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Animations you use and your expectations from SL

What kind of animations do you use?  

334 members have voted

  1. 1. I use default SL animations.

    • Yes
    • No
    • Only some of them
  2. 2. I use NSAP (Non-Sexlab Animation Pack)

    • Yes (if you choose this, you are using only NSAP)
    • No
    • I use it along with default SL/Deviant animations
  3. 3. I also use Deviant animations (Zaz Animation Pack)

    • Yes
    • No. Not my cup of tea.

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This is a community survey of what users of SL expect from their sex mods. It is also meant to provide a guideline for animators, especiaily contibutors to SexLab, as to what people expect from SL.


I personally use NSAP along with some of the default SL animations. Particularly, group sex animations, can never have too many of those, in fact considering the number of animations, we should have too many of them, the DI blowjob, a few lesbian animations such as tribadism. 3j has some decent foreplay animations but the actual sex animations look too soft for my liking so I don't have many of them activated. I am virtually in love with Leito's animations. Because they look so smooth and organic (or should I say orgasmic :lol: ). I really hope they will make it to SL base, at some point.


However, I did not post this topic to merely discuss what animations I am using. I want to ask you what kind of animations you want for SL. I would want to see:


1) More futa stuff like mutual penetration and specific group sex animations for them.

2) Female rape. As controversial as it might sound, and while it is more common, males are not the only ones who rape sometimes women to it, as well.

3) 4+ group animations. The more, the merrier, right? I know, it's hell on the animator. But playing around with MassMatchmaker really made wish for an animation that worked for a group of 7 hot chicks, all having fun it their own way. To build a sex club in Skyrim, that is my dream. Where people can indulge themselves without the burden of emotion or loyalty to one another. A haven for the horny and a paradise for the hopelessly deviant.

4) With inclusion of dildo masturbation animations by your erotic lord and master Leito, I wish for dildo sex animations for lesbians. Not every lesbian wants to put on a strap-on to possess that thing they never had. They should pleasure each other in different ways. I don't know how it might work but docking seem a start. (Search for symmetrical docking if you don't know what it means)


That about wraps up my expectations from animators and SL in general. Before you get mad at me, I can only imagine how hard it must be to animate. I merely express my expectations from SL and animators that contribute to it. They are not meant to criticise but instead to construct. To expand this community, if possible, and inspire high-quality material. If anybody takes up even one of my ideas and make them reality, I can only be happy.


What are you expectations from SexLab? What kind of animations would like to see? Or what kind of animations do you prefer not seeing?

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Well let's see:


1- More futa animations.

2- More double penetration animations like double anal, double oral, double titfuck, double armpit :D

3- Triple penetrations :)

4- More 3+ people animations.

5- More nasty hardcore animations like nipple penetration for example :)

6- Male on creature animations ( of course for this one it has to exist more female creatures )


Pretty much this.

One thing that would be awesome too but probably this is impossible on a running animation is: the ability to join in an animation. For example 2 people fucking and my character could join in and make some threesome stuff :D


Oh and Amra's animations on Sexlab, that would be very awesome :)




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More doggy-style where the woman actually spreads her legs wide or exhibits lordosis behavior (not realistic i know but is a turn on for me). Not anal, can't stand that. Normal vaginal please.


Also more leg lock please, its hot when a woman wraps her legs around the guy and locks her ankles so he can't escape from her.


Too much rape and violence and S&M; more vanilla please. No domination. No futas. Please.


Oh and change default female masturbate set, AP one is pretty bland and bad.



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I disable all the standing ones, it just feels so... vulgarly impractical, to me. Also, the ones in which the actors' movements look too rigid.

Beside that I don't really have a preference, as long as they're well-made and flow naturally. Well, that and I guess I'm not into fisting.


I noticed quite a few throne animations in the NSAP, I'd like to see them better integrated to the SL framework when/if they get added to it; like, optionally used with vanilla chairs or stuff like that.

A bit like when you get the "do you want to use the nearby bed" pop-up.

"Do you want to use the nearby chair?"


But I'm not sure that's even feasible.

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What would the difference between a futa animation and a straight animation even be? I don't understand what you could want that isn't already provided.



At any rate.


I'd like to see more work done to even out creature animations. Some have only one, others none at all, and I'm not talking about one-off niche creatures. Sabrecats and bears are left with one animation a pop, and nobody's even touched Dwemer animonculi.


As for what I'd like to see, I can't think of anything human/human. But for creatures, I'd like to see a new Seeker animation, and consensual blowjob animations for Draugr and Falmer. That's really about it - those things and Dwemer animations aside, everything I could ask for already exists.


A note: I voted no for ZaZ, though I do have it installed. I don't use the anims because I'm into any of the weird/extreme shit, though. It just has some restraint animations and poses in it that are occasionally useful in screenshots, though I haven't had cause to use any in quite a while.

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I have most scenes from all three options enabled, and I guess if I had to choose, the animations I'd like more of are the ZAP ones. Especially with an armbinder or a yoke, SexLab stutters a while before settling for the same one or two animations most of the time. I understand they're rather niche though, so I try to set it to remove armbinders for scenes and re-apply them after when available.


There are a few animations I always end up disabling, mostly old ones (AP Fisting in particular comes to mind... the way the arms get dented and stretched around the shoulders is just too much of a deal breaker for me). I also don't use the furniture ones, it's just too weird to be fighting in the wilderness and suddenly someone pulls out a stone bed to lay on for a threesome scene. Wut? It'd be great if those scenes would be able to trigger on furniture in the environment (like Corpus Vile suggested), because a lot of them are very nice.

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More doggy-style where the woman actually spreads her legs wide or exhibits lordosis behavior (not realistic i know but is a turn on for me). Not anal, can't stand that. Normal vaginal please.


Also more leg lock please, its hot when a woman wraps her legs around the guy and locks her ankles so he can't escape from her.


Too much rape and violence and S&M; more vanilla please. No domination. No futas. Please.


Oh and change default female masturbate set, AP one is pretty bland and bad.




WE NEED MOAR anal animations haha i just love anal :P

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I have all three installed, but the NSAP ones aren't working; both targets just stand up and merge, and the sound effects play.


I love the aggressive batch, but there need to be more.  Most of the bound animations don't work, and one of the Pillory ones always causes CTD.  Both the wife and I really want more group sex options and variety.

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I shouldn't really be searching other threads to offer support but I feel I need to point out that the two people who have said they have had issues with NSAP, both of you have not once mentioned it to me in the support thread for NSAP. This thread is about your expectations from content creators, yet our expectation is that the content will work and when it won't, you guys will let us know so we can look at assisting you. Some issues are simple from not running FNIS again and user installation issues to more complex issues that people will need that assistance to resolve the issue.


NSAP is just an add-on to SexLab. 99.9% of the time it should not affect other mods or break other mods as it does not touch these mods. It has more chance of breaking SexLab than it has other mods. I will not say it is impossible but without further information from the people who have the issues, I cannot say.


So if anyone has issues with ANY mod, please take the moment to let us know. Not doing so, we cannot canot assist.


i tried to use NSAP but it broke sexlab defeat and as soon as I removed it the problems stopped...


I have asked users of NSAP to report to me issues between NSAP and Defeat and so far a number of them are telling me that NSAP and Defeat work in together with no issues. I also use both mods together, even during developing with no issues. If you continue to have issues, then there must be another underlying problem perhaps unique to your setup.


I have all three installed, but the NSAP ones aren't working; both targets just stand up and merge, and the sound effects play.


The most common issue with any animation mod is that when you install them, you need to run FNIS to register the behaviors files. If FNIS does not have "NonSexLabAnimations Pack V.x" in it's list then it's a bad installation. Based on your short description this is what I think is the issue at this time. You should run FNIS and see what it says.


To both of you, both saying how mods don't work, I ask that you take the moment to speak to us. When hundreds of people use our mods without issue, we assume everything's fine. Until someone says otherwise to us, we are in the dark of issues.

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i tried to use NSAP but it broke sexlab defeat and as soon as I removed it the problems stopped...


I have asked users of NSAP to report to me issues between NSAP and Defeat and so far a number of them are telling me that NSAP and Defeat work in together with no issues. I also use both mods together, even during developing with no issues. If you continue to have issues, then there must be another underlying problem perhaps unique to your setup.


what happens is that when I use lesbian animations and I'm the aggressor should play more "evil" animations, but they begin to kiss as if they were a beautiful and happy couple... may be a problem with my setup... 


but let's not turn this topic into a support topic 

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what happens is that when I use lesbian animations and I'm the aggressor should play more "evil" animations, but they begin to kiss as if they were a beautiful and happy couple... may be a problem with my setup... 


but let's not turn this topic into a support topic 


Not my intention (that's what the support topic is for) but my point is as a content creator, we can get things to work for you guys if you don't tell us about it. Then saying it breaks (you mean immersion, not CTD which I thought) in other places does make us go "hang up, what's the issue here?".


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I've only used default animations so far, but my current installation's planned to dip into NSAP too. However, from the start I've had the AP animations included with SL disabled - most of them are just too stiff and odd-looking like with AP Skull Fuck's strange arm flailing, and cause bodies to bend in bizarre ways. I'd like to see some of the poses from AP that aren't covered by other SL animations refined and improved.

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The nicest thing about the NSAP is that it allowed me to disable the AP animations without feeling like my selection has become too narrow. Honestly I'd be so happy if Ashal would just remove all the AP animations from Sexlab and put those from NSAP in so I wouldn't have to set it up every time I start a new game.


My choices for the poll were that I use some of everything, and as to what I'd want in the future, I guess I'd say more female aggressive animations, as well as simply more rough/aggressive animations in general. ^_^

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What are you expectations from SexLab? What kind of animations would like to see?


Lez! I use at least 2/3 to 3/4 lez pairings so more animations is always welcome.


Everyone loves double dildo and that's great, especially creative positions, but there's more unique lez positions...


Daisy Chain


Daisy chains are a wonderful thing... Basically they are just a 69 with at least three people.

A lesbian trio is the most common type of daisy chain, but men can join in too.

And it doesn't have to stop at three people. Four... five... six... Anything's possible, really.


Titty 69


It's exactly what it sounds like. ;)

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I also think there could do with being more dedicated lesbian animations. I know most SexLab mods allow for one girl to wear a strap-on, opening up all the M/F animations for F/F, but some more that don't involve a strap-on would provide some much-needed variety there. It would also make sense to have some more dedicated M/M animations as well. There might not be as much demand for those but it's certainly an area that seems lacking, and with a strap-on they could also work as femdom/pegging.


And as quite a few others clearly do, I tend to deactivate the AP animations. Not all of them - some are fine and one of the blowjobs has some pretty mesmerising head-bobbing - but most of them just look awkward, painful and in some cases downright impossible. Personally I'm also not a fan of bestiality, so I never even activate the creature animations at all.

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I use default, NSAP and ZAZ, however I disabled some animations (pillory torment, fisting).


What I'd like to see more in regard to human animations is what some already stated: more lesbian animations (toys are acceptable), a few more aggressive animations, fewer oral, more vaginal (as vaginal and anal can't be told apart easily, esp. when the animations don't line up well, I won't say fewer anal ;) ). Animations for multiple people would be great, too; can the daisy chain (mentioned above) be scripted for x NPCs :blush: ?


This thread doesn't seem to be about bestiality, but while I'm at it: I really would like to see an animation with a rabbit, happily wiggling on a crotch of a woman  :D (also deer/elk, farm animals (think of the lonely farmers!)).


I guess creating animations isn't easy (I certanly can't), so a big thanks to all the animators for your hard work! If anyone with the neccessary skills feels inclined to create some of the animations suggested in this thread, I'm sure a lot of people will be happy  :)

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