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Cloaks of Skyrim - HDT-PE - Fixed


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On 2015/8/14 at PM4点47分, DjaySaint said:



普通的非HDT斗篷网格效果很好,不会重复。当我用HDT替换正常的斗篷网格文件时,它在游戏中重复并且行为绝对疯狂,因为它们彼此碰撞(2个物理网格试图占据相同的位置)。或者,如果我只是删除hdt .xml(但使用hdt .nif版本的斗篷),斗篷不会重复(但当然没有物理)。它似乎是XML的一个问题(至少它是我的猜测,无论如何,hdt网格函数很好,直到我扔进.xml,然后斗篷在装备时重复自己),但我不知道如何或为什么。










can you share  COS v1.2 HDT-PE  fix for me?  think you ! ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is that it? I kinda returned to modding after 2 years and was looking for an update on this mod because while it does work good for/on players, npc capes will mostly bug out and chop ur fps so not rly worth it for now, as I've a shittone of other old mods to currently look into and I'm still undecided of whether or not to just restart with SSE, I will probably just stick with the player only version on nexus. So best of luck with it.

Cloaks of Skyrim v1.2 HDT-CCO.rar

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скачать невозможно,

On 12.07.2015 at 23:00, Silvermetal said:


Это имперский плащ, его использует генерал Туллий.


On 14.06.2015 at 05:02, Guest said:

Прежде всего, этот мод не моя работа.

Я просто нашел об этом и начал исправлять CDT и неправильные текстуры.


Этот мод является преобразованием COS в платформу HDT-PE.

Некоторые из плащей были причиной нескольких CTD.

Поэтому я трачу эту субботу на исправление.

Помимо CTD, некоторые из них имели неправильные текстуры.


18595830880_1f5096f2cc_m.jpg  18160944934_fd6acaa1a2_m.jpg


Я на 99% уверен, что мод теперь без CTD.

Могут возникнуть некоторые проблемы, поэтому, если вы найдете что-нибудь, просто дайте мне знать.


XML HDT требует некоторой работы, но пока я немного не в курсе этого.

Нижняя часть плаща немного подпрыгивает

Тем не менее, IHMO - это лучшие плащи из HDT.


Наконец, я не могу найти оригинального автора этого мода.

Так что, если вы там, у вас есть моя благодарность и вся заслуга.

Также дайте мне знать о любых правилах разрешения, которые у вас могут быть.


ТРЕБОВАНИЯ  Плащи Скайрима

Есть 2 варианта:

COS v1.2 HDT-PE - MEGA / MEDIAFIRE - Обычная версия

COS v1.2 HDT-PE - MEGA / MEDIAFIREполная переделанная версия с капитальным ремонтом

скачать невозможно, у одной ссылки удалено, а другая на какую то хероту перебрасывает

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/16/2019 at 6:41 PM, getsmartuass said:

Is that it? I kinda returned to modding after 2 years and was looking for an update on this mod because while it does work good for/on players, npc capes will mostly bug out and chop ur fps so not rly worth it for now, as I've a shittone of other old mods to currently look into and I'm still undecided of whether or not to just restart with SSE, I will probably just stick with the player only version on nexus. So best of luck with it.

Cloaks of Skyrim v1.2 HDT-CCO.rar 30.53 MB · 93 downloads

do you have the non-cco version by any chance?

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5 hours ago, getsmartuass said:

Sorry, apparently I only have Cloaks_of_Skyrim_v1.2 HDT-CCO and the player only version

darn. thanks though for the cco version! :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...
On 6/14/2015 at 7:02 AM, Guest said:

First of all this mod is not my doing.

I just found about it and started fixing CDTs and wrong textures.


This mod is the conversion of COS to HDT-PE framework.

Some of the cloaks were causing several CTDs.

So I expend this Saturday fixing it.

Beside the CTDs some of them had the wrong textures.


18595830880_1f5096f2cc_m.jpg  18160944934_fd6acaa1a2_m.jpg


I'm 99% sure the mod is now CTD free.

Some issue might still happen so if you find anything just let me know.


The XML HDT needs some work but so far I'm a bit clueless on it.

The lower parts of the cloak jumps a bit

Still IHMO this is the best HDT cloaks available.


Lastly I can't find the original author of this mod.

So if you are out there you have my thanks and all the credit.

Also let me know of any permission rules you might have.


REQUIREMENT Cloaks of Skyrim

There are 2 options:

COS v1.2 HDT-PE - MEGA / MEDIAFIRE - Normal version

COS v1.2 HDT-PE - MEGA / MEDIAFIREComplete Crafting Overhaul Remade Version

link dead pliss fix it

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  • 4 months later...

Hello, Guys! The link is dead.. I see that no one seems to have it.... Im here to keep this discussion alive... Hoping that someone appears with the file. =]

You know... Modding Skyrim can get very addictive and when u know you can make it better, You have to..

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On 5/11/2020 at 7:53 PM, lofiluiz said:

Hello, Guys! The link is dead.. I see that no one seems to have it.... Im here to keep this discussion alive... Hoping that someone appears with the file. =]

You know... Modding Skyrim can get very addictive and when u know you can make it better, You have to..

Just look a few posts above.

I'm sad that this is for Oldrim, I'm using SSE :c

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Hmmm, I've been trying to use HDT cloaks with the differents packs found here and nexus, but I always get double cloaks on the College of Winterhold cloak. I've tried to remove slots with Tesedit, check the slot in nifskope like DjaySaint mentionned but no success. Any ideas ?


On 9/11/2015 at 2:40 AM, DjaySaint said:


I found the issue and fixed it.  The flags in the armor add-on were set for two slots, which was causing the mesh to equip to two slots.  I forgot to disable the previous .esp I was using, which was the one that had the extra flags for armor add-ons.  Yours is fine, those are all fixed.


Was a simple and easy solution once I finally decided to look at the biped slots in nifskope and tes5edit to make sure they matched.  Not sure why I didn't check sooner.  Anyway, thanks for the reply and fixing the HDT add-on so it no longer CTDs.

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