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Most underrated PS2 game


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Want an under rated game for the PS2? Shadow of the Colossus.


Really ? Didn't think so.


well IMO, that graphic, soundtrack, gameplay, and the tension is pretty good.

Except the story maybe??


To OP: If you love RPG, try Steambot Chronicles (the sequel got cancelled...), it's an underated games back in ps2 days, and Metal Saga(collecting those vehicle....)

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Here's my picks for most underrated PS2 games.


The Warriors:  It's a 3D beat em' up from Rockstar Games, based on the cult film.




Okami:  Sony's answer to The Legend of Zelda.  And I actually like it better than Zelda.




And of course, you can't leave out Ico:  a puzzle platformer that's the spiritual predecessor to Shadow of the Colossus.




They are all great games for the platform, even to this day.  And I need to play them again one day.

Oh man..Okami is a fucking masterpiece..a gaming art. Love it to death. ..currently playing the HD version on PS3.


I'd also add this to the list...


..still waiting on a sequel and the HD version on PC :(

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Ar Tonelico. I loved the entire series. The story is complex and spans 4 games. The characters are your typical mix of serious, flirty, funny, and awkward. The game itself is a RPG with around 40 hrs of gameplay. Choices as simple as selling that teddy bear 3 hours into the game can have horrible consequences 20 hours in. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ar_tonelico:_Melody_of_Elemia

Man that game was weird. I only played the first one. Was debating really hard on if I should get the second one when it came out.

I feel like it is the game that people make stereotype against jrpg think all jrpg are.

Lots of hand waving, fan service, light heart tone with heavy innuendo, and feels like a visual novel with gameplay added on if that makes any sense.

It wasn't bad tho, it actually play fairly well. Strangely enough I felt like the first half endings might be more satisfying than the full endings.


On a similar note Magna Carta Tears of Blood had its moments and twist and turns that I found interesting.


The Shadow Hearts series is one of my favorite, don't think it gets much love.

The series strangely enough is technically the sequel to another game called Koudelka in PS1 I never finished it, but it felt less than good.

There's also a tonal change between SH 1 and SH 2, but I find them to play off each other supremely well in terms of story and theme and they really stand out together as a whole while still amazing by themselves. The way they tied in the endings and the twist is among the best I have ever seen in games.

It also has ridiculous humor along with some seriously "dem feels" moments, and plays with obvious expectation at a whole other level with gaming tropes and alternate history.

There might be a few slight hand waving part between 1 and 2 but I will let it slide.

SH 3 is probably the weakest of the bunch, but looking at it as a call back or a tribute to the first two is a very nice touch.

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Damn, The Warriors looks fantastic. I'm gonna have to dig out my ps2.


Hey mate, I HIGHLY recommend you to watch the movie too! Because the game is not just a random scenario brawler. It has really long and very well done story mode, following the movie and even so adds even more amazing scenes. You know how every game based on a movie sucks right? Well, The Warriors simply ROCKS. Check this scene out bro


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All this nostalgia makes me want to repair my broken ps2... fuck...


I love Nippon Ichi/NIS America games, even though it's 2D, their games is fun to play, especially for a RPG lover like me,

for ar tonelico the song is quite good IMO, as expected from musical JRPG, and yes, it has many sexual innuendo. Beat the first one, haven't finished the second.

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Ar Tonelico. I loved the entire series. The story is complex and spans 4 games. The characters are your typical mix of serious, flirty, funny, and awkward. The game itself is a RPG with around 40 hrs of gameplay. Choices as simple as selling that teddy bear 3 hours into the game can have horrible consequences 20 hours in. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ar_tonelico:_Melody_of_Elemia

Oh man, Ar Tonelico, that game's soundtrack surpasses sanity! Another one of those games where the game itself is pretty average, but the setting, music, and subsystems are just fantastic.




Yes, this is a completely serious scene.

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