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New Vegas worth playing?


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I´m not a huge fan of that wasteland theme, but i am a fan what modders do here at LL =)

Furthermore i read about abandoned mods like that interesting Breeder mod.


So is New Vegas (still) worth playing especially regarding the adult mods or should i stick with Skyrim? Are there any unique mods that i must have played? =)


(I played NW and FO3 a time ago but never finished these...)



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With what is available here and elsewhere, you can setup a pretty decent FNV. It's worth the effort, but FNV is quite different than FO3, and modding in it is quite a bit more difficult, especially the GECK NV, it does not like to behave well at all on certain things. FNV can be a bit harder in getting mods to work properly together than in FO3, I have not tried or been very successful with Mod Organizer, so you may want to look into MO, it seems to really help allot with Mod issues in FNV, I still use FOMM and the old manual install method when FOMM cannot handle it properly, BSA and scripts seem to be where FOMM has the most trouble. There is a new version of FOMM being worked on here, it has come quite a long ways from it's older version, I would look into that version of FOMM as well.


As to unique mods for FNV, the list would be a huge wall of text here and may or may not suite your particular tastes, so just have a look around and try a few at a time to see how it goes and be sure to "READ", all the developer has to say in regards to their work, I see the most mistakes and issues happening just based on not reading the OP (Original Poster's) content.

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Guest endgameaddiction

I´m not a huge fan of that wasteland theme, but i am a fan what modders do here at LL =)

Furthermore i read about abandoned mods like that interesting Breeder mod.


So is New Vegas (still) worth playing especially regarding the adult mods or should i stick with Skyrim? Are there any unique mods that i must have played? =)


(I played NW and FO3 a time ago but never finished these...)


Odds are you're probably going to go through the same thing I did.


I got into TES (Skyrim) as an excuse to continue modding open world games. Since they both are very similiar in ways as far as the program tool goes and file types. I've been on Skyrim on and off for about 1 year and 3 months and I'm already burnt out of it. I spent 4 years on Fallout 3 before I got burnt from it.


So it's probably a question to ask yourself. And if you start to mod Fallout before actually playing it, odds are you won't enjoy the game for what it is. I had that problem with Skyrim. And not because I wanted to. There is a hate story behind that, that I will not get into.


I have not officially made a single mod for Skyrim till this day. I'm just not up for the task.

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From what how it looks I would say, no it don't really worth it. After playing skyrim a decent time you would see how much the engine was increased since fallout.

The wasteland story is awesome. And there are nice mods on nexus that increase the experience to what you maybe know from years ago.

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Simply try it, only you could decide by Playing it. I done it myself a few days ago. After finishing Skyrim and get Bored i fall back to Fallout, was nice to Play it again. And the LL Mods are surely worth to play. But different people got different opinons. Its up to you.

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I´m not a huge fan of that wasteland theme, but i am a fan what modders do here at LL =)

Furthermore i read about abandoned mods like that interesting Breeder mod.


So is New Vegas (still) worth playing especially regarding the adult mods or should i stick with Skyrim? Are there any unique mods that i must have played? =)


(I played NW and FO3 a time ago but never finished these...)

If you don't like the Fallout setting, then no, you won't find anything new here, except worse graphics, less immersion, less variation, and overall clunkiness compared to Skyrim.

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You probably mean "less crashing while humping". :) Well, otherwise, unmodded FNV crashes a lot more than Skyrim and has a tendency to crash for no apparent reason. That's probably why there's an "anti-crash" mod for it. :) Skyrim, on the other hand, has a terrible habit of crashing while loading a saved game, which can be really frustrating. Neither versions of the engine are optimized or robust enough to handle 200 odd mods though. :)

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You probably mean "less crashing while humping". :)

It's what I hear. I wouldn't know.


Well, otherwise, unmodded FNV crashes a lot more than Skyrim and has a tendency to crash for no apparent reason. That's probably why there's an "anti-crash" mod for it. :)

Yes. Wish Skyrim had a few of those too. :) But yeah, 'unmodded'... playing unmodded is irresponsible in both.

Honestly, I don't want to get in a pissing match. I will say however that the pre-skyrim games are better in that you can easily remove active mods and not expect a corrupt save. That's a bit annoying about Skyrim.

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Depends on what you remove mod wise from your skyrim game. Anything scripted should *never* be removed unless you plan on starting the game again as parts of those scripts can still be active in your save file. You might be able to clean the save with a save cleaner but it doesn't always work. I think there is mod that removes left over scripts from a save. Generally the only thing I remove from my skyrim game are clothing and armor mods.

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Guest endgameaddiction

It's the other way around for me. CK is much more stable than FNV GECK. All my Fallout mods have to be done in FO3 GECK that doesn't resolve in anything that touches the mojave like cells and such.


And the render window hates me everytime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Must have forgotten that FNV had an infinite loading screen issue, usually with large save files. This is probably the same thing that causes Skyrim to CTD while loading a save, except Skyrim simply crashes to desktop instead of getting stuck on the load screen.


Seems to me a lot bugs and issues with each version of Gamebryo engine keep getting carried over into the next iteration of the engine. If Bethesda wants to continue creating open world sandbox RPGs, better ones at least, they'd better find themselves a really robust and optimized game engine, or develop one from scratch instead of putting a new coat of paint on their bug infested old engine.



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Guest endgameaddiction

I fear they'll never drop the gamebyro engine. Not as long as we suck into buying their games that use it. The way I see it, it's a win-win for them. And it's why Construction Set/GECK/CK exist to begin with. For our usage that is. Able to mod it was just another bonus on their end as it's brought more consumers to buy it on console to PC version due to the mod communities. As long as this continues, I don't see why they (as a business corporation) would drop it and make a new one when it does cost a whole lot of money.


On the flip side, it would increase their reputation in a positive way if a modern up-to-date engine was used, but they're just cheap and lazy. It's more cost-efficient for them to just add some extra screws to the gamebyro engine instead of going the other route.


They construct an unstable building, and here we are trying to keep the damn thing from falling down.

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