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Lewd mods and XCOM 2

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tried to do these changes, but still getting the floating heads




I think II fixed it actually since I haven't seen a missing bodied person for a while. I reinstalled the mod the night before yesterday and set the modmodmod.ini to all female = 0 again then went back to the xcomengine.ini and changed the XGCharacterClass  part to Base game class --> +ModClassOverrides=(BasegameClass="BaseGameClass", ModClass="BaseGameClass") and haven't seen one for a while like I said earlier.


Edit: It still makes your body disappear if you try to change sex from one to another.




Did you change the XcomModModMod.ini file all female to --> [ModModMod.XGCharacterGenerator_Mod] AllFemale = 0 and the XcomEngine.ini second line in the ini that says--> [Engine.Engine] +ModClassOverrides=(BaseGameClass="BaseGameClase", ModClass="BaseGameClass") and then wait till new soldiers are generated in the recruit page? The ones that's already in there with missing bodies can't be changed and you can't change one sex to another without that characters body going missing. just save where your currently at do a few missions then recheck to see if your getting both female and male soldiers again because I'm not getting any anymore and I started like not even hallway in the game when I installed that mod (Just bought the game too before I found this forum page) did what I said earlier then reinstalled it (that same day) and then played a few Advent blacksite missions. and now I'm at the part where I'm about to go through the gate portal.




this is the tesxt in each file:


+ModClassOverrides=(BaseGameClass="BaseGameClase", ModClass="BaseGameClass")
;A configuration File
AllFemale = 0
SupplyRewardBase = 40;
IntelRewardBase = 20;
AlloyRewardBase = 5;
DustRewardBase = 3;
SupplyRewardRand = 40;
IntelRewardRand = 20;
AlloyRewardRand = 5;
DustRewardRand = 2;


Edited by CPU
Removed too many inner quotes
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tried to do these changes, but still getting the floating heads




I think II fixed it actually since I haven't seen a missing bodied person for a while. I reinstalled the mod the night before yesterday and set the modmodmod.ini to all female = 0 again then went back to the xcomengine.ini and changed the XGCharacterClass  part to Base game class --> +ModClassOverrides=(BasegameClass="BaseGameClass", ModClass="BaseGameClass") and haven't seen one for a while like I said earlier.


Edit: It still makes your body disappear if you try to change sex from one to another.




Did you change the XcomModModMod.ini file all female to --> [ModModMod.XGCharacterGenerator_Mod] AllFemale = 0 and the XcomEngine.ini second line in the ini that says--> [Engine.Engine] +ModClassOverrides=(BaseGameClass="BaseGameClase", ModClass="BaseGameClass") and then wait till new soldiers are generated in the recruit page? The ones that's already in there with missing bodies can't be changed and you can't change one sex to another without that characters body going missing. just save where your currently at do a few missions then recheck to see if your getting both female and male soldiers again because I'm not getting any anymore and I started like not even hallway in the game when I installed that mod (Just bought the game too before I found this forum page) did what I said earlier then reinstalled it (that same day) and then played a few Advent blacksite missions. and now I'm at the part where I'm about to go through the gate portal.




this is the tesxt in each file:


+ModClassOverrides=(BaseGameClass="BaseGameClase", ModClass="BaseGameClass")
;A configuration File
AllFemale = 0
SupplyRewardBase = 40;
IntelRewardBase = 20;
AlloyRewardBase = 5;
DustRewardBase = 3;
SupplyRewardRand = 40;
IntelRewardRand = 20;
AlloyRewardRand = 5;
DustRewardRand = 2;



Did you make a save and do some missions and wait a few days then recheck? If it didn't work for you, you can always just uninstall/uncheck it on the mod list and play for a few then when you need more supplies and etc just reinstall/check it and do it like that it won't mess up your save it'll just keep saying something is missing till you put it back on.

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Ha yeah, had to merge it all together in the end into one mesh for shen (which also fixed her face being wierd).


Note on making edits to shen, her head skele rig is different to the standard xcom soldier one, so becareful if skeletons get merged (if applicable, it's an option in max).


Looking forward to them outfits :D

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Ha yeah, had to merge it all together in the end into one mesh for shen (which also fixed her face being wierd).


Note on making edits to shen, her head skele rig is different to the standard xcom soldier one, so becareful if skeletons get merged (if applicable, it's an option in max).


Looking forward to them outfits :D

That's where all the research I was doing was pointing, just couldn't be 100% sure.

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Apparently it's pretty warm down in engineering.


toggle for shaved or not shaved in config ini file.


In other news, reports of highly distracting female stun lancers have caused increased demand on infirmary staff.

attachicon.gif20160616153151_1.jpg (not finished yet)

It been a long time for me to reply due to heavy workload at work, but I must say thank you for this, it make my dream real.heart.gif

Update: How to shave? I can't see any changing by turning false to true or 0 or 1.

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If you go inside the mod folder, then the config folder, there should be a file called XComToshaveornottoshave.ini just change the false to true if you want her shaved.


I technically could make an mcm menu, was trying to get that to work on another thing yesterday, a single toggle shouldn't be too hard.

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All right, I have a distinct feeling that I'm doing something wrong one way or another, so I'm hoping that someone else has experienced the same issue and/or know how to fix it, because quite frankly moomany's work seems pretty nice and impressive and is something that I'd definitely like to include in my game.


So for starters, this is my first attempt to add mods to XCOM 2, so some insecurities arise with that. I've put my mods (Barebaremod, mootattats and TrueRetroactiveAWC) in the XComGame\Mods folder (it is perhaps worth mentioning that the "mods" folder was not there initially, so I created it), I started the game through the ModLauncher and ticked all three mods, which were displayed correctly in the selection window. However, as soon as I start the game, a redscreen error presents the first hint that something is awry, displaying a huge wall of text that appears to refer to the Barebaremod.




(No idea why it only captures part of the screen, but it doesn't concern me too much at the moment.)


This is no more a hindrance than any other redscreen, though, so I proceed past it. Moving on I try to open the character pool to quickly test the new additions to my game, create a soldier - having read through this entire thread ensuring that said soldier spawns as female rather than change her sex to being so - and try to equip one of the props that should make her appear nude... which results in a new redscreen error:






As one might notice behind the redscreen error, the body part supposed to be nude - in this case the torso - becomes invisible. The same thing occurs with other body parts when I try to equip nude props and for the mootattats tattoos, with the only difference in the error message being the particular body part content being referred to.

(Also, I only noticed this now looking at the screenshot, but her hair appears to have disappeared as well... weird.)


Any ideas on how to remedy this?

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Ah nippy_fc, that was part of the code from trying to get civilians to spawn nude, you can ignore that, doesn't break anything but I'll get rid of those entries


for the other two bugs could you guys tell me:

Have you updated to the latest patch (this is for the shen mod mostly, it may be using code which was patched in later, you may also have to tell steam to verify integrity).

Do you use a different localisation that's not english/"international"? (had issues with textures missing before because of this so missing archetypes isn't that far fetched, how to fix it though is another question :/).


I'm trying to figure what could be causing it atm and I'm not really sure :/ especially the missing body bits, (I'm looking at the sdk right now and everything is named correctly, and I've deleted all my copies and downloaded the ones I'm put up here and they still work, this is for all three mods).


@Pan did the lily mod work for you?

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Ah nippy_fc, that was part of the code from trying to get civilians to spawn nude, you can ignore that, doesn't break anything but I'll get rid of those entries


for the other two bugs could you guys tell me:

Have you updated to the latest patch (this is for the shen mod mostly, it may be using code which was patched in later, you may also have to tell steam to verify integrity).

Do you use a different localisation that's not english/"international"? (had issues with textures missing before because of this so missing archetypes isn't that far fetched, how to fix it though is another question :/).


I'm trying to figure what could be causing it atm and I'm not really sure :/ especially the missing body bits, (I'm looking at the sdk right now and everything is named correctly, and I've deleted all my copies and downloaded the ones I'm put up here and they still work, this is for all three mods).


@Pan did the lily mod work for you?

moomany Except I can't shave it by changing false to true, it is perfect!


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Ah nice, but I think I've found the issue Jefdeth was getting, trying to fix it now, and possibly fix shen not shaving at the same time (it's the same bit in the code).


Edit: pfffffffffffffffft well that was stupid, the config file had the upk name instead of the actual mod name. If you want to quickly fix it replace [MooLewdShen.X2DownloadableContentInfo_LewdLily] with [LewdLily.X2DownloadableContentInfo_LewdLily] in the config file.


As for Shen refusing the get nekkid, I've added more checks in the code with the updated version so see if that helps.


I've updated the old post with the fix.


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Excuse me for a moment while I enthusiastically facepalm... sometimes the most obvious answer really is also the right one. I let the game update and lo and behold, now the mods work perfectly. It looks great too, well done indeed! Thank you for the help (pointing out something obvious that really should have been the first thing I checked), and thank you for your work with the mods thus far. Somehow even the smallest things can have a huge impact on how enjoyable a game feels at any given time.

And even though it's not relevant anymore since the issue has been solved, you still asked and I shall answer: my localization is indeed the English/International one, so no funny stuff in that regard.


Also - and this is more a general note for modders with the skills and motivation to take on modding XCOM 2 more extensively in the future - I had a few ideas that I thought I would put here just for the heck of it, if nothing else then to perhaps inspire modders' own ideas later on. I'm fully aware that the ideas may never be used, and that if they do it will not be anytime soon, but yeah... an idea is generally more valuable when shared with others.



A stat (I would suggest “sympathy”) to measure the willingness of XCOM, ADVENT and alien troops to accept and ultimately maybe even prefer the company of members of the opposing faction (and potentially a second stat doing the same for their own faction; the former would start low, and the latter would start high). Changes to the stat could change during battles in that it would be lowered for all fielded troops whenever one of their allies was killed by a member of the opposing faction (possibly lowered more if the one killed was the same species as themselves, or for XCOM soldiers, if the one killed was in a relationship with them, and lowered a lot for a soldier getting downed, but not killed), but which could inversely also be increased through psi-powers, shows of mercy (stabilizing an enemy unit bleeding out?) or through pleasing them.

While the former two methods of increasing the stat are pretty self-explanatory, I figure that a couple of examples of the latter would be prudent. For most units I envision there being an option that becomes available when they are next to a stunned or disoriented enemy unit, which would allow them to sexually service that enemy unit, which would increase the recipients stat and possibly prolong the effects of the stun/disorientation, with a chance to outright knock them unconscious, necessitating revival to return them to combat and enabling one to capture it. Vipers in particular would be especially gifted at this, as their bind could be adapted so that rather than squeeze the captured unit to death, they would spend several turns greatly increasing the unit’s stat (I’ll leave it to your imagination how it would do this; vipers are already so popular in this context that there are plenty of ideas) before releasing it, immediately rendering that unit unconscious. Of course units with low sympathy for their enemy would be less willing, eager and proficient at pleasing them, lowering the effectiveness of pleasure-abilities or making them outright refuse to use them.

As the stat gets higher and higher, though, there would be proportional chance that the unit, upon receiving sexual service from an enemy, would become so fond of the one doing this for them that they become unwilling to fight anymore, and would join the civilian faction for the remainder of the mission. One could even implement the feature that this seduced unit, if their own faction went and killed the enemy unit that concluded their seduction, their stat in relation to their own faction would drop dramatically and potentially cause them to switch sides. Similarly, losing the stat for their seducer’s faction due to allies dying could get them to rejoin their faction and return to the mission.

Outside of missions, changes to and usefulness of this stat would primarily be in relation to prisoners (when such a feature gets implemented, which I can’t imagine there aren’t already modders working on). One would be able to treat prisoners differently for different benefits and with different influence on its sympathy-stats, I figure. One could either have a unit rape the prisoner, lowering sympathy of the prisoner but with a chance to increase it in the rapist, which could potentially cause pregnancy and allow one to breed various units, which could either be used instead of corpses in construction and research (a rather macabre option, but realistic nonetheless), be sold on the black market (for significantly greater profit than corpses) or be allowed to grow up to join as units in one’s roster. The alternative would be to use a unit with high sympathy for the prisoner’s faction to befriend the prisoner (not necessarily through sexual favors, either; this would also serve to differentiate it more from the rape-option), gradually increasing its sympathy (and that of the unit befriending it), ultimately enabling the prisoner to join one’s roster.

Of course units, once in one’s roster (from either faction) should/could have the same options as prisoners; have another unit rape or seduce them, lowering or increasing the sympathy of their native faction and, if seduction is what happens, have the seducer and the seduced form a bond that could lead to pregnancy, with the same potential outcomes as for prisoners (though I imagine that killing or selling offspring would displease their parents).

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Ah nippy_fc, that was part of the code from trying to get civilians to spawn nude, you can ignore that, doesn't break anything but I'll get rid of those entries


for the other two bugs could you guys tell me:



No, it's old "broken" version with Ru lang) i'll update and tell you result!  



P.S. "Edit: pfffffffffffffffft well that was stupid, the config file had the upk name instead of the actual mod name. If you want to quickly fix it replace [MooLewdShen.X2DownloadableContentInfo_LewdLily] with [LewdLily.X2DownloadableContentInfo_LewdLily] in the config file."  


- in XComToshaveornottoshave.ini file??

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I wonder if the game engine would allow a sliding scale for breast size ;)


i second that motion (larger boobs) great work BTW,seeing Lily naked." i see a number of improvements stemming from that research"


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Excuse me for a moment while I enthusiastically facepalm... sometimes the most obvious answer really is also the right one. I let the game update and lo and behold, now the mods work perfectly.



Tell me please, what version do you have?

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I got a dumb idea just  want to throw out there with gene therapy clinics. I think the resistance could start making their own version of the vipers but with a few different animals. Just really a mod that adds furries to the game no different from normal troops. i just got the idea from this ememy_unknown_by_aurancreations-da5jzr9.


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I got a dumb idea just  want to throw out there with gene therapy clinics. I think the resistance could start making their own version of the vipers but with a few different animals. Just really a mod that adds furries to the game no different from normal troops. i just got the idea from this ememy_unknown_by_aurancreations-da5jzr9.

Get modelling, then. Sounds cool.

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I got a dumb idea just  want to throw out there with gene therapy clinics. I think the resistance could start making their own version of the vipers but with a few different animals. Just really a mod that adds furries to the game no different from normal troops. i just got the idea from this ememy_unknown_by_aurancreations-da5jzr9.

Get modelling, then. Sounds cool.



Man, she looks totally amazing!

Hm... but where is the naked vipers mod?




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