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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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1 hour ago, dewguru said:

I took a look at Veedanya provided and looked over my own code and I think neither would really work as intended, but Veedanya's stab got me down the path towards something I think will work. I'll be adding the following in the next release, but if you're comfortable applying it to your existing code and letting me know if it seems to work or not, I'd appreciate it. It's just the immediate block portion of DWWhoring.1.


	immediate = {
		random_list = {
			100 = { # Normal visit
				narrative_event = { id = DWWhoring.2 }
			25 = { # Shantae appears
				modifier = {
					factor = 0 # we don't want the ai getting this option
					ai = yes 
				modifier = {
					factor = 0
					OR = { # Returns true if one of the enclosed conditions return true
						NOT = { has_fae_content = yes } # She's an elf, so this content needs to be enabled
						NOT = { has_global_flag = dw_bordello_poledancer } # We need the pole dancer improvement to have been built
						has_global_flag = dw_created_shantae # we only want to create her once so if this is present we zero out
				narrative_event = { id = DWWhoring.1100 }


A slight simplification if I may:

	immediate = {
		random_list = {
			100 = { # Normal visit
				narrative_event = { id = DWWhoring.2 }
			25 = { # Shantae appears
				trigger = {
					AND = { # Returns false if one of the enclosed conditions return true
						ai = no # we don't want the ai getting this option
						has_fae_content = yes # She's an elf, so this content needs to be enabled
						has_global_flag = dw_bordello_poledancer # We need the pole dancer improvement to have been built
						NOT = { has_global_flag = dw_created_shantae } # we only want to create her once so if this is present we zero out
				narrative_event = { id = DWWhoring.1100 }

Also, why are the borderllo improvements global flags? Those should probably be represented as buildings or title flags on the holding with the bordello.

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12 minutes ago, ngppgn said:


A slight simplification if I may:

	immediate = {
		random_list = {
			100 = { # Normal visit
				narrative_event = { id = DWWhoring.2 }
			25 = { # Shantae appears
				trigger = {
					AND = { # Returns false if one of the enclosed conditions return true
						ai = no # we don't want the ai getting this option
						has_fae_content = yes # She's an elf, so this content needs to be enabled
						has_global_flag = dw_bordello_poledancer # We need the pole dancer improvement to have been built
						NOT = { has_global_flag = dw_created_shantae } # we only want to create her once so if this is present we zero out
				narrative_event = { id = DWWhoring.1100 }

Also, why are the borderllo improvements global flags? Those should probably be represented as buildings or title flags on the holding with the bordello.

So random lists now offer trigger options? Are you certain this works?


I've always gone by what the wiki shows regarding random_list, and you control the random value through modifiers, not by a trigger.


And I prefer to use global_flags, and I see zero reason to alter that.

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16 minutes ago, dewguru said:

So random lists now offer trigger options? Are you certain this works?


I've always gone by what the wiki shows regarding random_list, and you control the random value through modifiers, not by a trigger.


And I prefer to use global_flags, and I see zero reason to alter that.

random_list supporting a trigger is in the modding section of the changelog for 2.7.

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2 hours ago, dewguru said:

The whoring traits have negative reputation modifiers built into them - which apply to even whoring monarchs. Dark World opens the opportunity for rulers to more easily dance into the sinful side with the commoners, but they're definitely not celebrated or viewed favorably for it.

So, I'm probably not the only one who finds it silly that anyone and everyone will turn to prostitution with the presence of just being lustful. Like being a whore is just something casually done with a very low barrier to entry, even for royalty. I wasn't sure if this was intended (in terms of the settings lore), but since you've confirmed whoring is as taboo as I thought I'm trying to consider ways to make characters more... discerning in their choices.


What are your thoughts on factor reducing the chance of prostituting based on the character's station in life? For example, higher accumulated wealth, piety, and prestige all reducing the chance of an AI deciding to whore. Likewise for holding titles, especially higher ranks. To a lesser extent being married. Inversely, I'll also add a big increase to whoring for branded slaves, because I'm tired of seeing "slaves" that never earn even a measly 10 gold throughout their life from whoring. (Or maybe it'll be better to make special whoring traits for slaves that turn it into a passive monthly income, so you won't have to micromanage the "collect money" action.)


And I also want to do something special for titleholders when whoring. Firstly because they can't share the same benefits as courtiers without grossly imbalanced income (with a flat rate, courtiers get massively overpaid or rulers get massively underpaid). Secondly, the fame factor of having a ruling leader as a whore would probably drastically increase their income (literally an internationally famous whore), and drastically increase the prestige/piety penalty (your country is literally ruled by a practicing street whore!). From a gameplay perspective the extra gold for rulers is needed since they have disproportionately smaller income from whoring due to also collecting taxes, but still have the same risks as normal whores (disease, rape, pregnancy, etc). So without special factors for rulers, it would make no sense for them to whore.

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6 minutes ago, veedanya said:

So, I'm probably not the only one who finds it silly that anyone and everyone will turn to prostitution with the presence of just being lustful. Like being a whore is just something casually done with a very low barrier to entry, even for royalty. I wasn't sure if this was intended (in terms of the settings lore), but since you've confirmed whoring is as taboo as I thought I'm trying to consider ways to make characters more... discerning in their choices.


What are your thoughts on factor reducing the chance of prostituting based on the character's station in life? For example, higher accumulated wealth, piety, and prestige all reducing the chance of an AI deciding to whore. Likewise for holding titles, especially higher ranks. To a lesser extent being married. Inversely, I'll also add a big increase to whoring for branded slaves, because I'm tired of seeing "slaves" that never earn even a measly 10 gold throughout their life from whoring. (Or maybe it'll be better to make special whoring traits for slaves that turn it into a passive monthly income, so you won't have to micromanage the "collect money" action.)


And I also want to do something special for titleholders when whoring. Firstly because they can't share the same benefits as courtiers without grossly imbalanced income (with a flat rate, courtiers get massively overpaid or rulers get massively underpaid). Secondly, the fame factor of having a ruling leader as a whore would probably drastically increase their income (literally an internationally famous whore), and drastically increase the prestige/piety penalty (your country is literally ruled by a practicing street whore!). From a gameplay perspective the extra gold for rulers is needed since they have disproportionately smaller income from whoring due to also collecting taxes, but still have the same risks as normal whores (disease, rape, pregnancy, etc). So without special factors for rulers, it would make no sense for them to whore.

I disagree on your wage values. A ruler shouldn't get more just because they're the ruler. Especially since those who are paying them, likely couldn't afford the inflated wage. So if they would earn more - it would be countered by them being able to do it a lot less frequently due to a lack of johns that can afford the cost.


Having a high paying john would be more a special event, than the normal whoring wage calculation.

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21 minutes ago, ngppgn said:

random_list supporting a trigger is in the modding section of the changelog for 2.7.

Nice, and I see that a trigger that isn't valid is equal to a factor of 0, so it shouldn't result in a non-firing event.


A trigger is also less confusing than trying to do some factor zero modifiers sometimes.


Nice share.

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6 hours ago, Killtrigger said:

Hey there, after installing the update (and the bigger events update) I get this pop-up after starting the game and a few ingame day passes. With no way to close the window the game is litteraly not playable. 


Save your game in uncompressed more (uncheck the little box in the save menu). Then open it up in notepad++, and search for "player_event". It'll list all of the events that currently have a window open in that save. That will let you track down what mod, and even which individual file is the cause.

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Well I removed my entire mod folder, reset the game settings and everything and tried again with only the newest version of Dark world reborn installed and the same pop up came back up after a few ingame days again. But this time there was no text at all. Checking the save I found:




Looking in the event files I found DWSOC.106 in "DWSociety_Generic" 


 I figured it out! My game was not up to date. After I updated from 2.7.2 to version 2.8.1 everything works as it should it seems.



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1 hour ago, dewguru said:

I'm trying to force a specific character (one I've created) into becoming the offmap ruler. So far I'm failing. Anyone mess with the offmap stuff yet?

Spent a few hours doing some work with it today. What are you trying to do? Add a new leader via event, have one at game start, or force-add one via console? offmap_ruler is the scope for off-map rulers. There's also "is_or_was_offmap_power_ruler" character condition (boolean yes/no) which could also be useful for scripting events.

Also, a side note: I've been looking at the trait files. I've noticed in a few games tentacle-kin and lilith/incubus tend to spread like wildfire due to their 100% inheritance rate (even if only female for succubi), on top of the ability to spawn out of nowhere via spells. And that's not even taking into account higher fertility and their ability to overpower other race traits. They often end up completely wiping out other races in the long run. I'd look into adding a minimum 20% failure to inherit for succubi. And tentacles especially needs a nerf, since they exterminate already extremely rare races, spread like a disease, and can appear without warning.



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2 hours ago, veedanya said:

Spent a few hours doing some work with it today. What are you trying to do? Add a new leader via event, have one at game start, or force-add one via console? offmap_ruler is the scope for off-map rulers. There's also "is_or_was_offmap_power_ruler" character condition (boolean yes/no) which could also be useful for scripting events.

Also, a side note: I've been looking at the trait files. I've noticed in a few games tentacle-kin and lilith/incubus tend to spread like wildfire due to their 100% inheritance rate (even if only female for succubi), on top of the ability to spawn out of nowhere via spells. And that's not even taking into account higher fertility and their ability to overpower other race traits. They often end up completely wiping out other races in the long run. I'd look into adding a minimum 20% failure to inherit for succubi. And tentacles especially needs a nerf, since they exterminate already extremely rare races, spread like a disease, and can appear without warning.



I'm trying to force a character I've created (not that I'm playing), to become the leader of the offmap - via event, not console. I'm well aware of everything else you've shared, but alas, not getting anything to work as I'm hoping. I've attempted to scope to it and use set_offmap_holder, but that doesn't seem to be doing the trick.


Advice heard on the traits part, but at this time it's not being taken. Mainly because I don't see it as a problem, largely because I've not experienced it.

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5 hours ago, dewguru said:

I'm trying to force a character I've created (not that I'm playing), to become the leader of the offmap - via event, not console. I'm well aware of everything else you've shared, but alas, not getting anything to work as I'm hoping. I've attempted to scope to it and use set_offmap_holder, but that doesn't seem to be doing the trick.


Advice heard on the traits part, but at this time it's not being taken. Mainly because I don't see it as a problem, largely because I've not experienced it.

I assume you have already looked at the invasion_of_china_cb wartype were if you win you force one of your kids on the china throne? That might help in figuring it out.

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2 hours ago, MrBlazzar said:

I assume you have already looked at the invasion_of_china_cb wartype were if you win you force one of your kids on the china throne? That might help in figuring it out.

No I didn't. I wasn't aware of it, but now I've a location to take a look at. Nice share. Thank you.

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5 minutes ago, MrBlazzar said:

Forgot to mention it's referenced in the JD grace decision china_invade_dragon_throne I think they set the event targets in that decision.

Yeah, I looked there, and I'm not seeing how they actually execute it. I'm not seeing where you're able to place a specific individual in the spot.


The closest I've found to actually placing a new ruler is in the jd_chinese_status_and_policy_events, and it looks like my issue is more scoping the offmap properly now. I might just try and apply it to the china offmap for testing purposes.

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55 minutes ago, dewguru said:

Yeah, I looked there, and I'm not seeing how they actually execute it. I'm not seeing where you're able to place a specific individual in the spot.


The closest I've found to actually placing a new ruler is in the jd_chinese_status_and_policy_events, and it looks like my issue is more scoping the offmap properly now. I might just try and apply it to the china offmap for testing purposes.

Well in the decision it sets the child you choose as save_global_event_target_as = invasion_of_china_claimant in the block here:


                FROMFROM = { #Stop them from moving, marrying or being diplomatically dealt with
                    set_character_flag = invasion_china_claimant
                    set_character_flag = no_court_invites
                    add_trait = cannot_marry
                    diplomatic_immunity = yes
                    save_global_event_target_as = invasion_of_china_claimant


Then in the War CB when you win it uses the command: set_offmap_holder = event_target:invasion_of_china_claimant in the offmap_china = {} block under success.


I would assume that is how it's done, but looking at your other comments on how that didn't work not sure why it doesn't but that seems to be how they get it done.

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26 minutes ago, MrBlazzar said:

Well in the decision it sets the child you choose as save_global_event_target_as = invasion_of_china_claimant in the block here:


                FROMFROM = { #Stop them from moving, marrying or being diplomatically dealt with
                    set_character_flag = invasion_china_claimant
                    set_character_flag = no_court_invites
                    add_trait = cannot_marry
                    diplomatic_immunity = yes
                    save_global_event_target_as = invasion_of_china_claimant


Then in the War CB when you win it uses the command: set_offmap_holder = event_target:invasion_of_china_claimant in the offmap_china = {} block under success.


I would assume that is how it's done, but looking at your other comments on how that didn't work not sure why it doesn't but that seems to be how they get it done.

Weird, I was searching for set_offmap_holder and it didn't return a hit, which is probably how I overlooked it.


Anyway, I figured out my issue. Your direction was still very helpful, as it got me over the wall with other examples to look at. Now it's just onto the second step - which is getting it to stop changing the name of the person I put into power.

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49 minutes ago, dewguru said:

Weird, I was searching for set_offmap_holder and it didn't return a hit, which is probably how I overlooked it.


Anyway, I figured out my issue. Your direction was still very helpful, as it got me over the wall with other examples to look at. Now it's just onto the second step - which is getting it to stop changing the name of the person I put into power.

No problem helping is something I enjoy doing. No idea why it would rename them good luck with getting that one fixed up.

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3 hours ago, dewguru said:

Weird, I was searching for set_offmap_holder and it didn't return a hit, which is probably how I overlooked it.


Anyway, I figured out my issue. Your direction was still very helpful, as it got me over the wall with other examples to look at. Now it's just onto the second step - which is getting it to stop changing the name of the person I put into power.

That depends on the offmap definition: if the offmap has temple names defined, I think you're out of look. If you're defining a nee offmap just leave the lists of temple names empty ans you'll be fine.


So, are custom offmaps coming to Dark World?

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21 minutes ago, ngppgn said:

That depends on the offmap definition: if the offmap has temple names defined, I think you're out of look. If you're defining a nee offmap just leave the lists of temple names empty ans you'll be fine.


So, are custom offmaps coming to Dark World?

Yeah, that was the issue. I had to adjust the temple names portion.


Right now just one. I liked the idea that someone mentioned in the past about having Lilith as an offmap power. I got it worked out where Lilith - and any iteration that would follow her (just in case it kills her off somehow), would be a female and have one of the 13 names associated with Lilith. I was hoping to make the governor role into a female, but it looks like that one isn't as straight forward, especially with successors.

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2 hours ago, dewguru said:

Yeah, that was the issue. I had to adjust the temple names portion.


Right now just one. I liked the idea that someone mentioned in the past about having Lilith as an offmap power. I got it worked out where Lilith - and any iteration that would follow her (just in case it kills her off somehow), would be a female and have one of the 13 names associated with Lilith. I was hoping to make the governor role into a female, but it looks like that one isn't as straight forward, especially with successors.

Nice! I'd love to see what "policies" and "status" you can come up with for her. Does this mean that the succubus spells will use lilith's offmap currency now instead of piety?


As for the governor title. Are you giving it the enatic succession (and the highest ststus of women for good measure)? What succession law? Some, like patrician elective and turkish succession have the male-only notion hardcoded into them so you should probably avoid those if you aren't already.

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Minor bugs:


  • Portraits: that white line between 314 and 315 shows up in game. I'm not sure if the portrait file was shifted a pixel, or the jade dragon patch did something.
  • The Bordello improvement quest should have an alternate trigger/reward that just gives a lump sum of gold or something. As someone who tried to maximize profit income in my holdings, I apparently never held a lower level bordello for long enough to trigger it? So maybe it also needs to trigger for highest-tier bordellos and just give a gold reward, so players won't miss content
  • The code you duplicated from the Lucifer corruption event seems to contradict the theme of the Lilith society. e.g., Lilith powers increase beauty and heal mutations, but the corruption events decrease beauty and add mutations.
  • The last point could cause an infinite loop bug with AI characters: corruption adds mutations, AI use powers to remove mutations, which increases corruption, which increases mutations, ad infinitum. The AI is VERY bad at managing visibility, and will often spam powers until they get themselves burned as heretics. So this could possibly cause a lot of liliths to get themselves killed.


P.S., don't forget about that slave selling patch I sent you a few days ago. It's been debugged and working for a few days now, in both 2.7 and 2.8 versions of CK2. Just overwrite the previous section, but don't to remove those two brackets I mentioned in the message.

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