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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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I am slightly curious. Are there any plans to utilize the new inventory and cult feature of the next update on Tuesday?


I'm sure Dew will look into it, but like all modders, we haven't had a chance to look at how the game will behave. For all we know, stuff could be hard-coded. Paradox mentioned we can implement our own religious groups, but until we get our hands on the game, it's impossible to know to what extent things can be changed.


Plus, I imagine Dew will want to play at least one game to enjoy the expansion's content before adding anything. That's what I plan on doing anyways. Judging by their live streams, Paradox has added so many more events and content that just sifting through the code doesn't do it justice. Dew might have to spend a good day or two just fixing what Monks & Mystics might break before he can add anything. I know for a fact it will break my portrait mod, so I'll have to update that Tuesday, but that workload doesn't compare to what Dew will probably have to fix.



I figured about as much. I do remember the dev diaries mentioning that cults, and inventory were supposed to be heavily moddable. I figured something like the succubi stuff could be chained to a cult.

I probably just worded my question poorly. I understood that it would probably get a "We will wait and see answer" I was just curious if you guys were open to the idea of using the new society and inventory mechanics to it's fullest, which I could see being very useful to Dark World.


But yeah, the bug fixes are a fair point. They do say that the save files are supposed to be compatible, so maybe there isn't too much breaking of things. The Expansion seems to be more of an RP oriented one with less changing of features, and more adding of new features. Perfect for Dark World modding.

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They do say that the save files are supposed to be compatible, so maybe there isn't too much breaking of things. The Expansion seems to be more of an RP oriented one with less changing of features, and more adding of new features. Perfect for Dark World modding.



Yea, that's a promising sign. Of course they're speaking from a default vanilla CKII experience and not a modding one, but yea, hopefully it should cut down on the mod repairs.


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I can guarantee that I have all the current DLC's and as for the portraits. in my earlier post I mentioned that I recently installed the Toska, Dark Perversions, etc; I'm guessing that they use some portraits that you don't and for whatever reason they don't want to appear correctly for me.  I've since disabled those mods but am left with the problem still happening.  Thank you for the quick replies

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Hmm, Dark World Remedy portraits don't seem to work with the DLC?

ReMeDy was aware that would happen before the DLC was even released. Patches must be made, fixes must be applied, code monkeys must throw their feces into the gathered throngs of panicked users and wail the wail one wails when burdened with the expectations of so many.

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Is it me or do the werewolf hunt for a bitch event just keep on choosing the same person as the target? When I select find someone else the event just ends.


It took me a bit of time to figure this one out, since it was not immediately obvious.  If the target you see is not a werewolf bitch, choosing the "seek a new conquest" option will attempt to make that target a bitch while choosing the "use an available bitch" option will randomly pick some other target who is already a bitch and make them a lover.  If they already are a bitch, the "seek a new conquest" option does nothing while the "use an available bitch" option makes them a lover.


Not saying that this is necessarily what is supposed to be happening, but hopefully this helps explains how it is working now.  I assume the choice of target is somewhat random, but like you I have had it pick the same target several times in a row.  It does seem to choose targets that are not already your lovers, so making them your lover can sort of force a refresh I think.


Also, in regard to the saves, can confirm that Dark World saves do not carry over properly due to trait changes even with just the new patch and not the new DLC.

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I can guarantee that I have all the current DLC's and as for the portraits. in my earlier post I mentioned that I recently installed the Toska, Dark Perversions, etc; I'm guessing that they use some portraits that you don't and for whatever reason they don't want to appear correctly for me.  I've since disabled those mods but am left with the problem still happening.  Thank you for the quick replies


I'm assuming you aren't looking for anymore assistance on this though, as you've still not provided examples of which numbers you're seeing on your images.


Without that information, I at least have no additional input I can offer.

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I think there might be an script error in this mod, all "on_startup" events in on_action list should perhaps be "on_chronicle_start", if it's meant to trigger at game start.


on_startup does trigger at game start. The only difference is if you load from a save game, on_startup will fire again, while on_chronicle_start will only fire once at initial game creation.


I'm pretty certain that on_chronicle_start is one of those on_action flags that were added over time via a patch, which is nice, because that means I wouldn't have to use the global flag method that I do right now, but in the end - it's not an error and it doesn't break anything with how it's presently set-up.

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I think there might be an script error in this mod, all "on_startup" events in on_action list should perhaps be "on_chronicle_start", if it's meant to trigger at game start.


on_startup does trigger at game start. The only difference is if you load from a save game, on_startup will fire again, while on_chronicle_start will only fire once at initial game creation.


I'm pretty certain that on_chronicle_start is one of those on_action flags that were added over time via a patch, which is nice, because that means I wouldn't have to use the global flag method that I do right now, but in the end - it's not an error and it doesn't break anything with how it's presently set-up.


But when use the ruler designer to create a character to start the game, "on_startup" event woun't apply to the custom character, while "on_chronicle_start" will. And it's not necessary to fire a event at every game load.


It might not an error, but "on_chronicle_start" could be a better choice, anyway.

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I think there might be an script error in this mod, all "on_startup" events in on_action list should perhaps be "on_chronicle_start", if it's meant to trigger at game start.


on_startup does trigger at game start. The only difference is if you load from a save game, on_startup will fire again, while on_chronicle_start will only fire once at initial game creation.


I'm pretty certain that on_chronicle_start is one of those on_action flags that were added over time via a patch, which is nice, because that means I wouldn't have to use the global flag method that I do right now, but in the end - it's not an error and it doesn't break anything with how it's presently set-up.


But when use the ruler designer to create a character to start the game, "on_startup" event woun't apply to the custom character, while "on_chronicle_start" will. And it's not necessary to fire a event at every game load.


It might not an error, but "on_chronicle_start" could be a better choice, anyway.



Custom characters, those you can spawn during the game (such as the recruit type x for your court), or those added by historical action events, uprisings, and so on. Which is why there is an annual version for many of those that kicks off as well.


That aside, I never said it would or wouldn't be a better choice. I just said it's not an error. I will say though, if I keep going back and tweaking things when I learn of a 'better choice' approach, then that's a sure fire way to ensure that more content doesn't come out. And if I'm not releasing content, I'd get bored, and if I'm bored, I'll stop working on the mod.


Still, it's a good suggestion. And I do appreciate your sharing it. But if I decide to put it in the next release, or the one after that, or never, I can't really say right now. which is the main point I suppose.

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I'm also having an issue with portraits not showing up when I assign them to characters. I currently own all but three DLC (Monks, Reapers, and Early Muslim) and removed the files associated with those DLC from the ReMeDy portrait mod and main DW mod. I use portrait slot 78 for my main character but also tested out other slots (1, 12, 23, etc..) to see if the problem was with the slot I was using and none of the associated portraits appeared.


Although I did alter the dependencies of the portrait pack mod file after updating so that may be the issue (changed it to dependencies = {"Dark World"}, the new name of the mod file). I'm relatively new to the modding world so I can't pinpoint the problem as well as others so I appreciate any help I can get.


note: I did not add multiple portraits to one character as I know that may cause issues.

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I'm also having an issue with portraits not showing up when I assign them to characters. I currently own all but three DLC (Monks, Reapers, and Early Muslim) and removed the files associated with those DLC from the ReMeDy portrait mod and main DW mod. I use portrait slot 78 for my main character but also tested out other slots (1, 12, 23, etc..) to see if the problem was with the slot I was using and none of the associated portraits appeared.


Although I did alter the dependencies of the portrait pack mod file after updating so that may be the issue (changed it to dependencies = {"Dark World"}, the new name of the mod file). I'm relatively new to the modding world so I can't pinpoint the problem as well as others so I appreciate any help I can get.


note: I did not add multiple portraits to one character as I know that may cause issues.


You mention the ReMeDy portrait mod and the main DW mod. There shouldn't be any files in the main DW mod that you remove. Unless you're saying that you're using both the ReMeDy Static Portrait Replacer portrait mod and the DW ReMeDy Custom Portrait mod - because those would both have things that needed to be removed - yet they would also directly conflict with each other too.


Slot 78 doesn't have an image - unless you've edited the files yourself. And if you have - then that's where my help stops - as I've found that it's not as easy as just slapping down an image and saving it as a .dds. Depending on what you're using to add your custom image, it could require a certain .dds compiler/format for it to be properly recognized by the game.


Image #1 though should be giving you an image of Harley Quinn. 12 should be a succubus, while 23 has nothing but a black outline with white numbers.

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I'm also having an issue with portraits not showing up when I assign them to characters. I currently own all but three DLC (Monks, Reapers, and Early Muslim) and removed the files associated with those DLC from the ReMeDy portrait mod and main DW mod. I use portrait slot 78 for my main character but also tested out other slots (1, 12, 23, etc..) to see if the problem was with the slot I was using and none of the associated portraits appeared.


Although I did alter the dependencies of the portrait pack mod file after updating so that may be the issue (changed it to dependencies = {"Dark World"}, the new name of the mod file). I'm relatively new to the modding world so I can't pinpoint the problem as well as others so I appreciate any help I can get.


note: I did not add multiple portraits to one character as I know that may cause issues.


You mention the ReMeDy portrait mod and the main DW mod. There shouldn't be any files in the main DW mod that you remove. Unless you're saying that you're using both the ReMeDy Static Portrait Replacer portrait mod and the DW ReMeDy Custom Portrait mod - because those would both have things that needed to be removed - yet they would also directly conflict with each other too.


Slot 78 doesn't have an image - unless you've edited the files yourself. And if you have - then that's where my help stops - as I've found that it's not as easy as just slapping down an image and saving it as a .dds. Depending on what you're using to add your custom image, it could require a certain .dds compiler/format for it to be properly recognized by the game.


Image #1 though should be giving you an image of Harley Quinn. 12 should be a succubus, while 23 has nothing but a black outline with white numb


Found out the issue was a problem with how I extracted mod files (There was a portrait mod within the DW mod, definitely my fault). And as you said two portrait mods were conflicting with one another. Thank you for the quick reply and keep up the extraordinary work with DW!

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On the previous discussion, I believe that on_chronicle stsrts only fores for the player character, while on_stsrtup fires for anybody.


And on that topic, on_chronicle_start also fires for ruler designed characters, so why not use that rather than the decisions for the campaigb customisation, now that we have game rules?

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Anyone else having issues with portraits showing up? I think the new patch may have broken it.


Yes, it need to be updated. portrait_properties.txt now needs to be within a folder named portrait_properties. Also .gfx files have to be added for german and english portrait packs. You can do that yourself if you now your way around the code. Or wait for ReMeDy and Dewguru to update the mods

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Anyone else having issues with portraits showing up? I think the new patch may have broken it.


Yes, it need to be updated. portrait_properties.txt now needs to be within a folder named portrait_properties. Also .gfx files have to be added for german and english portrait packs. You can do that yourself if you now your way around the code. Or wait for ReMeDy and Dewguru to update the mods



Do I put the folder in the same place the .txt? Also is Notepad++ the program I have to use to code?

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I can guarantee that I have all the current DLC's and as for the portraits. in my earlier post I mentioned that I recently installed the Toska, Dark Perversions, etc; I'm guessing that they use some portraits that you don't and for whatever reason they don't want to appear correctly for me.  I've since disabled those mods but am left with the problem still happening.  Thank you for the quick replies


I'm assuming you aren't looking for anymore assistance on this though, as you've still not provided examples of which numbers you're seeing on your images.


Without that information, I at least have no additional input I can offer.



Well then thank you for the help you've given thus far.  I'm just going to experiment and see if I can't fix this myself.  Thanks again


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On the previous discussion, I believe that on_chronicle stsrts only fores for the player character, while on_stsrtup fires for anybody.


And on that topic, on_chronicle_start also fires for ruler designed characters, so why not use that rather than the decisions for the campaigb customisation, now that we have game rules?


Hunh? Use on_chronicle_start instead of the decisions for campaign customization? Does on_chronicle_start fire after you've set your Game Rules flags?


I'm not in the mood to test it out, but if I can nix those decisions, I'll do it. I'd just like for someone else to test out that functionality.

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ReMeDy has released his update, so I'm in the process of updating Dark World ReMeDy Custom Portrait Mod so that it's compatible with Monks and Mystics.


For those without the DLC, you'll need to remove a couple file entries like normal.


I don't know exactly when it'll be up tonight, but I'm working on it now and expect to post it before bed.

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ReMeDy has released his update, so I'm in the process of updating Dark World ReMeDy Custom Portrait Mod so that it's compatible with Monks and Mystics.


For those without the DLC, you'll need to remove a couple file entries like normal.


I don't know exactly when it'll be up tonight, but I'm working on it now and expect to post it before bed.



You can do it Dew!!  We have faith.


<Insert Eye of the Tiger here.>




Listen to this while you code.  It helps!

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On the previous discussion, I believe that on_chronicle stsrts only fores for the player character, while on_stsrtup fires for anybody.


And on that topic, on_chronicle_start also fires for ruler designed characters, so why not use that rather than the decisions for the campaigb customisation, now that we have game rules?

Hunh? Use on_chronicle_start instead of the decisions for campaign customization? Does on_chronicle_start fire after you've set your Game Rules flags?


I'm not in the mood to test it out, but if I can nix those decisions, I'll do it. I'd just like for someone else to test out that functionality.

Ok, tested ir and it absolutely works. I put DWLilith.10 to fire on_chronicle_start and modified the trigger of the event to check both has_lilith_start = yes and has_heaven_hell_content = yes. On stsrting, under the splash screens the event "Dreaming of Lilith" appears. Resigning and changing one of those rules to no make the event not fire.


Speaking of game rules, you can noe specify a group in the game rule definition so, say, all the rules pertaining to the mod can be filtered from the vanilla's for easier access. It is not required, but a nice QoL. Besides that, the mod works out of the box with 2.7 with the caveat of the portraits module.

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Hmm, Dark World Remedy portraits don't seem to work with the DLC?


I can guarantee that I have all the current DLC's and as for the portraits. in my earlier post I mentioned that I recently installed the Toska, Dark Perversions, etc; I'm guessing that they use some portraits that you don't and for whatever reason they don't want to appear correctly for me.  I've since disabled those mods but am left with the problem still happening.  Thank you for the quick replies


Anyone else having issues with portraits showing up? I think the new patch may have broken it.


Yea, I needed to update my mod, which is a sub-mod for Dark World. Dew is adding the changes to his mod.




Anyone else having issues with portraits showing up? I think the new patch may have broken it.


Yes, it need to be updated. portrait_properties.txt now needs to be within a folder named portrait_properties. Also .gfx files have to be added for german and english portrait packs. You can do that yourself if you now your way around the code. Or wait for ReMeDy and Dewguru to update the mods



Do I put the folder in the same place the .txt? Also is Notepad++ the program I have to use to code?



If you don't want to wait for Dew to implement the changes, you might be able to get away with sifting through my updated mod and copying things over to Dark World, but unless you're desperate, I'd just wait for Dew.

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