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Is it true the Mod Size Limit is no longer 255?

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I heard and read Bethesda removed the mod sized limits.

I thought it was too good to be true and is very skeptical about this. 


I hadn't had Skyrim installed for a while, so i am just asking whether or not its true.

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No, and the links posted speak of file size limit on the Steam PayMeForNoWorkshop, which was once upon a time 100MB.


So...what you're saying is; Mods on Workshop can be uploaded without a limit and exceed 100mb, whereas the ingame  mod limit is still 255?

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Your going to run into problems with your game long before 255 mods.


Actually consider this, The ESM's count against that limit.


USKP's 4 of those.


So your down by 7.


Then if you somehow magically found another 243 mods that were clean and functionally correct.


You would still suffer skyrim weirdness long before that.


So if your installing a whole lotta mods your going to need to cut your teeth and develop some skills on TesVedit.


Also check out Xedit a merge script for TesVedit, which helps out by automating the merge of file ESP's.  It takes some forethought to do this properly.  So you have to have your intended winners come later in your order, you may need to clean up a bit as well pre-merge as a lot of esp's are not as good as you might think.


Now whats the advantage of merging your ESP's?


Well for one I have noticed by merging down my load order from like 160 esp's to 90ish I have much better load times, stability, and stable frame rates (not improved just more stable frames less jitters and such).


I'd say its a good idea to keep your amount of ESP's really low if you can.  This includes outfits, which are technically the easiest to merge together.  There's also landscape changes and houses an such,,,,thing is those are often full of errors or incomplete works which can cause problems in the game.  With houses and landscape stuff I tend to be able to fill in the blanks or remove errors but anyways.


Merge them things.

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and even if the game would still run stable with 255 Mods you can not add Mod (esp/esm) 256


255 is the largest number that you can have with two Digits in the Hexadecimal System. The first two numbers of all 8 Digits IDs is the Mod/loadorder ID .

Skyrim ESM ID 00

Mod/esm 1 = 01 Hex

Mod 10 = 0A  Hex

Mod 50 = 32 Hex

Mod155 = 9B Hex

Mod 200 = C8 Hex

Mod/esp 255 = FF Hex

esp 256 = 100 Hex   the first 3 digit Hex number.


So it is impossible to have more than 255 esm/esp + the Skirim.esm

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For things like armor/clothing the best way to keep your .esp limit down is to throw away the .esp that comes with clothing/armor mod and just make yourself a .esp then just add their mesh and texture folder to your games folder and then add those meshes to your .esp. I do it all the time for oblivion.

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Guest Vendayn

Instead of doing what myu suggests. Which sounds a lot more time consuming and a pain in the ass to do. Is to just use TES5Edit and the merged plugin on Nexus (version 1.9)...and merge all the armor/clothing esps (that don't have a bsa attached).


You even end up with better performance and stability once you merge esps. Armor/clothing being the easiest. But, I merged a bunch of lighting mods and some small tiny mods, and patches (like hunterborn frostfall compatibility patch) and what not. Plus merged a few graphics mods that just do small changes. I avoided anything script heavy and anything with a .bsa.


And stability went WAY up. Lowered esp count by 49, and nearly all the random CTDs are gone. Stuttering and slowness of opening menus and loading objects in the world is completely gone too.


If that is too complicated for you, can just stick with the non-bsa clothing/armor/weapon mods that just have an esp attached. Merge them together and they still work.

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Not really it's only time consuming if you add all of the shit from a mod to your chest in the .esp that you made. I use this because I can add what *I* want and leave the rest of their stuff out of the .esp and only pick and choose what I want from their mods. Like a bikini mod that adds 50 bikinis that are the same just different colors there is no reason to ever add all 50 of those to your .esp ever unless you are a perfectionist and want everything in the .esp. A bikini mod that adds 5 different types of a bikini just add 1 of each and your done.

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Not really it's only time consuming if you add all of the shit from a mod to your chest in the .esp that you made. I use this because I can add what *I* want and leave the rest of their stuff out of the .esp and only pick and choose what I want from their mods. Like a bikini mod that adds 50 bikinis that are the same just different colors there is no reason to ever add all 50 of those to your .esp ever unless you are a perfectionist and want everything in the .esp. A bikini mod that adds 5 different types of a bikini just add 1 of each and your done.



Kind of sad this mod made the whole Aesir dungeon kind of useless for me, since I can just pick whatever the hell I want from it ... 

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Guest endgameaddiction

Well fortunately both merging or creating a new plugin works. I go ahead with a fresh new plugin because I myself end up doing retextures or recolors and mash ups of some of the same pieces.


Either way it's best to merge all the armor mods into one. Can't effin stand how people just love to create armor mods and drop crates and boxes in the most dumbest out of places. And especially when it's Goodsprings or just outside of Megaton...

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Can't effin stand how people just love to create armor mods and drop crates and boxes in the most dumbest out of places.


it's useless to try to understand


adding an armor to a esp, it's just that






they already did armor and armor addon if they add a piece


a)copy pasting as new record a random constructible object isn't harder

b)adding a coffer somewhere with that armor take more time, and you have to waste your time writing where that coffer is

c)it also take more time to write that thing with your mod "to get the armor, type player.additem xx01010101 1, where xx is the id of the mod, to find it, type..."


why some choose b or c? no idea

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The reason people add chests is because most modders think that people are too stupid to use the console.


it's easier and faster for the modder to choose option a

and it's easier for the user to find the armor in the forge if it's in the forge


that shop in anvil where you can buy outfits, there are hairs and jewelry in coffers there too

maybe it was easier and faster to do it like that for oblivion, don't know, wasn't messing with mods at that time

and they are still doing it like that, because they are used to do it like that, that's all

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Not really it's only time consuming if you add all of the shit from a mod to your chest in the .esp that you made. I use this because I can add what *I* want and leave the rest of their stuff out of the .esp and only pick and choose what I want from their mods. Like a bikini mod that adds 50 bikinis that are the same just different colors there is no reason to ever add all 50 of those to your .esp ever unless you are a perfectionist and want everything in the .esp. A bikini mod that adds 5 different types of a bikini just add 1 of each and your done.



Kind of sad this mod made the whole Aesir dungeon kind of useless for me, since I can just pick whatever the hell I want from it ... 



Dang, awesome gotta try that sometime.


I think I'll merge that into my MCM Menu Merge File.


Xedit is freakin king


Yes it shortens load times and actually I found that by having a shorter load order I don't have to load from the prison cell LAL anymore.


Lets see I merged 30 armor esp's.


25 MCM menu's.


I have a rather large ESP that contains 12 house mods, JK series, TesFortress, bunch of TNF remake houses, 20 fixes, idk its a bunch of freaking esp's all merged up into one.


My Load order is 90 total entries right now and dang it loads so much better now.


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