tweaks to some things that were too tedious, and I'll be updating/expanding on some old things - like bringing over the Wizard Tower and spell improvements that I made in Heroes & Villains.


If you're using DWF right now with a bunch of DW mods, tossing DWR in right out of the gate may cause more problems. So my recommendation if you're willing to boot things up and share what's working and what's not from a compatibility perspective, do so on a brand new game, not a saved game.


Alright, all of that said, I think I should be in a position to post the new file tomorrow. Below is what the change log is looking like presently.


Change Log:
v1.69 (Dark World Reborn)
    - Removed Gladiator trait as vanilla CK2 added one.
    - Mod should work with the current CK2 version: 3.3.0
    - Items below were entered prior to my hiatus, and may or may not actually be in the mod. :)
    - Vampires shouldn't be able to try and sire someone who is already a vampire.
    - Vampires with a lover shouldn't be able to feed on any NPC. The check is intended to restrict it to their lover (or thrall).
    - Vampires aren't meant to be feeding on other vampires (vampires don't like being used as cattle).
    - New events/npc/decisions/artifact
    - Added a few decision icons to existing decisions that didn't have them.
    - Immortals should no longer opt out of being immortal as long as they're hosted by the player (within their court).
    - Rebellion risk for monsters - if you're outed as a monster and bad things happen, then there is a chance for a revolt modifier to be added to the monster ruler. The modifier can stack.


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4 hours ago, dewguru said:

Alright, on the prior page, I mentioned what the next release would be.


To summarize, it'll have items that were done before I went on hiatus with Dark World Reborn. I've run it through the current version of Validator to clean up some script errors, and I've run it through some tests until the base CK2 error.txt file wasn't generating anything related to DWR.


So it's pretty much 1.68 from a year ago, with a little bit of new content (looks like it's mainly vampire related), and then tweaks to make it compatible with CK2 3.3.0.


After this initial posting, I'm going to move towards three things. Shoring up some old crap that's in it to make it easier for supporting, QoL improvements - meaning tweaks to some things that were too tedious, and I'll be updating/expanding on some old things - like bringing over the Wizard Tower and spell improvements that I made in Heroes & Villains.


If you're using DWF right now with a bunch of DW mods, tossing DWR in right out of the gate may cause more problems. So my recommendation if you're willing to boot things up and share what's working and what's not from a compatibility perspective, do so on a brand new game, not a saved game.


Alright, all of that said, I think I should be in a position to post the new file tomorrow. Below is what the change log is looking like presently.


Change Log:
v1.69 (Dark World Reborn)
    - Removed Gladiator trait as vanilla CK2 added one.
    - Mod should work with the current CK2 version: 3.3.0
    - Items below were entered prior to my hiatus, and may or may not actually be in the mod. :)
    - Vampires shouldn't be able to try and sire someone who is already a vampire.
    - Vampires with a lover shouldn't be able to feed on any NPC. The check is intended to restrict it to their lover (or thrall).
    - Vampires aren't meant to be feeding on other vampires (vampires don't like being used as cattle).
    - New events/npc/decisions/artifact
    - Added a few decision icons to existing decisions that didn't have them.
    - Immortals should no longer opt out of being immortal as long as they're hosted by the player (within their court).
    - Rebellion risk for monsters - if you're outed as a monster and bad things happen, then there is a chance for a revolt modifier to be added to the monster ruler. The modifier can stack.


Do you mind if I give you a fix I made for Hermione's quest while you were away? I provided the fix to DWF author but since they deleted all your content I imagine that's gone now. 

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4 hours ago, Revolver "Revolver" Ocelot said:

Do you mind if I give you a fix I made for Hermione's quest while you were away? I provided the fix to DWF author but since they deleted all your content I imagine that's gone now. 

Sure thing. I'll look to work it in before I post it.

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