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Do you see yourself as Internet addicted and compulsive person?


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This research is summarization  of several surveys about Internet addiction, compulsiveness and social disorder. It serves only for personal usage and analysis. Honesty is welcome.


A - Would you agree with following:

1. If you find yourself constantly logging on to Facebook, Twitter or any other social network portal, or browsing for hours at time, you may be setting yourself up for poor mental health.

2. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg found that those who constantly use a computer or their mobile phone can develop stress, sleeping disorders and depression."

3. It was easy to spend more time than planned at the computer (e.g., working, gaming, or chatting), and this tended to lead to time pressure, neglect of other activities and personal needs (such as social interaction, sleep, physical activity), as well as bad ergonomics, and mental overload.'

4. The study also found a correlation between stress and always being available on the phone, especially regarding the burden of guilt for not replying to messages.


B - Which topics describe you best? (Please, choose ones that describe you)

1. Defensive about time spent online

2. Spends money on their devices or online that should be used for bills, groceries, and other necessities

3. Failed attempts to control behavior, including aggressive behavior

4. A heightened sense of euphoria while involved in computer and Internet activities

5. Loses track of time while online

6. Sacrifices needed hours of sleep to spend time online

7. Becomes agitated or angry when not online or online time is interrupted

8. Checks messages compulsively throughout the day

9. Spends time online in place of homework or chores

10. Prefers to spend time online rather than with friends or family

11. Seems preoccupied with getting back online when away from the computer

12. Loses interest in activities that were enjoyable before he or she had online access

13. Escapes into the internet to avoid responsibilities, escape painful feelings or troubling situations

14. Depression


C - What (else) would you say in your "defence"?



Thanks all participants.

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a) 1 yes, 2 sounds like a fact i cbf to check


B) why are all these choices negative?




b - because this survey is dealing only with (proved) negative sides of Internet influence on people. That's why the title is formed in the form of question. You either agree or disagree with listed statements :)

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I think it's safe to say i spend far to much time checking out my facebook, my blog, LL, and many other things.

If im not at work, or playing handball, or hanging out with friends i spend most of my time on the internet.


B. 1,4,5,8 all seem to describe me to some degree.


Don't really have anything to say in my defence :P

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A - Would you agree with following:

1. I deactivated my facebook account6 months after creating it and i never gave anything important except my name and the country i live in.

2. I already suffered depression as a 5 year old, and at that time my cousin was the only person in my environment who had a computer (Schneider PC and later c64 etc.)

3. I always try to find something to fill my otherwise empty day, while being at the PC is just more pleasant than doin chores.

4. I leave so many messages unanswered without feeling guilty.


B - Which topics describe you best? (Please, choose ones that describe you)

13. Escapes into the internet to avoid responsibilities, escape painful feelings or troubling situations


C - What (else) would you say in your "defence"?


it's like drinking:

most people do so because the world outside is rotten and they want to escape it.

all other ways to escape or change this rotten world would be either suicidal or against the law.


As the EU-Parliamentarian Martin Sonneborn said:

"Es gibt ja eigentlich nur vier, fünf Arten, um auf den alltäglichen Irrsinn des kapitalistischen Systems zu reagieren: Alkoholismus, bewaffneter Widerstand, Politik, Satire."

"There are actually only four, maybe 5 ways of reacting to the daily lunacy of our capitalistic system:

alcoholism, armed resistance, politics, satire."


In my current situation, i can barely do all those things i usually did:

meeting friends, playing airsoft, going to the park to chill with friends...

all this will change when i move to my next flat.

other unemployed people just sit there watching TV all day, while i actually do something.


other than that, i'm also creative on my computer (okay, letely not that much) creating/editing textures and applying them to meshes and sometimes i even discuss politics, but that usually makes me upset about the crazy capitalistic world we live in, so i try to avoid that.

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A) 3

Usually it is much easier to plan my day, as my mobil is else mobil then it should be, and I need a hourly schedul to be albe to remember what I need to to do :)


B )

2. Spends money on their devices or online that should be used for bills, groceries, and other necessities

I try to hold back but the dlc was on sale... most use line when I find out I have less money then I though and going thrue my finances


5. Loses track of time while online

this I do most of them not usre why :blush:  but it happens when I ready books as well


6. Sacrifices needed hours of sleep to spend time on program and gaming I do not use my online time for other then forums like LL :) with the exception I guess for some MOO :blush:


10. Prefers to spend time gaming and programming offline rather than with friends or family

The time I do spend on them are more then can mesure though as thrue out the day when I am doing chores I spend with my familie as well :) I normally only use the time left after they have gone to bed ;)


13. Escapes into the internet to avoid responsibilities, escape painful feelings or troubling situations

Some things are easier to put away like this and some thing are not pruden to spend too much time on. painful things in past that most of us perhaps have... as well and problemss and pains now. Fantasy and imagination is a good way to kkep them at bay :blush:  Atleast for me

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B - losing track of time while playing, becoming angry when someone interrupts, escapism.

Well, I don't have a Facebook (or similar to Facebook) account and I use my phone only to call other people when it is absolutely necessary. I prefer spending my free time on offline gaming and watching YouTube videos. 70 or 80 posts on LL is a spambot level of posting for my standards.

Real world is uninteresting. I would need to be disgustingly rich to do what I want, that is buy myself a castle and do grimdark things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A - Would you agree with following:

1. If you find yourself constantly logging on to Facebook, Twitter or any other social network portal, or browsing for hours at time, you may be setting yourself up for poor mental health.


   I think collectively over the course of a day it may add up to hours. Mostly its become something to do while on lunch break at work, nothing like filling in the gaps of my day with kitty memes.


2. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg found that those who constantly use a computer or their mobile phone can develop stress, sleeping disorders and depression."


   The same could really be said for watching the nightly news. I don't place much faith in what researchers/surveys decide on a year to year basis. I remember at one

   point eggs were horrible for you, and then it was bacon. Then eggs were healthy for you but only the whites. And now bacon has benefits to your health

   and happiness. But I will say people should use all of these things including their internet time wisely and in moderation.


3. It was easy to spend more time than planned at the computer (e.g., working, gaming, or chatting), and this tended to lead to time pressure, neglect of other activities and personal needs (such as social interaction, sleep, physical activity), as well as bad ergonomics, and mental overload.'


   I work a pretty physical blue collar job outdoors so I have a feeling I'm not getting the same sense of pressure or mental overload as others. I have noticed on

   long gaming binges during the weekends or on holiday I feel really lousy about having wasted entire weekends gaming. Seems rather hedonistic. But I write

   it off as a privilege afforded to me for being such an upstanding citizen during the week and not strangling the life out of people in mid-day traffic.


4. The study also found a correlation between stress and always being available on the phone, especially regarding the burden of guilt for not replying to messages.


    Nah. Don't feel this one at all. Didn't even know it was a problem. People close to me know I'm always doing something so there is no time limit on replies. I'm

    usually pretty good about it, answers may be short and sweet if I'm busy but its nothing drastic. I usually turn my phone off at night anyways, anything people

    want to talk about after 10PM can wait until the next day.


B - Which topics describe you best? (Please, choose ones that describe you)


1. Defensive about time spent online




2. Spends money on their devices or online that should be used for bills, groceries, and other necessities




3. Failed attempts to control behavior, including aggressive behavior




4. A heightened sense of euphoria while involved in computer and Internet activities




5. Loses track of time while online




6. Sacrifices needed hours of sleep to spend time online




7. Becomes agitated or angry when not online or online time is interrupted




8. Checks messages compulsively throughout the day


    Eh none of these seem to really fit, this one I guess would be closest. Not exactly staring at my phone 24/7 but it fills in the cracks where I have free time.


9. Spends time online in place of homework or chores




10. Prefers to spend time online rather than with friends or family




11. Seems preoccupied with getting back online when away from the computer




12. Loses interest in activities that were enjoyable before he or she had online access




13. Escapes into the internet to avoid responsibilities, escape painful feelings or troubling situations




14. Depression


C - What (else) would you say in your "defence"?


     Interesting topic so thought I'd participate. Hopefully did so to the degree OP was looking for.

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A. I've seen worse in people, especially in my country where smartphone vanity has taken over. I have a Facebook account, but it's limited to communication with business contacts and a few friends. Same thing with the smartphone, also for business and I don't check messages whenever I eat at the dining table.


B. As much as I try not to, problem is that my friends are far and few in between, I'm living in a terribly quiet neighborhood, and I have to get online. I also take time to do house chores, but everyone else in the house is a fucking slob, they undo almost everything (yeah, I've got plans to move elsewhere). I bought the smartphone for business and out of necessity as my nine-year-old dumbphone was dying, hence I don't have the thing loaded with games (Clash of Clans? No thank you, I got fed up playing MMOs) but packed it up with favorite music I play when I travel to work sites.


C. In this day and place, it's hard to avoid being online, but I would get off the grid once in a while, walk out and smell the fresh air, discover something new.


I wouldn't be surprised if the privacy-conscious types would either proclaim themselves as free of the social-networking grid or avoid anything that could be used by governments and corporations to exploit or spy and arrest them.




  The same could really be said for watching the nightly news. I don't place much faith in what researchers/surveys decide on a year to year basis. I remember at one point eggs were horrible for you, and then it was bacon. Then eggs were healthy for you but only the whites. And now bacon has benefits to your health and happiness. But I will say people should use all of these things including their internet time wisely and in moderation.


True. I got tired of listening to those conflicting food/health studies -- I'd rather be eating fish and leafy greens and drinking coffee.

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- I feel uncomfortable when my provider has issues and I can't go online when I need it to download stuff or read the news. But I have no Facebook / Twitter / whatever (anti)social network there is.


- I don't have a smartphone or any mobile phone either.


- I don't have a TV broadcast connection. Just use it as a monitor to watch movies / documentaries etc. that I have in my collection.


- I like being alone very much, but I also appreciate contact to friends every now and then.

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A. I agree with some of those except I spend more of my time doing nothing but staring at my laptop screen since my laptop specs aren't that good to handle games.

B. It would be losing track of time when using the internet. I usually stop by the time my father reboots the wifi at our house due to slow internet because of me downloading :3


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