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Maybe corrupted save file


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Hello.....recently i get a bit .....REALLY big problem with my save......i has been in Volhikar Keep....i saved my game.....unsinstaled some mods i think like Lanterns of Skyrim....i loaded my game...but......i had only grey screen....so i tryed to fast-travel into Whiterun.....i travelled...but i was out of whiterun and everythin been lokw extremli low detailed with no npcs,no treesh and stuff....please help me...i donw wanna waste mi 500+ hour save game......and i have another save file where i has a vampire char....and its load with no problems...why??


seriously...help me :////

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Hard to say you really need to watch what you uninstall from your game that you have installed. Any mod that uses scripts should never be uninstalled unless you plan on starting a new game because even though those mods are uninstalled their scripts are not gone and are stuck in your save file. You can try using a save cleaner to try to clean the save file but they don't always work.

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Hard to say you really need to watch what you uninstall from your game that you have installed. Any mod that uses scripts should never be uninstalled unless you plan on starting a new game because even though those mods are uninstalled their scripts are not gone and are stuck in your save file. You can try using a save cleaner to try to clean the save file but they don't always work.


Really thank you man,you saved a life of my character ^^ Cleaning with savecleaner worked

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