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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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Did you notice what led to him killing himself? I know in 1.29 it was very possible for him to kill himself right out of the gate. That part was fixed (in theory) in 1.30. At the same time, he does enough killing that it is possible I've another area I need to add a self-filter at.


 i am quite certain he randomly got depressed trait and committed suicide, unless, you are certain, that he cant get that trait.


also, gods work on them frequent updates. cant wait for new content to flow



I don't believe immortality prevents suicide, so it sounds like a vanilla CK2 randomization struck him down. Fenris, he who beat the beast within has found himself without an opponent worthy enough, and thus took his own life after seeing his existence as futile.

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Okay so I'm stumped. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get my female rulers to become an Alpha Bitch or have my male rulers make one of his courtiers a regular bitch/omega. I've gone through the files and even attempted to use console commands to no avail. So is the ability to do this even programmed yet? Because I honestly can't tell and would like to know.


Now this isn't a demand disguised as a suggestion like I've noticed others do, but imo having these be traits seems more logical than having them be modifiers with expiration dates. Though that's partly me being salty over never getting that command to work.

Edit: I know it's POSSIBLE because Fenris makes bitches through hidden events, but I know he's not meant to be played.

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Okay so I'm stumped. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get my female rulers to become an Alpha Bitch or have my male rulers make one of his courtiers a regular bitch/omega. I've gone through the files and even attempted to use console commands to no avail. So is the ability to do this even programmed yet? Because I honestly can't tell and would like to know.


Now this isn't a demand disguised as a suggestion like I've noticed others do, but imo having these be traits seems more logical than having them be modifiers with expiration dates. Though that's partly me being salty over never getting that command to work.


Edit: I know it's POSSIBLE because Fenris makes bitches through hidden events, but I know he's not meant to be played.


Good news is you're not going insane. The Alpha Bitch is more concept at this point than fully coded in as regular events. Even the old Dark World 1.25 (pre-mod split) was very limited in Alpha Bitch options, with only two ways to obtain it if I recall, and neither was a sure thing if you lacked the attribute scores for it.


It used to be very easy for werewolves to make new bitches, but that's not in the hunt options presently, mainly because it was trimmed as incomplete and has a placeholder as an item for me to revisit as I sweep back through adding functionality.

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As far as I've seen Fenris is not supposed to be at the players court. If he is at a court the player conquers he flees the court.

He inevitably overthrows the current ruler, depending on the weakness of the ruler it takes him somewhere between 10 and 1 years.

Fenris does not take orders from puny little Dicksleeves :P

So it seems you only lucked out in finding/causing a bug ;)

It seems like this overthrowing the ruler is chosen when he spawns so expect Fenris to leave to the court you recruited him from, but as the liege and not as courtier.


So I invited Fenris to court and then married him matrilineally with a werewolf bitch ruler.

A) None of the kids are werewolves

B) He did leave to found a nation

We'll see what happens next :)

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Well, considering the Red Skull death notifier states "Fenris [dynasty] was executed on orders of Fenris [dynasy] [...]" I would say he pretty much killed himself through one of the special Fenris events.

I can't tell much more; I wasn't really looking out for bugs when it happened, but because I had him tagged on my game I did get to catch when he killed himself.

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Well, considering the Red Skull death notifier states "Fenris [dynasty] was executed on orders of Fenris [dynasy] [...]" I would say he pretty much killed himself through one of the special Fenris events.

I can't tell much more; I wasn't really looking out for bugs when it happened, but because I had him tagged on my game I did get to catch when he killed himself.


What version of the mod are you using?


The only thing I can think of is there could be a chance that if he somehow takes a throne early, that he may still potentially off himself later as he pulls a coup against himself. I'll add in a check to hopefully prevent that from happening, but outside of this, or if you're using the 1.29 version, I'm not certain how he could off himself from my initial check.

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I have a question. Are there any plans for gladiator event chains to go with the trait? With the arenas and coliseums dotting my empires it would be nice to hold games. Like a more detailed and eventful version of the grand tournament. 


Edit: Also thank you for answering my question about the Alpha Bitch. :lol:

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I have a question. Are there any plans for gladiator event chains to go with the trait? With the arenas and coliseums dotting my empires it would be nice to hold games. Like a more detailed and eventful version of the grand tournament. 


Edit: Also thank you for answering my question about the Alpha Bitch. :lol:


Yes. In regards to when they'd make it in, hard to say.

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What version of the mod are you using?


The only thing I can think of is there could be a chance that if he somehow takes a throne early, that he may still potentially off himself later as he pulls a coup against himself. I'll add in a check to hopefully prevent that from happening, but outside of this, or if you're using the 1.29 version, I'm not certain how he could off himself from my initial check.


name = "Dark World Creatures of Night v1.30"
path = "mod/Dark World Creatures of Night"
dependencies = {"Dark World Core v1.32"}

v1.30, there you go.

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# .1010 Fenris hunts (Fenris)
character_event = {
	id = DWNight.1010
	hide_window = yes # Nothing to see here
	is_triggered_only = yes # triggered by targeted decision
	immediate = {
		if = { # If it is an adult female, that isn't an alpha bitch, Fenris will dominate her
			limit = {
				FROM = {
					is_female = yes
					is_adult = yes
					NOT = { has_character_modifier = dw_alpha_bitch }
			FROM = {
				add_character_modifier = { name = dw_werewolf_bitch duration = -1 } # Fenris makes her a bitch to be bred
				character_event = { id = DWCore.9000 } # Check to see if she gets knocked up
				opinion = {
					modifier = dw_opinion_ima_bitch # She recognizes Fenris as her dominator
					who = ROOT
			opinion = {
				modifier = dw_opinion_my_bitch # He recognizes her has his cattle
				who = FROM
			break = yes # We exit out of the immediate block
		# Anyone else is killed. Alpha bitch, child, etc. To Fenris if you're not a supporter or a breeder, you're better off dead.
		FROM = {
			death = {
				death_reason = death_murder
				killer = ROOT

I  do not know where you see a bug.


Fenris searches.

If he finds a female that has not the Alpha Bitch Modifier he fucks her and makes her Alpha Bitch.

Absolutely everyone else dies. Vampires, Werewolves, Males, Childs, existing Alpha Bitches, Devines, Demons, himself.

If he can't dominate and rape what he can find, he kills it.


Remember, if we do not like how it works we can change it ourselves  :s



Please be aware that your interpretation of the code has flaws in it.


Although I now understand your apprehension to changing it yourself, as not being able to accurately track what is taking place would make it difficult. Still, if you're interested in it, I still encourage you to move forward with learning more and getting better at it. I myself am still improving.


What version of the mod are you using?


The only thing I can think of is there could be a chance that if he somehow takes a throne early, that he may still potentially off himself later as he pulls a coup against himself. I'll add in a check to hopefully prevent that from happening, but outside of this, or if you're using the 1.29 version, I'm not certain how he could off himself from my initial check.


name = "Dark World Creatures of Night v1.30"
path = "mod/Dark World Creatures of Night"
dependencies = {"Dark World Core v1.32"}

v1.30, there you go.



Well hopefully 1.31 that gets released later tonight will address whatever oddity led to what you saw.

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Change log for what will be getting posted tonight:


v1.33 (Dark World Core)
    - Updated the on_action to actually call Aliri's code contribution
    - Added Werewolf / Vampire trait check and potential death for newly born children
    - Added random image assignment upon adulthood for several races.


v1.31 (DW Court and Commerce Mod)
    - Motivate your Chancellor when they're deployed to fabricate a claim.


v1.31 (DW Creatures of Night)
    - Added a couple checks to try and keep Fenris from offing himself.

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Change log for what will be getting posted tonight:


v1.33 (Dark World Core)

    - Updated the on_action to actually call Aliri's code contribution

    - Added Werewolf / Vampire trait check and potential death for newly born children

    - Added random image assignment upon adulthood for several races.


v1.31 (DW Court and Commerce Mod)

    - Motivate your Chancellor when they're deployed to fabricate a claim.


v1.31 (DW Creatures of Night)

    - Added a couple checks to try and keep Fenris from offing himself.


Hi Dewguru,

should I plan to start a new game, or can I go back to my backup after the update?


In "DW Court and Commerce Mod" are planning to sell you spells again to have bigger breasts and a biggest dick? This would enable Turtle Pancake, I presume, to update his mod "Dark World Reborn Hentai Mod".


Thank you for all your work.

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I don't remember if there was something like this in the previous version but can the succubus eliminate the pregnancy status? if not, it would be a very useful ability. Or maybe it should be something you could buy from the shop. That way, it's something every character could use despite the submod. The jealousy and the endless list of children is a little discouraging xD
Just an idea

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Hi Dewguru,

should I plan to start a new game, or can I go back to my backup after the update?


In "DW Court and Commerce Mod" are planning to sell you spells again to have bigger breasts and a biggest dick? This would enable Turtle Pancake, I presume, to update his mod "Dark World Reborn Hentai Mod".


Thank you for all your work.



You should be alright (in theory). If you're really attached to the current game, I'd recommend making a second save that you can revert to if it does mess something up.


Regarding the selling stuff, yes, that will be making an appearance in a future update.

I don't remember if there was something like this in the previous version but can the succubus eliminate the pregnancy status? if not, it would be a very useful ability. Or maybe it should be something you could buy from the shop. That way, it's something every character could use despite the submod. The jealousy and the endless list of children is a little discouraging xD

Just an idea


I know it was talked about, but I didn't include. There was another mod that someone created which did allow for this, and I do believe a couple people added it for themselves.


It may make an appearance in my mod someday, since I'm not opposed to the idea, however, it's a low priority in the grand scheme of things, so I won't make the promise that it will.

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Whats the point of having an imortal king if he'll get the incapable trait before 100 years old?


Immortality doesn't mean you'll be free from health issues, or that you're free from potentially dying via murder or battle.


A risk of immortality is indeed being trapped inside a broken body, being unable to act out and only watch the world around you.


That's not Dark World - that's all vanilla CK2 dynamics. All Dark World does is have a trait that activates the hidden immortality option.


One of the updates will have the return of the option for an immortal character to rebuke their boon, and to once again become mortal. Allowing the cold grip of time to finally pull them into the great beyond.


Outside of that, I've no other major plans besides a few different healing options, but if you hit incapable, you'd probably still be screwed.

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Guest jeroen10j

Hi all i need some help


After about 6 days in game i get an empty event.
I saved and looked and it seems this event triggered


This is the event where Fenris dominates the player.
.1110 Female taken by Fenris (female)
I then manualy runned the event and it seemed fine there.
Any idea's how to fix or should i just uninstall DWNight?
i am using version 1.33 with all dark world expansions
Feel free to ask for more information if you need it
I have just tried disabling all my other mods except dark world, didn't change anything so i assume its not a compatibility issue
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This is an issue in rebuild, which I know you're not responsible for, but I think it's something to keep in mind for the future. It seems like that nothing was set in place to regulate who does or does not whore themselves out and how they go about it. It ends up having half of the planet's married women having all three types of whore traits and constantly be plastered with "adulteress." 

So when you do expand upon the Court and Commerce sub-mod, it may be wise to ensure there's a few lines of code to balance it out. My suggestion is to perhaps restrict it to unlanded men and women, and perhaps barony tier if they have the lustful or hedonist traits. At least when it comes to the AI. It's just a little silly to see that all the Kings in Europe married "Cheap Whores".

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half of the planet's married women having all three types of whore traits


Which is strange enough on its own. Weren't they replacing each other in the old version? And if they are not supposed to upgrade, but coexist, isn't adding up to 8 gold/month of passive earnings a bit much?


Ah, well, I guess that is the price for being too impatient to wait for the official, full update.

Still thankful for having Rebuild, and, hey, some of the AI women could really use that boost anyway.

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half of the planet's married women having all three types of whore traits


Which is strange enough on its own. Weren't they replacing each other in the old version? And if they are not supposed to upgrade, but coexist, isn't adding up to 8 gold/month of passive earnings a bit much?


Ah, well, I guess that is the price for being too impatient to wait for the official, full update.

Still thankful for having Rebuild, and, hey, some of the AI women could really use that boost anyway.


It's a sad price to pay, but hopefully it's more balanced in the official update.

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Hi all i need some help


After about 6 days in game i get an empty event.

I saved and looked and it seems this event triggered


This is the event where Fenris dominates the player.

.1110 Female taken by Fenris (female)

I then manualy runned the event and it seemed fine there.
Any idea's how to fix or should i just uninstall DWNight?
i am using version 1.33 with all dark world expansions

Feel free to ask for more information if you need it


I have just tried disabling all my other mods except dark world, didn't change anything so i assume its not a compatibility issue



What is your version of CK2? Not the mods, but CK2 itself?


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