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2pac's CBBE Skimpy Armor and Clothing Replacer - Now version 2

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What exactly are you trying to do? Change black to transparent black? And if you are editing the nif in shapedata, are you using bodyslide to rebuild it to see the changes ingame?



I'm just trying to change the black bikini that appears under some clothing to anything other than black, cuz the black one makes it look to me like the textures haven't loaded in correctly.


I've never used nifskope before so I'm not sure exactly what the process is. So far what I tried to do is edit the Minuteman outfit in nifskope as I described by changing the path of the .BGSM file to one of the microbikinis (in the above example, netblack.bgsm). I saved that and then loaded up the costume in bodyslide and rebuilt it using a custom body.


So far no changes in-game. But I'm probably missing a step or doing something wrong.




If you figure out a fix for this, I would be glad to apply it as well.  Going to try a few things today, but I'm definately a noob at it.


The reason the bikini stays black is because  there a two different  bikinis ,so the textures form the materials don't "match" with the meshes. The microbikinis  have different shape from the bikini in the minutemen outfit of 2pac. You can see the difference on these pics:





I actually tryed swapping the two bikinis in the minutenmen outfit but the jacket was kinda covering the microbikini ,so...I deleted the jacket shape and kept the microbikini :P


This previous post from BringtheNoise helped me. It might help you too ;)    





My new favourite outfit! Thanks for your work!






Also if someone could help me... is there an easy way to change a material bgsm that is "attached" to a shape of a nif file using Nifscope ?

Specifically, I was hopping to use the materials of the new microbikinis with some of the bikinis in other outfits (all 2pac's), since I noticed they are the same mesh. thanks in advance


Just open the Reference nif in nifscope.

In the Block List (default to being on the left side) click on the bikini mesh to show the sub nodes.

Click on the "BSLightingShaderProperty" for the mesh it should list "Materials\something\ISomethingelse\filename.BGSM"

In the Block Details (Down at the bottom) right click on the value for the "Name" line a box will open up with the patch... right click and copy (then hit cancel to make sure you didn't mess anything up).


Now paste that into Notepad (just incase you copy something else you've have it in an open notepad window).


Close the nif you got the path from (do not save as this was the reference nif).

Now go find the nif's you want to change the BGSM path in.

Do the above steps but this time you are going to edit the Value in the Block details and save it with the changes.


Note: The BGSM will probably override the texture path that your nif pointed to. Which means your going to end up with the same textures as the reference nif cause you are using the same bgsm file.


Now if you want to have the similar settings as the bgsm file but point to a texture you want. You can open the bgsm's with Cell's Material Editor Program ( http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3635/? ).


For this you will want to open 2 instances of the Material editor.

In one you open the bgsm that your nif points to and in the other you open 2pac's bgsm.

In 2pac's change the texture path to what you want your nif to point to (copy this from your bgsm and paste into 2pac's). This will retain 2pac's settings for gloss, and other stuff while pointing to your textures....and "save file as" and replace your bgsm (not 2pac's).


This way you get all the settings that are in 2pac's but with your textures... Make sense, of course it does not that is what I'm here for "to Complicate something that is simple".... now go break something.






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What exactly are you trying to do? Change black to transparent black? And if you are editing the nif in shapedata, are you using bodyslide to rebuild it to see the changes ingame?



I'm just trying to change the black bikini that appears under some clothing to anything other than black, cuz the black one makes it look to me like the textures haven't loaded in correctly.


I've never used nifskope before so I'm not sure exactly what the process is. So far what I tried to do is edit the Minuteman outfit in nifskope as I described by changing the path of the .BGSM file to one of the microbikinis (in the above example, netblack.bgsm). I saved that and then loaded up the costume in bodyslide and rebuilt it using a custom body.


So far no changes in-game. But I'm probably missing a step or doing something wrong.



Instead of trying it that way, since you want all the bikinis to change (not the microbikinis), alter the texture it uses and be done with it. And the current outfit you are trying to edit doesn't even use a microbikini mesh. Either way the textures is main.dds and main_n.dds in " \textures\Armor\pac4eva7\bikini" . Open main.dds with an editor, change it and all bikinis that use that same material will change.


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Is there any chance we'll get a standalone version (not a replacer) of this mod? I'd rather just the player model use the skimpy version and CBBE settings.


What I did is use just unique armors/clothing that npcs can't randomly have, like the Grognak outfit, minutemen general's uniform or Kellogg's outfit.


You can also just replace your favourite 2pac outfit's mesh file(s) with one of the unique armor's mesh file(s) (.nif), making sure that the file(s) match. For example if the outfit you like has different mesh files for the gloves and different for the rest of the outfit , but the unique outfit, which you want to replace with the one you like, has one mesh file for the whole outfit ,you would need to combine the two nif files in outfit studio and export the combine two into one nif file. And of course by replacing the file I mean naming it the same as the file that will get replaced and then coping and replacing it.

I hope this makes sense and I am mostly a noob with these stuff lol..oh and don't forget to intall 2pac's textures and materials that the outfit you want to use needs and make backups in case you fuck up :P


also there is a mod on the nexus called Unique Player that lets you use different body and hand textures and meshes for the player only. I think Unique Followers exist too, which is the same thing but for the female followers.

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You made it so that the Wolf Armor can now wear armor pieces. How exactly do you do something like that? I'm trying to do that myself for a mod I learned to make standalone that I want to share at some point if I can get that to work. I got the clothes in game I just need to fix that one thing. 

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Hi to all


2pac4eva7 i have a question do you give me a permission for convert all you mesh's to physic support?



sorry for my bad english

I would rather you didnt. It's not ready yet. Way too buggy.



If you really want to though go ahead

You made it so that the Wolf Armor can now wear armor pieces. How exactly do you do something like that? I'm trying to do that myself for a mod I learned to make standalone that I want to share at some point if I can get that to work. I got the clothes in game I just need to fix that one thing.

you need to alter the slots in uses in the esp
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Hi to all


2pac4eva7 i have a question do you give me a permission for convert all you mesh's to physic support?



sorry for my bad english

I would rather you didnt. It's not ready yet. Way too buggy.



If you really want to though go ahead

You made it so that the Wolf Armor can now wear armor pieces. How exactly do you do something like that? I'm trying to do that myself for a mod I learned to make standalone that I want to share at some point if I can get that to work. I got the clothes in game I just need to fix that one thing.

you need to alter the slots in uses in the esp



Ok, I figured as much. I'm having a hard time finding which slots in particular are the ones that I need to alter. Much appreciate if you could point me to the right slots. Ive never done any real editing of esp. files before besides merging.  

Ah never mind, I figured it out, 

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2pac, I just wanted to mention I don't get tired of seeing the Piper outfit you shaped. It's extremely elegant (although I did remove the scarf).


On a side note, there was an old version of your vault suit that didn't have the leggings. It was called "boots" though may have been made by someone else modifying yours a while back. It doesn't really work anymore because it has clipping, but if you ever make another version of the vault suit or one with zap sliders you may want to consider that version because that cut looks great with leg armor.  This picture has clipping, and your actual presets do not have clipping. But it's a good example of your vault suit minus the leggings, especially how it looks with light metal leg armor.





Finally, I recently completed the silver shroud quest line again (for the fourth time, hehe).  In it they have me wear the silver shroud suit and hat, and it really looks great. Thanks for it. It made it extra fun to repeat the quest.




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Any chance we could get the torso only section of the Cage Spike armor as a separate item? I'd love just a plain chain wrap to mix and match with under and sectioned armor. A girl can dream can't she... but will most likely will need the geck. Guess I'll cuddle the chain in my bed...

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2pac, I just wanted to mention I don't get tired of seeing the Piper outfit you shaped. It's extremely elegant (although I did remove the scarf).


On a side note, there was an old version of your vault suit that didn't have the leggings. It was called "boots" though may have been made by someone else modifying yours a while back. It doesn't really work anymore because it has clipping, but if you ever make another version of the vault suit or one with zap sliders you may want to consider that version because that cut looks great with leg armor.  This picture has clipping, and your actual presets do not have clipping. But it's a good example of your vault suit minus the leggings, especially how it looks with light metal leg armor.





Finally, I recently completed the silver shroud quest line again (for the fourth time, hehe).  In it they have me wear the silver shroud suit and hat, and it really looks great. Thanks for it. It made it extra fun to repeat the quest.





Im glad you like piper's outfit, i removed the scarf on mine too!


That leggingless version was never made by me, but next time i do some work on the mod, ill try to add a 3rd option for you :)

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2pac, I just wanted to mention I don't get tired of seeing the Piper outfit you shaped. It's extremely elegant (although I did remove the scarf).


On a side note, there was an old version of your vault suit that didn't have the leggings. It was called "boots" though may have been made by someone else modifying yours a while back. It doesn't really work anymore because it has clipping, but if you ever make another version of the vault suit or one with zap sliders you may want to consider that version because that cut looks great with leg armor.  This picture has clipping, and your actual presets do not have clipping. But it's a good example of your vault suit minus the leggings, especially how it looks with light metal leg armor.





Finally, I recently completed the silver shroud quest line again (for the fourth time, hehe).  In it they have me wear the silver shroud suit and hat, and it really looks great. Thanks for it. It made it extra fun to repeat the quest.





Im glad you like piper's outfit, i removed the scarf on mine too!


That leggingless version was never made by me, but next time i do some work on the mod, ill try to add a 3rd option for you :)


2pac, can u please add version of piper's outfit without scarf ? or maybe u can say how i can do it by self? Thanks


Edit : It's ok, I figured out :)

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2pac, I just wanted to mention I don't get tired of seeing the Piper outfit you shaped. It's extremely elegant (although I did remove the scarf).


On a side note, there was an old version of your vault suit that didn't have the leggings. It was called "boots" though may have been made by someone else modifying yours a while back. It doesn't really work anymore because it has clipping, but if you ever make another version of the vault suit or one with zap sliders you may want to consider that version because that cut looks great with leg armor.  This picture has clipping, and your actual presets do not have clipping. But it's a good example of your vault suit minus the leggings, especially how it looks with light metal leg armor.





Finally, I recently completed the silver shroud quest line again (for the fourth time, hehe).  In it they have me wear the silver shroud suit and hat, and it really looks great. Thanks for it. It made it extra fun to repeat the quest.





Im glad you like piper's outfit, i removed the scarf on mine too!


That leggingless version was never made by me, but next time i do some work on the mod, ill try to add a 3rd option for you :)


I'd also like to see a leggingless version of the vault suit... I'm no expert at making mods and I've been trying to figure out how to do it on my own. I also wanted to try to add the boots from the shades warrior armor(recolor black to blue and the white to gold, to match the suit) but havent had any luck. 

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Using the all-in-one installer, i selected to use the armorsmith extended but then my plugins say im missing the .esp and the keywords .esm as well. Did i miss a download somewhere? if this was answered please point me towards the post...

edit. found an unactivated mod in my list that did the trick. sorry for the false alarm. =)

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Is there any chance we'll get a standalone version (not a replacer) of this mod? I'd rather just the player model use the skimpy version and CBBE settings.


What I did is use just unique armors/clothing that npcs can't randomly have, like the Grognak outfit, minutemen general's uniform or Kellogg's outfit.


You can also just replace your favourite 2pac outfit's mesh file(s) with one of the unique armor's mesh file(s) (.nif), making sure that the file(s) match. For example if the outfit you like has different mesh files for the gloves and different for the rest of the outfit , but the unique outfit, which you want to replace with the one you like, has one mesh file for the whole outfit ,you would need to combine the two nif files in outfit studio and export the combine two into one nif file. And of course by replacing the file I mean naming it the same as the file that will get replaced and then coping and replacing it.

I hope this makes sense and I am mostly a noob with these stuff lol..oh and don't forget to intall 2pac's textures and materials that the outfit you want to use needs and make backups in case you fuck up :P


also there is a mod on the nexus called Unique Player that lets you use different body and hand textures and meshes for the player only. I think Unique Followers exist too, which is the same thing but for the female followers.



Unique Players works in setting the body mesh and textures to only the player, but that's not really anything to do with 2pac's mod. I'm also trying to figure out how I could use the 2pac mod for ONLY the player but it's tricky. I think it looks funny when the whole of Vault 111 is half naked :)

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