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Lewd mods and XCOM 2

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3 hours ago, Ulrezaj11 said:

Hello, I have a question.


So I played this game a bit deeper (for first time) and realisted that I can equip my soldiers with other armor that I have researched in game. But those armorsuites remove the effect of the nude-mods totaly.


So are those mods only useable at the earlygame because later one you have to use those armor you have researched and crafted or is there a mod that solves this overwriting ?

there is a mod that overrides this, its on the workshop. But you can still change the look of your soldiers yourself, the nude mods still work but you have to reassign the look.


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I've been looking for a few days to find a mod, any mod, for WotC, that has a crotch cape.  A belt or leg part that is cloth handing to the front and back of the crotch.  The Templar belt part kind of works, but it doesn't really fit with any of the leg parts.  I cannot find one ANYWHERE.  Anyone have an idea of a mod, here or elsewhere, that might have one?  Example of what I'm looking for:



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Was hoping the lewd trooper mod, could affect every class of Advent troopers, removes their torso armor, lets them keep their arm and leg armors, and gives them bigger greasts, and the female Archon mod also had versions that affected Chrysalids, Sectoids, Mutons, Berserkers, removes the chest armor for Vipers

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On 14.10.2020 at 09:14, OCJeriko said:

Я искал несколько дней, чтобы найти мод, любой мод для WotC, у которого есть накидка в промежности. Пояс или часть ноги, которая проходит через переднюю и заднюю часть промежности. Часть пояса тамплиеров вроде бы работает, но на самом деле она не подходит ни к одной из частей ног. Я нигде не могу найти. У кого-нибудь есть идея мода, здесь или где-то еще, у которого он может быть? Пример того, что я ищу:




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  • 4 weeks later...

Estoy aburrido.
Con las restricciones de la pandemia estoy temporalmente sin trabajo y sin nada que hacer.
Estoy aburrido.
Así que me he puesto a jugar otra vez a XCOM2 y además a hacer composiciones con el fotomatón interno. Después retoco las imagenes con GIMP ya que a veces salen muy oscuras o con algunos defectos.
Y como estoy aburrido (no se si os lo habia dicho) he pensado en compartir unas pocas de vez en cuando.
Espero que os guste.


I'm bored.
With the restrictions of the pandemic I am temporarily out of work and with nothing to do.
I'm bored.
So I started playing XCOM2 again and also making compositions with the internal photo booth. Then I retouch the images with GIMP since sometimes they come out very dark or with some defects.
And since I'm bored (I don't know if I told you) I've thought of sharing a few from time to time.
I hope you like it.


Pero antes de publicar las imagenes voy a acreditar y agredecer a los que lo han hecho posible:
Firaxis Games por este magnífico juego.
Moomany, Kexx, Wrex456, Hagar1987, mcmanus82, mrace999, y ghaan por los mods que he conseguido en este foro.
Por cuestiones de espacio nombro y dejo un enlace a las páginas de Steam WorkShop donde los mods que proceden de allí están debidamente acreditados.


But before publishing the images I am going to credit and thank those who have made it possible:
Firaxis Games for this magnificent game.
Moomany, Kexx, Wrex456, Hagar1987, mcmanus82, mrace999, and ghaan for the mods I have gotten on this forum.
For reasons of space I name and leave a link to the Steam WorkShop pages where the mods that come from there are duly accredited.


(N:A)NIER: AUTOMATA: 2B'S OUTFIT.                   https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1545114995
[WotC] XCom 2 Community Pose Pack.                https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1601400977
Propaganda Poster Pack (14 new backgrounds).   https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1318517696
SECTION 9: MOTOKO PACK [WOTC].                   https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1172570913
WOTC Female Hair Pack.                                      https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1471399748


Ante cualquier duda, error u omisión poneros en contacto conmigo y borraré, rectificaré o añadiré lo que sea necesario.
If you see any errors or omissions, contact me and I will delete, rectify or add whatever is necessary.


Después de este aburridisimo inicio os presento a la primera mujerXcom.

Es española y ha sido entrenada como asesora de refugio. No le gustan los espias sincara pero siempre tiene un regalo en la mano para ellos.


After this boring start I present to you the first XcomWoman.

She is Spanish and has been trained as a haven counselor. He doesn't like faceless spies but he always has a gift in hand for them.












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Soy el hombre aburrido otra vez.
Esta es la entrega número 2.


I'm the bored man again.
This is the delivery number 2.


Nació en México y es asesora de refugio.
Está destinada en el primer territorio desde el que XCOM comienza sus actividades. No le gustan los uniformes así que siempre va vestida con su ropa civil excepto cuando va al combate.
El pobre Bradford cuando la ve con el uniforme y después con la ropa civil mueve la cabeza de un lado para otro y murmura: "No puede ser, no caben ahí dentro".


She was born in Mexico and is a refugee advisor.
It is destined for the first territory from which XCOM begins its activities. She does not like uniforms so she is always dressed in her civilian clothes except when going to combat.
Poor Bradford when he sees her in her uniform and then in her civilian clothes, shakes his head from side to side and murmurs: "It can't be, they don't fit in there."













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He perdido el disco principal de mi ordenador, así que voy a tener que reinstalar y empezar de nuevo.
Lo voy a hacer porque tengo tiempo y soy el hombre aburrido.
Pero antes de hacerlo, un mensaje para @Ivans Kram: Me gusta tu ejército.


I have lost the main drive on my computer, so I will have to reinstall and start over.

I'm going to do it because I have time and I'm the boring man.

But before doing it, a message to @Ivans Kram: I like your army.

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Bored man.


<status: reinstaling>

Estoy muy cerca de perder la paciencia y no volver a jugar a XCOM-2.

I'm very close to losing my patience and never playing XCOM-2 again.
</status: reinstaling>
<status: reinstalingDONE>
Por fin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
</status: reinstalingDONE>
El hombre aburrido ha vuelto.
The bored man is back.
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On 12/9/2018 at 9:42 PM, Wrex456 said:

Alrighty, back from the dead.


LL Pack:



Includes almost every item from the previous Lewd packs. I believe the single only item that isn't here, are the Leather Undies, but everything else is here, including new items. Missing from the Workshop mod, you will find the Flow Top A Cup, Suit Coat with shirt, bras and bikinis in here.


WOTC Civilians:



Little fun mod that turns every single NPC of the game into a lewd one. Staff on the avenger, civilians, VIPs, resistance fighters, etc.

Any chance of updating these links if possible Wrex, or have you taken them down yourself?

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Soy el hombre aburrido otra vez. Al reinstalar he aprovechado para introducir algunos mods visuales de Steam. Después de demasiadas pruebas incluso para mí he retirado la mayoría por problemas al usarlos. Mañana volveré a acreditar los mods de steam con un enlace.
En muchas ocasiones he usado un sistema informático de traducción. Si leeis algo raro se debe a esto.
Hoy os presento al escuadrón 1.

I'm the bored man again. When reinstalling I have taken the opportunity to introduce some visual mods from Steam. After too many tests even for me I have withdrawn most of them due to problems using them. Tomorrow I will credit the steam mods again with a link.
On many occasions I have used a computerized translation system. If you read something strange it is because of this.
Today I introduce you to Squad 1.




- Jana, don't make an angry face.





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Escuadrón 1. Squad 1.


Khadija nació en Irán. Le gusta que todo esté limpio y ordenado. Tygan no lo sabe pero ella y su amiga Eva entran a escondidas a limpiar su laboratorio.
Khadija was born in Iran. He likes everything to be neat and clean. Tygan doesn't know, but she and her friend Eva sneak in to clean his lab.









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Escuadrón 1. Squad 1.


Sofía es de origen italiano. Le gusta mantener y mejorar su gremlin. A pesar de que en el Avenger hace mucho calor siempre le pide a su amiga Rachel que duerma con ella para no tener frio.
Sofia is of Italian origin. She likes to maintain and improve her gremlin. Despite the fact that the Avenger is very hot, she always asks her friend Rachel to sleep with her to avoid being cold.









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Escuadrón 1. Squad 1.


Rachel nació en EEUU. Le gusta beber cervezas en el bar del Avenger y hacer todo lo que lo diga su amiga Sofía.
Rachel was born in the USA. She likes to drink beers at the Avenger's bar and do whatever her friend Sofia says.










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Escuadrón 1. Squad 1.


Yuzuki es de origen desconocido aunque sus compañeras creen que es japonesa. Es muy seria y reservada. Bradford admira su convicción y cree que mantiene la moral del escuadrón en combate ya que antes de abrir fuego por primera vez en una misión, siempre dice en voz alta y clara la misma frase: "Por la gloria de la humanidad".
Yuzuki is of unknown origin although her companions believe that she is Japanese. She is very serious and reserved. Bradford admires his conviction and believes that it maintains the morale of the squad in combat since before opening fire for the first time on a mission, he always says the same phrase loud and clear: "For the glory of humanity."










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Escuadrón 1. Squad 1.


Mariam nació en Israel. Le gusta estar muy cerca de todo. Hace muchas bromas del tipo: "Vosotras disparáis un montón de balas para ellos y ellos las esquivan. Asi pues, voy corriendo a su lado, les pongo el cañon de mi escopeta de asalto delante de los ojos y disparo. Pero no lo hago por rabia o ira sino para que estos chicos de Advent entiendan que es de muy mala educación rechazar vuestras balas". Fue la primera en hablar con Bejj.
Mariam was born in Israel. She likes to be very close to everything. He makes a lot of jokes of the type: "You shoot a lot of bullets for them and they dodge them. So I run to their side, put the barrel of my assault shotgun in front of their eyes and shoot. But I don't do it for rage but for these Advent guys to understand that it is very rude to reject your bullets." She was the first to speak to Bejj.








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Escuadrón 1. Squad 1.


Jana era una niña prodigio y entro en un centro educativo especial de Advent. A los doce años se fugo y fue dada por desaparecida. Probablemente es la más inteligente de todas. Siempre está enfadada y nadie sabe porqué. Sus compañeras le dicen muchas veces: "Jana, no te enfades" lo cual no ayuda.
Jana was a child prodigy and entered a special Advent school. At the age of twelve she ran away and was reported missing. She is probably the smartest of all. She is always angry and nobody knows why. Her classmates say to her many times: "Jana, don't be angry" which doesn't help.










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Escuadrón 1. Squad 1.


Erin es Australiana y es una persona sencilla a la que le gustan las cosas sencillas. Al principio sus compañeras no confiaban en ella porque parece un poco idiota y con el peso del lanzagrandas es más lenta. Pero la realidad es que tiene un control de su propia posición excepcional. Cuando parece que algo va a ir mal Erin siempre esta donde tiene que estar y lo arregla.
Erin is Australian and she is a simple person who likes simple things. At first her companions did not trust her because she seems a bit idiotic and with the weight of the grenade launcher she is slower. But the reality is that she is in a exceptional control of her own position. When it seems like something is going to go wrong Erin is always where she needs to be and fixes it.










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Escuadrón 1. Squad 1.


Eva nació en Rusia. Eva disfruta organizando cosas sencillas como si fueran muy importantes. Todos los días prepara y organiza el desayuno para estar todas juntas. En una liberación de un científico apresado por Advent, Eva llegó al punto de evacuación con una caja enorme de bollos y dulces que "confiscó" en una pastelería.
Eva was born in Russia. Eva enjoys organizing simple things as if they are very important. Every day she prepares and organizes breakfast so that everyone can be together. In a release of a scientist held by Advent, Eva arrived at the evacuation point with a huge box of buns and sweets that she "confiscated" from a pastry shop.










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Escuadrón 1. Squad 1.


Bejj es de la facción Los Guerrilleros. Al principio estaba muy tensa y sólo hablaba de la "Guerra contra los falsos dioses". Un día Mariam le dijo que sus cicatrices eran 'muy interesantes', cuando fue a explicarle su origen Mariam le pidió que la acompañara a un sitio más intimo para hablar de ello. Desde entonces esta menos tensa y tiene otros temas de conversación.
Bejj is from the Los Guerrilleros faction. At first she was very tense and only spoke of the "War against the false gods". One day Mariam told him that her scars were "very interesting", when she went to explain their origin Mariam asked him to accompany her to a more intimate place to talk about it. Since then she has been less tense and has other topics of conversation.










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