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What To Do With Upgrading PC?

Darkening Demise

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I see you found out how easy it is to say, ok if I  just upgrade this or that it will totally be worth it and watch the price go up and up.


As for being able to play with all the stuff MRX does I have no idea, since I have no clue what his specs on his PC are. There is some really impressive mods out there made to take advantage of top end machines.


What is your monitor? Eventually your monitor becomes your bottleneck in how good a game will look.

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my monitor? it's a Dell (I know wtf) as for the resolution thingy idk. Monitor is still good for being almost I reckon 10 years old. I'll need to figure out the motherboard and the power thing next.


When pressing the menu button thingy on my monitor it shows Dell  1907FP Resolution 1280x1024 60hz.

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Alright but what about the power part and motherboard. Which of them should I get with those selected parts? I'm already looking at the monitors on there, but may skip it that for now.


Well power it says you will get a free upgrade to a 700w which is plenty good for your build. As for motherboard I personally like MSI the best but ASUS are good too and again you are getting a free upgrade to a ASUS Z97-K motherboard so that is fine as well with that build.


The only thing I would suggest is if you have the money, I would upgrade to the 4.0gig CPU and if you still had money to spend then next I would upgrade to a GTX 980 video card. but the video card can be changed later. so not a big deal.


The current build you have set up will play most games that are out and the vast majority coming out on ultra settings other than as I said your monitor being a bottle neck and not looking as good as a 1080p wide screen monitor would look or a 1440p one. But the monitor is by far the easiest thing to upgrade later. So if you have spare cash for now I would focus on the internal hard to upgrade parts.

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Might just not work well with SLI, since as I said one of my friends runs it on high with a 2gig 780 and stays above 60 fps. I imagine it has to do with resolution too, that has a big impact on performance.


It maybe higher then medium, but I consider it to be medium.

You can decide for youself.

settings.xml in my documents>rockstar games>GTAV



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  <VideoCardDescription>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660  </VideoCardDescription>




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Well if I ever win the lottery I'll get a new PC since it's way out of my budget and I rather wait till I have the funds to just buy a PC that won't need replacing for at least a year (with how quickly shits getting better I'll be lucky if that selection lasts a month before I need to pay another $2000 for parts alone to play a game on the lowest of settings).

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Well if I ever win the lottery I'll get a new PC since it's way out of my budget and I rather wait till I have the funds to just buy a PC that won't need replacing for at least a year (with how quickly shits getting better I'll be lucky if that selection lasts a month before I need to pay another $2000 for parts alone to play a game on the lowest of settings).


Thats not true, if you plan out in advance and get a computer that can be upgraded you can get one for a reasonable price and upgrade it for a long time.


For example I paid about 1300 for mine when I bought it about 6-7 years ago. I upgraded the video card, PSU once and Ram once. I did a upgrade every couple of years and each upgrade was less than 200 dollars. So all told I have about 1700 in my current system and some of the games that have come out this past year is the first ones I have not been able to run on ultra settings. Really I could upgrade my video card again and run the vast majority of them on ultra, but there is a few that require a better CPU than I have.


Which means next I will need to upgrade my CPU and motherboard which will be a big cost like 500-600 range but then I will be good to go other than video cards for another 6 years or so.


If you plan it out it is not that hard to buy a computer you can keep upgrading for a reasonable price and keep playing games.


The only exception is some of the first person shooters for PC only, some of those really push things every time they come out. But for most games especially anything that also comes out on console it is is fairly cheap to stay ahead of the curve for years. If you plan accordingly.

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I'll just save up $1,500 and get a new PC. Fuck it, no idea what you're speaking. It's like trying to read Chinese symbols! I'll just need to find a way to get my hard drive data and transfer it to the new PC in time. No way my 4GB flash drive will do.


Try find some person who know how to build a PC if you have no knowledge of PC and it's parts even shop keepers can screw you over  with cheap crappie parts.


This way your 1500$ is well spent if you can find trust worthty person to help you.


SSD HD is must these days don't buy a new PC without it.


For 1500$ you can build a very good rig.

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Funny this should come up... I'm thinking about building a PC (again) and centering it on a Micro ATX motherboard (like a GigaByte GA Z97MX Gaming 5). But instead of putting it in a conventional case, I might build one out of wood. Sculptural.... not a box. With copper and brass tubing for decoration.... or maybe braided stainless tubing. Not sure. I'd like the end product to look kinda industrial organic. :)


If you can find one this would be a cool case to use.


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SSD's are very nice and they help for sure. I just don't think they help as much as a good CPU and they are a lot easier to replace too. Motherboard and CPU are the two things you don't want to skimp on when getting a PC. The rest can all be upgraded later if need be much easier.

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I love PC's, I really do. I'm on one now (obviously) and play Skyrim on it and some other multiplayer games. But BOY is it refreshing to switch a Wii U on and just play, especially after reading this thread lol xD

I mean my PC used to make a shit ton of noise for no reason and now for the passed few months it's as quiet as anything... fucking PC's man lol.


*Whispers* I still wanna upgrade mine too though. I don't really hate it, honest :(

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I love PC's, I really do. I'm on one now (obviously) and play Skyrim on it and some other multiplayer games. But BOY is it refreshing to switch a Wii U on and just play, especially after reading this thread lol xD

I mean my PC used to make a shit ton of noise for no reason and now for the passed few months it's as quiet as anything... fucking PC's man lol.


*Whispers* I still wanna upgrade mine too though. I don't really hate it, honest :(


 A lot of people are intimated at the prospect of upkeep and upgrading their PC. But honestly PC's are fairly simple things to upgrade and upkeep on the hardware side. Most things are plug and play these days and the stuff that is more complicated come with software to help install stuff.


The only real trick to PC's is research, you have to take the time to read, watch video's etc on how to do stuff and exactly what things do. Once you get the basics down it is pretty simple. Kinda like modding Skyrim.

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I love PC's, I really do. I'm on one now (obviously) and play Skyrim on it and some other multiplayer games. But BOY is it refreshing to switch a Wii U on and just play, especially after reading this thread lol xD

I mean my PC used to make a shit ton of noise for no reason and now for the passed few months it's as quiet as anything... fucking PC's man lol.


*Whispers* I still wanna upgrade mine too though. I don't really hate it, honest :(


 A lot of people are intimated at the prospect of upkeep and upgrading their PC. But honestly PC's are fairly simple things to upgrade and upkeep on the hardware side. Most things are plug and play these days and the stuff that is more complicated come with software to help install stuff.


The only real trick to PC's is research, you have to take the time to read, watch video's etc on how to do stuff and exactly what things do. Once you get the basics down it is pretty simple. Kinda like modding Skyrim.


Yeah, I know. 

A console is just refreshing sometimes. 

PC's just seem to go "lol i don't wanna work or I'm gonna do something weird tonight for no reason." xD

Or maybe that's just my Skyrim... I swear it used to be a lot more stable. I now have to basically run vanilla with an ENB and it STILL stutters when i turn the enb off. It's like 60 fps with stutters every now and then. Before, i used to have flora over, 2k textures etc on. Now i only have armour, weapons and character model textures on. Idk, could be the script heavy mods i guess.


Anyway, this i off topic, PC's just annoy me that's all i wanted to say lol. They are the best system for sure.

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I love PC's, I really do. I'm on one now (obviously) and play Skyrim on it and some other multiplayer games. But BOY is it refreshing to switch a Wii U on and just play, especially after reading this thread lol xD

I mean my PC used to make a shit ton of noise for no reason and now for the passed few months it's as quiet as anything... fucking PC's man lol.


*Whispers* I still wanna upgrade mine too though. I don't really hate it, honest :(


Would be nice if my WII U worked that way. When I turn it on to play a game it always updates something, and takes 30-60 minutes to do it. Then after waiting 30 minutes I don't really want to play that game anymore, and turn it off again.

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An SSD's speed is nice, however it compromises space, and as an owner of a plethora of games (Not half of which are installed at the moment) and more GB of mods than actual game (Skyrim wise), space is a must, for me. I definitely see a drastic change in read and write speed with my Hybrid and it still has a ton of space like a normal HD. It loads games plenty fast too. To be fair I'm not using an external hard drive, so everything I access on my computer is on one hard drive. If you have a fair amount of things you constantly want speedy access to I'd recommend a SSD to keep those on and another HD for things you don't want/need speedy access to. If access speed isn't terribly important to you and your trying to save as much money as possible, then just get an HD. An SSD is more of a luxury (and a nice one at that :D) because its purpose is speed, and a normal HD is more of a practicality because its purpose is space.


additionally, as a benchmark for GPU, a GTX 770 with 2gb vram can run GTA V at High settings with a few manually set to very high.


If you're looking to set up your computer for the future (5-10 years) you'll want AT LEAST 4gb of vram, 2gb is slowly becoming no enough. With an enb my Skyrim runs 26-60 fps, without it runs ~130 fps. Max settigns GTA V takes about 3.5 gb.


I'm not an expert or exceedingly well versed in hardware, there may be more to an SSD than that, but that has been my experience. 

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So get a HDD then a SSD too? Eye curomba.


SSds are still too high on price (imo), theyre only good for fast booting and being the OS disk, as long as they keep the $ per gb. (imo2)



I got me a 120 gb SSD just for OS and few selected games that needs a faster loading like Total War series. The feeling of pc starting in the matter of seconds and how Skyrim loads so quickly is amazing.


Of courseI have 1tb HDD for my other stuff, downloads and games.


Once you taste SSD you will go and buy a bigger one as fast as possible.


Just install games that will really benefit from "quick loadings"

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So get a HDD then a SSD too? Eye curomba.


SSds are still too high on price (imo), theyre only good for fast booting and being the OS disk, as long as they keep the $ per gb. (imo2)



SSD's have dropped in price a lot, i picked up a 512 GB one about a year ago now for £180


so SSD is for quicker loading? So it's just a better HDD? eh computers, never get them. Like teaching a blind man to play guitar hero.


Solid State Drives have much faster access times so things like the computer loading from power on goes from a minute or two to a few seconds, it now takes me longer to type in my password than it does to get to the screen where i have to type in my password


That said I have not seen any increase in performance while gaming, things like 3dmark benchmarking tool did not record any improvement when i ran it after installing a SSD, so while it is nice to have for overall PC use (full virus scan on my SSD? 2-3 minutes at most) it is not going to be noticable once you have loaded up a game and started playing

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