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Lewd mods and XCOM 2

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QUERY: so what's to prevent a patch to the base vanilla game from screwing up a game?

Simple methods

Stay in offline mode

Remove the Sym Link, your game stays how you want it.


Better method, set auto updates to a time limit when your PC is usually shut down.

Something like 7am to 8am.


This will stop it auto-updating, but after 24 hours you must update to play (Workshop mods as wel as game).

So also have a Vanilla version to link to instead, then when Steam forces you to update, you update that instead.

Then it won't check again for a while, repeat the switch to Vanilla when it forces the issue.


This isn't ideal, and the main reason I detest Steam, it's the worst store client for modding


I dislike all other Store Clients, but even Origin doesn't force you to update, if configured correctly (Can be set per game as well).

Uplay, no idea about, there's few mods for their games, burt I barely have any.

GOG Galaxy is by far the best Store Client, still crap, but it's optional crap I can ignore.

You can set updates per game though if you use it.


I get most games on GOG, because I can get an offline installer, and DRM free is best base for modding.

287 GOG Games, 73 Steam (Down from 150 due to GOG releases), 10 Origin. and 7 Uplay (mostly free with hardware deals).


Steam sucks, for modding, and the only way to really stop it is keep it away from your mods, until all are ready to update.

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@Uhuru N'Uru I did let a note on the index saying the v1.0 torso pack was required, do you think it needs more explanation?

Glad you caught this, I thought this was the same thread as your list is on, just realised it's not.


Yes, problem is the v2.0 post you link to says the exact opposite, best to make clear that's incorrect, and your post's been updated.


I went to through your post, opened all the links. Then followed the authors instructions.

I did find out about my mistake, but only because I'm in the habit of checking the last few pages of threads on LL.

Looking for latest info, and new updates, not everyone will do that.

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@Uhuru N'Uru I did let a note on the index saying the v1.0 torso pack was required, do you think it needs more explanation?

Glad you caught this, I thought this was the same thread as your list is on, just realised it's not.


Yes, problem is the v2.0 post you link to says the exact opposite, best to make clear that's incorrect, and your post's been updated.


I went to through your post, opened all the links. Then followed the authors instructions.

I did find out about my mistake, but only because I'm in the habit of checking the last few pages of threads on LL.

Looking for latest info, and new updates, not everyone will do that.



Put the "required" in red, that should help in making people pay attention, but if I put a lot of text people tend to ignore and just go to the links, but please if you have any suggestions let me know.


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No idea how animations are triggered on the ant farm, never really looked into it tongue.png probably involves specific animation spots set up in the map file :/
I've have been looking at unit coding though and It seems all advent troopers are assigned a gender in game but most other units are not (Xcom and civilians have "bAppearanceDefinesPawn" which should already assign a gender to them, and I think there is a function for advent troopers which assigns them genders for their unit reveals.
I think I can force assign a gender for the other units though using "bSetGenderAlways" and "kAppearance.iGender = eGender_Male/eGender_Female" in the unit definitions, which should allow abilities to function differently depending on chosen target and gender. (Or I figure out how the advent troopers get assigned genders, which would mean not having to create new units templates just so there are male and female version of aliens.)
Something like this (ignore the syntax)
;;Ability Defintion yadayada
if UnitPawn = eGender_Male
     if PartnerUnitPawn = eGender_Female
        ShooterAnim = xcomattackermxcomf
        TargetAnim = xcomtargetmxcomf
     else if PartnerUnitPawn = eGender_Male

        ShooterAnim = xcomattackermxcomm

        TargetAnim = xcomtargetmxcomm
else if UnitPawn = eGender_Female
     if PartnerUnitPawn = eGender_Female
        ShooterAnim = xcomattackerfxcomf
        TargetAnim = xcomtargetfxcomf
     else if PartnerUnitPawn = eGender_Male

        ShooterAnim = xcomattackerfxcomm

        TargetAnim = xcomtargetfxcomm
;;continued ability definition yadayada


That would make it 8 sets of animations, each part of the animations would have to be exported separately, like stages in skyrim, this is only thinking about soldiers targeting soldiers, but I think advent can use xcom soldier animation, but with possible face distortion.


Looking at how the viper bind animations are set up, there are 5 animations for the Viper herself:


1: Killed during bind, 2: Hurt during bind, 3: Bind loop (this keeps playing until something else gets triggered), 4: Bind start and 5: Bind end


For the bound unit


1: Hurt during bind, 2: Bind loop (ditto), 3: Bind start and 4: Bind end


Interestingly, the viper only has 1 set of bind animations which work for both male and female soldiers, this is probably something to do with the filters the documentation was talking about, but I have no idea how that works.


Do you have access to the sdk? if not, do you want the bind animations files so you can look at how they're set up?


edit: errrgggg all this obviously relies on being able to make people nude on demand, which would involve forcing units to change armour on the fly/ change archetype in the case of advent/aliens, storing what they were before and reassigning that back when the ability ends, no idea how to even start coding this part :/

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No idea how animations are triggered on the ant farm, never really looked into it tongue.png probably involves specific animation spots set up in the map file :/
I've have been looking at unit coding though and It seems all advent troopers are assigned a gender in game but most other units are not (Xcom and civilians have "bAppearanceDefinesPawn" which should already assign a gender to them, and I think there is a function for advent troopers which assigns them genders for their unit reveals.
I think I can force assign a gender for the other units though using "bSetGenderAlways" and "kAppearance.iGender = eGender_Male/eGender_Female" in the unit definitions, which should allow abilities to function differently depending on chosen target and gender. (Or I figure out how the advent troopers get assigned genders, which would mean not having to create new units templates just so there are male and female version of aliens.)
Something like this (ignore the syntax)
;;Ability Defintion yadayada
if UnitPawn = eGender_Male
     if PartnerUnitPawn = eGender_Female
        ShooterAnim = xcomattackermxcomf
        TargetAnim = xcomtargetmxcomf
     else if PartnerUnitPawn = eGender_Male

        ShooterAnim = xcomattackermxcomm

        TargetAnim = xcomtargetmxcomm
else if UnitPawn = eGender_Female
     if PartnerUnitPawn = eGender_Female
        ShooterAnim = xcomattackerfxcomf
        TargetAnim = xcomtargetfxcomf
     else if PartnerUnitPawn = eGender_Male

        ShooterAnim = xcomattackerfxcomm

        TargetAnim = xcomtargetfxcomm
;;continued ability definition yadayada


That would make it 8 sets of animations, each part of the animations would have to be exported separately, like stages in skyrim, this is only thinking about soldiers targeting soldiers, but I think advent can use xcom soldier animation, but with possible face distortion.


Looking at how the viper bind animations are set up, there are 5 animations for the Viper herself:


1: Killed during bind, 2: Hurt during bind, 3: Bind loop (this keeps playing until something else gets triggered), 4: Bind start and 5: Bind end


For the bound unit


1: Hurt during bind, 2: Bind loop (ditto), 3: Bind start and 4: Bind end


Interestingly, the viper only has 1 set of bind animations which work for both male and female soldiers, this is probably something to do with the filters the documentation was talking about, but I have no idea how that works.


Do you have access to the sdk? if not, do you want the bind animations files so you can look at how they're set up?


edit: errrgggg all this obviously relies on being able to make people nude on demand, which would involve forcing units to change armour on the fly/ change archetype in the case of advent/aliens, storing what they were before and reassigning that back when the ability ends, no idea how to even start coding this part :/


Maybe you could check whether the actors are clothed, and just prevent anything from happening if they are? I suppose if you install this mod, you know what you want. The NPCs could just have their models automatically replaced with the originals simply unavailable.

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@Uhuru N'Uru I did let a note on the index saying the v1.0 torso pack was required, do you think it needs more explanation?

Glad you caught this, I thought this was the same thread as your list is on, just realised it's not.


Yes, problem is the v2.0 post you link to says the exact opposite, best to make clear that's incorrect, and your post's been updated.


I went to through your post, opened all the links. Then followed the authors instructions.

I did find out about my mistake, but only because I'm in the habit of checking the last few pages of threads on LL.

Looking for latest info, and new updates, not everyone will do that.



Put the "required" in red, that should help in making people pay attention, but if I put a lot of text people tend to ignore and just go to the links, but please if you have any suggestions let me know.



Reds good, I'd suggest a very short addition like Dating the change, or "even though v2.0 post says it's not".


Something to make it clear your post is up to date, and accurate.

Thinking on it some more, the actual best option if possible, is for the mod author to edit his post.

That is the incorrect info, after all.


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Mesdames et messieurs!

Je n'ai mangé pas 6 jours...Servieren sie etwas brot für essen, please! :D

 And now to business ...

Dear and glorious modders,

can anyone make a small extension for the Leg Pack -

black and white nylon stockings for the nice girls of XCOM 2?


For the third time I ask and hope that some modder with a kind soul and a good heart will hear me. :)



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No idea how animations are triggered on the ant farm, never really looked into it tongue.png probably involves specific animation spots set up in the map file :/
I've have been looking at unit coding though and It seems all advent troopers are assigned a gender in game but most other units are not (Xcom and civilians have "bAppearanceDefinesPawn" which should already assign a gender to them, and I think there is a function for advent troopers which assigns them genders for their unit reveals.
I think I can force assign a gender for the other units though using "bSetGenderAlways" and "kAppearance.iGender = eGender_Male/eGender_Female" in the unit definitions, which should allow abilities to function differently depending on chosen target and gender. (Or I figure out how the advent troopers get assigned genders, which would mean not having to create new units templates just so there are male and female version of aliens.)
Something like this (ignore the syntax)
;;Ability Defintion yadayada
if UnitPawn = eGender_Male
     if PartnerUnitPawn = eGender_Female
        ShooterAnim = xcomattackermxcomf
        TargetAnim = xcomtargetmxcomf
     else if PartnerUnitPawn = eGender_Male

        ShooterAnim = xcomattackermxcomm

        TargetAnim = xcomtargetmxcomm
else if UnitPawn = eGender_Female
     if PartnerUnitPawn = eGender_Female
        ShooterAnim = xcomattackerfxcomf
        TargetAnim = xcomtargetfxcomf
     else if PartnerUnitPawn = eGender_Male

        ShooterAnim = xcomattackerfxcomm

        TargetAnim = xcomtargetfxcomm
;;continued ability definition yadayada


That would make it 8 sets of animations, each part of the animations would have to be exported separately, like stages in skyrim, this is only thinking about soldiers targeting soldiers, but I think advent can use xcom soldier animation, but with possible face distortion.


Looking at how the viper bind animations are set up, there are 5 animations for the Viper herself:


1: Killed during bind, 2: Hurt during bind, 3: Bind loop (this keeps playing until something else gets triggered), 4: Bind start and 5: Bind end


For the bound unit


1: Hurt during bind, 2: Bind loop (ditto), 3: Bind start and 4: Bind end


Interestingly, the viper only has 1 set of bind animations which work for both male and female soldiers, this is probably something to do with the filters the documentation was talking about, but I have no idea how that works.


Do you have access to the sdk? if not, do you want the bind animations files so you can look at how they're set up?


edit: errrgggg all this obviously relies on being able to make people nude on demand, which would involve forcing units to change armour on the fly/ change archetype in the case of advent/aliens, storing what they were before and reassigning that back when the ability ends, no idea how to even start coding this part :/



Well, thanks for your interest!! If you can try something, I would like try it too.

Sounds good your ideas (but I don't know nothing about programming). 


OK. I don't have the models. I need the models by default for blender,  RIG Male and Female.


IF you or anyone more can try something like this, contact with me. As I said before, I would like contribute with some animations.

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Hello guys,


I'm using Mirann's prostitution mod. However, none of the stats, except for times sold seems to update when the character returns. Is this a known bug?


EDIT: It seems that it's simply a conflict with the "Enslaved" mod. Some variables have the same name, so it seems that they overwrite on the display.



Curiously, what's in the "Enslaved" mod? What contents?

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It breaks a lot of stuff Pan4Mod , I can't seem to get the existing lewd mods to show up yet.

It breaks a lot of stuff Pan4Mod , I can't seem to get the existing lewd mods to show up yet.


That is bad news since some of the modder already disappear for a long time.

But I wonder it may because the alternative mod launcher doesn't support the expansion.

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So i tested a few mods with WotC and didnt came across any crashes so far. Missions and PhotoMode also works.
The mods i tested:
BareBareMod V3 by Moomany 
Props, Torso and Leg Pack by Kexx456
Askintightmod by Arcturus7777
They work for me however there is some game lag when i first open up the char customization menu and hover over modded bodyparts (new, at least for me)


On some parts i get seams but again they are on parts i had seams before so nothing new. 


Only "issue" i ran into was some wierd skin colour changes on some nude parts.
I also tested these together with More Armor Customization Options REVIVED and it also works, no crashes and missions from WotC load normal.
Hope this helps for anyone interested on using these Mods with WotC









EDIT: Found some clipping issues with male Soldiers and some texture issues with some outfit configs

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guys, need some help.

the official mod launcher won't load mods on here.

the alternate mod launcher (from Xpyke's mod index) won't launch WOTC

the other alternate mod launcher (also from the mod index) bugs me about the mods from here "not having proper workshop numbering" or something, but i didnt check if that launches WOTC

what do i do now?

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guys, need some help.

the official mod launcher won't load mods on here.

the alternate mod launcher (from Xpyke's mod index) won't launch WOTC

the other alternate mod launcher (also from the mod index) bugs me about the mods from here "not having proper workshop numbering" or something, but i didnt check if that launches WOTC

what do i do now?


I have the same problem. My guess is the game doesn't monitor the 'XComGame>Mods' folder anymore. There must be some new folder where we are supposed to put these mods but I don't know which.


EDIT: Problem Solved. This is the new folder for WOTC. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\XComGame\Mods"


Notice the additional subdirectory.

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guys, need some help.

the official mod launcher won't load mods on here.

the alternate mod launcher (from Xpyke's mod index) won't launch WOTC

the other alternate mod launcher (also from the mod index) bugs me about the mods from here "not having proper workshop numbering" or something, but i didnt check if that launches WOTC

what do i do now?


I have the same problem. My guess is the game doesn't monitor the 'XComGame>Mods' folder anymore. There must be some new folder where we are supposed to put these mods but I don't know which.


EDIT: Problem Solved. This is the new folder for WOTC. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\XComGame\Mods"


Notice the additional subdirectory.




Is this the official solution? If yes I need to update the index, I don't have the DLC yet so I can't confirm myself.


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