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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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A couple notes on plans for Dark World based on my playtime so far with the new DLC.


First - I really like the societies aspect of the new DLC. Right now, my intention would be to not reintroduce the Lilithian religion like it was in the original Dark World, but to instead use a Secret Society for it, and others as well (Werewolves for example seem prime for their own society).


I agree, it seems to make more sense at least at first. I wonder how difficult it would be to have one emerge into its own religion, or take over the parent? Definitely something that needs a bit more playing through. I'd be more than happy to help do work for whatever religious aspects you'd like to add into DW. :)

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One thing I notice - the Beautify Self function still doesn't work if you're already Attractive (but not bombshell). The logic right now is this:


Piety >= 50

None of the following:

     -Has Attractive

     -One of either (Does not have Bombshell, or is Female)


It should be more like:

One of either:

    -Does not have Attractive

    -Both of (Is female, Does not have Bombshell)




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One thing I notice - the Beautify Self function still doesn't work if you're already Attractive (but not bombshell). The logic right now is this:


Piety >= 50

None of the following:

     -Has Attractive

     -One of either (Does not have Bombshell, or is Female)


It should be more like:

One of either:

    -Does not have Attractive

    -Both of (Is female, Does not have Bombshell)


Ah yes. Good catch.

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For those who subscribed to the download page, and you're wondering what changed that resulted in a update notification - I've added information on how I'll be handling Tentacle-kin somewhat. So no new mod content has dropped - just a little insight into how Dark World envisions tentacle-kin.


That said - the next update will involve at least one tentacle-kin mechanic - which is the Mind Fuck power. Very likely more, but at a minimum will be that functionality.


The next update release time wise will probably be a couple weeks from now - hopefully before the new Mass Effect releases - as that will cause a delay if it isn't out before then, as I'm hoping to enjoy the new version enough to forget the last 15 minutes of ME3.

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Can you add a timestamp near listed mods to make it more easier to track which one was updated?
It maybe not a big deal, I can manually check every thread now and then to compare versions. Its kinda annoying process..

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One thing I notice - the Beautify Self function still doesn't work if you're already Attractive (but not bombshell). The logic right now is this:


Piety >= 50

None of the following:

     -Has Attractive

     -One of either (Does not have Bombshell, or is Female)


It should be more like:

One of either:

    -Does not have Attractive

    -Both of (Is female, Does not have Bombshell)


Ah yes. Good catch.


Have you considered allowing this spell to work with scarred or disfigured? I became disfigured and was surprised that 'Beautify Self' didn't do anything. Seems like a pretty easy fix. If you'd like I could try to throw something together.


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Also, I noticed an odd quirk with the Blood Moon Sacrifice events. It worked normally when I had no prisoners, then the next year I had a prisoner, it worked as expected (sacrificed him). The year after that I had no prisoners, but in addition to the usual "sacrifice peasants" option, there was an option that said "we're done with sacrifices". I clicked peasants, but suspect the latter option shouldn't be showing up there.

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Can you add a timestamp near listed mods to make it more easier to track which one was updated?

It maybe not a big deal, I can manually check every thread now and then to compare versions. Its kinda annoying process..


Nope. The mods have a version number - and you should be able to see said version number by just looking at your CK2 mod tab and do a comparison that way.

Also, I noticed an odd quirk with the Blood Moon Sacrifice events. It worked normally when I had no prisoners, then the next year I had a prisoner, it worked as expected (sacrificed him). The year after that I had no prisoners, but in addition to the usual "sacrifice peasants" option, there was an option that said "we're done with sacrifices". I clicked peasants, but suspect the latter option shouldn't be showing up there.


Yeah, I saw that during my play through too and then totally forgot to fix it in the last release. Hopefully I'll remember to get it in the next one. :)

just a heads up Dew regarding events that cant be clicked out of it also applies to the decision to introduce your heir.


I'm not fully tracking what you mean, mainly because it sounds familiar - so it could be part of my mod - but it's not something I've apparently used and no longer have a recollection as to what it is exactly. And by that I mean the ability to introduce your heir. Was that related to the decision that allows an immortal ruler to step down and resign being a ruler?

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I dont remember when it was introduced but its from one of the CK expansions, way of life perhaps that lets you introduce your heir to the realm a year before they grow up, intended to make vassals like your heir more for when they eventuay take over


Alright, now I'm really confused. What was the intention of the heads-up?


My assumption was that you were sharing something that I needed to look into fixing as part of the changes from the latest patch. That's obviously incorrect on my part, so I feel I should ask what the intention of the message is?

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well considering I get a blank popup when I tried the option with the mod enabled I figgured the cause was the mod hence why I reported it


The FAQ covers blank event pop-up troubleshooting. Take a look at the second post on the first page of this thread to view the FAQ section.


And for what it's worth - what you've reported isn't something that involves a fix from me.

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i use dw 1.49, custom portraits, king of slaves and vices, more wifes, shattered world and personal castle as mods

game version is 2.7


how i get the "beauty and beast" part of the mod, i never see it, also no option for it


btw, your mod is the only reason i play this game, so thanks a lot :)

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One idle suggestion - if you have a child with the Demon child event chain (SoA.3000 series, sets character flag demon_child_non_pagan ), as a Succubus or Incubus, that child should gain the Succubus/Incubus trait.

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Found an issue with the requirements to cast the beautify self spell. Basically, the way the conditions were set, the result was that women weren't capable of casting the spell. I've included the corrected code below.


allow = {
	piety = 50
	OR = {  
		NOR = { #No reason to cast it if they're already attractive
			trait = fair
			trait = bombshell
		AND = { # An attractive female should still be able to cast this, to take her looks to the Bombshell step
			trait = fair
			NOT = { trait = bombshell }
			is_female = yes


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i use dw 1.49, custom portraits, king of slaves and vices, more wifes, shattered world and personal castle as mods

game version is 2.7


how i get the "beauty and beast" part of the mod, i never see it, also no option for it


btw, your mod is the only reason i play this game, so thanks a lot :)


At some point in the game you get a random event where you see belle strolling in the countryside and after that you can visit her village.

That is a "bi-yearly on action" so it checks once every two years if belle is around.

It can happen (as it did happen to me) that the event starts on the day after game start but it can also happen that you do not see a sign of belle in two generations.



I'm not sure if this has been posted yet, but I'm trying to use the mod on the latest build with the new DLC, but the game crashes whenever I enter the character builder and try to pick a trait for my ruler.

If that's the problem it is likely you have another mod which is adding a trait and that mod isn't updated for CK2 2.7 yet.
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i use dw 1.49, custom portraits, king of slaves and vices, more wifes, shattered world and personal castle as mods

game version is 2.7


how i get the "beauty and beast" part of the mod, i never see it, also no option for it


btw, your mod is the only reason i play this game, so thanks a lot :)


At some point in the game you get a random event where you see belle strolling in the countryside and after that you can visit her village.

That is a "bi-yearly on action" so it checks once every two years if belle is around.

It can happen (as it did happen to me) that the event starts on the day after game start but it can also happen that you do not see a sign of belle in two generations.




any special dw content i must activate (fae content etc) or can it happen in every dw content?

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The content down below in the game rules "only" provide the possibilty that certain traits appear.

You won't see any Tentacle Kin if you opt out of Demonic Whateverthenameis.

If you opt out of the monster rule there won't be vampire or werewolf traits and thus neither Fenris nor Vlad make an appearance as they need those traits.


AFAIK the Fairy Tale content is active regardless of what you chose at game start.

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i use dw 1.49, custom portraits, king of slaves and vices, more wifes, shattered world and personal castle as mods

game version is 2.7


how i get the "beauty and beast" part of the mod, i never see it, also no option for it


btw, your mod is the only reason i play this game, so thanks a lot :)


At some point in the game you get a random event where you see belle strolling in the countryside and after that you can visit her village.

That is a "bi-yearly on action" so it checks once every two years if belle is around.

It can happen (as it did happen to me) that the event starts on the day after game start but it can also happen that you do not see a sign of belle in two generations.



I'm not sure if this has been posted yet, but I'm trying to use the mod on the latest build with the new DLC, but the game crashes whenever I enter the character builder and try to pick a trait for my ruler.

If that's the problem it is likely you have another mod which is adding a trait and that mod isn't updated for CK2 2.7 yet.



Yeah, you were right. In the end, the only playable mod I have is DW Reborn lol


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