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Constant CTD on road outside Falkreath


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Hello all,


I am getting a crash when walking down the road toward Falkreath. The area I am in is a bit north of Falkreath. If I head to the left, there's some buildings. I've tried approaching from a different area, but the crash seems to be associated with this cell.


I'll attach some pictures, my load order, and my Papyrus logs. 

Thanks for any help! 


Also if the Papyrus log is the indicator, can someone point out where I would see that? I have difficulty reading them.



Area on Road










Closeup Map





Active Mod Files:

00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 2.1.0]
03  Dawnguard.esm
04  Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp  [Version 2.1.0]
05  HearthFires.esm
06  Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp  [Version 2.1.0]
07  Dragonborn.esm
08  Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp  [Version 2.1.0]
09  Falskaar.esm
0A  Wyrmstooth.esp  [Version 1.15]
0B  ApachiiHair.esm
0C  SexLab.esm  [Version 1.59b]
0D  RSkyrimChildren.esm
0E  BeeingFemale.esm  [Version 2.4]
0F  ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
10  ApachiiHairFemales.esm
11  Devious Devices - Assets.esm  [Version 2.8.3]
12  Inn Girls Resources.esm
13  Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
14  SexLabAroused.esm
15  ZaZAnimationPack.esm
16  Devious Devices - Integration.esm
17  Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
18  hdtHighHeel.esm
19  Cutting Room Floor.esp  [Version 1.1.2]
1A  Devious Devices - Gags+.esp
1B  83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes.esp
1C  AzarHairPonyTail 03 - Havok.esp
1D  ApachiiHairStyles.esp
1E  ABT - Recover +10% Arrows and Bolts.esp
1F  dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.esp
20  Dragonbone Marauder armor.esp
21  Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
22  Aradia Devious Expansion.esp
23  AradiaDDintegrated.esp
24  Atlas Compass Tweaks.esp
25  BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp
26  Proper Aiming.esp
27  AHZmoreHUD.esp  [Version 2.1.3]
28  ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-4.esp
29  College of Winterhold Entry Requirements.esp
2A  Convenient Horses.esp
2B  SlaveTats.esp
2C  Aradia Devious Rogue Armor.esp
2D  DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp
2E  Devious Devices - Males Addon.esp
2F  Deviously Enslaved.esp
30  Footprints.esp
31  Footprints - Ash.esp
32  ABT - Increased Bolts Damage (BS and CCO) +50%.esp
33  EstrusChaurus.esp
34  GagSFX.esp
35  GagSFXDawnguard.esp
36  GagSFXDragonborn.esp
37  GagSFXHearthfires.esp
38  LADL - No Starting Spells.esp
39  MIDFollowMeCloser.esp
3A  Moss Rocks.esp
3B  SkyUI.esp
3C  TradeBarter.esp
3D  RaceMenu.esp
3E  RaceMenuOverlays.esp
3F  RaceMenuPlugin.esp
40  Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
41  ABT - Faster Bolts Improved +25%.esp
42  AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
43  Masque of Clavicus Vile.esp
44  Smithing Perks Overhaul_Remade.esp
45  RaceMenuPluginXPMSE.esp
46  Succubus Queen Attire.esp
47  Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp
48  CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp
49  3DNPC.esp  [Version 3.09]
4A  Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp  [Version 2.3]
4B  Better Dynamic Snow.esp  [Version 2.4]
4C  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
4D  Sovngarde Steel TBBP.esp
4E  Tembtra Thief Armor.esp
4F  WetandCold.esp
50  RealisticRoomRental-Basic.esp
51  Remodeled Armor - Underwear.esp
52  Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp
53  Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp
54  SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
55  SexLab Warmbodies.esp
56  WATER Falskaar.esp
57  SexLabArousedAnimations.esp
58  SexLabUtil1.esp
59  Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp  [Version v6.5.2a]
5A  Helgen Reborn.esp  [Version 105.3]
5B  SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp
5C  Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp
5D  Immersive Wenches.esp
5E  Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp
5F  TheEyesOfBeauty.esp  [Version 9]
60  Thieves Guild Requirements.esp
61  WATER.esp
62  calyps-bosmer.esp
63  iHUD.esp
64  winterhold_improvements.esp
65  ABT - Faster Arrows Improved +10%.esp
66  ApachiiHairStylesELVES.esp
67  CWINPCApachiiSkyHair.esp
68  CWIWCIPatch.esp
69  ESFCompanions.esp  [Version 0.3.7]
6A  Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp
6B  Tsun Armor Mix.esp
6C  OBIS.esp
6D  Devious Devices - For the Masses II.esp
6E  Immersive Weapons.esp
6F  Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
70  WeaponsArmorFixes_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.esp
71  ABT - Increased Progressive Damage (BS and CCO) +50%.esp
72  OBISDB.esp
73  Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp  [Version v6.5.2a]
74  Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp
75  ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp
76  BeeingFemaleBasicAddOn.esp
77  Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp
78  Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
79  Captured Dreams.esp
7A  SexLab_DibellaCult.esp
7B  RSChildren - Complete.esp
7C  RSChildren_PatchUSKP.esp
7D  hydra_slavegirls.esp
7E  WATER DG + DB.esp
7F  BFT Ships and Carriages.esp
80  Cloaks.esp
81  DD - FtM - OBIS patch.esp
82  xazPrisonOverhaul.esp
83  Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
84  Sacrificial Spriggan.esp
85  Spriggan Armor 2.esp
86  SMIM-Merged-All.esp
87  Atlas Legendary.esp
88  SFO - Dragonborn.esp
89  DeviousRegulations.esp
8A  Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp
8B  ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp
8C  Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
8D  Chesko_Frostfall.esp
8E  CollegeDaysWinterhold.esp
8F  AngrimApprentice.esp
90  FtM Cloaks CCO.esp
91  1nivWICCloaks.esp  [Version 2.3]
92  1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp  [Version 2.3]
93  DD FtM - Cloaks WIC patch.esp
94  DD FtM - Cloaks patch.esp
95  BAMM.esp
96  CWIDawnDragonPatch.esp
97  Draconic Bloodline.esp
98  Darkwind.esp
99  WATER Plants.esp
9A  DeviouslyHelpless.esp
9B  Devious Deviants.esp
9C  SexLab-StoriesDevious.esp
9D  Devious Cidhna.esp
9E  Argonian Access.esp
9F  Aradia Living Parasite Armor.esp
A0  iNeed.esp
A1  Lady of Death.esp
A2  Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp
A3  FunctionalBags.esp
A4  SexLabDangerousNights.esp
A5  Prometheus_NSUTR Falskaar Dock.esp  [Version 2.3]
A6  ApachiiHelmetWigs.esp
A7  SexLabDefeat.esp
A8  mslDeviousCaptures.esp
A9  zzEstrus.esp
AA  Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp  [Version 3.0]
AB  Alternate Start - Live A Deviant Life.esp
AC  ImmerSlave.esp

Papyrus Logs are listed below.









I would highly recommend getting LOOT and letting it sort your load order if you do not use the tool already. It works very well and has fixed almost all the random CTD problems I was having, as well as letting you know if you are missing a mod that another depends on.


I use LOOT to sort my mods, always. Sometimes Mod Organizer tells me I need to re-organize them. 

Would it be better to just COC on another cell and try going back there?

Edit: Tried the player.kill - didn't solve my problem.


i had almost the exact same problem before but with another cell, try this: www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31724/? it worked for me.

I don't think it's a script issue, as it's a new game on a new build. Literally the first 1000 steps of a new game.


Try to disable "Climates of Tamriel" mod. That might help you.


That's sort of a big mod to disable. What makes you say that?

EDIT: Tried it, wasn't the problem.


EDIT2: Oddly enough, fast travelling somewhere else and then coming back fixed my problem.



Try to disable "Climates of Tamriel" mod. That might help you.


That's sort of a big mod to disable. What makes you say that?

EDIT: Tried it, wasn't the problem.


EDIT2: Oddly enough, fast travelling somewhere else and then coming back fixed my problem.



I said it because I red few forums (Steam, nexus and one can't remember the name) about this type of the issue and in all expert said that this mod was the problem for them. They all suggested to disable it at first and enable it on the new save.


Anyhow, I'm glad you solved your problem.


if papyrus its from time you crasf then you get some error in this area do you run any slavery mods ? 

if papyrus its from time you crasf then you get some error in this area do you run any slavery mods ? 

 sry didnt saw mods list

so you got slavery mods try to disable anyslavery mods and go there 


sry for bad english  :)


It was actually "Deviously Enslaved"

That was what was causing my crashes. I informed the author and hopefully he/she will correct it. I haven't had a crash since I disabled that mod.


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