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Sexout.esm Game lag/freezing

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Hey all.

I have strange problem with Sexout.esm.

After playing around 40h with my character game started to lag badly when trying to wait/sleep/quicksaving and entering new locations.(Around 10-12 second lag )  So I made clean save game but problem still occured. Yesterday I made clean install of FNV + mods and everything was working fine for 5-6 hours but today I loaded the save game and all the problems came back.

After disabling all the plugins and checking them one by one I found that problem is caused by Sexout.esm. After unchecking Sexout.esm  game is running butter smooth,  instant quicksaves, entering locations  waiting/sleeping.


Any idea what might be causing the problem ? I'm not sure but issue seems to occur after latest update of Sexout.ems since like I said on previous character with older Sexout.ems everything was running smooth for over 40 hours.



Here's my load order.



[X] FalloutNV.esm
[X] DeadMoney.esm
[X] HonestHearts.esm
[X] OldWorldBlues.esm
[X] LonesomeRoad.esm
[X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm
[X] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm
[X] More Perks.esm
[X] NevadaSkies.esm
[X] Project Nevada - Core.esm
[X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
[X] Sexout.esm
[X] SexoutCommonResources.esm
[X] SexoutPregnancyV3.esm
[X] SexoutOffSpring.esm
[X] SexoutSlavery.esm
[X] SexoutStore.esm
[X] SomeguySeries.esm
[X] FCOMaster.esm
[X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
[X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
[X] NVWillow.esp
[X] SexoutSoliciting.esm
[X] Fertile Breeder.esp
[X] SexoutTryout.esm
[X] SexoutWorkingGirl.esp
[X] FalloutNV_lang.esp
[X] Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp
[X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
[X] Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp
[X] Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp
[X] Project Nevada - Old World Blues (No Cyberware).esp
[X] Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp
[X] Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp
[X] NewVegasBounties.esp
[X] More Perks Update.esp
[X] FCO - Willow.esp
[ ] FCO - Willow (Cazy).esp
[ ] SunnyCompanion.esp
[X] dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
[X] WeaponModsExpanded.esp
[X] NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp
[X] Bouncing Natural Breasts.esp
[X] NevadaSkies - Basic Edition.esp
[X] Nouk's Hairs.esp
[X] SexoutZAZ.esp
[X] SexoutLust.esp
[X] SexoutSpunk.esp
[X] SexoutSoliciting-DLC.esp
[X] SmallerTalk.esp
[X] SexoutWillow.esp
[X] SexoutSoundFX.esp
[X] Sexout-Wear-And-Tear.esp






Hey prideslayer

By NX CSV file you mean the one in NVSE > Plugins > Extender > Saves ?

If so they are 14kb.




Yeah. 14kb is a "little" large. Go ahead and attach one of them that was made when a save was slow.


Also how big is the corresponding nvse cosave (.nvse file next to the normal savegames) for that same save?


Hmm kind odd but I don't see any cosave next to save game.

Here is my save folder from NVSE folder.




And just in case NVSE plugins, maybe I did mess up something.







NVSE save file in save folder


Save 9   Maxima  Worker s Barracks  06 34 02.nvse 1,21mb


Well the NX files look fine.


Not having any cosaves for NVSE is very odd though.. are you sure? Check again, maybe they're marked hidden or something? They should be in the same directory as the actual savegames (.fos files).


You have a lot of stuff in your NVSE plugins that may or may not be related. I don't use NVAC, anti-stutter, or any of that stuff myself. The "componentDLLs" directory is something I've never seen before.


That NVSE save sounds VERY large. It looks like maybe sexout or one of the sexout plugins is not properly freeing arrays/strings. You should be able to figure out which one(s) it is by just disabling some mods, loading the game, and then saving it. Don't have to play for hours. I'd try that with some of the larger sexout plugins and if disabling one of them results in a drastically smaller NVSE file than the one that was loaded.


Well I found NVSE file but in Save Folder only.


NVSE save file in save folder


Save 9   Maxima  Worker s Barracks  06 34 02.nvse 1,21mb


Not sure if that's what I should be looking for :D


OK then gonna start disabling plugin by plugin then save and see if NVSE file will get smaller.

Like I said kinda odd because yesterday I made clean install played for few hours with no problems and today bam lagging and freezing as hell >.>


Probably some 'trigger' in one of the mods caused some script to run that hadn't run before. Disabling and testing for shrinkage should at least narrow down which mod it is. Someone needs to find time to write a cosave viewer so we can just peek inside and see wtf is going on. It shouldn't be TOO difficult as the record format is the same as what's in the savefile, which itself is basically the same as an esp/esm if memory serves.


I think you are right about constant arrays/strings I unchecked few smaller plugins saved game few times but so far nothing.

Well except the fact that NVSE file is already 1,45mb lol.


Oh boy whatever it is is still running.. and running amok. ;) I'm pretty confident it's an array/string thing, those are the only variable types in the NVSE cosave that it can't always properly clean up. Question is which plugin.. and then which script within that plugin.


Well I disabled all the plugins one by one and only one left was Sexout.esm

Before disabling Sexout.esm NVSE file = 1,81mb


After disabling Sexout.esm  NVSE= 988 bytes :|




Ok. If you have the time, it would help to know which other plugin being active causes the file to grow. With sexout alone it shouldn't be growing, is it? Knowing which mod is causing it to grow should provide a clue as to what interface method(s) is leaking.


Sure why not, gonna leave the Sexout.esm only for few min and check how large file gets, then I will start adding plugins to check which one is making NVSE jump from 988 bytes to almost 2 megs.


I had no problems with previous version, only the new one seems to be causing problem.

Also tested game with  Sexout.esm only played for few mins killed few enemies changed locations saved around 3 times.


NVSE file jumped to 90,2kb but don't expand anymore.

So now it's time for other plugins unless you already found the culprit :D


Ok I will test the plugins anyway to find which one is making Sexout.esm go bonkers when activated :D


Well I have found one spot.. FYI it happens whenever you load a save with the beta, so if you're testing with something like load 1 -> save 2 -> load 2 -> save 3 -> load 3 -> save 4... it's going to grow.


load 1 -> save 2 -> load 1 -> save 3... will not grow.


Working on tracking it down fully and fixing. It's in the upgrade script which normally runs only once for a new version, but with betas, it runs every time a game is loaded even if it was already saved with the current beta, because stuff in the beta may change between releases.


Yep that seems to be the case, the save game is constatly growing and growing with


load 1 -> save 2 -> load 2 -> save 3 -> load 3 -> save 4


Started with 90,2kb activated few plugins saved/loaded few times 910kb now.



I will revert to version from 01-Mar-2015  start new game and pray everything will work fine :D



Ok, new beta is up. It will still grow the file a little bit the first time as it has more animations in the registry, but it shouldn't keep growing it indefinitely. Unfortunately there is nothing short of a clean save that can shrink the cosave file if it's already large.

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